Publication Details -2021

Research Papers

♥ Kasirajan L, Maupin-Furlow JA. Halophilic archaea and their potential to generate renewable fuels and chemicals. Biotechnol Bioeng. 2020 Nov 26. doi: 10.1002/bit.27639. (NAAS rating 10.26).


♥ Selvi A, Devi K, Manimekalai R, Prathima PT, Valiyaparambth R, Lakshmi K. High-throughput miRNA deep sequencing in response to drought stress in sugarcane. 3 Biotech. 2021 Jul;11(7):312. doi: 10.1007/s13205-021-02857-x.


♥ Lakshmi Kasirajan, Rabisha Valiyaparambath (2020) Expression analysis of Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase (CAD) involved in lignin biosynthesis of Erianthus arundinaceus. Journal of sugarcane research Vol 10, 2.


♥ Lakshmi Kasirajan, Zachary Adams, Ricardo L Couto-Rodriguez, Daniel Gal, Huiyong Jia, Paula Mondragon, Paul C Wassel III, David Yu, Sivakumar Uthandi, Julie A Maupin-Furlow (2021). High-level synthesis and secretion of laccase, a metalloenzyme biocatalyst, by the halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii


♥ Priyadharshini Ramachandran, J. Beslin Joshi, Lakshmi Kasirajan, Julie A. Maupin-Furlow, and Sivakumar Uthandi (2021). Enzymatic Saccharification Technologies for Biofuel Production: Challenges and Prospects.


♥ Selvi, R. Manimekalai, K.Devakumar, K. Lakshmi, P.T. Prathima and R.Gomathi (2021). Genomic and Proteomic Approaches for Improving Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Sugarcane.


♥ Shanthi R.M., G. Hemaprabha, B. Ram, S. Alarmelu, R. Karuppaiyan and V. Vinu.    Exploring the potential of intermated inbred progenies for true seed production in sugarcane.  In: International Conference on Sugarcane Research –Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, 19-22June, 2021, jointly organised by ICAR-SBI & SSRD, Coimbatore. 


♥ S. Alarmelu, Dr. R. Karuppaiyan, Dr.C.JayaBose ,Dr. V. Sreenivasa, Dr. P. Amudha (SRR-Agali Centre) and Dr. Anu Sheela (SRF-Coimbatore Centre) attended International Webinar on “DUS testing Data management/Automation/Image Analysis” organized by the PPV&FR Authority, New Delhi during 6-7 Oct 2020 under Indo- German Bilateral Cooperation on Seed Sector Development.


♥ S. Alarmelu, and Dr. V. Sreenivasa attended DUS Review Meeting convened by the PPF&FR Authority on 17th June 2021.


♥ S. Alarmelu, Dr. R. Karuppaiyan, Dr.C.JayaBose, Dr. V. Sreenivasa, Dr. P. Amudha (SRR-Agali Centre) and Dr. Anu Sheela (SRF-Coimbatore Centre) attended an International Webinar on Exchange on PVP Post Control Measures organized on 8 April 2021 by the PPV&FRA, New Delhi in collaboration with Department of Agriculture, Co-operation and Farmers’ Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Govt. of India and Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture (BMEL), Germany under Indo-German Cooperation on Seed Sector Development.


♥ Karuppaiyan, R., Hemaprabha, G., Ram, B., Sreenivasa, V., Anna Durai, A., Amudha, P. and Gnanavel, M. 2021. Search for early maturing parental clones in Saccharum gene pool for evolving short duration sugarcane varieties. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram (eds). 2021. June 19-22, 2021, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, pp. 58-61.


♥ Swathik Clarancia P, Naveenarani M, Manoj VM, Sarath Padmanabhan TS, Dharshini S, Ashwin Narayan J, Suresha GS, Mahadevaiah C, Valarmathi R, Hemaprabha G, Bakshi Ram, Appunu C. 2020. Isolation, characterization and expression analysis of stress responsive plant nuclear transcriptional factor subunit (NF-YB2) from commercial Saccharum hybrid and wild relative Erianthus arundinaceus. 3 Biotech 10 (7):1-14 ( Impact factor: 1.786


♥ Swathik Clarancia P, Naveenarani M, Valarmathi R, Suresha GS, Hemaprabha G, Bakshi Ram, Appunu C. 2020. Isolation, characterization and expression analysis of novel water deficit stress responsive DEEP ROOTING (DRO1) gene from Erianthus arundinaceus. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(1): 001-011


♥ Appunu C, R. Valarmathi, R. Viswanathan, P. Vignesh, M. Vijayalakshmi. 2021. Isolation and sequence analysis of host translation initiation factor from sugarcane for targeted gene editing” with a request that the permission may kindly be granted for submission of the same in the “International Symposium on Advances in Plant Biotechnology and Genome Editing (APBGR-2021) April 8-10, 2021 organized jointly by ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi and Plant Tissue Culture Association-India.


♥ Appunu C, J. Kavya, P. Vignesh, M. Vijaylakshmi, R. Valarmathi, R. Viswanathan. 2021. Targeted genome editing for virus resistance in sugarcane. In: International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CANECON2021)” 19-22, June 2021, Coimbatore.


♥ Ashwin Narayan J, M. Chakravarthi, Gauri Nerkar, V. M. Manoj, S. Dharshini, N. Subramonian, M. N. Premachandran, R. Arun Kumar, K. Krishna Surendar, G. Hemaprabha, Bakshi Ram, Appunu. 2021. Overexpression of expansin EaEXPA1, a cell wall loosening protein enhances drought tolerance in sugarcane. Industrial Crops & Products 159: 113035


♥ Manoj Vadakkenchery Mohanan, Anunanthini Pushpanathan, Sarath Padmanabhan Thelakat Sasikumar, Ashwin Narayan Jayanarayanan, Dharshini Selvarajan, Sathishkumar Ramalingam, Bakshi Ram, Appunu Chinnaswamy. Overexpression of Glyoxalase III gene in transgenic sugarcane plays a vital role in enhancing performance under salinity stress. Journal of Plant Research 134(5): 1083-1094


♥ Appunu C, Ashwin Narayan J, Mahadevaswamy HK, Karthigeyan S, Valarmathi R, Mahadevaiah C, Kumar R, Meena M R, Ram R. 2020. Variability and molecular diversity of wild sugarcane germplasm collected from low temperature regions Lohit and Changlang of Arunachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 19(3): 159-168


♥ Dharshini S, Nam V. Hoang, C. Mahadevaiah, T.S. Sarath Padmanabhan, G. Alagarasan, G.S. Suresha, Ravinder Kumar, Minturam Meena, Bakshi Ram, Appunu. 2020. Root transcriptome analysis of Saccharum spontaneum uncovers key genes and pathways in response to low-temperature stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 171: 103935 ( 2019.103935)


♥ Selvi A, Devi K, Manimekalai R, Prathima PT, Valiyaparambth R, Lakshmi K. High-throughput miRNA deep sequencing in response to drought stress in sugarcane. 3 Biotech. 2021 Jul;11(7):312. doi: 10.1007/s13205-021-02857-x


♥ Bharathi K., D. Bhavadharani, S. R. Vishnu, J. Ashwin Narayan, V.M. Manoj, S. Dharshini, R. Valarmathi, N. Dharani Shri, M. Sundar, M. Naveenarani and C. Appunu. 2021. Choline oxidase (codA) overexpressing sugarcane lines shows unaltered root anatomical parameters under drought stress. in “International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture 11-12, March 2021, Coimbatore


♥ Appunu C, G. Hemaprabha and Bakshi Ram. 2020. Sugarcane varieties suitable for five agroclimatic zones of Tamil Nadu identified through institute-industry collaborative programme. In: 78 STAI Annual Convention & International Sugar Expo Virtual, 20 – 21 October 2020 by Sugar Technologists Association of India (STAI), New Delhi, e-Proceedings pp. 193-200


♥ Appunu C, G. Hemaprabha and Bakshi Ram. 2021. Performance of new varieties suitable for Tamil Nadu and results of research trials. Technical Session – IV: All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Sugarcane, Co-ordinated agronomic experiments and SBI-SISMA/ SBI-TNCSF trials. 51st Meeting of Sugarcane Research & Development Workshop of Tamil Nadu & Puducherry, Chennai 241-248


♥ Selvi, K. Devi, R. Manimekalai, P.T. Prathima, K. Lakshmi, V.P. Rabisha and R. Gomathi  (2021). Transcription Factors identified for drought stress tolerance in sugarcane through RNA Seq. Poster presented in the International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)” held during 11-12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Indian Society of Plant Physiology (ISPP), New Delhi, India.


♥ Selvi A., Devi, K., Manimekalai, R., Prathima, P.T., V. P., and Lakshmi, K. (2021). RNA seq analysis of sugarcane reveals candidates and pathways involved in drought response. In proceedings of ICFRE-ICAR Consultative Workshop on “Developing Molecular Breeding Technologies for Enhancing Plant Productivity in Degraded Lands. Organised by, Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, (Indian Council of Forestry Research Education), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu on 24th March 2021.


♥ Manimekalai, A. Selvi, Rabisha, V.P. and Ram Vannish (2021). “Stress responsive expression of NAC genes in sugarcane and wild species of sugarcane under oxidative stress”. Poster presented in the International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)” held during 11-12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Indian Society of Plant Physiology (ISPP), New Delhi, India.


♥ Jini Narayanan, R. Arun Kumar, A. Selvi and R. Manimekalai (2021). “Physiological response of Saccharum spontaneum to oxidative stress and comparison of stress gene expression pattern with Erianthus arundinaceus”. Poster presented in the International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium


♥ Lakshmi, V.P. Rabisha, K. Keerthana, A Selvi, S.Vasantha, S. Sheelamary and S. Karthigeyan (2021) Identification of Differentially Expressed Transcripts in Saccharum Spontaneum Subjected To Salinity Stress through Suppression Subtractive Hybridization. Paper presented in “International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture “IPPVS 2021”.


♥ Suganya, A., Selvi, A.,  Inbaraj, Rahul, and Sivabalan 2021 Efficacy of the wild species- Saccharum spontaneum in the development of climate resilient genetic stocks in sugarcane. Paper presented in “International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture “IPPVS 2021”.


