Publication Details -2017

Research Papers

♥ Anna Durai, A and G. Hemaprabha. 2016. Heterosis and combining ability of sugarcane inbreds for early stage selection traits. Journal of Sugarcane Research 6(1): 27-34.


♥ Ashwin, N.M.R., E. Leonard Barnabas, A. Ramesh Sundar, M. Muthumeena, P. Malathi and R. Viswanathan. 2017. Disease suppression effects of resistance inducing agents against red rot of sugarcane. European Journal of Plant Pathology DOI 10.1007/s10658-017-1181-1.


♥ Ashwin, N.M.R., L. Barnabas, A. Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi, R. Viswanathan, A. Masi, G.K. Agrawal and R. Rakwal. 2017. Advances in proteomic technologies and their scope of application in understanding plant–pathogen interactions. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology DOI 10.1007/s13562-017-0402-1.


♥ Barnabas, L., N.M.R. Ashwin, A. Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi and R. Viswanathan. 2017. Putative orthologs of Ustilago maydis effectors screened from the genome of sugarcane smut fungus Sporisorium scitamineum. Australasian Plant Pathology 46:147-156.


♥ Barnabas, L., R. Ashwin, K. Kaverinathan, A. R. Trentin, M. Pivato, A. Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi, R. Viswanathan, P. Carletti, G. Arrigoni, A. Masi, G. K. Agrawal and R. Rakwal. 2017. In vitro secretomic analysis identifies putative pathogenicity – related proteins of Sporisorium scitamineum – the sugarcane smut fungus. Fungal Biology121: 199-211.


♥ Brindha, S. and R. Viswanathan. 2016. Ab initio prediction of micro-RNA like structures in sugarcane viruses and their cellular targets. Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 29: 1786-1791.


♥ Chandran, K., M. Nisha, P. Mahesh and R. Arunkumar. 2016. Saccharum edule Hassk an under-exploited germplasm resource of sugarcane. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 30(1): 72-76.


♥ Chandran, K., M. Nisha, R. Arunkumar and V.V. Prathiba. 2016. Short, lop-sided internode in officinarum-revisited. Journal of Sugarcane Research 6(1): 52-55.


♥ Chhabra, M.L., S.K. Pandey and B. Parameswari. 2016. Standardization of methodology for in vivo evaluation of sugarcane clones against wilt.  Indian Phytopathology 69(4s): 260-265.


♥ Chhabra, M.L., B. Parameswari and R. Viswanathan. 2016. Pathogenic behavior pattern of Colletotrichum falcatum isolates of sugarcane in sub-tropical India. Vegetos- An international Journal of Plant Research 29:4. DOI:10.4172/2229-4473.1000182.


♥ Dharshini, S., M.J. Chakravarthi, Ashwin Narayan, V.M. Manoj, M. Naveenarani, Ravinder Kumar, M.R. Meena, Bakshi Ram and C. Appunu. 2016. De novo sequencing and transcriptome analysis of a low temperature tolerant Saccharum spontaneum clone IND 00-1037. Journal of Biotechnology 231: 280-294.


♥ Elamathi, E., Malathi, P., R. Viswanathan and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2017. Molecular analysis of the suppression of Colletotrichum falcatum by Trichoderma harzianum in sugarcane. Journal of Plant Pathology 99: 211-218.


♥ ElSayed A.I., M. Boulila, D.C. Odero, A.A. Omar, A.M. Gomaa and R. Viswanathan. 2017. Characterization of ORF0 and ORF1 and their roles in recombination and replication of sugarcane yellow leaf virus. American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology DOI: 10.3923/ajbmb.201.


♥ Holkar, S. K., A. Kumar, M.R. Meena and R.J. Lal. 2017. Detection and partial molecular characterization of sugarcane mosaic virus infecting sugarcane genotypes. Journal of Environmental Biology 38 (3): 409-417.


♥ Jayabose, C., T. Arumuganathan, V.A. Amalraj, P. Rakkiyappan, T. Rajula Shanthy and R. Kailappan. 2016. Compressive force profile of high biomass Erianthus Sugar Tech. DOI 10.1007/s12355-016-0472-8.


♥ Karpagam, C., Prathap, D.P. and P. Moovendan. 2016. Farmer led grass root level entrepreneurial initiatives for sustainable sugarcane production system in Tamil Nadu. India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 8(4): 2249-2255.


♥ Karpagam, E and S. Alarmelu. 2016. Study of genetic diversity and evaluation of interspecific hybrids of Saccharum spp using SSR markers. Journal of Sugarcane Research 6(1): 11-26.


♥ Kaverinathan, K., M. Scindiya, P. Malathi, R. Viswanathan and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2017. Role of melanin in Colletotrichum falcatum pathogenesis causing sugarcane red rot. Sugar Tech, DOI: 10.1007/s12355-017-0519-5.


♥ Lakshmi, K., A. Kalaivaani, P.T. Prathima and A. Selvi. 2016. Molecular cloning, characterization, and expression analysis of lignin genes from sugarcane genotypes varying in lignin content. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. DOI 10.1007/s12010-016-2283-5.


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, K. Chandran and B. Singaravelu. 2016. Resistance of Saccharum against Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in India. Experimental Agriculture 1-13. DOI:


♥ Malathi, P., R. Viswanathan and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2017. Mechanized means of sett treatment: an effective way of delivering fungicides for the management of red rot in sugarcane. Sugar Tech 19(2):176-182.


♥ Manikantan, M.R., T. Arumuganathan, C. Indu Rani, R. Kasturi and N. Varadharaju. 2016. Storage stability of sugarcane juice in polypropylene based nanocomposite packaging films. Sugar Tech. DOI 10.1007/s12355-016-0492-4.


♥ Manimekalai R, J. Narayanan, M. Gokul, A. Selvi, Arun Meena, R. Gomathi and Bakshi Ram. 2016. Genome wide analysis of NAC gene family sequences in sugarcane and its comparative phylogenetic relationship with rice, sorghum, maize and Arabidopsis for prediction of stress associated NAC genes. Agri Gene 3:1-11.


♥ Manimekalai, R., O.M. Roshna, K.P. Ganga Raj, R. Viswanathan and G.P. Rao. 2016. ABC transporter from sugarcane grassy shoot phytoplasma: gene sequencing and sequence characterization. Sugar Tech 18(4):407-413.


♥ Mayalekshmi, R., S.P. Adhini, V.P. Sobhakumari and M.N. Premachandran. 2016. Nuclear and cytoplasmic contributions from Erianthus arundinaceus (Retz.) Jeswiet in a sugarcane hybrid clone confirmed through genomic in situ hybridization and cytoplasmic DNA polymorphism. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution DOI 10.1007/s10722-016-0453-5.


♥ Mohanraj, K., N.V. Nair and A. Suganya. 2016. GU 08 SSH 66: A sugarcane x sweet sorghum intergeneric hybrid with high early sugar accumulation and red rot resistance. Journal of Sugarcane Research 6(1):69-71.


♥ Mohanraj, K., N.V. Nair and A. Suganya. 2016. GU08 SSH-66 (IC0612060; INGR15034), a sugarcane (Saccharum × Sorghum hybrid) germplasm with high early sugar accumulation. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 29(2):219.


♥ Murali, P. and Prathap, D.P. 2017. Technical efficiency of sugarcane farms: An econometric analysis. Sugar Tech 19(2): 109-116.


♥ Nair, N.V. and K. Mohanraj. 2016. GU04(28) EO-2 (IC0612056; INGR15032), a sugarcane (Saccharum hybrid) germplasm with regular flowering, pollen fertility of 5.5%. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 29(2): 218.


