Funded by External Agencies

♣ Intellectual property management and transfer /commercialisation of agricultural technology scheme (upscaling of existing component i.e.IPR under ICAR head quarters scheme on management and information services – Funded by ICAR/AP Cess Fund

♣ Seed production in agricultural crops and fisheries – Funded by MoA/GoI

♣ Strengthening of designated field and laboratory for DUS testing (Coimbatore, Agali and Karnal centres) – Funded by MoA/GoI

♣ Model training course in recent advances in sugarcane production technology – Funded by MoA/GoI

♣ National level training on Sugarcane Production Technologies – Funded by MoA/GoI

♣ Identification and characterization of antifungal genes for cloning and identifying sugarcane phytoalexins as marker for red rot resistance – Funded by Sugarcane Devl. Fund

♣ Molecular elucidation of biotic elicitor-mediated defense-responsive genes/ proteins in sugarcane x Colletotrichum falcatum interaction – Funded by Dept. of Sci. & Tech

♣ Delineation of sugarcane soils for micronutrients status and screening sugarcane varieties for tolerance to iron and zinc deficiency – Funded by SDF

♣ Structural characterisation and evaluation of toxin produced by Colletotrichum falcatum for sugarcane red rot disease management – Funded by Dept. of Sci. & Tech

♣ Development of mechanized system for effective sett/bud treatment of sugarcane Collaborative Proj. of CIAE RC, CBE, SBI, CBE & M/s Annapoorna Agro Industries, 29, Thirunagar, Dhanalakshmipuram Singanallur, Coimbatore-5- Funded by Dept. of Sci. & Tech

♣ Development of hand held instrument for on – field fibre content measurement in sugarcane (Dr.P.Govidaraj Collaborative Proj. with CIAE RC, CBE and M/s Majesty Technologies,45-A, 8th Street, Dharaninagar, Ganapathy Pudur CBE 641 006- Funded by Dept. of Sci. & Tech

♣ Genetic Engineering of Sugarcane for Water Deficit Stress Tolerance. – Funded by DBT

♣ Identification of RNA silencing mechanism in sugarcane against RNA viruses and characterisation of virus suppressor proteins Funded by DBT

♣ DNA Finger Printing of S. officinarum clones using Simple Sequence Repeat Markers Funded by DST(SERB)

♣ Molecular cloning and characterization of genes involved in lignin biosynthesis pathway of sugarcane Funded by DST (SERB)

♣ Whole Transcriptome Sequencing of Sugarcane for Sucrose Regulating Genes Funded by DST (SERB)

♣ Developing New Technologies for Processing Sugarcane Juice Funded by MoFPI

♣ Isolation and functional characterization of low temperature tolerance responsive genes from high cold tolerant Saccharum spontaneum IND 00-1061 Arunachala Pradesh collection- Funded by DST

♣ Improving sucrose accumulation in sugarcane through delayed flowering – Funded by DBT

Collaborative Projects with other agencies

♠ With TNPL:C1-03/1-3-6: Improvement and evaluation of E.arundinaceus clones for utilisation in paper manufacture

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