Publication Details -2020

Research Papers

♥ Aiswarya, , R. K. Raja, C. Kamaraj, G. Balasubramani, P. Deepak, D. Arul, V. Amutha, C. Sankaranarayanan, S. Hazir, and P. Perumal. 2019. Biosynthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles from the symbiotic bacterium, Photorhabdus luminescens of entomopathogenic nematode: larvicidal properties against three mosquitoes and Galleria mellonella Larvae. Journal of Cluster Science 30(4): 1051–1063.


♥ Alarmelu S., Adhini. S. Pazhany and C. Jayabose. Genetic improvement and development of genetic stocks in sugarcane through backcross 2018. Journal of Sugarcane Research 8 (1) : 36 – 42.


♥ S, R. Nagarajan, R.M. Shanthi, S. Damodharan, G.Hemaprabha, A. Anna Durai, Mahadevaiah and Bakshi Ram. 2019. Co 10026 (Upahar): New early maturing variety released for cultivation in Peninsular Zone. Journal of Sugarcane Research 9 (1): 94 – 96.


♥ Amaresan, N., V. Jayakumar, N. Krishna Kumar, Thajuddin. 2019. Biocontrol and plant growth-promoting ability of plant-associated bacteria from tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) under field condition. Microbial Pathogenesis


♥ Anandakumar, L., K. Bagyalakshmi, T. Raja Muthuramalingam, K. Nithya, B. Parameswari and R. Viswanathan. 2020. Reverse Transcription Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification based rapid detection of Sugarcane mosaic virus and Sugarcane streak mosaic virus associated with mosaic disease of Indian Phytopathology 73: 349-358.


♥ Anna Durai, G. Hemaprabha, V. Raffee Viola, T.S. Sarath Padmanaban and K. Lakshmi (2019) Studies on economic traits in successive senerations of selfing in sugarcane (Saccharum ) Journal of sugarcane research 9(2): 119-124


♥ Arun Kumar, R Vasantha, A. Tayade, P. Arun Kumar, Anusha, Ponnaiyan, P. Geetha and Hemaprabha, G..(2020). Physiological efficiency of sugarcane clones under water limited conditions. Transactions of the ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers). 63. 133-140.


♥ Bagyalakshmi, and R. Viswanathan. 2020. Identification of the RNA Silencing Suppressor Activity of Sugarcane streak mosaic virus P1 gene. Virus Disease 31(3):333– 340.


♥ Bagyalakshmi, , B. Parameswari, R. Viswanathan. 2019. Phylogenetic analysis and signature of recombination hotspots in Sugarcane mosaic virus infecting sugarcane in India. Phytoparasitica 47:275–291.


♥ Bagyalakshmi, K., R. Viswanathan, V. Ravichandran. 2019. Impact of the viruses associated with mosaic and yellow leaf disease on varietal degeneration in sugarcane. Phytoparasitica 47: 591–604.


♥ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 2020. The sugarcane variety Co 0238 – a reward to farmers and elixir to India’s sugar sector. Current Science, 118 (11):1643-1646.


♥ Bakshi Ram, Karuppaiyan, M.R. Meena, Ravinder Kumar, Neeraj Kulshreshtha, Hemaprabha, M. L. Chhabra, B. Parameswari, S.K. Pandey. 2019. Co 12029 (KARAN 13): A new Midlate sugarcane variety released for commercial cultivation in North West Zone of India. Journal of Sugarcane Research 9(2):196-198.


♥ Brinda C., S.Vasantha, Arun Kumar and AS Tayade. 2020. Characterization of the salt overly sensitive pathway genes in sugarcane under salinity stress. Physiol. Plantaurum (special issue article, Oct,2020).DOI/10.1111/ppl.13245.


♥ C., S. Vasantha and R. Arun Kuma. 2019. The response of sugarcane genotypes subjected to salinity stress at different growth phases. Journal of Plant Stress Physiology 5: 28-33


♥ Chandran , A.K. Shibina, M. Nisha, Maya Lekshmi and R. Arunkumar. 2019. SSR Genotyping of germplasm collections of Saccharum edule Hassk. Journal of Sugarcane Research 2018 8(2): 103 – 113.