♥ Nair, N.V., K. Mohanraj and K. Sundaravel Pandian. 2016. GU04(28) EO-2: A novel intergeneric hybrid between Erianthus procerus and Saccharum officinarum. Journal of Sugarcane Research 6(1): 63-64.


♥ Nair, N.V., K.S. Pandian and K. Mohanraj. 2016. GU04 (50) RE-16 (IC0612058; INGR15033), a sugarcane (Saccharum robustum × Erianthus hybrid) germplasm with regular flowering and good seed set (128 Seedlings). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 29(2):218.


♥ Naveen Prasanth, C., R. Viswanathan, P. Malathi, A.R. Sundar and T. Tiwari. 2016. Identification of candidate secretory effector proteins (CSEPS) genes from Colletotrichum falcatum and their role in host-pathogen interaction by comparative modelling. Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 29:1747-1750.


♥ Premachandran, M.N., K. Chandran, and R. Gomathi. 99 WL-379 (IC0612061; INGR15035), a sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) germplasm with high juice quality under waterlogged conditionn. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 29(2):220.


♥ Premachandran, M.N., V.P. Sobhakumari, V. Mayalekshmi and Raffee Viola. 2016. Genome characterization of in vitro induced amphiploids of an intergeneric hybrid Erianthus arundinaceus x Saccharum spontaneum. Sugar Tech. DOI 10.1007/s12355-016-0482-6.


♥ Rajula Shanthy T., D.H. Krupesh. 2016. Soil fertility and plant health management. Journal of Sugarcane Research 6(1): 42-51.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T. and M. Paramasivam. 2016. Dissipation behavior of phorate and its toxic metabolites in the sandy clay loam soil of a tropical sugarcane ecosystem using a single-step sample preparation method and GC–MS. Journal of Separation Science 39:3973–3982.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T., M. Paramasivam and R. Nirmala. 2016. Development, validation and application of a sensitive analytical method for residue determination and dissipation of imidacloprid in sugarcane under tropical field condition. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188:1-8.


♥ Saumtally, A.S., F.R. Goebel, N. Sallam, A. Salvatore, S. Uraichuen, M. Way, F. Garces, M. Grisham, N. Thompson and R. Viswanathan. 2016. Enhancing innovative pest and disease management strategies in the sugarcane agrosystem – a report on the combined ISSCT XI Pathology and IX Entomology workshops. Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 29: 840-847.


♥ Scindiya, M., P. Malathi, K. Kaverinathan, R. Viswanathan and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2017. Molecular characterization of pathogenicity gene homologs in Colletotrichum falcatum causing red rot in sugarcane. Sugar Tech DOI: 10.1007/s12355-017-0512-z.


♥ Shanthi, R.M., G. Hemaprabha, R. Vigneshwari, T.S. Sarath Padmanabhan and K. Mohanraj. 2016. New genic SSR markers identified for three major enzymes associated with sucrose synthesis in sugarcane. Journal of Sugarcane Research 6 (1):1-10.


♥ Srikanth, J., S. Easwaramoorthy and S.K. Jalali. 2016. A 100 years of biological control of sugarcane pests in India: review and perspective. CAB Reviews 11, No. 013:1-32. DOI: 10.1079/PAVSNNR201611013.


♥ Tayade, A.S., P. Geetha, R. Dhanapal and K. Hari. 2016. Effect of in situ trash management on sugarcane under wide row planting system, Journal of Sugarcane Research 6(1):35-41.


♥ Viswanathan, R. 2017. Pathogen virulence in sugarcane red rot pathogen versus varieties in cultivation: Classical case of loss in virulence in the pathotype CF06 (Cf671). Sugar Tech 19: 293-299.


♥ Viswanathan, R., M. Sathyabhama, P. Malathi and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2016. Transcriptome analysis of host-pathogen interaction between sugarcane and Colletotrichum falcatum by suppression subtractive hybridization and illumina sequencing. Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 29:1639-1644.


♥ Yadav, S.P., A. Kumar, S. Yadav, A.K. Singh, A.K. Tiwari and Bakshi Ram. 2016. Yield quality and nutrient uptake in autumn sugarcane as influenced by phosphorus levels and inoculation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria in legume based intercropping systems. Agrica 5(1): 63-65.

Presentations in Conferences/Symposia/Seminars/others

♥ Alarmelu, S., G. Hemaprabha, C. Appunu, A. Anna Durai and Bakshi Ram. 2016. Co 0212- High yielding high sugar midlate variety for Tamil Nadu. Proceedings of 74thAnnual Convention of the Sugar Technologist Association of India (STAI). ISBN 81-85871-83-3. pp.136-146.


♥ Anna Durai A and Adhini S Pazhany. 2016. Parental Diversity Index of sugarcane crosses effected through National Hybridization Programme of India. In: International Conference & Exhibition on Sugarcane Value Chain – Vision 2025 Sugar held during 13-16 November 2016 at Vasantdada Sugar Institute Pune.


♥ Anna Durai A, and G. Hemaprabha. 2016. Inbreeding depression and transgressive segregation on selfing in sugarcane. Paper presented in International Conference and Exhibition on Sugarcane Value Chain – Vision 2025 Sugar held during 13-16 November 2016 at Vasantdada Sugar Institute Pune.


♥ Anusha, S. and R.P. Dubey. 2017. Efficacy of new generation herbicides on weed flora in sugarcane ratoon. Biennial Conference on Doubling Farmers Income by 2022: The Role of Weed Science at Udaipur 1-3 March 2017.


♥ Anusha, S., Nagaraju and Noorasma. 2016. Response of aerobic rice to drip fertigation. Fourth International Agronomy Congress, New Delhi, 22-26 November 2016. pp. 622-623.


♥ Arumuganathan T, C. Palaniswamy, K. Sivaraman, C. Jayabose and T. Rajula Shanthy. 2017. Design and development of improved sugarcane detrashing tool. Souvenir and Abstracts on National Symposium on Advances in Agriculture through Sustainable Technologies and Holistic Approaches  at International Centre,Goa, during 15-17 February 2017. pp. 101-102.


♥ Arumuganathan, T., Naik, R., Annamalai, S.J.K., Rajendra Prasad, N., Ganapathy, S and P. 2017. Transport simulator study of sugarcane single buds packed in CFB box. Compendium of Research Papers on National Symposium on Sugarcane Mechanisation – challenges and opportunities (Sugarmech-2017) held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology (BIT), Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu during 17-18 March, 2017, pp. 41-42.


♥ T. 2016. Mechanization in sugarcane farming. Compendium of Research articles and Status papers of 47th meeting of Sugarcane Research & Development Workers of Tamil Nadu & Puducherry organized by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Sugars Ltd, Perambalur held at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Hotels, Perambalur on 14-15 October, 2016. pp. 80-93.


♥Arun Kumar. R, K. Chandran, M. Nisha and P.P. Gireesan. 2016.Sugarcane genotypes for waterlogging stress under changing climatic condition. In: International Conference on Agricultural Sciences and Food Technologies for Sustainable Productivity and Nutritional Security. 25-27 August 2016, University of Agricultural Science, Bengaluru, Association of Agricultural Technology in South East Asia, Thailand and Association for Applied Biotechnology, India.p18.


♥ Bakshi Ram. 2016. Energy canes as emerging bio-economy for the sugar sector. International Symposium on Opportunities and challenges from the emerging bio-economy for the sugar sector held at NSI, Kanpur on 9 July 2016.


♥ Bakshi Ram. 2016. Perspectives of sugarcane breeding in India. International Conference and Exhibition – 2016 on “Vision – 2025 Sugar” organized by VSI, Pune during November 13-15, 2016.


♥ Bakshi Ram, 2016. Sugarcane Agriculture in India – Current Scenario and Prospects. S.N. Gundurao Memorial Lecture. 74th Annual Convention of STAI held at Delhi during 28-30 July STAI Souvenir, 2016: pp.79-95.