♥ Lakshmi Prathima Selvi Rabisha 2020 Novel insights into the genetic control of phenyl propanoid pathway of Erianthus a potential Bioenergy crop. Paper presented in Plant Biology. from July 27 to July 31, 2020


♥ Prathima P.T. and A. Selvi Differential expression of abiotic and biotic stress related genes in high and low sugar genotypes during ripening abstract submitted in the International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium 2021 (IPPVS -2021) on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture” th th 11 & 12 March, 2021 Coimbatore, India


♥ Manimekalai, A. Selvi, Rabisha, V.P. and Ram Vannish (2021). “Stress responsive expression of NAC genes in sugarcane and wild species of sugarcane under oxidative stress”. Poster presented in the International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)” held during 11-12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Indian Society of Plant Physiology (ISPP), New Delhi, India.


♥ Jini Narayanan, R. Arun Kumar, A. Selvi and R. Manimekalai (2021). “Physiological response of Saccharum spontaneum to oxidative stress and comparison of stress gene expression pattern with Erianthus arundinaceus”. Poster presented in the International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)” held during 11-12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Indian Society of Plant Physiology (ISPP), New Delhi, India.


♥ Selvi, K. Devi, R. Manimekalai, P.T. Prathima, K. Lakshmi, V.P. Rabisha and R. Gomathi  (2021). Transcription Factors identified for drought stress tolerance in sugarcane through RNA Seq. Poster presented in the International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)” held during 11-12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Indian Society of Plant Physiology (ISPP), New Delhi, India.


♥ Selvi A., Devi, K., Manimekalai, R., Prathima, P.T.,  V. P., and Lakshmi, K. (2021). RNA seq analysis of sugarcane reveals candidates and pathways involved in drought response. Under the technical session Understanding plant stress responses and the basis of adaptation to abiotic stress in plants and extremophiles. Presented on 24th March 2021, at the ICFRE-ICAR Consultative Workshop on “Developing Molecular Breeding Technologies for Enhancing Plant Productivity in Degraded Lands. Organised by, Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, (Indian Council of Forestry Research Education), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.



♥ Manimekalai, G. Hemaprabha, K. Mohan Raj, A. Selvi, S. Vasantha, R. Viswanathan, Bakshi Ram, Jini Narayanan, A. J. Mary, Ram Vannish And J.Saranya (2021). Assessment of genetic variability and inter-relationship among the quantitative traits of sugarcane under drought stress. In. Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram (Eds). 2021. Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, June 19-22, 2021, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India. P 793. PP. 112-115. ISBN 978-93-85267-30-7


♥ Manimekalai, G. Hemaprabha, K. Mohan Raj, Emily Dm, A. Selvi, S. Vasantha, R. Viswanathan, Bakshi Ram, Ram Vannish, Infant,R., Wei, X., Phillip, J. And Prakash Laksmanan. (2021). Genomic prediction of sucrose content in sugarcane clones with prediction models. In. Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram (Eds). 2021. Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, June 19-22, 2021, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India. P 793. PP.199-201. ISBN 978-93-85267-30-7


♥ Lakshmi Pathy, G. Hemaprabha, A. Anna Durai, V. Vinu, T. S. Sarath Padmanabhan and Bakshi Ram. Inbreeding approach for developing near homozygous parental lines for true seed production in sugarcane. In Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram (Eds). 2021. Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, June 19-22, 2021, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India. pp 294.


♥ Vinu, T. Lakshmipathy, A. Anna Durai, Baksi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. Behavior of advanced generation inbreds as parents in breeding homozygous types in sugarcane. In Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram (Eds). 2021. Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, June 19-22, 2021, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India. pp 120.


♥ Shanthi R.M., G. Hemaprabha, B. Ram, S. Alarmelu, R. Karuppaiyan and V. Vinu.    Exploring the potential of intermated inbred progenies for true seed production in sugarcane.  In: International Conference on Sugarcane Research –Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, 19-22June, 2021, jointly organised by ICAR-SBI & SSRD, Coimbatore. 

Scientific participation & Presentation in workshops/seminars symposia/conferences.

♥ Awarded the best oral presentation for the paper titled “Identification of Differentially Expressed Transcripts in Saccharum Spontaneum Subjected To Salinity Stress through Suppression Subtractive Hybridization presented in International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture “IPPVS 2021 during 11 & 12th March.


♥ Awarded the best short oral for the paper titled “Cloning and characterization of Ferulate 5 hydroxylase (F5H) gene for lignin biosynthesis pathway from Erianthus species” presented in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUGARCANE RESEARCH Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon 2021) during 19-22 June.


♥ Lakshmi Kasirajan, Participated in an International Plant Biology (Conference 2020) by presenting a paper titled: “Novel insights into the genetic control of Phenylpropanoid pathway of Erianthus, a potential bioenergy crop” during 27-31 July; Washington DC, USA


♥ Selvi, K.Devi, R.Manimekalai, P.T. Prathima, K.Lakshmi, V.P. Rabisha and R. Gomathi. Transcription factors identified for drought stress tolerance in sugarcane through RNA Seq. International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture “IPPVS 2021 during 11 & 12th March.


♥ Participated and presented a Oral paper entitled Digestion of lignocellulosic biomass with crude laccase from a Haloferax volcanii strain authored by Lakshmi Kasirajan, Keerthana Kamaraj, Rabisha V P, Jijo Joise and Gadha Aajith in the “International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon2021)” held during June 19-22, 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore.


♥ Abstract presented on Isolation and characterization of crude enzyme extracted from novel thermophilic strains treated with Erianthus bagasse for structural analysis authored by Keerthana Kamaraj, and Lakshmi Kasirajan in the “International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon2021)” held during June 19-22, 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore


♥ Attended “International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture “IPPVS 2021 during 11 & 12th March.


♥ Attended International Conference on Sugarcane Research Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon 2021) during 19-22 June.


♥ Attended an International Plant Biology (Conference 2020) by presenting a paper titled: “Novel insights into the genetic control of Phenylpropanoid pathway of Erianthus, a potential bioenergy crop” during 27-31 July


♥ R. Karuppaiyan acted as Member-Secretary and attended the International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon 2021) organized by the ICAR-SBI, TNAU and SSRD during 19-21 June 2021 through online


♥ R. Karuppaiyan attended International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium (IPPVS 2021) on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture” organized by the ISPP during 11-12 March 2021 through online.


♥ Appunu, P. Swathik Clarancia, G.S. Suresha, C. Mahadevaiah, R. Valarmathi and G. Hemaprabha. 2021. Differential functional analysis of the plant nuclear factor genes in Saccharum species under abiotic stresses. In: International web conference on Innovative and Current Advances in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (ICAAAS 2021), July 19-21, 2021, Meerut (Best Oral Presentation).


♥ Bharathi K., D. Bhavadharani, S. R. Vishnu, J. Ashwin Narayan, V.M. Manoj, S. Dharshini, R. Valarmathi, N. Dharani Shri, M. Sundar, M. Naveenarani and C. Appunu. 2021. Choline oxidase (codA) overexpressing sugarcane lines shows unaltered root anatomical parameters under drought stress. in “International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture 11-12, March 2021, Coimbatore (Short Oral/Poster presentation).


♥ Dharani Shri N, P. Swathik Clarencia, S. Dharshini, M. Naveenarani, K. Bharathi, T. Swathi, Suresha G. S., R. Valarmathi, G. Hemaprabha and C. Appunu. 2021. Overexpression of drought responsive Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) in sugarcane for improved tolerance to drought stress in “International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture 11-12, March 2021, Coimbatore (Short Oral/Poster presentation).


♥ Swathik Clarancia P., J. Ashwin Narayan, C. Appunu. 2021. In silico characterization and mining of Aldehyde dehydrogenase gene from Erianthus species in “International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture 11-12, March 2021, Coimbatore (Short Oral/Poster presentation).


♥ Appunu C, P. Swathik Clarancia, G.S. Suresha, G. Hemaprabha and R. Valarmathi. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the NF-Y gene family in sugarcane. In: International Plant Physiology Virtual Conference on Prospects of Plant Physiology for Climate Proofing Agriculture during 6-7 December, 2020 organized jointly by Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Jammu & Indian Society for Plant Physiology (ISPP), New Delhi (Oral presentation) p.6 (SS-06)


♥ Deva Kumar, Vivek Lincoln Munda P.T.Prathima and R.Arun Kumar (2021). Water Use efficiency genes in Sugarcane. International Plant Physiology virtual symposium in physiological interventions for climate smart agriculture (IPPVS).


♥ Deva Kumar, Vivek Lincoln Munda, P.T. Prathima, V.P. Raveesha and R. Arun Kumar (2021). Characterisation and sequence analysis of functional domain of S-type anion channel (SLAC) gene from Sugarcane CANECON 2021


♥ Lakshmi Kasirajan, Participated in an International Plant Biology (Conference 2020) by presenting a paper titled: “Novel insights into the genetic control of Phenylpropanoid pathway of Erianthus, a potential bioenergy crop” during 27-31 July; Washington DC, USA


♥ Selvi, K.Devi, R.Manimekalai, P.T. Prathima, K.Lakshmi, V.P. Rabisha and R. Gomathi. Transcription factors identified for drought stress tolerance in sugarcane through RNA Seq. International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture “IPPVS 2021 during 11 & 12th March.


♥ Participated and presented a Oral paper entitled Digestion of lignocellulosic biomass with crude laccase from a Haloferax volcanii strain authored by Lakshmi Kasirajan, Keerthana Kamaraj, Rabisha V P, Jijo Joise and Gadha Aajith in the “International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon2021)” held during June 19-22, 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore.


♥ Abstract presented on Isolation and characterization of crude enzyme extracted from novel thermophilic strains treated with Erianthus bagasse for structural analysis authored by Keerthana Kamaraj, and Lakshmi Kasirajan in the “International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon2021)” held during June 19-22, 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore


♥ Attended “International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture “IPPVS 2021 during 11 & 12th March.


♥ Attended International Conference on Sugarcane Research Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon 2021) during 19-22 June.


♥ Attended an International Plant Biology (Conference 2020) by presenting a paper titled: “Novel insights into the genetic control of Phenylpropanoid pathway of Erianthus, a potential bioenergy crop” during 27-31 July


♥ Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, June 19-22, 2021, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India.


♥ Vasantha S, AS Tayade, R Arun Kumar, S. Anusha, G.Hemaprabha (2021) An assessment of WUE and WP of sugarcane-commercial hybrids and species clones subjected to restricted irrigation treatments In Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, organized by ICAR-SBI, TNAU, SSRD, Coimbatore, June 19-22, 2021 Compiled by Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram (Eds). 2021., ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, ISBN 978-93-85267-30-7, P 793.


