Testing cost for Virus Indexing

Sugarcane viruses tested


♣ Sugarcane yellow leaf virus causing yellow leaf disease


♣ Sugarcane Mosaic Virus and Sugarcane Streak Mosaic Virus causing mosaic


♣ Sugarcane bacilliform virus causing leaf freckle


Sugarcane phytoplasma


♣ Grassy shoot phytoplasmas



Testing cost for Virus Indexing


♣ Single sample will be charged @ Rs. 500/- for testing of three RNA viruses and @ Rs. 100/ for phytoplasma testing.


♣ Minimum of 10 samples will be tested at a time with a fee of Rs. 5000/-(Rupees five thousand only) for 3 RNA viruses.


♣ If the same sample is to be tested for virus and phytoplasmas Rs. 600/- will be charged for a sample.


♣ Indexing of single RNA virus for a batch of 10 samples will be charged @ Rs.3000/- (Rupees three thousand only)


^Additional samples will be charged accordingly

Testing cost for Genetic Fidelity

  • A minimum of 10 samples will be tested at a time with a fee of Rs. 2500/ (Rupees two thousand five hundred only)

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