♥ Bakshi Ram, 2016. Use of biotechnological tools in sugarcane. National Seminar on Frontiers in Biotechnology organized by the Department of Biotechnology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore on 19 February 2016.


♥ Brindha, S. and R. Viswanathan. 2016.Ab initio prediction of micro-RNA like structures in sugarcane viruses and their cellular targets. 29th Congress of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 5-8 December 2016, Chiang Mai, Thailand.


♥ Chhabra, M.L., S.K. Pandey, R.L. Yadavand B. Parameswari. 2016. Emerging sugarcane disease problems in North India (Poster presentation). In Proc: International Conference and Exhibition on Sugarcane Value Chain-Vision 2025 Sugar. VSI, Pune, India. p.131.


♥ Geetha, P. 2016. Resource use efficiency and yield advantage of sugarcane based cropping system in tropical India 4th International Agronomy Congress, 22-26 November 2016, New Delhi, India, Extended Summaries Vol. 2: 1317-1319.


♥ Gomathi, R., S. Kohila, S. Vasantha and K. Lakshmi. 2016.Transcript expression profiling of sugarcane in response to elevated temperature. In: ISPP National Conference of Plant Physiology on Challenges in crop physiology research: From molecular to whole plant. pp.138.


♥ Govindaraj, P., S. Parthiban, K. Hari, Ravindra Naikand 2017. Fabrication and evaluation of digital rind penetrometer for non-destrctive assessing fibre content in sugarcane, In:Proceedings of National symposium Sugarcane Mechanisation- Challenges and Opportunities (Sugarmech- 2017) on 17-18 March 2017 at Bannari Amman Sugars, Sathyamangalam-638401, Tamil Nadu.


♥ Hari, K., K. Sivaraman and P. Murali. 2016. Sugarcane juice powder – Development of a novel, natural and healthy product. In the Proceedings of 74thAnnual Convention of The Sugar Technologists Association of India, 28-30 July 2016 at Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, Delhi, India, ISBN 81-85871-83-3.


♥ Hari, K., Prathap, D. Puthira and K. Sivaraman. 2016. Soil moisture indicator: A device to assess soil moisture status and schedule irrigation in sugarcane In: Proceedings of 74thAnnual Convention of The Sugar Technologists Association of India, 28-30 July 2016 at Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, Delhi, India. ISBN 81-85871-83-3.pp. 73-79.


♥ Hari, K., Prathap, D. Puthira, K. Sivaraman, P. Murali, A. Ramesh Sundar and B. Singaravelu. 2017. A device to schedule irrigation in sugarcane – Soil Moisture Indicator, In: Proceedings of National symposium Sugarcane Mechanisation- Challenges and Opportunities (Sugarmech – 2017) on 17-18 March 2017 at Bannari Amman Sugars, Sathyamangalam-638401, Tamil Nadu.


♥ Hemaprabha G. and Bakshi Ram. 2016.Performance of new varieties and results of AICRP trials pertaining to the Northern Karnataka.2016. The 17th Meeting of Sugarcane Research and Development Workers of Northern Karnataka, Belagavi from 16-17 September 2016.


♥ Hemaprabha, G. 2016. Breeding and pre-breeding strategies for sugarcane improvement. 2016. International Seminar on New Frontiers in Cytogenetics and XIII Conference of the Society of Cytologists and Geneticists 15-17 December 2016. Organized by Department of Botany, University of Kerala .p viii-x.


♥ Hemaprabha, G. and A. Anna Durai. 2016. Towards development of homozygous parental lines through repeated selfing for true seed based planting in sugarcane Paper presented in International Conference & Exhibition on Sugarcane Value Chain – Vision 2025 Sugar held during 13-16 November 2016 at Vasantdada Sugar Institute Pune.


♥ Hemaprabha, G. and A. Anna Durai. 2016. Towards development of homozygous parental lines through repeated selfing for true seed based planting in sugarcane. International Conference 2016: Sugarcane Value Chain- Vision 2025 Sugar at Vasantdada Sugar Institute from October 13-16 at Pune.


♥ Hemaprabha, G. and Bakshi Ram. 2016. Performance of new sugarcane varieties & AICRP(S) varietal trials. In: Compendium of Research articles and status papers of 20th Meeting of Sugarcane Research and Development Workers of Southern Karnataka held at Mysuru during 25-26 February 2016. ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. pp. 135-144.


♥ Hemaprabha, G., K. Mohanraj, Sarath Padmanbhan, S. Vasantha, C. Appunu and Bakshi Ram. 2016. Genetic improvement for drought tolerance in sugarcane through breeding and gene identification. International Conference 2016: Sugarcane Value Chain- Vision 2025 Sugar at Vasantdada Sugar Institute from 13-16 October 2016 at Pune.


♥ Jini Narayanan, Manimekalai, R., A. Selvi and R. Gomathi. 2016. Biochemical and physiological response to oxidative stress in cultivated sugar genera. Proc. in ISPP National Conference of Plant Physiology on “Challenges in Crop Physiology Research: From molecular to whole plant” p.111.


♥ Kaverinathan, K., P. Malathi, M. Scindiya, R. Viswanathan and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2017. Identification and characterization of pathogenicity related proteins from Colletotrichum falcatum causing sugarcane red rot, 2nd International conference on Structural and functional genomics, 19-20 August 2016, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, pp 76-77.


♥ Malathi, P., R. Viswanathan, Ravindra Naik; Naveen Prasanth and Jacob Annamalai. 2017. Sett Treatment Device – An effective way to deliver agro-inputs for planting materials of sugarcane, National symposium on sugarcane mechanization: Challenges and opportunities, March 17-18, 2017, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Satyamangalam, pp 15-16.


♥ Manimekalai, R. 2016. Transcriptomics to unravel functional markers for crop Improvement. Invited paper presented at the International Symposium on biological sciences – Genomics & bioinformatics held at United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates during November 23-15, 2016. Abstract Book, I4, pp.22-23.


♥ Manimekalai, R. Jini Narayanan, M. Ranjani, Gokul, A. Selvi and R. Gomathi. 2016. Quantitative gene expression pattern under hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress in sugarcane. Paper presented at the National conference of Plant Physiology -“Challenges in Crop Physiology Research: From Molecular to whole plant” e held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore during December 8-10, 2016. Abstract No. SS47.p27.


♥ Manimekalai, R., Jini Narayanan, M. Ranjani, Gokul, A. Selvi and R.Gomathi. 2016. Quantitative gene expression pattern under hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress in sugarcane. Proc. in ISPP National Conference of Plant Physiology on “Challenges in Crop Physiology Research: From molecular to whole plant” p27.


♥ R. 2016. Transcriptomics for crop Improvement. Smt Rewati Singh. Memorial lecture on biotechnology. The lecture was delivered during Global Agriculture and Innovation Conference-2016, organized during 27-29 November, 2016 at Noida University, Noida.


♥ Meena M.R. 2017. Annual progress report of DUS project of the SBI-RC, Karnal Centre during ‘11thAnnual DUS Review Meeting” organized by PPV&FR Authority at IGKV, Raipur during February 27-28, 2017.


♥ Meena, M.R., Ravinder Kumar, R. Karuppiyan, N. Kulshreshtha and Bakshi Ram “Winter sprouting potential of foreign hybrids, IGH and ISH Sugarcane Clones under Subtropical conditions” National Conference on Innovation and Current Advances in Agriculture and Allied Sciences “(ICAAAS-2016)”Dec.10-11, 2016 at Prof. Jayashankartelegana state Agricultural Univeristy, Telegana, Hyderabad.