♥ Chandran , M. Nisha, P. P. Gireesan. 2019. Characterization of Progenies from Polycrosses of S .robustum Clones f.sanguineum. Sugar Tech 22(3): 379–388.


♥ Chandran K., R. Gomathi, M. Nisha and R. Arunkumar. 2019. Breeding for waterlogging tolerance in sugarcane Journal of Sugarcane Research 9(1) : 29 – 44.


♥ Dharshini S, Nam Hoang, C. Mahadevaiah, T.S. Sarath Padmanabhan, G. Alagarasan, G.S. Suresha, Ravinder Kumar, Minturam Meena, Bakshi Ram, C. Appunu. 2020. Root transcriptome analysis of Saccharum spontaneum uncovers key genes and pathways in response to low-temperature stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 171: 103-935.


♥ Dharshini S., V. M. Manoj, G.S. Suresha, J. Ashwin Narayan, T.S. Sarath Padmanabhan, Ravinder Kumar, Mintu Ram Meena, M. Manickavasagam, Bakshi Ram, C. Appunu. 2020. Isolation and characterization of nuclear localized abiotic stress responsive cold regulated gene 413 (SsCor413) from Saccharum spontaneum. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter (online).


♥ Elamathi, E., P. Malathi, R. Viswanathan, and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2019. Identification and characterization of differentially expressed proteins from Trichoderma harzianum during interaction with Colletotrichum falcatum causing red rot in sugarcane. Sugar Tech 21: 765


♥ Ganesh Kumar V., R. Viswanathan, P. Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar, C. N. Prasanth, M. 2020. Identification of differential expressed proteins and establishing a defense proteome of sugarcane in response to Colletotrichum falcatum infection. Journal of Plant Pathology.


♥ Garcés, , R. Viswanathan, N. Thompson, J.-H. Daugrois and S. Rutherford. 2019. Challenges and advances in sugarcane pathology – keys to resolve emerging issues and to formulate innovative disease management strategies: the 2018 ISSCT Pathology Workshop. Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 30 : 1777–1783.


♥ Gayathri S, Arockiyajainmary, R. Shalini, M. Ram Vannish, A. Selvi and R. Manimekalai. 2019. Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) in the transcriptome of sugarcane variety co 86032 exposed to oxidative stress. Journal of Sugarcane Research. 9 (1): 71 – 85.


♥ P., A. S. Tayade, R. Arunkumar and Rajesh Kumar. 2019. Light interception in sugarcane based intercropping system. Journal of Agro meteorology 21(2): 2019.


♥ Gomathi R, Krishnapriya, R. Arun kumar, P. Govindaraj and Bakshi Ram.2020. Physiological Traits Imparting Drought Stress Tolerance to Promising Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) Clones. Plant Physiology Report.25:509-515.


♥ Gomathi R, K Shanmugam, L Kasirajan. 2020. High-throughput sequencing reveals genes associated with high-temperature stress tolerance in 3 Biotech 10, 1-13.


♥ Govindaraj P., 2020. SBIEC 14006 – A high biomass energycane for power, alcohol and paper Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(1): 100-106.


♥ Hemaprabha G, Anna Durai, M. N. Premachandran, C. Appunu, R.M. Shanthi, S. Alarmelu, P. Govindaraj and Bakshi Ram. 2019. Co 11015 (Atulya) : A Recently Notified Sugarcane Variety for Tamil Nadu. Journal of sugarcane research 9(2): 193-195.


♥ Hemaprabha G., K. Mohanraj, S. Alarmelu and Bakshi Ram. Assessment of breeding methods and parental value of Co canes developed during 1918 to 2017. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10 (1): 24-31.


♥ Jayakumar, V., A. Ramesh Sundar and R. Viswanathan. 2019. Biological suppression of sugarcane smut with endophytic bacteria. Sugar Tech 21: 653–660.


