ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute Main Campus-Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

The ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute,Coimbatore is the premier and one of the oldest agricultural institute under the ICAR, Established during 1912. The institute had been largely responsible for meeting the sugarcane varietal requirements of the country for past ten decades with dual mandate of developing improved sugarcane varieties and also supporting the sugarcane breeding programmes of over 23 sugarcane research stations in the country.

       ICAR-SBI was one of the first to develop sugarcane tissue culture protocols in India. Several somaclones with modified phenotypes were developed through tissue culture. Co 94012 released in Maharashtra and Karnataka, which has recorded highest sugar recovery ever, is a somaclone of the popular variety CoC 671. Micropropagation protocol for rapid multiplication of the released varieties was developed and the technology was transferred to sugar Industry and commercial tissue culture labs. Institute also developed a protocol for medium term in vitro storage of germplasm.

        ICAR-SBI had a predominant role in the development of improved sugarcane varieties suited for the different agro climatic conditions of the country. Apart from a large number of prominent varieties developed by the Institute which became popular in both tropical and sub-tropical states, the Institute also contributed towards the development of a large number of location-specific varieties by the State Sugarcane Research Stations through the National Hybridisation Facility. The success of the sugarcane varietal development programmes in India is largely attributable to the effective collaboration between SBI and the State Sugarcane Research Stations.


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To make India the World Leader in sugarcane and sugar production through evolution of superior, stress tolerant varieties and cost effective, sustainable and input use efficient crop management technologies.





To meet the growing sugar and energy needs of the country, to provide stability in sugar production and to ensure livelihood security to the sugarcane farmers through the development of improved varieties and cost effective technologies.



Breeding of superior sugarcane varieties/ genotypes having high sugar productivity as well as sustainability and to assist State Sugarcane breeding programs.

♥ To conduct basic and strategic researches on crop improvement, production and protection aspects of sugarcane.

♥ Collection, maintenance, evaluation, documentation and conservation of sugarcane / Saccharum species genetic resources.

♥ Effecting technology transfer, consultancy and human resource development in the areas of sugarcane agricultural research.



Breeding of superior sugarcane varieties having high sugar productivity as well as sustainability and to assist state sugarcane breeding programmes.

♦ To develop varieties and management technologies for energy needs.

♦ To develop improved crop production and crop protection technologies for making sugarcane cultivation profitable and sustainable.

♦ To conduct basic and strategic researches on crop improvement, production and protection aspects of sugarcane cultivation.

♦ Collection, evaluation, documentation and conservation of sugarcane genetic resources.

♦ To study the impact of climate change on sugarcane agriculture and evolve comprehensive strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

♦ Management of natural resources to ensure long term sustainability of the crop. Effecting technology transfer and human resource development in the areas of sugarcane agriculture and research.


               The main Institute has a total area of 89.09 ha including farm, laboratory and office buildings.The farm area is 54.98 ha and is situated in four campuses viz., Main (7.28 ha), ECC (28.50 ha), Additional land (17.20 ha) and VPT (2.00 ha).ICAR-SBI Regional Centre, Karnal has 22 ha,ICAR-SBI Research Centre, Kannur has 8.33 ha and ICAR-SBI Research Centre, Agali has 12 ha.

ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute Regional Centre,Karnal

The Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Regional Centre, Karnal was established as early as 1932 to act as a liaison with the main Institute at Coimbatore, and with a view to securing first hand knowledge about the performance of various Coimbatore seedlings /canes and their parents under the sub-tropical conditions. This centre acts as a prism through which main Institute at Coimbatore observes and evaluates the behaviour of Co canes under the climatic conditions of North throughout the year.This regional centre has several landmark achievements to its credit.

This Regional Centre is located on the National Highway No.1 about 130 km North of Delhi. The location stands at 29.1-29.50 N and 76.3-77.10 E, at an elevation of 243 m above mean sea level. The climate is sub-tropical with mean maximum temperature ranging between 34-390 C in summer and mean minimum temperature ranging between 6-70C in winter.

ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute Research Centre, Kannur

The Research Centre at Kannur (Kerala, India) is a constituent unit of Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. This centre houses the world collection of sugarcane germplasm. This world collection was originally established at Canal Point, Florida, U.S.A. The need for duplicating the collection in another location was felt and based on the resolution of International Society of Sugarcane Technologists (ISSCT) in 1956, the Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore was recognized as another centre for world collection of sugarcane germplasm. The seed material of the entire world collection at Canal Point was airlifted during 1957-58 to Coimbatore and were initially maintained at the Agricultural Research Station, Thaliparamba in Cannore District, Kerala. In 1961, a research centre was established at Kannur (also known as Cannanore) as the West Coast Regional Centre of Sugarcane Breeding Institute and the collection maintained at Thaliparamba was shifted to Kannur. At present the centre houses the largest collection of Saccharumspecies germplasm and is an IPGRI designated field gene bank of sugarcane.

The germplasm assembly at SBI Research Centre, Kannur now consists of 1806 accessions under international collection and 1562 under Indian collection. The International collection comprises of S.officinarum (759), S. barberi (42), S. sinense (30), S. robustum (145), S. spontaneum (67), foreign hybrids (611) and allied genera (152). The allied genera include a large number of Erinathus arundinaceusclones from New Guinea and Indonesia collected during 1976 and 1977. The Indian collection comprises Indian hybrids (1027), allied genera and others (88), S.spontaneum (317) and IA clones (130).The Indian hybrids consists of mainly Co canes developed at the main Institute at Coimbatore and clones released by other research centres in the country. The IA clones are hybrids between American commercial hybrids and Indian S. spontaneum clones. Large number of S.spontaneum, Erianthus and related species collected through expeditions in north-eastern region of the country from 1981 to 1990 are maintained as Indian collections.

ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute Research Centre,Agali

The Agali Research Centre of ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore was established during 1995 in 30 acre State Govt.’ land leased to Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Govt. of India for 99 years. The Centre became operational from 7th April 1999. It is located at 11o9’8” North latitude, 76o41’6” East longitude in the Attapady hill range (altitude 490 m above msl) of Palakkad District, Kerala State (near to Thavakkal Estate, between Vallamari and Kalkandiyoor villages on Kottathara-Pudur Road). The Centre is about 45 km from the main institute Coimbatore. The soil is lateritic with neutral pH but low in Nitrogen. The annual rainfall is around 500-800 mm. The research farm gets water from Bhavani river flowing adjacent to it. The climatic condition prevailing at the location is suitable for sugarcane flowering and seed set. Due to the depleting water resources at main institute during 1990s, a need was felt to create an additional facility to house the parental clones maintained in the national hybridization garden of ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore. Hence, a research centre at Agali was established.

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