♥ Meena, M.R., Ravinder Kumar, M.L. Chhabra, N. Kulshreshtha and Bakshi Ram. 2016. Reaction of Foreign Hybrids, Inter specific and Inter Generic sugarcane clones for quality and yield traits under sub-tropical conditions (Oral presentation). In: Proceedings in “International Conference on New Approaches in Biotechnology and Bio- Sciences”, RBS Engineering and Technology Campus, Bichpuri (Agra), UP, India, p47.


♥ Mohanraj K., A. Oshin, A. Suganya and C. Appunu. 2017. Potential of Erianthus procerus introgressed sugarcane clones under water deficit stress presented at the International Conference on Interdrought organized by ICRISAT, Hyderabad, February 21-25, 2017.


♥ Murali, P, V. Venkatasubramanian and Bakshi Ram 2017. Labour scarcity and mechanisation of sugarcane agriculture, In: National Symposium on Sugarcane Mechanisation- Challenges and Opportunities (Sugarmech-2017) during 17 – 18 March 2017 at Bannari Amman Sugars, Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu.


♥ Murali, P, V. Venkatasubramanian and Bakshi Ram. 2017. Labour Scarcity and Mechanisation of Sugarcane Agriculture. In: National symposium on Sugarcane Mechanisation- Challenges and Opportunities (Sugarmech – 2017) during 17 – 18 March 2017 at Bannari Amman Sugars, Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu.


♥ Nagaraju, S. Anusha, GururajKombali, V. Bhaskar, K.S. Somashekhar, D.S. Prabhudev and H.P. Dileepkumar. 2017. Drip irrigation In Rice: Emerging Technology to Save Water and Sustain Productivity. XIII Agriculture Science Congress held at Bengaluru 21-23, February 2017.


♥ Neelamathi, D and N. Rajendra Prasad. 2016 Sugarcane seed production through micropropagation, 47th meeting of Sugarcane Research and Development workers for Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, Perambalur, pp: 14-15.


♥ Neelamathi, D, N. Rajendra Prasad and Braj Mohan Singh Baghel. 2016. Sugarcane seed nursery programme.20th meeting of Sugarcane Research & Development workers of Southern Karnataka, Mysore 25-26 February. pp: 171-177.


♥ Neeraj Kulshreshtha, Ravinder Kumar, Mintu Ram Meena, Ashwani Kumar, Vijay Kumar and B. N. Manjhi.2016. Screening sugarcane germplasm against soil salinity under endemic area of Sub-tropical India. In Proc: International Conference and Exhibition on Sugarcane Value Chain-Vision 2025 Sugar. VSI, Pune, India.


♥ Parmeswari, B., M. L. Chhabra and R. Viswanathan. 2017. Leaf fleck disease caused by sugarcane bacilliform virus: Am emerging disease of sugarcane in subtropical Region (Oral presentation). In: Proc.International conference on “Technological Advancement for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, Society for Plant Research (Vegetos) and AARDO. p 47.


♥ Pooja,A.S. Nandwal, Mehar Chand, Ashwani Kumar,Babita Rani, Anita Kumari and Neeraj Kulshreshtha. 2016.Comparative evaluation of changes in protein profile of sugarcane varieties under different soil moisture regimes and after stress revival. In:Proc. International Conference on Climate Change and Its Implication on Crop Production and Food Security, Varanasi.


♥ Prasanth C.N., R. Viswanathan, P. Malathi, A.R. Sundarand T. Tiwari. 2016.Identification of candidate secretory effector proteins (CSEPS) genes from Colletotrichum falcatum and their role in host-pathogen interaction by comparative modelling. Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 29th Congress, Dec 5-8, 2016, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 145-146.


♥ Prathap, D.P. 2016. Review of action taken on the recommendations of the 17th  meeting of Sugarcane R&D workers of Northern Karnataka at the 17th meeting of Sugarcane R&D workers of Northern Karnataka ; Belagavi, Karnataka; September 16, 2016.


♥ Prathap, D.P. 2016. Review of action taken on the recommendations of the 45th meeting of Sugarcane R&D workers of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry at the 47th meeting of Sugarcane R&D workers of Tamil Nadu & Puducherry at Perambalur; 14 October 2016.


♥ Prathap, D.P. 2016. An introduction to Open Access Journals, for Postgraduate students at Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur on 19 October 2016


♥ Prathap, D.P. 2016. Lecture on Agro-Advisory services using ICTs and Open Access Journals at Govt. of India- sponsored MTC on ICT in Agriculture. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. 26 October 2016.


♥ Prathap, D. Puthira. 2016. Open Access Journals; Organized by Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University on 9 September 2016.


♥ Prathap, D. Puthira. 2017. Agricultural Knowledge Management in Agricultural Extension,during the MANAGE, Hyderabad organized- Off campus programme on “Agricultural Knowledge Management for scientists and officers at DHAN Foundation, Madurai. 20-21  February 2017.


♥ Prathap, D.P. 2017.E-extension initiatives: the case of CaneInfo during the MANAGE, Hyderabad organized Off campus programme on Agricultural Knowledge Management for scientists and officers at DHAN Foundation, Madurai : 20-21 February 2017.


♥ Prathap, D.P. 2017. Knowledge management for improved food and nutrition security,during the Workshop on Agricultural Extension and Nutrition Linkages: Towards Nutrition Security and Better Health, Home Science College and Research Institute, Madurai. 27, 28 February and 1 March, 2017.


♥ Prathap, D.P. 2017. Open access web-based resources: Open access journals. ICAR Short course on Emerging trends in communication and essential skill sets of extension professionals for effective technology transfer. 6 February 2017.


♥ Prathap, D.P. 2017. Use of new media tools for agricultural communication: case of CaneInfo; ICAR Short course on Emerging trends in communication and essential skill sets of extension professionals for effective technology transfer. 6 February 2017.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T. 2016. Need for distance learning in pesticide management in India. International Conference on Open and distance learning for sustainable development in agriculture held during November 24-25, 2016 at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, pp.329-330.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T., M. Paramasivam and R. Jayanthi. 2016. Fate of Chlorpyrifos on sugarcane crop in the tropical environment. Research paper presented in the International Conference on Agricultural sciences and food technologies for sustainable productivity and nutritional security held during August 25-27, 2016 at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, India, p.41.


♥ Ravinder Kumar, Neeraj Kulshreshtha, Mintu Ram Meena, Vijay Kumar and B. N. Manjhi. 2016. Performance of ISH and IGH genetic stocks against moisture deficit conditions under sub-tropical India. In: Proc. International Conference and Exhibition on Sugarcane Value Chain-Vision 2025 Sugar. VSI, Pune, India.


♥ Salin, K. P., J. Srikanth, B. Singaravelu, R. Jayanthi and R. Nirmala.2016. GC-MS analysis of sugarcane head space volatiles in relation to borer attack: Implications in tri-trophic interactions. International Conference and Exhibition on sugarcane value chain-Vision 2025 Sugar, VSI, Pune, Nov 13-16.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2016. Entomopathogenic nematodes-Biocontrol agent. Invited lecture at National level Technical symposium on Innovations in Biotechnology for sustainable development- Clean and green technology, Karunya University, Coimbatore on 18 October 2016.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2016. Field potential of entomopathogenic nematodes against different economically important insects. Deliver a lecture at Refresher course on Bioagents for AICRP (Nematodes) scientists, Department of Nematology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore on 26 July, 2016.pp.93-98.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C., B. Singaravelu and M. Rajeshkumar. 2016. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN): A potential Biopesticide for white grub control in sugarcane. Proceedings of The Sugar Technologists Association of India (STAI), 74th Annual Convention during 28-30 July 2016 held at The Leela Ambience convention Hotel, Delhi pp 254-263. ISBN. 81-85871-83-3.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C., B. Singaraveluand M. Rajeshkumar. EPN: Biopesticide for white grub control in sugarcane. Paper presented in South Indian Sugarcane & Technologists’ Association (SISSTA) 46th Annual Convention during 15-16 July 2016 held at CROWNE PLAZA, Chennai 600018, pp 23-27.