♥ E. and Alarmelu S. 2019. Character association and path analysis for cane yield and its components in interspecific hybrids of Saccharum spp. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 10 (1) : 30-38.


♥ Karuppaiyan, R., N.V. Nair, B. Ram, K. Mohanraj, A. Anna Durai and Amudha, P. 2020. Evaluation of intra-specific hybrids of Saccharum robustum for yield, quality and yellow leaf disease Indian Journal of Sugarcane Technology 35(1):16-20.


♥ Lakshmi Kasirajan, , S. Charles and Aruchamy, K. 2019. Cloning and Expression Analysis of 4-Coumarate CoA Ligase (4CL) Gene in Sugarcane Clones Varying in Lignin Content. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. 89: 155–160.


♥ Lakshmi Kasirajan, R Valiyaparambth, A Kubandiran, J Velu. 2020. Isolation, cloning and expression analysis of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) involved in phenylpropanoid pathway of Erianthus arundinaceus, a wild relative of 3 Biotech 10 (1)


♥ Lakshmi Kasirajan, R Valiyaparambth, J Velu, H Hari, V Srinivasavedantham et al., 2020. Gene expression studies of Saccharum spontaneum, a wild relative of sugarcane in response to salinity Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry (online).


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, B. Mahendran, K. Chandran, B. Singaravelu and K.P. Salin. 2020. Scale insect Melanaspis glomerata (Green) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) in world collection of Saccharum spontaneum International Journal of Tropical Insect Science.


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, K. Chandran and B. Singaravelu. 2018. Resistance of Saccharum against Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in India. Experimental Agriculture 54(1) : 83-95.


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, K. Chandran, B. Singaravelu, K. P. Salin, C. Jayabose and S. Balan. Occurrence, damage pattern and status of the rice leaf folder Cnaphalocrocis ruralis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Erianthus spp. In India. Experimental Agriculture, 55 (3) : 471-483.


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, K.P. Salin, B. Singaravelu, K. Chandran, B. Mahendran. 2019. Phenology of sugarcane leaf hopper Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) (Homoptera: Lophopidae) and its natural enemies in a crop island Crop Protection 120 :151-162.


♥ Malathi P, Kaverinathan, M. Scindiya E. Elamathi, A. Ramesh Sundar and R. Viswanathan. 2019. Colletotrichum falcatum causing red rot in sugarcane: genomic and proteomic approaches to characterize the pathogenic variation. Journal of Sugarcane Research 9 (2): 164 –175.


♥ Manimekalai R., S. Gayathri, G. Hemaprabha and A. Selvi, M. Kandalam. 2020. Role of NGS and SNP Genotyping methods in Sugarcane improvement Critical reviews in Biotechnology.


♥ Manoj Vadakkenchery Mohanan, Anunanthini Pushpanathan, Sarath Padmanabhan Thelakat Sasikumar, Dharshini Selvarajan, Ashwin Narayan Jayanarayanan, Arun Kumar R, Sathishkumar Ramalingam, Sathyamoorthy Nagaranai Karuppasamy, Ramanathan Subbiah, Bakshi Ram, Appunu 2020. Ectopic expression of DJ‑1/PfpI domain containing Erianthus arundinaceus Glyoxalase III (EaGly III) enhances drought tolerance in sugarcane. Plant Cell Reports 39(11): 1581-1594.


♥ Meena R., Ravinder Kumar, C. Appunu, R. Karuppaiyan, Neeraj Kulshreshtha and Bakshi Ram. 2020. Current breeding and genomic approaches to enhance the cane and sugar productivity under abiotic stress conditions Biotech 3.


♥ Mohanraj, , P.J. Oshin and Suganya, A. 2019. Evaluation of Erianthus procerus Introgressed Sugarcane Clones for Water Deficit Stress and Red Rot Resistance. International Journal on Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 8 (09): 590-598.


♥ Murali P., R. Revathi, S. Balamurali and A. S. Tayade. 2020. Integration of RNN with GARCH refined by whale optimization algorithm for yield forecasting: a hybrid machine learning Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. DOI 10.1007/s12355-018-0677-0.