♥ Vasantha,S., Arun kumar R, Krishnapriya V, Anusha,S., Hemaprabha, G., Alarmelu, S., Mohanraj, K., and Sreenivasa V. Early growth traits and biomass production in sugarcane Co hybrids and pre breeding clones and their contributions in plant architecture: In Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, organized by ICAR-SBI, TNAU, SSRD, Coimbatore, June 19-22, 2021 Compiled by Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram (Eds). 2021., ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, ISBN 978-93-85267-30-7, P 793.


♥ Gomathi R., Krishnapriya V., Arunkumar R and K. Elayaraja.2021. Physiological adaptability of tropical and subtropical sugarcane varieties to tropical climatic condition. In Proceedings of International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)”held during 11- 12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Indian Society of Plant Physiology(ISPP), New Delhi, P.No.149.


♥ Gomathi R., Krishnapriya V., Arunkumar R and K. Elayaraja.2021. Yield stability and juice quality of tropical and subtropical sugarcane varieties to tropical climatic condition. In Proceedings of International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)”held during 11- 12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Indian Society of Plant Physiology(ISPP), New Delhi, P.No.150.


♥ Kohila, S., Gomathi, V. Krishnapriya, and G.S. Suresha.2021. High temperature stress causes transient changes in the photosynthetic machinery and sucrose metabolism of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) . In Proceedings of International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)”. held during 11- 12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Indian Society of Plant Physiology(ISPP), New Delhi, India. P.No.188.


♥ Kohila, S. and Gomathi.2021.Identification of heat stress responsive proteins in sugarcane. In Proceedings of International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)”. held during 11- 12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Indian Society of Plant Physiology(ISPP), New Delhi, India. P.No.175.


♥ Gomathi Sharikha, S., Gomathi, R. and Valarmathi, R. 2021.Metabolic and Molecular Diversity of Tropical and Subtropical Sugarcane Varieties at Tropical Climate. In Proceedings of International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)”, held during 11- 12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Indian Society of Plant Physiology (ISPP), New Delhi, P.No.167.


♥ Gomathi Sharikha, S., Gomathi, R.. and Krishnapriya,V.2021. Variation in endogenous hormones of tropical and subtropical sugarcane varieties under tropical climate. In Proceedings of International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)”, held during 11- 12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Indian Society of Plant Physiology(ISPP), New Delhi, P.No.168.


♥ Sri Sailaja Nori and Gomathi. 2021. Evaluating effect of liquid formulation on mitigating drought stress in sugarcane. In Proceedings of International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)”. held during 11- 12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Indian Society of Plant Physiology(ISPP), New Delhi, India. P.No.208.


♥ Gomathi R., Rajakumari, Krishnapriya V., Arunkumar R. and K. Elayaraja. 2021. “Comparative physiological and metabolic analysis of tropical and subtropical sugarcane varieties under tropical condition” presented in First NABS-International Conference on “Life Sciences: Contemporary approaches in Biological Sciences for Food, Health, Nutrition Security and Conservation of Biodiversity” held during August 26th to 28th ,2021 at Annamalai University , Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India.


♥ Arun Kumar, R., P. Geetha, S. Tayade, S. Anusha & V. Krishnapriya (2021). Radiation use efficiency of sugarcane genotypes influenced by crop geometry (Oral). In: International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium 2021  (IPPVS 2021) organized by ICAR-SBI, ISPP, New Delhi, SSRD, Coimbatore, NAAS chapter, Coimbatore11-12 Mar 2021. P.No:145


♥ Arun Kumar R, S. Vasantha, A. S. Tayade, V. Krishnapriya., C. Palaniswami, P. Govindaraj, R. Karuppaiyan, G. Hemaprabha, Sunayan Saha and Bakshi Ram (2021) Theoretical assessment of potential yield in sugarcane: Indian perspective: In Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, organized by ICAR-SBI, TNAU, SSRD, Coimbatore, June 19-22, 2021 Compiled by Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram (Eds). 2021., ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, ISBN 978-93-85267-30-7, P 793.


♥ Krishnapriya V., E. Karpagam, R. Arun Kumar and R. Gomathi. 2021. Root anatomical phenes in response to abiotic stress in sugarcane germplasm clones. Souvenir and Proceedings of the International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium 2021, Coimbatore. Poster. pp: 170


♥ Krishnapriya V., E. Karpagam, R. Arun Kumar, S. Vasantha, S. Anusha and V. Vinu. 2021. Physiological traits influencing nutrient use efficiency in sugarcane varieties. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond 2021, Coimbatore. Poster. pp: 424–427


♥ Balaji, B., K. Harshini., T. Aparna., V. Krishnapriya., E. Karpagam &  R. Arun Kumar (2021). Differential antioxidant capacity of sugarcane varieties in response to macronutrient deficiency. (Poster). In: International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium 2021  (IPPVS 2021) organized by ICAR-SBI, ISPP, New Delhi, SSRD, Coimbatore, NAAS chapter, Coimbatore11-12 Mar 2021.  P.No.193.


Presentation in workshops/seminars symposia/conferences: Presented in the ICAR-SBI & SISMA TN collaborative review meeting held at ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore on 13.04.2021


♥ Appunu C, S. Dharshini, M. Naveenarani, R. Valarmathi, J. Ashwin Narayan, V.M. Manoj, G.S. Suresha, C. Mahadevaiah, K. Mohanraj, Ravinder Kumar, Mintu Ram Meena, Bakshi Ram. 2021. Transcriptome profiling and expression analysis reveals alternate route of respiration followed in Saccharum spontaneum under low temperature stress condition in “International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture 11-12, March 2021, Coimbatore.


♥ Appunu C, P. Swathik Clarancia, G.S. Suresha, G. Hemaprabha, R. Valarmathi, J. Ashwin Narayan, S. Dharshini, M. Naveenarani, M. Sundar, K. Bharathi and Bakshi Ram. 2021. Erianthus arundinaceus plant nuclear factor NF-YB2 over expression in sugarcane enhanced the water deficit stress tolerance. In: International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CANECON2021)” 19-22, June 2021, Coimbatore.


♥ Appunu C, P. Swathik Clarancia, G.S. Suresha, C. Mahadevaiah, R. Valarmathi and G. Hemaprabha. 2021. Differential functional analysis of the plant nuclear factor genes in Saccharum species under abiotic stresses. In: International web conference on Innovative and Current Advances in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (ICAAAS 2021), July 19-21, 2021, Meerut.


♥ Dharshini, T.S. Sarath Padmanabhan, G.S Suresha, J. Ashwin Narayan, V. M Manoj, M. Sundar,T. Swathi, R. Arun Kumar, C. Appunu*In silico characterization and overexpression of Histidine containing Phosphotransfer 4 (SsHP4) gene from Saccharum spontaneum improves tolerance to abiotic stress in sugarcane. In: International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CANECON2021)” 19-22, June 2021, Coimbatore.


♥ Appunu C, Dharshini S, C. Mahadevaiah. 2019. Transcriptome analysis of cold tolerant Saccharum spontaneum reveals the genes that stabilize cell membrane and photosynthesis during cold acclimation. In: International Conference on Innovations in Plant and Animal Sciences for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (IPASSARD 2019), 7- 9th Dec 2019 at Jaipur pp. 274


♥ Bharathi, M.R. Manikantan, T. Arumuganathan and K.A. Athmaselvi. 2020. Development, nutritional and functional evaluation of mixed millet and mixed millet soy based cookies. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences. 12(9): 9837-9842.


♥ Madhumathi, R., T. Arumuganathan, R. SnehaIyer, R. Shruthi and K. Shruthhi. 2020. Soil nutrient analysis using machine learning techniques. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development. Special issue on National E-Conference on Communication, Computation,Control and Automation 2020 (CCCA-2020). Paper ID – CCCA2020-08: Pg 1-6.


♥ Rajkumar, T. Arumuganathan, S. Saira Banu, N. Karthick and Libin Baby. 2020. Design and Development of IoT based soil moisture sensing system. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts. 8(5): 2148-2152.


♥ Murali, P., Revathy, R., Balamurali, S., A. S. Tayade.2020. Integration of RNN with GARCH refined by whale optimization algorithm for yield forecasting: a hybrid machine learning approach. J Ambient Intell Human Comput.


♥ C, Brindha; S, Vasantha; R, Arun Kumar; A. S. Tayade .2020. Characterization of Salt Overly Sensitive (SOS) pathway genes involved in Na+ ions trafficking in sugarcane under salinity stress. Physiologia Plantarum.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C. and Hari, K. 2020. Integration of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal and nematode antagonistic fungi for the biocontrol of root lesion nematode Pratylenchus zeae Graham, 1951 on Sugarcane. Sugar Tech.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C. and Hari, K. 2021. Integration of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal and nematode antagonistic fungi for the biocontrol of root lesion nematode Pratylenchus zeae Graham, 1951 on Sugarcane. Sugar Tech, Sugar Tech, – 23(1):194–2001.


♥ Tayade A S, Geetha, P. and Anusha, S. 2021. Standardizing Planting Agro-techniques for Sugarcane Tissue Culture Plantlets and Bud Chip Settlings. Sugar Tech.


♥ Tayade A S., Geetha, P., Anusha, S., Arun Kumar, R., Palaniswami, C. and Govindaraj, P. Effects of Spatial and Genotypic Variability on HUE (Heat Use Efficiency), EUE (energy use efficiency) and Sugarcane Productivity under Tropical Indian Conditions Journal of Crop and weed Accepted for 17 (2) issue


♥ Vasantha Vedantham Iyengar, Arun Kumar Raja, Arjun S. Tayade, Krishnapriya Vengavasi, Bakshi Ram, Sushil, Solomon.2021. Physiology of Sucrose Productivity and Implications of Ripeners in Sugarcane. Sugar Tech. Accepted 


Presentations in Workshops/ Symposia/ Seminars/ Conferences/ Trainings

♥ Madhumathi, T. Arumuganathan and R. Shruthi. 2021. A survey on wireless sensor networks and instrumentation techniques for smart agriculture. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics (ICMCSI 2021) organized by Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal during 29-30th January, 2021. pg: 416-430.


♥ Madhumathi, T. Arumuganathan and R. Shruthi. 2021. Internet of Things in Precision Agriculture: A Survey on Sensing Mechanisms, Potential Applications and Challenges. Proceedings of the 4th International Journal Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS 2021) organized by SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India during 26-27th February, 502-516.