♥ Scindiya, M., P. Malathi, K. Kaverinathan, R. Viswanathan and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2017. Functional analysis of melanin biosynthesizing gene PKS1 in Colletotrichum falcatum red rot pathogen and its role in pathogenicity in sugarcane, 2nd International conference on Structural and functional genomics, 19-20 August 2016, SASTRA University, Thanjavur,  pp 75-76.


♥ Selvi, A, R. Gomathi, K. Devi, P.T. Prathima and R. Manimekalai. 2016. Expression profiling of genes implicated in drought stress in sugarcane. In proceedings of “National conference of plant physiology” held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, 8-10December 2016.


♥ Selvi, A, R. Gomathi, K. Devi, P.T. Prathima and R. Manimekalai. 2016. Expression profiling of genes implicated in drought stress in sugarcane. Paper presented at the National conference of Plant Physiology – “Challenges in Crop Physiology Research: From Molecular to whole plant” e held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore during December 8-10, 2016. Page no, 30. Abstract No. SS52.


♥ Shanthi, R.M., R. Vigneswari, G. Hemaprabha and T.S. Sarath Padmanabhan. 2016. Pedigree based approach to characterise the genomic regions associated with sugar specific SSR alleles in the ancestral species clones of Saccharum officinarum. International Conference 2016: Sugarcane Value Chain- Vision 2025 Sugar at Vasantdada Sugar Institute from November 13-16, 2016 at Pune.


♥ Sobhakumari, V.P., Maya Lakshmi and M.N.Premachandran. 2016. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) to reveal the cytogenetic constitution of sugarcane intergeneric hybrids. Proceedings of international seminar on New frontiers in cytogenetics and XIII conference of the society of cytologists and Geneticists. CYTO-11.pp7-8. Held at Kerala University, Trivandrum. 15-17 December 2016.


♥ Srikanth, J. 2016. Pest management in sugarcane including white grubs. In: Compendium of Research Articles & Status Papers, 17thMeeting of Sugarcane Research & Development Workers of northern Karnataka, pp. 27-40. Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, September 16-17, 2016.


♥ Srikanth, J. 2016. Biocontrol of crop pests: A sugarcane perspective. Invited seminar, Department of Microbiology, Sree Narayanaguru College, Coimbatore, 18 August 2016.


♥ Tayade, A.S. and A. Bhaskaran. 2016. Impact of integrated application of organic and inorganics in improving soil health and sugarcane productivity In Proc. Extended summaries Vol. 2 : 4th International Agronomy Congress, Nov 22-26, 2016, New Delhi , India


♥ Tayade, A. S. and A. Bhaskaran. 2016.Effect of nitrogen application on growth, yield and juice quality of promising sugarcane genotypes. International Conference and Exhibition on Sugarcane Value Chain- Vision 2025 Sugar 13-16 November 2016. Abstract:ASP-53 .


♥ Vasantha, S., M. Karthick, K. Hari and C. Brindha. 2016. Sugarcane root response to desiccation stress evidenced at physiological and metabolic level, In: Proceedings of the National conference of plant physiology “Challenges in crop physiology research: From molecular to whole plant”, 8-10 December 2016 at UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru, p.2.


♥ Venkatasubramanian,V. 2016. Over view of Agricultural Development, Policy issues and programme in India in the training programme for Agricultural entrepreneurship Development, IRDA, Vidyalaya, RK Mission, Coimbatore on 23 May 2016.


♥ Venkatasubramanian,V. Role of sugarcane farm leader in TOT and Leadership Approaches for Development, Lecture presented in the training program organized for the Sugarcane farm Leaders (SFLs) during 21 June 2016, 28 June 2016, 12 July 2016 & 21 September 2016.


♥ Venkatasubramanian,V. 2016. ICT Applications in Agricultural extension –Policy and Reforms, in the GOI sponsored Model Training Course on Information and Communication Technology in Agriculture” on 22 June 2016 at TNAU, Coimbatore.


♥ Venkatasubramanian,V. 2016. Methodological issues and strategies for technology application and commercialization presented in the Workshop on Tuber crops Technology Transfer and Commercialisation at ICAR-CTCRI, Trivandrum, 25 June,2016


♥ Venkatasubramanian,V. 2016. Present scenario of agriculture in India, in the lecture series organized in connection with the Diamond jubilee celebrations of IARD, RK Mission, Coimbatore on 15.11.2017.


♥ Venkatasubramanian,V. 2016. Strengthening of extension mechanisms in livestock sector-An overview, presented at ICAR-CSWRI-RS, Mannavanur on 19th July 2016 in the four days training programme on Recent Trends and Applications in Sheep Husbandry organized for Veterinary officers of Odisha state.


♥ Viswanathan R. and D. Neelamathi 2017. Need for efficient healthy nursery programme to sustain sugarcane cultivation through mechanized cane cultivation. National symposium on sugarcane mechanization: Challenges and opportunities, March 17-18, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, pp 14-15.


♥ Viswanathan R. 2016. Management of diseases in sugarcane. Interactive meeting of progressive farmers and cane officials of SISMA-TN with SBI scientists on 03.11.2016, Hotel Annapoorna, Coimbatore.


♥ Viswanathan R. 2016. Management of pests and diseases in sugarcane. Interactive meeting of SISMA-TN and ICAR-SBI. 7 October 2016, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore.


♥ Viswanathan, R. 2016. Application of molecular approaches to characterize pathogens, disease diagnosis, host resistance and addressing emerging diseases in sugarcane. International Conference and Exhibition on Sugarcane Value Chain – Vision 2025 Sugar, 13-16 November 2016. VSI, Pune. pp.80-81.


♥ Viswanathan, R., M. Sathyabhama, P. Malathi and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2016. Transcriptome analysis of host-pathogen interaction between sugarcane and Colletotrichum falcatum by suppression subtractive hybridization and Illumina sequencing (Abst). Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 29th Congress, Dec 5-8, 2016, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 139-140.


♥ Viswanathan, R., P. Malathi and R. Naik. 2016. A sett treatment device for fungal disease management and healthy nursery programme in sugarcane. Proc Annual Convention of Sugar Technologists of India, 77: 236-253.

Publications in International Symposium on Sugarcane Research Since Co 205: 100 Years and Beyond (SucroSym-2017), 18-21 September 2017, Coimbatore, India

Bakshi Ram. Status of sugarcane agriculture and sugar industry. Plenary Lecture, pp. i-xxiv


Sugarcane Genetic Resources and Pre-Breeding For Enriching Gene Pool

♥ Premachandran MN, Maya Lekshmi, V. Raffee Viola, A. K. Remadevi and Adhini S. Pazhany.  Alloplasmy for improvement of agronomic traits in sugarcane pp. 1-3


♥ Chandran K, M. Nisha and P. P. Gireesan. Characterization of interspecific progenies from poly crosses on two Saccharum robustum clones belongs to the forma ’sanguineum’ pp. 3-5


♥ Suganya A, Nandan P. Suresh and R. Gayathri. Cytogeographical survey of Erianthus arundinaceus (Reitz.) Jeswiet (a wild relative of sugarcane) pp. 5-7.


♥ Alarmelu S, Adhini. S. Pazhany, C. Jayabose and T. Manjunatha. Pre-breeding utilizing the improved intraspecific clones of Saccharum spp. pp 7-10.