♥ Nandakumar, M., P. Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar and R. Viswanathan. 2019. Use of green fluorescent protein expressing Colletotrichum falcatum for precise host-pathogen interaction studies in Sugar Tech DOI: 10.1007/s12355-019-00751-8


♥ Neeraj Kulshreshtha, Rajesh Kumar, M.R. Meena, Ravinder Kumar, Vishal Goel, B.N. Manjhi, Vijay Kumar and Bakshi Ram. 2019. Sugarcane breeding for salt affected soils of subtropical India. Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika 34 (1):46-49.


♥ Nisha M., K. Chandran, D. Manjunatha, R. Viswanathan and P.P. Gireesan. 2019. Genetic variability for agro morphological traits among the interspecific hybrids of Saccharum. Journal of Sugarcane Research 9 (1): 55 – 63.


♥ Pandey K. and M. L. Chhabra. 2019. New Emerging Insect-Pests of Sugarcane in Northern India. Ganna Parkash (4) : 59-64.


♥ Pooja, A.S. Nandwal, M. Chand, A. Kumari, B. Rani, V. Goel and N. Kulshreshtha. 2020. Soil moisture deficit induced changes in antioxidative defense mechanism of four sugarcane varieties differing in their Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90(3): 55–60.


♥ Pooja, A.S. Nandwal, M. Chand, K. Singh, A. K. Mishra, A. Kumar, A. Kumari and Rani. 2019. Varietal variation in physiological and biochemical attributes of sugarcane varieties under different soil moisture regimes. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 57 (10): 721 -732.


♥ Prasanth N., R. Viswanathan, P. Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar. 2019. Comparative transcriptome analysis of candidate secretory effector proteins from Colletotrichum falcatum infecting sugarcane. Agri Gene 13, 2019.


♥ Punithavalli, M. and Salin, K.P. 2019. Biological effects of Trypsin inhibitor (TI) on the sugarcane shoot borer, Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen). Journal of Entomological Research 43 (1): 1-7.


♥ Rajula Shanthy T., L. Gunasridharan. 2019 Socio-economical profile and constraints in adoption of sugarcane technologies by cane growers in Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu. Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 19 (2&3) : 77-82.


♥ Rajula Shanthy , Lalita Pradip Kocharekar, L. Saravanan. 2019. Pest management behaviour of sugarcane growers of Kolhapur district, Maharashtra: A socio economic analysis. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology 8 (6): 1161–1172.


♥ Rajula Shanthy T., M. Chinnapillai, L. Saravanan. 2019. Integrated pest management in sugarcane – A socio economic analysis. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology 8(4):834-839.


♥ Rajula Shanthy T., S. Alarmelu, C. Jayabose, P. Malathi, Bakshi Ram. 2019. Cane Adviser: A mobile based app for transfer of technology in sugarcane. Journal of Sugarcane Research 9(2):187-192.


♥ Revathy, R, Murali, V. Venkatasubramanian, D. Puthira Prathap and S. Balamurali, 2020. An Appraisal of Indian Jaggery and Confectionery Exports in the Global Market: Markov Chain Model Approach. Sugartech.


♥ Salin, P., J. Srikanth, B. Singaravelu and R. Nirmala. 2020. Induced resistance and differential allocation of herbivore defensive chemicals: A case study with internode borer Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur) in sugarcane. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10 (1): 63-73.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, and Hari, K. 2020. Integration of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal and nematode antagonistic fungi for the biocontrol of root lesion nematode Pratylenchus zeae Graham, 1951 on Sugarcane. Sugar Tech.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, , B. Singaravelu and M. Rajeshkumar. 2019. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN): Diversity in Indian tropical sugarcane ecosystem and its biocontrol potential against white grub Holotrichia serrata F. on sugarcane. Sugar Tech 21: 371-382.