♥ Geetha, P., A.S.Tayade and Anusha, S.2020. Integrated Farming System in Sugarcane- A way for doubling farmer’s income. 21 Days Advanced National Training Programme (ANTP 2020) On“Recent Scientific Interventions and Practices of Sugarcane Breeding, Production andUtilization for Doubling Farmers Income” Organized byICAR-Sugarcane Breeding InstituteCoimbatore – 641007, Tamil Nadu and National Agriculture Development Cooperative Ltd.Baramulla – 193103, J & K. 01.12.2020 to 21.12.2020.


♥ Madhumathi, R, Arumuganathan, T, &Shruthi, R, “Soil NPK and Moisture Analysis using Wireless Sensor Network”, The 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT 2020), July 1-3, 2020, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India (Published in IEEE Xplore, DOI: 1109/ICCCNT49239.2020.9225547 )


♥ Madhumathi, R, Arumuganathan, T,Shruthi, R, &SnehaIyer, R, “Soil Nutrient Analysis using Colorimetry Method”, The International Conference on Smart Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICSTCEE 2020), October 9-10, 2020, REVA University, Bengaluru, India (Published in IEEE Xplore. DOI: 10.1109/ICSTCEE49637.2020.9277182)


♥ Anusha, S., A. S. Tayade and Geetha, P. 2020. Weed management in sugarcane for sustainable productivity. 21 days Advanced National Training Programme (ANTP 2020) on “Recent Scientific Interventions and Practices of Sugarcane Breeding, Production, Protection and Utilization for Doubling Farmer’s Income”from 1st to 21st December 2020 organized by ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore and National Agriculture Development Cooperative Limited, Baramulla 193103, Jammu and Kashmir in virtual mode.


♥ Tayade, A. S., P. Geetha and S. Anusha. 2020. Integrtaed Nutrient Management in Sugarcane. 21 days Advanced National Training Programme (ANTP 2020) on “Recent Scientific Interventions and Practices of Sugarcane Breeding, Production, Protection and Utilization for Doubling Farmer’s Income”from 1st to 21st December 2020 organized by ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore and National Agriculture Development Cooperative Limited, Baramulla 193103, Jammu and Kashmir in virtual mode.


♥ Geetha, P. A. S. Tayade and S. Anusha. 2021. Ratoon management in sugarcane. In: Prathap, D. and P. Murali, (Eds) Compendium of Research Articles and Status Papers – 51st Sugarcane R&D Workshop of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry (TN R&D 51 – 2021), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp. 19-29.


♥ Palaniswami, C., Bakshi Ram, A. Vennila and S. Anusha. 2021. Improving the agronomic performance of Co 11015 Variety. In: Prathap, D. and P. Murali, (Eds) Compendium of Research Articles and Status Papers – 51st Sugarcane R&D Workshop of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry (TN R&D 51 – 2021), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp. 123-133.


♥ Arun Kumar, R., P. Geetha, A. S. Tayade, S. Anusha and V. Krishnapriya. 2021. Radiation use efficiency of sugarcane genotypes as influenced by crop geometry. In: International plant physiology virtual symposium “Physiological interventions for climate smart agriculture”, Coimbatore, 11-12 March 2021, p. 145


♥ Tayade, A.S., P. Geetha and S. Anusha. 2021. Climate smart weed management practices to mitigate the abiotic stresses in sugarcane. In: International plant physiology virtual symposium “Physiological interventions for climate smart agriculture”, Coimbatore, 11-12 March 2021, p. 146


♥ Anusha, S., A. S. Tayade and P. Geetha. 2021. Influence of climate change on sugarcane cultivation and weeds. In: International plant physiology virtual symposium “Physiological interventions for climate smart agriculture”, Coimbatore, 11-12 March 2021, p. 174


♥ Tayade, A.S., P. Geetha and S. Anusha, C. Palaniswami and P. Govindaraj. 2021. Impact of climate smart genotypes and nutrient management strategies on sugarcane productivity. In: International plant physiology virtual symposium “Physiological interventions for climate smart agriculture”, Coimbatore, 11-12 March 2021, p. 199


♥ Vasantha, S., A S Tayade., R. Arun Kumar., S. Anusha and G. Hemaprabha. 2021. An assessment of WUE and WP of sugarcane commercial hybrids and species clones subjected to restricted irrigation regimes. International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon-2021), Coimbatore, India, 19-22 June 2021, pp. 269-271.


♥ Tayade, A. S., P. Geetha, S. Anusha and D. Puthira Prathap. 2021. Agro-economic benefits of sugarcane + blackgram intercropping system under tropical Indian conditions. International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon-2021), Coimbatore, India, 19-22 June 2021, pp. 301-304.


♥ Anusha, S., P. Geetha and A. S. Tayade. 2021. Evaluation of new generation herbicides against weeds in sugarcane under wide row planting. International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon-2021), Coimbatore, India, 19-22 June 2021, pp. 390-393.


♥ Krishnapriya, V., Karpagam, E., Arun Kumar, R., Vasantha, S., Anusha, S. and Vinu. V., 2021. Physiological traits influencing nutrient use efficiency in sugarcane varieties. International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon-2021), Coimbatore, India, 19-22 June 2021, pp. 424-427.


♥ Vasantha, S., Arun Kumar, R., Krishnapriya, V., Anusha, S., Hemaprabha, G., Alarmelu, S., Mohanraj, K. and Sreenivasa, V. 2021. Early growth traits and biomass production in sugarcane Co hybrids and pre breeding clones and their contributions in plant architecture. International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon-2021), Coimbatore, India, 19-22 June 2021, pp. 486-488.


♥ Geetha, P., Tayade, A. S., Rajula Shanthy, T., Palaniswami, C. and Saravanan, L. 2021. Comparative assessment of sugarcane based cropping system over rice based cropping system in Tamil Nadu. International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon-2021), Coimbatore, India, 19-22 June 2021, pp. 427-430.


♥ Aiswarya, D., Raja, R.K., Kamaraj, C., Balasubramani, G., Deepak, P., Arul, D., Amutha, V., Sankaranarayanan, C., Hazir, S. and Perumal, P. 2019. Biosynthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles from the symbiotic bacterium, Photorhabdus luminescens of Entomopathogenic Nematode: larvicidal properties against three mosquitoes and Galleria mellonella Journal of Cluster Science 30(4):1051–1063


♥  Anandakumar, L., K. Bagyalakshmi, T. Raja Muthuramalingam, K. Nithya, B. Parameswari and R. Viswanathan (2020). Reverse Transcription Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification based rapid detection of Sugarcane mosaic virus and Sugarcane streak mosaic virus associated with mosaic disease of sugarcane. Indian Phytopathology 73:349-358 DOI: 10.1007/s42360-020-00219-w


♥  Ashwin N. M. R., L. Barnabas, D. Amalamol, K.V. Lakshana, A. R. Sundar, P. Malathi and R. Viswanathan (2020) Transcriptional reprogramming of major defense‑signaling pathways during defense priming and sugarcane‑Colletotrichum falcatum interaction. Molecular Biology Reports 47:8911–8923


♥  Ashwin M.R., K.V. Lakshana, D. Amalamol, A. Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi, V. Jayakumar, R. Viswanathan (2020) Tête-à-Tête during plant-pathogen interactions: intricacies involved and beyond. Plant Disease Research 35(2): 89-96 DOI No. 10.5958/2249-8788.2020.00020.7


♥  Bagyalakshmi, K. and R. Viswanathan (2020) Identification of the RNA Silencing Suppressor Activity of Sugarcane streak mosaic virus P1 gene. Virus Disease 31(3):333–340 DOI: 1007/s13337-020-00618-7


♥  Bagyalakshmi, K. and R. Viswanathan (2021) Development of a scoring system for sugarcane mosaic disease and genotyping of sugarcane germplasm for mosaic viruses. Sugar Tech 23(5):1105–1117 10.1007/s12355-021-00995-3


♥  Balan S, R. Viswanathan and K. Anita Cherian (2020) Status of leaf fleck caused by Sugarcane bacilliform virus incidence and severity in different sugarcane growing areas of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10: 74-86


♥  Balan, S., K. Nithya, K.A. Cherian and R. Viswanathan (2021) True seed transmission of Sugarcane bacilliform virus (SCBV) in sugarcane. Sugar Tech1007/s12355-021-01031-0


♥  Balasubramaniyan, M., Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J., Singaravelu, B. Puthira Prathap, D. and Pothiraja, N. 2020. Infestation levels of sugarcane shoot borer in Cauvery delta zone of Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(1):94-99.


♥  Ganesh Kumar V., R. Viswanathan, P. Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar, C. N. Prasanth, M. Nandakumar (2020). Identification of differential expressed proteins and establishing a defense proteome of sugarcane in response to Colletotrichum falcatum Journal of Plant Pathology DOI: 10.1007/s42161-020-00577-4


♥  Gyawali S, Mamidi S, Chao S, Bhardwaj  SC; Shekhawat  PS; Selvakumar R, Gangwar  OP, Verma RPS.  Genome-wide association studies revealed novel stripe rust resistance QTL in barley at seedling and adult-plant stages. Euphytica 217


♥  Holkar, S.K., Parameswari, B, Kumar, A, Nithya K, Shingote P.R., Chhabra, M.L., Kumar, S, Kumar, P., Viswanathan, R., Jain, R.K., Pathak, A.D (2020). Present status and future management strategies for sugarcane yellow leaf virus: A major constraint to the global sugarcane production: An overview. Plant Pathology Journal 36(6): 1-22


♥  Jayakumar, V., A. Ramesh Sundar and R. Viswanathan (2020) Biocontrol of Colletotrichum falcatum with volatile metabolites produced by endophytic bacteria and profiling VOCs by headspace SPME coupled with GC–MS. Sugar Tech 23: 94–107


♥  Jayakumar, V. and K. Senthil. 2021. Guttation droplets of sugarcane red rot pathogen Colletotrichum falcatum: Formation, toxigenic properties, and composition. Mycologia 113: 748- 758


♥  Kannan, M., N. Geetha, K. Elango, M. Mohan and G. Sivakumar (2021). Characterization of granulosis viruses of sugarcane early shoot borer, Chilo infuscatellus (Snell.) and internode borer, Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur). Current Science121:570-573


♥  Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J., Mahendran, B., Chandran, K., Singaravelu, B. and Salin, K.P. 2020. Scale insect Melanaspis glomerata (Green) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) in world collection of Saccharum spontaneum International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 40, 933–941.