♥ Mohanraj K, G. Hemaprabha, S. Vasantha and R.  Raja. Developing Multiparent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross (MAGIC) population in sugarcane: Evaluation of founder parents for drought tolerance pp. 11-13.


♥ Karuppaiyan R, N. Vijayan Nair, Bakshi Ram, K. Mohanraj, A. Annadurai and P. Amudha. Improved Saccharum officinarum clones as a potential parental source for sugarcane improvement pp. 13-15


♥ Karthigeyan S, P. Govindaraj and Adhini S. Pazhany. Exploration and collection of Saccharum diverity in the North Western India pp. 16-18.


♥ Jayabose C, Adhini S. Pazhany, S. Karthigeyan, A.K. Rema Devi and V. Aravindhan. Study on phenotypic characterization of Saccharum spontaneum L. in Germplasm Collection —An Exploration and Cataloguing Perspective pp. 18-19.


♥ Rajendra Prasad Narra. Defuzzed true seed for maintenance of Sugarcane germplasm pp. 19-21  



♥ Nisha. M, Chandran K, ArunKumar. R and Gireesan P P Performance of exotic hybrid germplasm of sugarcane for yield and quality traits pp. 21-23.


♥ Suresha G.S, K. Chandran, M. Nisha, Arun Kumar and K. Hari. Assessing the inheritance of red flesh color and antioxidant activity from the polycross progenies of Saccharum robustum genotypes pp. 24-25.


♥ Vinu V, T. Lakshmipathy and H. K. Mahadevaswamy. Phenotypic divergence among Saccharum spontaneum clones pp. 25-28.


♥ Jayabose C, Adhini S. Pazhany, A.K. Rema Devi and V. Aravindhan. Flowering behaviour of Panicoideae grasses of Saccharum complex pp. 28-30.


♥ Prabakaran A.J.  An innovative prebreeding approach to develop true breeding inbreds in sugarcane by harnessing the diploidization mechanism pp. 30-31.


♥ Karuppaiyan K, N. Vijayan Nair, Bakshi Ram, K. Mohanraj, A. Annadurai and P. Amudha. Evaluation of intra-specific hybrids of Saccharum robustum for yield and quality traits pp. 32-35.


♥ Karpagam. E and S. Alarmelu. Character association and principal component analysis in interspecific hybrids of Saccharum robustum pp. 36-40.


♥ Maya Lekshmi, Adhini S. Pazhany, V. P. Sobhakumari, A. K. Rema Devi,M. N. Premachandran. Genome modifications in wide hybrids involving Saccharum and Erianthus pp. 40-43.


♥ Sreenivasa V, P Govindaraj and H K Mahadevaswamy. Evaluation of Saccharum and Earianthus introgressed hybrids for Juice quality, cane fibre and biomass production pp. 43-46.


♥ Lakshmi Pathy, P. Govindaraj and H.K. Mahadevaswamy. Identification of drought tolerant ISH and IGH clones in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) pp. 47-49.


♥ Adhini S. Pazhany, M. N. Premachandran, Mayalekshmi and A.K. Remadevi. Genetic enhancement of sugarcane through wild related species pp. 50-52

Breeding Strategies-Past, Present and Future —Lead Presentations


♥ Hemaprabha, K. Mohanraj, S. Alarmelu and Bakshi Ram. Relative performance of Coimbatore canes (Co canes ) for major component traits of yield and quality and an analysis of their genealogies to measure genetic gain over a century of sugarcane breeding at ICAR Sugarcane Breeding Institute. Lead paper. 98-102.


♥ Anna Durai A, Adhini S Pazhany, G. Hemaprabha and Bakshi Ram Appraisal of different crossing methods adopted by fluff receiving centers of AICRP(S) for sugarcane improvement programme in India pp. 114-116.


♥ Hari K, S. Vasantha, Anna Durai, G.S. Suresha, P. Sruthi,.C. Brindha, Rajesh Kumar and P. Sivaraj. Intrinsic root characteristics of sugarcane varieties under hydroponic conditions pp. 116-117.


♥ Neelamathi D, S. Vasantha, K. Hari, BMS Baghel, L.Vidhyanandhini Nici Ashok Biological hardening of micro propagated sugarcane plants with plant growth promoting bacteria to enhance the quality of seedling and yield improvement pp. 124-126.


♥ Ravinder Kumar. Strategies towards development of superior sugarcane varieties for adverse climate of sub- tropical India: history, challenges and opportunities pp. 128-130.


♥ Shanthi R.M., G. Hemaprabha, R. Vigneshwari and T.S. Sarath Padmanabhan. Molecular characterization of sucrose specific genic microsatellites among Indian Co canes evolved through varietal improvement programmes pp. 130-134.


♥ Padmanabhan Sarath T.S and G. Hemaprabha. Genetic diversity among 133 elite genotypes of sugarcane for their use as parents in sugarcane varietal improvement pp. 135-137.


♥ Karpagam E and S. Alarmelu. Population structure and genetic diversity characterization of Saccharum interspecific hybrids using SSR markers pp. 138-141.


♥ Appunu C, A. Anna Durai, K. Mohanraj, G. Hemaprabha, Bakshi Ram, M. Jeyachandran, S. Ganapathy, Shanmuganathan M, A. Thirumurugan and N.A. Saravanan. Co 06022: A promising high yielding and high quality early maturing sugarcane variety for Tamil Nadu 142-143.


♥ Anna Durai A and G. Hemaprabha. Extend of variation on successive generations of selfing in sugarcane (Sacchraum spp.) pp. 154-155.


♥ Adhini S.Pazhany, A. Anna Durai and P Govindaraj. Co 205; The Coimbatore legacy pp. 173-176.
Sreenivasa V, C. Mahadevaiah and G. Hemaprabha. Evaluation of superior cross combinations and identification of better parental stocks from early clonal trials pp. 187-188.


♥ Vigneshwari R, R.M. Shanthi and K. Mohanraj. Characterization of CCS yield component traits through correlation and principal component analysis at first clonal stage in sugarcane pp. 193-195.


♥ Mahadevaiah C, G. Hemaprabha, A. Anna Durai, Adhini S. Pazhany and Mahadevaswamy. Evaluation of progenies derived from genetically diverse crosses based on Coefficient of Co ancestry revealed their association and nature of gene action for number of millable cane, cane thickness and Brix in sugarcane pp. 196-199.


♥ Alarmelu S, Adhini. S. Pazhany, E. Karpagam , K. Elayaraja and G. Hemaprabha. Evaluating the potential of sugarcane families by DTOPSIS pp. 199-201.


♥ Sheelamary S, L. Vidhya Nandhini and Braj Mohan Singh Baghel Effect of media and growth hormone on invitro rooting of sugarcane varieties (Saccharum officinarum.L) pp. 212-214.

Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Gene Discovery, Genetic Engineering And Nanotechnology

♥ Robert J. Henry, Agnelo Furtado, Nam V. Hoang, Patrick J. Mason, Annelie Marquardt, Lakshmi Kasirajan, P. Prathima, Thirugnanasambandam, Frederik C. Botha and Blake A. Simmons. Transcriptomics of the highly polyploid sugarcane genome and discovery of important traits… pp. Lead paper: 217-219.


♥ Selvi A, K. Devi, R. Manimekalai, R. Gomathi and P.T.Prathima Comparative analysis of drought responsive transcriptome of sugarcane genotypes with differential tolerance to drought pp. 229-231.