♥ Sathish , V. Vasudevan, J. Theboral, D. Elayaraja, C. Appunu, R. Siva, M. Manickavasagam. 2020. Exogenous polyamines enhance somatic embryogenesis and Agrobacterium tumefaciens– mediated transformation efficiency in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid). In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant 56: 29-40.


♥ Scindiya, M., P. Malathi, K. Kaverinathan, A. Ramesh Sundar and R. Viswanathan. 2019. RNA-mediated silencing of PKS1 gene in Colletotrichum falcatum causing red rot in sugarcane. European Journal of Plant Pathology 153: 371–384.


♥ Selvakumar R. and R. Viswanathan. 2019. Sugarcane rust: changing disease dynamics and its Journal of Sugarcane Research 9 (2): 97-118.


♥ Selvi A, K Devi, R Manimekalai, T. Prathima. Comparative analysis of drought- responsive transcriptomes of sugarcane genotypes with differential tolerance to drought. 3 Biotech 10 (6), 236-236.


♥ Sri Sailaja Nori, Gomathi and K. Ramachandiran. 2019. Influence of Seaweed bioformulations on improving yield of plant and ratoon crop of sugarcane. Agrica. 8(1): 57- 66.


♥ Srikanth, J. 2019. Glimpses of research on biocontrol of sugarcane pests in India: Retrospect and Journal of Sugarcane Research 9 (1):1-28.


♥ Srikanth, , N. Geetha, B. Singaravelu, T. Ramasubramanian, P. Mahesh, L. Saravanan,K.P. Salin, N. Chitra and M. Muthukumar. 2018. First report of occurrence of fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda in sugarcane from Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Sugarcane Research 8 (2): 195-202.


♥ Srikanth, J., N. Geetha, P. Mahesh, L. Saravanan, B. Singaravelu and K.P. Salin. 2019. Status of fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) in sugarcane in Tamil Nadu State, India, a year after its first Journal of Sugarcane Research 9 (2):176-183.


♥ J., K. P. Salin, M. Punithavalli., P. Mahesh., R. Jayanthi and K. Subadra Bai. 2020. A field-release device and protocol for dispensing cocoons of Cotesia flavipes against sugarcane borers. Phytoparasitica.


♥ Swathik Clarancia , M. Naveenarani, R. Valarmathi, G.S. Suresha, G. Hemaprabha, Bakshi Ram, C. Appunu. 2020. Isolation, characterization and expression analysis of novel water deficit stress responsive DEEP ROOTING (DRO1) gene from Erianthus arundinaceus. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(1): 001-011.


♥ Swathik Clarancia , M. Naveenarani, V.M. Manoj, T. S. Sarath Padmanabhan, S. Dharshini, J. Ashwin Narayan, G.S. Suresha, C. Mahadevaiah, R. Valarmathi, Hemaprabha, Bakshi Ram, C. Appunu. 2020. Isolation, characterization and expression analysis of stress responsive plant nuclear transcriptional factor subunit (NF-YB2) from Commercial Saccharum hybrid and wild relative Erianthus arundinaceus 3 Biotech 10 (7):1- 14.


♥ Tayade, S., P. Geetha, S. Anusha, R. Dhanapal and K. Hari (2019). Bio-intensive modulation of sugarcane ratoon rhizosphere for enhanced soil health and sugarcane productivity under tropical Indian condition. Sugartech 21(2): 278-288.


♥ Tayade, S., S. Anusha, A. Bhaskaran and P. Govindaraj. 2018. Response of elite sugarcane varieties/genotypes to higher nitrogen levels under tropical Indian conditions. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 7 (5): 3377-3387.


♥ Vasantha, S. Venkataramana and. R. Arun kumar. 2019. Sucrose synthesis and accumulation in contrasting commercial hybrids of sugarcane. Journal of Sugarcane Research (2019) 9 (1): 45 – 54.


♥ Vasantha, S., S. Venkataramana, K. Hari and R. Arunkumar. 2018. Prospects of commercial hybrids of sugarcane (Saccharum ) For biomass and bioenergy production potential, Journal of Sugarcane Research 7 (2): 71 – 82.