♥  Mahendran, B., Mahesh, P., Gopi, R., Chandran, K. and Nisha, M. 2020. Herbivore diversity of a unique, islanded and managed sugarcane agro-ecosystem comprising Saccharum Insect environment 20:61-63.


♥  Nalayeni, K., N. M. R. Ashwin, L. Barnabas, T. Vinodhini, V. N. Agisha, A. Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi and R. Viswanathan (2021) Comparative expression analysis of potential pathogenicity-associated genes of high- and low-virulent Sporisorium scitamineumisolates during interaction with sugarcane. 3 Biotech 11: Article number: 353


♥  Nandakumar M., P. Malathi, A.R. Sundar, R. Viswanathan (2021). Expression analyses of resistance-associated candidate genes during sugarcane-Colletotrichum falcatum Went interaction. Sugar Tech 23(5):1056–1063 10.1007/s12355-021-00976-6


♥  Nandakumar M., P. Malathi, A.R. Sundar and R. Viswanathan (2020). Host-pathogen interaction in sugarcane and red rot pathogen: Exploring expression of phytoalexin biosynthesis pathway genes. Indian Phytopathology DOI: 10.1007/s42360-020-00306-y


♥  Nandakumar M., R. Viswanathan, Malathi and A.R. Sundar (2021). Selection of reference genes for normalization of microRNA expression in sugarcane stalks during its interaction with Colletotrichum falcatum. 3 Biotech 11: 72 DOI 10.1007/s13205-020-02632-4


♥  Nandakumar M., P. Malathi, A.R. Sundar, C.P.Rajadurai, M. Philip, R. Viswanathan (2021). Role of miRNAs in the host–pathogen interaction between sugarcane and Colletotrichum falcatum, the red rot pathogen. Plant Cell Reports 40: 851–870 1007/s00299-021-02682-9


♥  Nandakumar M., P. Malathi, A.R. Sundar and R. Viswanathan (2021). Host-pathogen interaction in sugarcane and red rot pathogen: Exploring expression of phytoalexin biosynthesis pathway genes. Indian Phytopathology 74:529–535 DOI: 10.1007/s42360-020-00306-y


♥  Nithya K, Parameswari B, Bertaccini A, Rao G.P., and Viswanathan R. (2020). Grassy shoot: the destructive disease of sugarcane. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 10 (1): 10-24


♥  Nithya K, Parameswari B, and Viswanathan R. (2020). Mixed infection of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus and Grassy Shoot Phytoplasma in yellow leaf affected Indian sugarcane cultivars. Plant Pathology Journal 36(4): 364-377


♥  Nithya, J. Vishnu Vardhan, S. Balasaravanan, D. Vishalakshi and K. Kaverinathan, R. Viswanathan (2021) First report of Maize yellow mosaic virus (MaYMV) infecting sugarcane in India and its molecular characterization. Australasian Plant Pathology 50:633–638 DOI : 10.1007/s13313-021-00809-w


♥  Ovalle, W. and Viswanathan (2020). Sustaining sugarcane production in Guatemala and Nicaragua through efficient disease management approaches. Sugar Tech 22(3):361–366 DOI: 10.1007/s12355-020-00801-6


♥  Parameswari B., K. Nithya, S. Kumar, S. K. Holkar, M. L. Chabbra, P. Kumar and R. Viswanathan (2021) Genome wide association studies in sugarcane host pathogen system for disease resistance: an update on the current status of research. Indian Phytopathology1007/s42360-021-00323-5


♥  Prasanth C.N., R. Viswanathan, P. Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar (2021) Development and characterization of genomic SSR marker for virulent strain specific Colletotrichum falcatum infecting sugarcane. 3 Biotech 11: Article number:20 DOI: 10.1007/s13205-020-02572-z


♥  Punithavalli, M. 2021. Spatial distribution of proteinase inhibitors among diverse groups of sugarcane and their interaction with sugarcane borers. Indian Journal of Entomology Online published Ref. No. e20392. DoI No:. 10.5958/0974-8172.2021.00101.2.


♥  Punithavalli, M., Jebamalaimary, A. and K.P. Salin. 2021. Defensive responses of Erianthus arundinaceus against sugarcane shoot borer Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen) (Crambidae: Lepidoptera). International Journal of Pest Management DoI No:. 1080/09670874.2021.1980243


♥  Ramasubramanian, T. (2020). Impact of organic manures on the persistence of imidacloprid in the sandy clay loam soil of tropical sugarcane crop ecosystem. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192: 403.


♥  Ramasubramanian, T. and M. Paramasivam (2020). Dissipation kinetics and environmental risk assessment of thiamethoxam in the sandy clay loam soil of tropical sugarcane crop ecosystem. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 105: 474–480


♥  Ramasubramanian, T. and M. Paramasivam (2020). Bifenthrin in the tropical sugarcane ecosystem: persistence and environmental risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research


♥  Ramasubramanian, T. and Paramasivam, M. 2020. Soil persistence and environmental risk assessment of chlorpyrifos under different organic manuring in the tropical sugarcane ecosystem. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, DOI:10.1080/03067319.2020.1838493.


♥  Ramasubramanian, T. and Paramasivam, M. 2021. Bifenthrin in the tropical sugarcane ecosystem: persistence and environmental risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28(3):3524-3532.


♥  Ramasubramanian, T., Sonai Rajan, T. and Madhu Sudhanan, E. 2021. Instar determination for sugarcane internode borer Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 24(1): 461–469.


♥  Salin, K. P., J. Srikanth, B. Singaravelu and R. Nirmala. 2020. Induced resistance and differential allocation of herbivore defensive chemicals: a case study with internode borer Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur) in sugarcane. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(1): 63-73


♥  Sankaranarayanan, C. and Hari, K. (2020). Integration of arbuscular mycorrhizal and nematode antagonistic fungi for the biocontrol of root lesion nematode Pratylenchus zeae Graham 1951 on sugarcane. Sugar Tech Sugar Tech 23: 194–200.


♥  Scindiya, M., Malathi, P., Kaverinathan, K., Ramesh Sundar, A. and Viswanathan, R. (2021). Knock-down of glucose transporter and sucrose non-fermenting gene in the hemibiotrophic fungus Colletotrichum falcatum causing sugarcane red rot. Molecular Biology Reports 48: 2053–2061


♥  Selvakumar, R., Viswanathan, R. (2021). A low cost method for early detection of airborne Puccinia rust spores using glass slides and foldscope in the sugarcane field. Indian Phytopathology 74: 835–837


♥  Singaravelu, B., Suresha, G.S., Srikanth, J., Appunu, C., Sankaranarayanan, C., Mahesh, P., Nirmala, R. and Rajeshkumar, M. (2020). Prospecting in Western ghats of Karnataka for indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis isolates harbouring novel crystal toxin genes for sugarcane pest management. Journal of Sugarcane Research (Accepted for publication)


♥  Srikanth, J., Salin, K.P., Punithavalli, M., Mahesh, P., Jayanthi, R. and Subadra Bai, K. 2020. A field-release station and release protocol for dispensing cocoons of Cotesia flavipes against sugarcane borers. Phytoparasitica 48:785-800


♥  Viswanathan R. (2020). Fusarium diseases affecting sugarcane production in India. Indian Phytopathology 73:415–424 DOI: 10.1007/s42360-020-00241-y


♥  Viswanathan R. (2021). Sustainable sugarcane cultivation in India through threats of red rot by varietal management. Sugar Tech 23(2):239–253 DOI: 10.1007/s12355-020-00882-3


♥  Viswanathan, R (2021) Red rot of sugarcane (Colletotrichum falcatum Went). CAB Reviews 16, No. 023, doi: 10.1079/PAVSNNR202116023


♥  Viswanathan R. (2021). Impact of yellow leaf disease in sugarcane and its successful disease management to sustain crop production. Indian Phytopathology 74: 573–586 DOI:1007/s42360-021-00391-7


♥  Viswanathan R. and N.M.R. Ashwin (2020) Brown spot of sugarcane: an emerging disease in South Western region in India. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10: 87-93


♥  Viswanathan R., G. P. Rao and S. Solomon (2021). Measures to minimize the growing menace of red rot of sugarcane in subtropical India. Sugar Tech DOI :10.1007/s12355-021-01013-2


♥  Viswanathan R., P. Padmanaban and R. Selvakumar (2020). Emergence of new pathogenic variants in Colletotrichum falcatum, stalk infecting ascomycete in sugarcane: role of host varieties. Sugar Tech 22(3):473–484 DOI: 10.1007/s12355-019-00780-3


♥  Viswanathan R., and R. Selvakumar (2020) Varietal breakdown to red rot in sugarcane revealed by comparing two Colletotrichum falcatum inoculation methods. Sugar Tech 22(6):1063–1075 DOI: 10.1007/s12355-020-00855-6


♥  Viswanathan R., R. Selvakumar, K. Manivannan, R. Nithyanandam and K. Kaverinathan (2020). Pathogenic behaviour of soil borne inoculum of Colletotrichum falcatum in causing red rot in sugarcane varieties with varying disease resistance. Sugar Tech 22(3):485–497 DOI: 10.1007/s12355-020-00800-7


♥  Viswanathan R., R. Selvakumar, N. Geetha, C.G. Balaji, A. Annadurai, Adhini S. Pazhani, P. Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar, R. Nithiyanantham, K. Manivannan (2021) Epidemiology of sugarcane wilt: predisposition by root borer Polyocha depresella a myth or reality. Indian Phytopathology1007/s42360-021-00398-0


♥  Viswanathan, R., R. Selvakumar, P. Govindaraj, M. L. Chhabra, B. Parameswari, Dinesh Singh, Sujeet Pratap Singh, Rakesh Mehra, Y. P. Bharti, M. Minnatullah, P. Kishore Varma, V. Ravichandran and Anuradha Sharma (2021) Identification of resistance to red rot in interspecific and intergeneric hybrid clones of sugarcane. International Sugar Journal 123: 44-52


♥  Viswanathan, R., R. Selvakumar, P. Malathi and N. Prakasam (2021) Controlled condition testing (CCT): An ideal high-throughput method for screening of pre-release clones and progenies for red rot resistance in sugarcane. Sugar Tech 23(5):1045–1055 10.1007/s12355-021-00970-y


♥  Viswanathan R., R. Selvakumar, P. Malathi and A. R. Sundar (2021) Modified scale for evaluating sugarcane clones for Fusarium wilt resistance with plug method of inoculation. Sugar Tech


♥  Viswanathan, R., Selvakumar, R., Malathi, P., Salin, K.P., Srikanth, J., Geetha, N., Singaravelu, B., Ramasubramanian, T., Punithavalli, M., Mahesh, P. and Sankaranarayanan, C. 2021. Ganna phasal samrakshanme naveen upalabdhiyan [Hindi] [Modern technologies in sugarcane crop protection] Khethi 73(12):24-28.