♥ Sobhakumari V.P. Unraveling the genome structure of Saccharum hybrids using molecular cytogenetic techniques, GISH and FISH pp. 231-233 


♥ Dharshini S, Naveenarani M, Ashwin Narayan J, Manoj VM, Appunu C Leaf transcriptome of cold tolerant Saccharum spontaneum reveals low temperature responsive genes prevents cell injury and photosynthetic inhibition pp. 234-236


♥ Prathima Perumal Thirugnanasambandam, S .Arun Meena, T.V. Suparna, Lakshmi Kasirajan and A. Selvi. Comparative transcriptome analysis of the progenitor species of sugarcane for sucrose and fibre genes pp. 238-240


♥ Ashwin Narayan J, V.M. Manoj, S. Dharshini, T.S. Sarath Padmanabhan, N. Subramonian, M.N. Premachandran and C. Appunu Isolation and in silico analysis of expansin genes and functional characterization of EXPA1 in sugarcane through genetic engineering pp. 247-248


♥ Valarmathi R, R. Parimalan and J.C.Rana. Comparative analysis of differentially expressed transcription factors, transporters among Saccharum spontaneum and Saccharum officinarum pp. 249-251.


♥ Manimekalai R, Jini Narayanan, M. Gokul, A. Selvi and R. Gomathi. Comparative analysis of miRNA in oxidative stress response in cultivated sugarcane and its wild species pp. 252-253


♥ Sivaji M, S. Dharshini, Ashwin Narayan, Gauri Nerkar, C. Appunu and Subramonian N. Expression of the recombinant human growth hormone (Somatotropin) in transgenic sugarcane for molecular farming pp. 253-254.


♥ Devi K, R. Gomathi, R. Manimekalai, P.T.Prathima and A. Selvi. Gene expression analysis in sugarcane genotypes during drought stress and rehydration pp. 256-257.


♥ Padmanabhan Sarath TS and G. Hemaprabha. Identification of two ABA dependent drought responsive genes (DHN 1 and HVA 22) with over expression in Co 740, a drought tolerant sugarcane cultivar pp. 258-259.


♥ Manoj V.M., J. Ashwin Narayan, S Dharshini, M Naveenarani and C Appunu* In silico characterization, homology modeling and evolutionary analysis of DJ-1/PfpI domain containing proteins from E. arundinaceus pp. 260-261.


♥ Dharshini S, Gauri Nerkar, N. Subramonian and Appunu. Towards standardizing sugarcane plastid transformation pp. 263-264


♥ Naveenarani M, M. Chakravarthi and C. Appunu CRISPR/Cas9 and targeted genome editing: a potential tool for sugarcane improvement pp. 264-266.


♥ Manimekalai R, Gayathri Suresh, Ruban Durairaj and A. Selvi. Identification of SNPs from sugarcane transcriptome under oxidative stress pp. 270-273.


♥ Lakshmi Kasirajan, Nam V. Hoang, Agnelo Furtado and Robert J. Henry Transcriptome characterization of lignin and cellulose genes of sugarcane genotypes contrasting for fiber content pp. 273-276.


♥ Jini Narayanan, R. Manimekalai, A. Selvi, K. Lakshmi and R. Gomathi. Development of NAC gene constructs for oxidative stress tolerance in sugarcane pp. 276-278.


♥ Manikantan M.R, T. Arumuganatha,n C. Indu Rani, R. Kasturi and N. Varadharaju Storage stability of sugarcane juice in high-density polyethylene based nanocomposite packaging films pp. 278-280

Recent Trends in Sugarcane Pest and Disease Management

♥ Viswanathan R. Changing scenario of sugarcane diseases since introduction of hybrid cane varieties: Path travelled for century Lead paper: .pp. 281-284.


♥ Ramesh Sundar A, N. M. R. Ashwin, K. Nalayeni, Leonard Barnabas, Palaniyandi Malathi and Rasappa Viswanathan. Application of proteomics-based approaches in deciphering sugarcane-pathogen interactions pp. 285-288.


♥ Malathi P, K. Kaverinathan, E. Elamathi, A. Ramesh Sundar and R. Viswanathan. Mining for molecular determinants governing pathogenicity in Colletotrichum falcatum causing red rot in sugarcane: A prelude to identify potential targets for fungicidal management pp. 288-290.


♥ Jayakumar V, A. Ramesh Sundar and R.Viswanathan. Biological control of sugarcane smut by novel endophytic Bacillus spp pp. 291-292.


♥ Srikanth J, K.P. Salin, M. Punithavalli, P. Mahesh and R. Jayanthi. Development of a field-release station and standardization of release protocol for dispensing cocoons of Cotesia flavipes against sugarcane internode borer pp. 299-300.


♥ Salin KP, J. Srikanth, B. Singaravelu, R. Jayanthi, and R. Nirmala. How does a parasitoid home in on to its multiple hosts? A case study with the braconid Cotesia flavipes Cameron in sugarcane pp. 301-303.


♥ Singaravelu, C. Appunu, G.S. Suresha, J. Srikanth, C. Sankaranarayanan, P. Mahesh, R. Nirmala , M. Rajeshkumar and M. Naveenarani. Discovery of the first cry1 holotype gene harbouring indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis isolate from India pp. 303-304


♥ Ramasubramanian T, T. Binisha, C. Yogambal, E. Madhu Sudhanan, T. Sonairajan and
Ramaraju. Cloning folmer region of mtCOI genes diagnostic for sugarcane woolly aphid, Ceratovacuna lanigera Zehntner and its important predators, Dipha aphidivora Meyrick and Micromus igorotus Banks pp. 305-307.


♥ Selvakumar R and R. Viswanathan. Influence of weather parameters on sugarcane brown rust development in peninsular India pp. 317-320


♥ Sanju Balan, R. Viswanathan and K. Anita Cherian. Leaf fleck caused by sugarcane bacilliform virus: An emerging disease in sugarcane pp. 326-329


♥ Nithya K, B. Parameswari and R. Viswanathan. Molecular characterizations of phytoplasma associated with sugarcane grassy shoot disease pp. 329-331


♥ Parameswari B, C. Chinnaraja, K. Bagyalakshmi, K. Lakshmi, M.L.Chhabra and R. Viswanathan. Genetic variability of suppressor genes of sugarcane yellow leaf virus and sugarcane streak mosaic virus from India and their genomics pp. 331-333.


♥ Nandakumar M., R. Viswanathan, P. Malathi and A. Ramesh Sundar. The role of microRNAs in Sugarcane x Colletotrichum falcatum interaction pp. 333-336


♥ Naveen Prasanth C, R. Viswanathan, P. Malathi and A. Ramesh Sundar. Revelation of gene families attributes to pathogenicity during sugarcane and Colletotrichum falcatum interaction using transcriptomics pp. 336-338.


♥ Viswanathan R, P. Malathi, K. Chandran and R. Gopi. Screening for red rot resistance in sugarcane germplasm pp. 339-341.


♥ Mahesh P, J. Srikanth, B. Singaravelu, K.P. Salin and K.Chandran. Occurrence and status of rice leaf folder Cnaphalocrocis ruralis (Walker)in Erianthus spp. pp. 356-357


♥ Punithavalli M. and A. Jebamalaimary. Identification of resistant Erianthus arundinaceous genotypes based on bionomics of sugarcane early shoot borer Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen) pp. 359-360.


♥ Sonai Rajan T, E. Madhu Sudhanan and T. Ramasubramanian. Molecular approaches in cane entomology: present status and future perspectives pp. 403-407,


♥ Sankaranarayanan C, K. P. Salin, K. Hari, B. Singaravelu and M. Rajeshkumar. Isolation of symbiotic bacteria Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus from entomopathogenic nematodes and their insecticidal activity against Galleria mellonella L. and white grub Holotrichia serrate pp. 407-409.


♥ Sankaranarayanan C, S. K. Pandey, B. Singaravelu and M. Rajeshkumar. Survey and isolation of entomopathogenic nematodes from subtropical sugarcane ecosytem and their efficacy against Galleria mellonella and white grub Holotrichia serrate pp. 409-410


♥ Balaji C.G. and R.Viswanathan. Sugarcane wilt: understanding pathogen variability, characterization and pathogenicity pp. 413-415.