♥ Vasantha , R. Arun Kumar., Rajesh kumar, Braj Mohan, R. Gomathi 2020. Jaggery quality of sugarcane grown under salinity. Khethi.November issue, p 44-46.


♥ Vishal Goyal, M.R. Meena and Sukhdev Kumar. 2019. Effect of vinasse (spentwash) on quality of soil and sugarcane – A review. Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika.Vol 34 (1):38-41.


♥ Viswanathan R. 2020. Fusarium diseases affecting sugarcane production in India. Indian Phytopathology 73:415–424.


♥ Viswanathan R., C. G. Balaji, R. Selvakumar, P. Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar, A. Annadurai, Adhini S. Pazhany, K. Manivannan and R. Nithyanantham. 2019. Identification of sources of resistance to wilt caused by Fusarium sacchari in Indian sugarcane parental population. International Sugar Journal 121 (1451): 838-846.


♥ Viswanathan R., P. Padmanaban and R. Selvakumar. 2020. Emergence of new pathogenic variants in Colletotrichum falcatum, stalk infecting ascomycete in sugarcane: role of host Sugar Tech 22 (3) : 473–484.


♥ Viswanathan R., R. Karuppaiah, K., Bagyalakshmi, Sanju Balan and K. Kaverinathan. 2019. Emergence of leaf fleck caused by Sugarcane bacilliform virus in sugarcane as a serious disease under field conditions in India. International Sugar Journal 121: 146-153.


♥ Viswanathan R., R. Selvakumar, K. Manivannan, R. Nithyanandam and K. Kaverinathan. Pathogenic behaviour of soil borne inoculum of Colletotrichum falcatum in causing red rot in sugarcane varieties with varying disease resistance. Sugar Tech 22 (3) : 485–497.


♥ Viswanathan, R. and P. Malathi. 2019. Biocontrol strategies to manage fungal diseases in Sugar Tech 21(2) : 202–212.


♥ Murali, P., C. Karpagam, D. Puthira Prathap, T. Rajula Shanthy, D. Rajesh Kumar and Braj Mohan Baghel. 2019. Impact of sugarcane variety Co 86032 on sugar recovery in Tamil Nadu (in Hindi).


♥ Murali P., D. Puthira Prathap, V. Venkatasubrmanian and Bakshi Ram. 2019. Economic impact of the Variety Co 86032 on Cane Production and Sugar Recovery in Tamil Nadu and tropical zone of Published in Souvenir & Conference Book. ISBN 978-81-943359-1-7.


♥ Puthira Prathap 2019. Getting Extension Research Published in Open Access Journals : is it worth your while?. Lead Paper published in Prathap, D.P et al. (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. Mysuru: ICAR-ATARI, EES and ICAR-JSS KVK.


♥ Prathima P T, Patrick J Mason, Adhini S Pazhany, Senthil Kumar Shanmugavel, Nam V Hoang, Robert J Henry. 2019. Transcriptome of Sugarcane, a Highly Complex Polyploid. Reference Module in Food Sciences, Elsevier.


♥ Ram and R. Karuppaiyan. 2019. Current Status of sugarcane agriculture and sugar industry. In: Recent Advances in Sugarcane Cultivation for Increased Productivity (eds. T. Rajula Shanthy and Bakshi Ram). ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. Extension Publication No 280 (2019). pp 1-14.


♥ Ramasubramanian T., M. Senthil Kumar and D. Puthira Prathap. 2020. Is Value Chain a ‘reality’ or ‘misnomer’ in Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs)? Facts from Field in Tamil In Gowda, M.J.C et al (Eds.) Agricultural Extension for sustainable development. Mysuru: Samvahana Publishers. pp 184-197.


♥ Ravinder Kumar, Bakshi Ram, R. Karuppaiyan, Mintu Ram Meena, Neeraj Kulshreshtha, G. Hemaprabha, M. L. Chhabra, B. Parameswari, S.K. Pandey. 2019. Co 12029 (Karan 13): A new high yielding mid-late sugarcane variety for North West SBI News 2019 (2):1-3.