Presentations in Workshops/ Symposia/ Seminars/ Conferences/ Trainings


♥ Agisha VN, Ashwin NMR, Vinodhini RT, Ramesh Sundar A, Malathi P and Viswanathan R (2020) Development of a GFP-tagged Sporisorium scitamineum strain to visualize in planta colonization in sugarcane. Proceedings in National Symposium (virtual) on Advances in crop Health Management conducted by IPS-SZ at IARI, Wellington, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu on 1-2, Dec, 2020.


♥  Amala Mol D, Lakshana KV, Ashwin NMR, Ramesh Sundar A, Malathi P, Appunu C and Viswanathan R (2020) Elucidating the functional facets of the fungal effectors, Cf EPL1 &CfPDIP1through transient ectopic expression in tobacco. Proceedings in National Symposium (virtual) on Advances in crop Health Management conducted by IPS-SZ at IARI, Wellington, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu on 1-2, Dec, 2020.


♥  Amala Mol D., Ashwin NMR, Lakshana KV, Ramesh Sundar A, Malathi P, Appunu C. and Viswanathan R. (2020) Developing an inducible vector system for controlled expression of effector proteins of the filamentous fungi, Colletotrichum falcatum. 7th International conference, 2020, IARI, New Delhi. Phytopathology in sustaining UN sustainable development goals. Jan. 16th to 20, Pp. 407.


♥  Arumuganathan, T., T. Senthilkumar C. Sankaranarayanan, G. Manikandan R. Sanjay Krishnan, S. Syed Imran and M. Rajeshkumar Development and evaluation of manually operated Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) applicator for white grub management in sugarcane. Proceedings of “International conference on Sugarcane research: Sugarcane for sugar and beyond (Cnaecon 2021) Biocontrol: Approaches and Applications (ICBC 2018)” organized by ICAR Sugarcane Breeding Institute Coimbatore, from June 19-22, 2021.p 680-683.


♥  Bhuvaneshwari, V. and Malathi. 2020. Antifungal potential of Trichoderma sp. and its bionanoparticles synthesis to protect against Fusarium wilt disease of sugarcane. International Conference on “Industrial perspective, challenges and strategies in the development of novel bio-pesticides: Its implication in sustainable pest and disease management”, 11th & 12th March, 2021; Department of Plant Pathology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore and Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI), New Delhi, p 80.


♥  Bhuvaneshwari, V., E. Elamathi and Malathi. 2020. “Molecular analysis on antagonistic suppression of Colletotrichum falcatum and its application for biogenesis of nanomaterial to manage red rot in sugarcane” Proceedings in National Symposium (Virtual) held at ICAR Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Regional Station, Wellington, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India on 1-2 Dec, 2020. p.61


♥  Geetha, N. 2020. Biocontrol of soil arthropods: White grubs and termites by Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF). Paper presented at National virtual meeting on “Biopesticides-Registration and quality control issues-way forward” hosted by SBA-NBAIR on 6.10.20.


♥  Geetha,N. K.P.Salin, R. Nirmala, C. Yogambal, P.Nirmala Devi, Krishnapriya and T.Ramasubramanian. 2021. A novel strain of Metarhizium anisopliae (ICAR-SBIMa-16) highly virulent to white grub Holotrichia serrata (Fabricius) in Sugarcane: identification and evaluation.Paper presented at National Conference on “Priorities in Crop Protection for Sustainable Agriculture” Sponsored by ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru and organized by Central Agricultural University, Imphal during March 16-18, 2021.


♥  Geetha,N., D. Dinisha, K.P.Salin, V. Krishnapriya, R. Nirmala, C. Yogambal, P. Nirmala Devi, and T. Ramasubramanian. 2021. Nutritional response of Nomuraea rileyi to standard- and economic media during vegetative growth. Paper presented at National Conference on “ Priorities in Crop Protection for Sustainable Agriculture”  Sponsored by ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru and organized by Central Agricultural University, Imphal during March 16-18,2021.


♥  Geetha, N., Shinsiya, N., Gayathri, M.R., Salin, K.P., Hari, K., Krishnapriya, V.,Yogambal, C., Nirmala, R., Nirmala Devi, P. and Ramasubramanian, T. 2021. First report of Metarhizium anisopliae as an endophyte in sugarcane. Proceedings of the “International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond” held during 19-22 June, 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp. 552-553.


♥  Geetha, N., Gayathri, M.R., Shinsiya, N., Salin, K.P., Krishnapriya, V., NirmalaDevi, P. and Ramasubramanian, T. 2021. Phylloplane persistence of entomopathogenic fungi in sugarcane. Proceedings of the “International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond” held during 19-22 June, 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp. 554-556.


♥  Geetha, N., Gayathri, M.R., Shinsiya, N., Salin, K.P., Suganya, A., Nirmala, R.,Yogambal, C. and Ramasubramanian, T. 2021. Endophytic activity of inoculated Beauveria bassiana in sugarcane. Proceedings of the “International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond” held during 19-22 June, 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp. 557-559.


♥  Janiga P.K., Nithya and R. Viswanathan (2021) Genetic variability of Sugarcane bacilliform virus causing leaf fleck of sugarcane in India. National e-Conference on “Plant Health and Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities” March, 25-27, 2021, New Delhi, pp 126.


♥  Janiga PK, K. Nithya, R. Viswanathan (2021) Emergence of novel Sugarcane bacilliform virus genotypes with evidences of recombination. Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, June 19-22, 2021, (Eds) Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, pp 589-591


♥  Jayakumar, V., A. Ramesh Sundar, R. Viswanathan and N.M.R. Ashwin. 2021. Efficacy of novel nano formulations in the control of sugarcane red rot. In: Palanisamy, C., G. Hemaprabha, R. Viswanathan, R. Karuppaiyan, K. Mohanraj, H.K. Mahadeva Swamy and Bakshi Ram (Eds.). Proceedings of International conference on sugarcane research: Sugarcane for sugar and beyond, June 19-22, 2021, ICAR- Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, pp 533-534


♥  Jeyalekshmi K, Mouriya SK, Ashwin NMR, Nalayeni K, Ramesh Sundar A, Malathi P. and Viswanathan R (2020) Development of an efficient method for apoplastic protein extraction from Sporisorium scitamineum infected sugarcane meristems. Proceedings in National Symposium (virtual) on Advances in crop Health Management conducted by IPS-SZ at IARI, Wellington, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu,1-2, Dec, 2020.


♥  Kaverinathan, K., Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar and R. Viswanathan. 2020. “Colletotrichum falcatum – Candidate genes for diagnosis, monitoring pathogen virulence and management of sugarcane red rot” Proceedings in National Symposium (Virtual) held at ICAR Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Regional Station, Wellington, The Nilgiris, TamilNadu, India, 1-2 Dec, 2020. p.36


♥  Lakshana KV, Amala Mol D, Ashwin NMR, Ramesh Sundar A, Malathi P, Appunu C and Viswanathan R (2020) Site directed mutagenesis in PAMPs/Effector coding genes of Colletotrichum falcatum through PEG mediated protoplast transformation system. Proceedings in National Symposium (virtual) on Advances in crop Health Management conducted by IPS-SZ at IARI, Wellington, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu on 1-2, Dec, 2020.


♥  Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J, Salin, K.P., Singaravelu, B., Chandran, K., and Mahendran, B. 2020. Natural regulation of sugarcane leaf hopper Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) (Homoptera: Lophopidae) in a crop island scenario. In: Proceedings of International Seminar on Transboundary Pest Management (ISTPM 2020). (Eds. Sathiah, N, Muthukrishnan, N, Prabakar, K, Ramaraju, K, et al.,) pp. 199-200. Department of Agriculural Entomology, Centre for Plant Protection Studies, TNAU, Coimbatore, India. March 4-5, 2020.


♥  Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J., Singaravelu, B., Puthira Prathap, D. and Balasubramaniyan, M. 2020. Infestation levels of sugarcane shoot borer Chilo infuscatellus in Cauvery delta zone of Tamil Nadu, India. Souvenir of International Web Conference on Perspective on Agricultural and Applied Sciences in COVID-19 Scenario (PAAS-2020), October 4-6, 2020, Agricultural & Environmental Technology Development Society (AETDS), Uttarakhand, India.


♥  Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J., Singaravelu, B., Puthira Prathap, D. and Nirmala, R. 2020.Karumbu pairil eligalin thaakudalai kattupaduthum moraigal [Tamil] [Management of rats in sugarcane]. Naadalavya 5-aavadu Velaan Ariviyal Tamil Aaraachi Maanadu [Tamil] [5th National Conference on Agricultural Scientific Tamil]. October 9-10, 2020, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.


♥  Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J.,Geetha, N., Singaravelu, B. and Nirmala, R. 2020. Karumbil American padaipulu thaakudal [Tamil] [Fall armyworm attack in sugarcane]. Naadalavya 5-aavadu Velaan Ariviyal Tamil Aaraachi Maanadu [Tamil] [5th National Conference on Agricultural Scientific Tamil]. October 9-10, 2020, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.


♥  Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J., Singaravelu, B., Salin, K.P., Mahendran, B. and Chandran, K. 2021. Screening of sugarcane germplasm against scale insect Melanaspis glomerata. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon2021), Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K. and Bakshi Ram (eds), pp.570. ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, June 19-22, 2021. 793p


♥  Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J., Singaravelu, B. and Salin, K.P. 2021. Dynamics of sugarcane leaf hopper and its biotic agents: impact of short-term climatic changes. International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium 2021 (IPPVS-2021) on Physiological Intervention for Climate Smart Agriculture, 11-12th March, 2021, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India


♥  Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J., Mahendran, B., Singaravelu, B., Salin, K.P. and Chandran, K. 2021. Status of sugarcane scale Melanaspis glomerata (Green) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) in sugarcane germplasm. International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities, 25 June 2021, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, DAV University, Jalandhar, Punjab State, India.