Crop Management Technologies For Maximizing Productivity


♥ Palaniswami C, A. Bhaskaran, A. Vennila and K. Radhika Carbon stocks in sugarcane growing soil of Tamil Nadu pp. 445-447.


♥ Bhaskaran A, C. Palaniswami, A. Vennila and P. Rakkiyappan Yield response and juice quality of sugarcane as influenced by sources and levels of sulphur fertilization pp. 448-450


♥ Tayade A.S , a. Bhaskaran, Anusha, S. and Rajesh kumar Impact of integrated application of organic and inorganics in improving soil health and sugarcane productivity pp. 450-453       


♥ Hari K, R. Revathy, S. Karthik and G.S. Suresha Isolation and characterisation of pink pigmented facultative methylotrophic bacteria from sugarcane phyllosphere pp. 530-531.


♥ Hari K, M. Nimitha, D. Neelamathi and B. Hariharan Potential of root associated Actinobacteria in sugarcane pp. 531-532


♥ Geetha P, C.A. Chandrasekhar and Rajesh Kumar Light interception and cane yield of sugarcane as influenced by nitrogen and intercropping system pp. 532-534.


♥ Anusha S and R.P. Dubey Weed seed distribution in soil profile in sugarcane ratoon pp. 534-536.


♥ Vennila A, C. Palaniswami, A. Anna Durai, R. M. Shanthi and K. Radhika Evaluation of sugarcane genotypes for N, P, and K use efficiency in relation to cane yield pp. 536-538.


♥ Geetha P, A. S. Tayade, T. Selvan and Rajesh Kumar Profitability assessment of sugarcane based inter cropping system under wide row of planting pp. 538-541.


♥ Tayade A.S., P. Geetha, S. Anusha and Bakshi Ram Standardizing Agro-techniques for true seed seedling with special reference to intra-row spacing and planting depths pp. 542-543


♥ Arumuganathan T, A. Bhaskaran, P. Malathi, C. Palaniswami and S. Arun Pandiyan Drone based image capturing of iron chlorosis in sugarcane crop and image processing pp. 544-546

Mechanization Of Sugarcane Production System And Cane Machinery

♥ Govindaraj P. Energy canes for off season production of biomass feedstock for distillery and cogeneration units pp. 570-573.


♥ Murali P, K. Hari, D. Puthira Prathap and V. Venkatasubramanian. Policy mix for sustainable biofuel blending program in India pp. 574-576.


♥ Vasantha S, S. Venkataramana and K Hari. Prospects of commercial hybrids of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L) for biomass and bioenergy production potential pp. 576-577


♥ Hari K, G.S. Suresha, K. Sivaraman, C. Tamilselvi, B. Hariharan, C. Antony Leo, R. Lavanya, S. Ramalakshmi, P. Sivaraj and P. Murali. Freeze dried sugarcane juice —process development and product characterization pp. 579-580.


♥ Suresha G.S, G. Durga and K. Hari. Process optimization of methods for xylan extraction and characterization from sugarcane bagasse pp. 580-582.


♥ Senthilkumar T, S.J.K. Annamalai, Ravindra Naik, N. Rajendra Prasad and Bakshi Ram. Performance evaluation of two row tractor drawn mechanical planter for sugarcane bud chip settlings raised in portrays pp. 605.

Innovations In Knowledge Management, Digital Inclusion, Economic Impact Analysis & Doubling Farmers’ Income

♥ Rajula Shanthy T and R. Boobalan. Stubble cropping in sugarcane —A performance analysis pp. 631-633


♥ Murali P, D. Puthira Prathap, T. Rajula Shanthy and V. Venkatasubramanian. Economic impact of the variety Co 86032 in the sugarcane production system pp. 634-635


♥ Murali P, D. Puthira Prathap and V. Venkatasubramanian. An empirical analysis of sugar recovery improvement in Tamil Nadu state pp. 644-645


♥ Puthira Prathap D, P. Murali and V.Venkatasubramanian.  Assessing the content priorities of prospective CaneInfo website users pp. 645-646


♥ Rajula Shanthy T and S. Ramanjaneyalu. Transformation in sugarcane agriculture: From setts to settlings pp. 646-648


♥ Ravindra Naik, S.J.K. Annamalai, T. Senthilkumar, T. Arumuganathan and N. Rajendra Prasad.     Evaluation of mechanical model of   double headed sugarcane single bud cutting equipment pp. 617-619.

Climate Change and Climate Resilient Technologies

♥ Vasantha S, R. Gomathi and R. Arunkumar. Cross tolerance traits exhibited by advanced varietal clones for salinity and drought pp. 651.


♥  Neeraj Kulshreshtha, Ravinderkumar, M.R. Meena, Vishal Goel and Vijay Kumar. Management of salt stress in sugarcane through genetic improvement pp 653-654


♥  Gomathi R and S. Kohila. Comparative physiological and metabolic studies of Co-canes and species clones to elevated temperature pp. 654-656.


♥  Pooja, Neeraj Kulshreshtha and Ravinderkumar. Use of physiological parameters as efficient tools to screen drought tolerance in sugarcane cultivars pp. 659-660.


♥  MahadevaSwamy H.K, P. Govindaraj and T Lakshmi Pathy. Assessing the drought tolerance potential of ISH and IGH clones using various drought indices pp. 660-662.


♥  Gokul M, S. Vasantha, K.P. Mrudhula, K. Mohna raj, G. Hemaprabha, A.Selvi, Jini Narayanan and R. Manimekalai. Physiological and biochemical analysis of drought tolerance among segregating biparental cross population differing in stress tolerance pp. 662-663.


♥  Arunkumar R, K. Chandran, V. Krishna Priya, M. Nisha, R Gomathi, P.P. Gireesan and Rajesh Kumar. Responses of sugarcane genotypes to waterlogging stress under changing climate pp. 663-664.


♥  Vasantha S, A.S. Tayade, R .Arunkumar and S. Anusha. Response of sugarcane commercial hybrids to limited water situations at physiological and metabolic levels pp. 664-66.


♥  Arunkumar R, S. Vasantha, A.S Tayade, and S. Anusha. Adaptive responses of sugarcane genotypes to water limited condition pp. 666-667


♥  Gomathi R, S. Vasantha, S. Kohila and K. Lakshmi. Sucrose synthesis and accumulation in sugarcane in response to elevated temperature pp. 667-668


♥  Devi K, R. Gomathi, R. Manimekalai, P.T. Prathima and A. Selvi. Physiological and biochemical responses in sugarcane varieties under drought stress and rehydration pp. 668-670.


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♥ Rajula Shanthy T and R. Boobalan. Stubble cropping in sugarcane —A performance analysis pp. 631-633


♥ Murali P, D. Puthira Prathap, T. Rajula Shanthy and V. Venkatasubramanian. Economic impact of the variety Co 86032 in the sugarcane production system pp. 634-635


♥ Murali P, D. Puthira Prathap and V. Venkatasubramanian. An empirical analysis of sugar recovery improvement in Tamil Nadu state pp. 644-645


♥ Puthira Prathap D, P. Murali and V.Venkatasubramanian.  Assessing the content priorities of prospective CaneInfo website users pp. 645-646


♥ Rajula Shanthy T and S. Ramanjaneyalu. Transformation in sugarcane agriculture: From setts to settlings pp. 646-648


♥ Ravindra Naik, S.J.K. Annamalai, T. Senthilkumar, T. Arumuganathan and N. Rajendra Prasad.     Evaluation of mechanical model of   double headed sugarcane single bud cutting equipment pp. 617-619.

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