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Sugarcane Based Business Incubator


        ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute  is a foremost publicly funded R&D institution for sugarcane, sugar,ethanol and value-added products from sugarcane. It plays a significant role in bridging the food security and nutritional safety through its dedicated and sustainable research. The institute has developed varieties which is cultivated more than 98% of sugarcane area in the country and 28 other countries in the world. ICAR-SBI has brought sugar revolution through varietal development and yielded significant quantity of surplus sugar for export market.

          Over the years, it is being comprehended that besides varietal and technology development, product diversification from sugarcane provides opportunity for sugarcane growers to increase their revenue in sustainable way for doubling income. Sugarcane is cultivated all parts of the country. The surplus sugarcane could be utilized for the development of new and novel products with high dietary value which cater the nutritional security of the population. It creates new employment and infrastructures in rural and sub-urban areas.

Commercialization of Technology

        ICAR-SBI has Successfully commercialized about 18 technologies for sugarcane cultivation and value-added products based on sugarcane.These technologies could be licensed through Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU) for commercialization by the enterpreneurs,Start-ups and cottage industries especially micro food processing industries.The Agri business incubator of the institute provides necessary handholding supports to progreesive farmers,start-ups and sweeteners based food processing industries for consumer driven value chain food production.

      A century old premier Institute has largest germplasm of sugarcane in the world. ICAR-SBI is developing varieties for different agro climatic zones of the country as well as special purpose varieties such as energy canes, short duration varieties, saline tolerant, red flush sugarcanes to serve the specific utility. It has well established facilities for production of tissue culture sugarcane plants, virus indexing for disease free plants, bio control agents for sugarcane production and fidelity testing for varieties. Institute is licensing varieties and technologies for upscaling and commercialization. About 65 MOU was signed for licensing technologies for different varieties and technologies which is developed in the institute.



     SugarcaneEdge is a unique business incubation centre was established during 2019 for development of sugarcane and sweetener based healthy food products. It helps in developing tools and semiautomated machineries for processing sugarcane juice and production of entrepreneurship novel food products through sugarcane. Currently, Institute has pilot scale facility for Cane Jam Production, Liquid Jaggery Production,Dietary Fibre-based food products,Freeze preservation of sugarcane juice and Process of Ice-Cream Preparation from sugarcane syrup. In addition, Institute has lab scale facility for cane juice powder making through spray and freeze-dried methods. SugarcaneEdge is providing the following handholding services to the incubates.



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