♥  Malathi, P. 2020. “Recent trends on management of fungal diseases in sugarcane” Proceedings in National Symposium (Virtual) held at ICAR Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Regional Station, Wellington, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India on 1-2 Dec, 2020. p.53


♥  Malathi, P., Elamathi, A. Ramesh Sundar and R. Viswanathan. 2020. “Antifungal metabolites and proteins identified during antagonistic suppression of red rot pathogen in sugarcane by fungal and bacterial antagonists”. International Conference on “Industrial perspective, challenges and strategies in the development of novel bio-pesticides: Its implication in sustainable pest and disease management”, 11th & 12th March, 2021; Department of Plant Pathology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore and Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI), New Delhi, p 95


♥  Malathi, , Ravindra Naik, R. Viswanathan, A. Ramesh Sundar, T. Ramasubramanian and A. Vennila. 2021. “Sett Treatment Device – feasible to deliver physical, chemical and biological agents to improve sugarcane production and protection”. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, June 19-22, 2021, (Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj,K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram (Eds).) ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, pp. 650-652


♥  Nalayeni K, Franchin C, Barnabas L., Ashwin NMR, Carletti P, Trentin AR, Malathi P, Viswanathan R, Masi A and Ramesh Sundar A. (2020) Quantitative proteomics analysis of haploid and dikaryotic stages of Sporisorium scitamineum – novel insights into the pathogenesis of the sugarcane smut fungus. 7th International conference, 2020, IARI, New Delhi. Phytopathology in sustaining UN sustainable development goals. Jan. 16th to 20, pp. 403.


♥  Nithya K., B. Parameswari, M.L. Chhabra and R. Viswanathan (2021). Grassy shoot disease caused by Ca. phytoplasma sacchari, a major biotic stress and physiological intervene in sugarcane cultivation In: International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium (IPPVS-2021) on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture” p. 143


♥  Nithya K., V. Jayakumar and A. Anna Durai (2021) Identification and characterization of sugarcane true seed borne mycoflora and seedling disease causing pathogens. In: Proc. International conference on sugarcane research: Sugarcane for sugar and beyond (Canecon -2021) p. 539


♥  Parameswari B., K. Nithya, Shubham Kumar, A. Anna Durai, M.L. Chhabra, Praveen Kumar and R. Viswanathan (2021) Identification of sugarcane yellow leaf disease resistance in Saccharum germplasm and parental clones from India In: Proc. International conference on sugarcane research: Sugarcane for sugar and beyond (Canecon 2021) p. 536


♥  Punithavalli, M. 2021. Presented a poster paper on Effect of weather parameters on the population dynamics of tobacco caterpillar Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in soybean in the International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture (IPPVS 2021)” held during 11-12th March 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.


♥  Punithavalli, M. and Jebamalaimary, A. 2021. Spatial distribution of proteinase inhibitors among diverse groups of sugarcane and their interaction with sugarcane borers. 4th Current approaches in Agricultural, Animal husbandry and allied sciences for successful entrepreneurship (CAAAHASSE-2021) held from 13 to 15 March, 2021.


♥  Raja muthuramalingam T., K. Nithya, R. Viswanathan (2021) Current opportunities for Lab-On-A-Chip based nano-diagnosis for sugarcane diseases. Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, June 19-22, 2021, (Eds) Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, pp 609-612


♥  Ramasubramanian, T. 2021. Invited to deliver a lead lecture on “Challenges in pesticide resistance management and use of combination pesticides” in the Brain Storming Webinar on “Challenges and future for combination/ premix pesticide formulations in India” organized by the Department of Agricultural Entomology, Centre for Plant Protection Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore on 24th February, 2021.


♥  Ramasubramanian, T., Yogambal, C. and Geetha, N. 2021. Toxicity of chlorpyrifos to sugarcane shoot borer, Chilo infuscatellus Snellen (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Proceedings of the “International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond” held during 19-22 June, 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp. 562-564.


♥  Ramesh Sundar A, Ashwin NMR, Barnabas L, Nalayeni K, Amalamol D, Malathi P and Viswanathan R. (2020) Leveraging proteomics to decipher the interactome of disease resistance in sugarcane. Understanding regulatory mechanism through NGS approach. 7th International conference, 2020, IARI, New Delhi. Phytopathology in sustaining UN sustainable development goals. Jan. 16th to 20. 2020, pp 399.


♥  Ramesh Sundar A, Ashwin NMR, Malathi P, Appunu C and Viswanathan R (2020) Unlocking molecular toolbox of the enigmatic interaction involving Sugarcane and Sporisorium scitamineum. Proceedings in National Symposium (virtual) on Advances in crop Health Management conducted by IPS-SZ at IARI, Wellington, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu on 1-2, Dec, 2020.


♥  Salin, K. P., Srikanth, J., Singaravelu, B. and Nirmala, R. 2021. Decoding chemical signals in head space volatiles involved in tri-trophic interactions and parcimony in plant defense : A case study in sugarcane. Proceedings of the “International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond” held during 19-22 June, 2021 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp. 516.


♥  Sankaranarayanan, C. 2020. Diagnosis and management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes with special emphasis on sugarcane nematodes. Invited lecture delivered by online mode in National Webinar on Bio Intensive Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes. Organized by National Institute of Plant Health Management, Hyderabad, 27. 11. 2020.


♥  Sankaranarayanan, C. 2020. “Entomopathogenic Nematodes for Control of White Grubs in Sugarcane. On line lecture delivered in 21 Days Advanced National Training Programme (ANTP 2020) on “Recent Scientific Interventions and Practices of Sugarcane Breeding, Production and Utilization for Doubling Farmers Income” organised by ICAR-SBI Coimbatore and NADCL Baramulla, on 12.12.2020.


♥  Sankaranarayanan, C and Hari K, 2021. Bio efficacy of bioagents Purpureocillium lilacinum and Pseudomonas fluorescens against phytonematodes and growth of sugarcane under field condition ” Abstracts of proceeding of International Plant Physiology Virtual symposium 2021 (IPPVS -2021) on “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture from March 11-12th 2021 held ICAR Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. pp. 212.


♥  Sankaranarayanan C. and Hari K. (2021). Bio efficacy of bioagents Purpureocillium lilacinum and Pseudomonas fluorescens against phytonematodes and growth of sugarcane under field condition. Proceedings of International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium 2021 (IPPVS -2021) “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture held at ICAR Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore from March 11-12, 2021, pp 212.


♥  Sankaranarayanan, C., Singaravelu S. K. Pandey T. Arumuganathan, T. Senthilkumar and M. Rajesh Kumar 2021. Evaluation of different application methods of subtropical and tropical isolates of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) against white grub Holotrichia serrata on sugarcane under field condition. Proceedings of “International conference on Sugarcane research: Sugarcane for sugar and beyond (Cnaecon 2021) Biocontrol: Approaches and Applications (ICBC 2018)” organized by ICAR Sugarcane Breeding Institute Coimbatore, from June 19-22, 2021.p 619-620.


♥  Sankaranarayanan,C., Singaravelu, S. K. Pandey and M. Rajesh Kumar. 2021. In vitro liquid culturing of entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema spp. and its bioefficacy against larvae of Galleria mellonella. Proceedings of “International conference on Sugarcane research: Sugarcane for sugar and beyond (Cnaecon 2021) Biocontrol: Approaches and Applications (ICBC 2018)” organized by ICAR Sugarcane Breeding Institute Coimbatore, from June 19-22, 2021.p 524-526.


♥  Selvakumar R., and R. Viswanathan 2021. Sugarcane and Puccinia warfare under changing climate conditions In: International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium 2021 (IPPVS -2021) “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture” 11-12 March, 2021. p190.


♥  Senthilkumar,T., Arumuganathan, S. Syed Imran, C. Sankaranarayanan, G. Manikandan R. Sanjay Krishnan and M. Rajeshkumar. 2021. Development and evaluation of mini tractor operated entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) applicator for white grub management in sugarcane. Proceedings of “International conference on Sugarcane research: Sugarcane for sugar and beyond (Cnaecon 2021) Biocontrol: Approaches and Applications (ICBC 2018)” organized by ICAR Sugarcane Breeding Institute Coimbatore, from June 19-22, 2021.p 642-645.


♥  Singaravelu, B., Naveenarani, M., Suresha, G.S., Appunu, C., Swathik, C.P., Srikanth, J., Mahesh, P., Sankaranarayanan, C., Hari, K., Nirmala, R., Bakshi Ram and Crickmore, N. 2021. Whole genome sequencing, molecular cloning and functional characterization of novel indigenous Bacillus thuringeinsis (Bt) harbouring scarabid toxic cry8 genes against sugarcane whitegrub Holotrichia serrata. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon2021), Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K. and Bakshi Ram (eds), pp.208-209. ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, June 19-22, 2021. 793p.


♥  Singaravelu, B., Srikanth, J., Mahesh, P., Sankaranarayanan, C., Nirmala, R., Suresha, G.S., Appunu, C. and Devakumar, K. 2021. Efficacy of some coleopteran active cry genes on sugarcane white grub Holotrichia serrata. 2021. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon2021), Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K. and Bakshi Ram (eds), pp.561. ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, June 19-22, 2021. 793p.


♥  Viswanathan, R. (2020). Addressing varietal degeneration to sustain sugarcane cultivation in India. Materials Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture (MISA 2020), November 12, 2020, Orlando, UCF, Florida (Virtual mode)


♥  Viswanathan, R. (2020). Emerging sugarcane pests and diseases. Webinar on “Combating post-COVID-19 challenges in sugarcane sector: Appropriate Technologies and approaches” on June 25, 2020, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore


♥  Viswanathan, R. (2020). Impact of climate change on sugarcane diseases and development of new diseases in sugarcane. 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on “Sustainability – Innovation and Diversification in Sugar and Allied Industry, January 31 to February 2, 2020 at VSI, Pune, p84


♥  Viswanathan, R. (2021). Impact of yellow leaf disease in sugarcane and successful disease management to sustain crop production. National e-Conference on “Plant Health and Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities” March, 25-27, 2021, New Delhi (MSPavgi Award lecture) pp 2-3


♥  Viswanathan, R (2021). Changing dynamics of red rot epidemics in Sugarcane in India: twelve decades of journey and lessons learnt. Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, June 19-22, 2021, (Eds) Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, pp 507-515.