♥ Ravinder Kumar, Neeraj Kulshreshtha, M. R, Meena, B. Parameswari, M. L. Chhabra, S. K. Pandey, Rajesh Kumar and Vishal Goel. 2019. Prshikshan Pustika: Ganna Kisano Ki Aaye Bdhane Haitoo Vaigyanik September 23.27, 2019, ICAR-SBIRC, Karnal, p103.


♥ Sarita Devi, Ashwani Kumar, SS Arya, Anita Kumari, Neeraj Kumar, G Chand, Anita Mann, V Goyal and 2019. Economic utilization and potential of Halophytes. In: Ecophysiology, Abiotic Stress Responses and Utilization of Halophytes (Eds M. – Hasanuzzaman, Nahar K. and Öztürk M.). ISBN 978-981-13-3762-8 (eBook); pg. 195-220.


♥ Tayade A. S., P. Geetha and S. Anusha. 2019. Cane Agronomy. In: Recent advances in sugarcane ICAR- Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. Pp.237- 245.


♥ A.S. and P. Geetha. 2019. Cane Agronomy and ratoon management, In: Recent advances in sugarcane cultivation for increased productivity. T. Rajula Shanthy and Bakshi Ram (Eds), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore.


♥ Viswanathan R. 2019. Fusarium diseases in sugarcane. In: Wilt Diseases of Crops Edr Ashok Bhattacharyya, N. Chakraborty, R. N. Pandey, Dinesh Singh, S.C. Dubey, Indian Phytopathological Society & Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, pp 493-517.


♥ Yogender Kumar, Vikram Singh, Samita and Ravinder Kumar. 2020. Maintenance breeding and varietal notification system in India In: Seed Science and Technology (Eds Axay Bhuker, AK Chhabra and Vijay Pal Singh). Kalyani Publishers Pp 46-70.


♥ Chhabra M.L., B. Parameswari and Praveen Kumar. 2019. Ganna Fasal Ka Prabhavit Karne Vali Pramukh Bimariya Avam Unka (Eds. Ravinder Kumar, Neeraj Kulshreshtha,


♥ R, Meena, B. Parameswari, M. L. Chhabra, S. K. Pandey, Rajesh Kumar and Vishal Goel. 24 September 2019. ICAR-SBIRC, Karnal, pp 45-48.


♥ Chhabra M.L., B. Parmeswari and Praveen Kumar. 2019. उत्तर प्रदेश में गन्ने के प्रमुख रोग एवं प्रबंधन. In: Training Manual: कृ षक आये बढ़ाने हेतू गन्ना खेती की वैज्ञाननक पद्धनत. eds) Neeraj Kulshreshtha, S. K. Pandey, M. L. Chhabra, Ravinder Kumar, M. R. Meena and Rajesh Kumar. January 17-22, 2019. ICAR-SBIRC, Karnal, 37-41pp.


♥ Govindaraj P and H. K. Mahadeva Swamy. 2020. Collection and characterization of new sugarcane wild germplasm in Western SBI News 39 (4): 1-4.


♥ Hari, K., D. Puthira Prathap, P. Murali, A. Ramesh Sundar and B. Singaravelu. 2018. Soil moisture indicator in sugarcane Pamphlet No. SMI/18/Ta/01, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore.

♥ Kumar, , B. Ram, R. Karuppaiyan, M. R. Meena, N. Kulshreshtha, G. Hemaprabha, Chhabra, B. Parameswari and Pandey. 2019. Co 12029 (Karan 13): A new high yielding mid- late sugarcane variety for North West Zone. SBI News 39(2): 1-3.


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth and D. Puthira Prathap. 2020. Karumbu vayalgalil kaatuppandri melaanmai – Wild boar management in sugarcane fields (Tamil), Uzhavarin Valarum Velanmai (TNAU), 11 (7), 48-51.


♥ Mahesh, , D.P Prathap and R. Nirmala. 2019. Karumbu payiril eli sartha uyirinangal yerpaduthum sedhsngalum avatrai kattupaduthum muraigalum (Tamil), Valarum Velanmai 10(7):19-25.