♥  Viswanathan R., P. Malathi, V. Jayakumar, A. Ramesh Sundar (2021) Biocontrol approaches to manage fungal diseases in sugarcane. International Conference on “Industrial perspective, challenges and strategies in the development of novel bio-pesticides: Its implication in sustainable pest and disease management” 11-12, March 2021, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.


♥  Viswanathan R., K. Nithya, J. VishnuVardhan, S. Balasaravanan, D.Vishalakshi1 and K. Kaverinathan (2021). First report of maize yellow mosaic virus (MaYMV) infecting sugarcane and maize in India and its molecular characterization. Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond, June 19-22, 2021, (Eds) Palaniswami, C., Hemaprabha, G., Viswanathan, R., Karuppaiyan, R., Mohanraj, K., Mahadeva Swamy, H.K., and Bakshi Ram, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India, pp 578-581


♥  Viswanathan, R., R. Selvakumar, P. Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar, R. Arun Kumar and R. Gopi (2021). Pokkah boeng, a probable threat due to climate changes in sugarcane and its management In: International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium 2021 (IPPVS -2021) “Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture” 11-12, March, 2021, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore, pp179.




Papers in research journals

♥ Rajula Shanthy T, Manivel K, Saravanan L (2021). Adoption of drip irrigation in sugarcane.  Indian Research Journal of Extension Education. 21(1): 1-6.


♥ Chauhan, JK, Rajula Shanthy T, Senthamil (2021) Adoption of technologies in sugarcane – A performance analysis. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci 10(1):1892-1901.


♥ Sitadevi K, Rajula Shanthy T, Ponnarasi T (2021) Entrepreneurship development for rural women through self help group approach. Indian Research Journal of Extension Education. 21(2&3): 166-171.


♥ Rajula Shanthy T, Gurumoorthy (2020). Trash management practices in sugarcane cultivation: A socioeconomic analysis. Indian Research Journal of Extension Education. 20(4):1-8.


♥ Rajula Shanthy T, Jayabose C, Bakshi Ram (2020) Need based technological interventions in tribal villages under Tribal Sub Plan. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology. 9(4): 696–704.


♥ Prathap, D. Puthira., Murali, P., & Venkatasubramanian, V. (2021). Barriers to ICT Usage: An Assessment Among the Sugarcane Farmers in Disadvantaged Districts of Tamil Nadu, India. Sugar Tech23(2), 286-295.


♥ Prathap, D. Puthira., Murali, P., Paul, P., & Venkatasubramanian, V. (2021). Sugarcane Development Personnel’s Attitudes Towards Internet Usage: Findings from a Study in Southern India. Sugar Tech23(2), 254-262.


♥ Balasubramaniyan, M., Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J., Singaravelu, B., Prathap, D. Puthira., & Pothirajaa, N. (2020). Infestation levels of sugarcane shoot borer Chilo infuscatellus in Cauvery delta zone of Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Sugarcane Research10(1).


♥ Anuratha, A, M Ramasubramanian, G Selvarani, D Puthira Prathap & M Senthil Kumar. (2021). Determinants of Gender Responsive Spending in Rural Families in Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities, 8(4), 129-138


Presentation in workshops/seminars /symposia/conferences


♥ Infestation Levels of Sugarcane Shoot Borer Chilo Infuscatellus in Cauvery Delta Zone of Tamil Nadu, India. [P. Mahesh, J. Srikanth, B. Singaravelu, Prathap, D. Puthira & M. Balasubramaniyan. (2020). Paper presented at International Web Conference Perspective on Agricultural and Applied Sciences in COVID-19 Scenario (PAAS-2020), October 4-6, 2020.


♥ Invited presentation on “Empowering the vegetable farmers through strategic extension approaches” at the International Conference on Emerging trends in Plant Protection for sustainable vegetable cultivation’ organized by TNAU and NABARD during 25-26 August 2021.


Research papers

♥ Chhabra, M. L., B. Parameswari and S. K. Pandey (2020). Current status and management of sugarcane smut disease in North India. Bhartiya Krishi Anushandhan Patrika. 35(3): 159-164. (NAAS Rating 3.07).


♥ Appunu, J. Ashwin Narayan, H. K. Mahadevaswamy, S. Karthigeyan, R. Valarmathi, C. Mahadevaiah, Ravinder Kumar, Mintu Ram Meena, Bakshi Ram (2020) Variability and molecular diversity of wild sugarcane germplasm collected from low temperature regions Lohit and Changlang of Arunachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 19, July 2020.


♥ Mintu Ram Meena, Ravinder Kumar, Karuppaiyan Ramaiyan, Manohar Lal Chhabra, Arun Kumar Raja, Mohanraj Krishnasamy, Neeraj Kulshreshtha, Shashi Kant Pandey and Bakshi Ram (2020). Biomass potential of novel interspecific and intergeneric hybrids of Saccharum grown in sub-tropical climates. Scientific Report 10, 21560 (2020). (NAAS Rating 10.01).


♥ Mintu Ram Meena, Ravinder Kumar, Appunu Chinnaswamy, Ramaiyan Karuppaiyan, Neeraj Kulshreshtha and Bakshi Ram (2020). Current breeding and genomic approaches to enhance the cane and sugar productivity under abiotic stress conditions. 3 Biotech 10, 440 (2020). (NAAS rating 7.79)


♥ Pooja, A.S. Nandwal, M. Chand, A. Pal, A. Kumari, B. Rani, V. Goel, and N. Kulshreshtha. 2020. Soil moisture deficit induced changes in antioxidant defense mechanism of sugarcane varieties differing in maturity. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 90: 56–61. (NAAS rating 6.78).


♥ Pooja Dhansu, Neeraj Kulshreshtha, Ravinder Kumar, Arun K. Raja, S. K. Pandey, Vishal Goel, Bakshi Ram (2021). Identification of Drought-Tolerant Co-canes Based on Physiological Traits, Yield Attributes and Drought Tolerance Indices. Sugar Tech


♥ Pooja, Kulshreshtha N, Kumar R, Raja AK, Pandey S K, Goel V and Ram B. 2021. Identification of drought-tolerant co-canes based on physiological traits, yield attributes and drought tolerance indices. Sugar Tech. (NAAS rating 7.20)


♥ Somnath Kadappa Holkar, Parameswari Balasubramaniam, Atul Kumar, Nithya Kathirvel, Prashant Raghunath Shingote, Manohar Lal Chhabra, Shubham Kumar, Praveen Kumar, Rasappa Viswanathan, Rakesh Kumar Jain and Ashwini Dutt Pathak (2020). Present Status and Future Management Strategies for Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus: A Major Constraint to the Global Sugarcane Production: An Overview. Plant Pathol. J. 36(6): 1-22. (,PISSN1598-2254 eISSN 2093-9280) (NAAS Rating 7.29).


Publication in refereed Journals


K, Athira R, Mayalekshmi, NishaM, Mahendran B, Gopi R. 2021. Cytological investigation on interspecific progenies of red fleshed Saccharum robustum Journal of Sugarcane Research (2020) 10, 179-185


♥ Gopi R, Viswanathan R, Chandran K, Nisha M and Mahendran B, Girishan PP and Maya lekshmi (2020) Distribution scenario of diseases in sugarcane germplasm at Kannur, Kerala– Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(2): NAAS Rating: 3.96.


♥ Gopi, R., B. Mahendran, K. Chandran, M. Nisha and R. Viswanathan. 2020. Plant and Weather Factors on Resistance of Saccharum officinarum Germplasm Against Ring Spot Disease. Sugar Tech NAAS Rating: 7.20.


♥ Mahendran, B., Mahesh, P., Gopi, R., Chandran, K. and Nisha, M. 2020. Herbivore diversity of a unique, islanded and managed sugarcane agro-ecosystem comprising Saccharum germplasm. Insect Environment, 23: 66-68.


Papers presented in Seminar

♥ Gopi R., Viswanathan R, Chandran K, Nisha M, Mahendran K, Gireesan PP, and Mayalekshmi. 2021. Evaluation of PGPR of sugarcane germplasm for antagonistic properties and growth promotion. In: International conference on “Industrial perspective, challenges and strategies in the development of novel bio-pesticides: Its implication in sustainable pest and disease management”, Centre for Plant Protection Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore – 641 003 INDIA, 11-12 March, 2021.


♥ Gopi R., Viswanathan R, Chandran K, Nisha M, Mahendran K, Gireesan, and Mayalekshmi. 2020. Status of Diseases in sugarcane germplasm at Kannur. In National symposium (virtual) on Advances in crop health management held December 1-2, 2020 at ICAR-IARI, Regional Station, Wellington, The Nilgris, Tamil Nadu, India organized by Indian Phytopathological Society (South Zone).


♥ Gopi, B Mahendran, K Chandran, M Nisha and R Viswanathan 2021.Ring spot disease and reaction of sugarcane Saccharum officinarum clones. Palaniswamy,C., Hemaprabha, G, Viswanathan R., Karuppaiyan T. Mohnaraj K, Mahadev Swamy HK, and Bakshi Ram (Eds) 2021. Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond. June 19-21,2021, ICAR Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore India 793, 605-608


♥ Mahendran, B., Mahesh, P., Gopi, R., Chandran, K. and Nisha, M. 2021.Population dynamics spatial distribution and natural biocontrol of Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) (Homoptera: Lophopidae) populations in an islanded and managed sugarcane crop ecosystem. International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond. June 19-21,2021, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


♥ Malavika SR* ChandranK1Liquid jaggery processing: a comparative study between species of Saccharum having different sucrose level Palaniswamy,C., Hemaprabha, G, Viswanathan R., Karuppaiyan T. Mohnaraj K, Mahadev Swamy HK, and Bakshi Ram (Eds) 2021. Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond. June 19-21,2021, ICARSugarcaen Breeding Institute, Coimbatore India.P 793, 743


♥ Nisha M, Chandran K, Krishnapriya V,  Gopi R and Mahendran B. 2021.“Path coefficient analysis of agronomic traits influencing sugarcane yield under waterlogging “International conference on Sugarcane research Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (Cane Con 2021)- 19-22 June 2021


♥ Ribisha Sherin*, Chandran12021.Comparison of organic clarificants in “powder jaggery” processing from Sugarcane Palaniswamy,C., Hemaprabha, G, Viswanathan R., Karuppaiyan T. Mohnaraj K, Mahadev Swamy HK, and Bakshi Ram (Eds) 2021. Proceedings of International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond. June 19-21,2021, ICAR Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore India.P 793, 721-722


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