♥ Meena M.R., Ravinder Kumar, R. Karuppaiyan, Bakshi Ram and Neeraj Kulshreshtha. 2019. Biomass production potential of Inter-specific (ISH) and Inter-generic hybrids (IGH) of International Conference Sugarcon-2019 Feb., 16-19 : pp 93-94.


♥ Neeraj Kulshreshtha, Ravinder Kumar, M R Meena, Vijay Kumar, Rajesh Kumar and B. N. 2019. Ganna prajati vikash ki prakriya evm sasthan dwara viksit mukhya ganna prajatiya. In: ICAR-SBIRC Training manual “Ganna kisano ki aay badhane hetu vaigyanik taknike” held during 23-27 Sept. 2019 pp 14-16.


♥ Neeraj Kulshreshtha, S. K. Pandey, M. L. Chhabra, Ravinder Kumar, M. R, Meena and Rajesh Kumar In: Krishak Aaye Bdhane Haitoo Ganna Khaiti ki Vaigyanik Padtiyan. January 17-22, ICAR-SBI RC, Karnal p 67.


♥ Nisha , K. Chandran, R Gopi and B Mahendran. 2019.”Karimbu Krishi- Vila pariplalanam” (കരിമ്പ്കൃഷി – വിളപരിപാലനം) Malayalam Folder. Published by Dr.Bakshiram Edt. T. Rajula Shanthi Ext pub No.289 (2019)


♥ Pandey S. K., 2020. Ganna fasal me keet prabandhan. Prshikshan Pustika: Smart Ganna February 10-15, 2020, ICAR-SBI RC, Karnal, p36-43.


♥ Pandey K. 2020. Ganna prajanan sansthan kshtriye Kendra, Karnal ek Parichaye. Prshikshan Pustika: Smart Ganna Kheti. February 10-15, 2020, ICAR-SBIRC, Karnal, p 01


♥ Pandey S.K. and Praveen Kumar. 2019. Ganna fasal ko nuksan pahuchane wale pramukh keet avm unka samekit prabandhan. In: ICAR-SBIRC Training manual “Ganna kisano ki aay badhane hetu vaigyanik taknike” held during 23-27 sept. 2019 pp 37-44.


♥ Pandey S.K. 2019. Ganna fasal ko nuksan pahuchane wale pramukh keet evam samekit Prshikshan Pustika: Ganna Kisano Ki Aaye Bdhane Haitoo Vaigyanik Taknikain. September, 2019. ICAR-SBI RC, Karnal p 103.


♥ Parameswari , M. L. Chhabra and Praveen Kumar. 2019. Sett Upchar Yantr evom Vishanoo Janit Rogon ka Prabandhan. In: ICAR-SBIRC Training manual “Ganna kisano ki aay badhane hetu vaigyanik taknike” held during 23-27 sept. 2019 pp 73-76.


♥ Pooja, Neeraj Kulshreshatha, Vishal Goel and M.R. Meena. 2019. Ganne ki kheti mai padap hormone / phytohormones ki Ganna Parkash: 49-51.


♥ Rajendra Prasad N, Rajula Shanthy 2020. Pamphlet on Sugarcane bud chip settling production. ICAR-SBI Extension Publication No. 293.


♥ Rajula Shanthy 2019. Ganna Salahkar- a mobile application software for transfer of technology in sugarcane (In Hindi). Ganna Prakash. ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. 4(4) : 75-76.


♥ Rajula Shanthy T. 2019. ICT based transfer of technology in sugarcane’ (In Hindi). Ganna ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. 4(4):85-93.


♥ Rajula Shanthy 2019. Land preparation and planting methods in sugarcane (Tamil). Valarum Vivasaya Tamilagam 14(4):20-21.


♥ Rajula Shanthy 2019. Success story of a sugarcane entrepreneur. SBI News 39 (3) : 3.


♥ Rajula Shanthy T (Ed.). Organic farming in sugarcane. ICAR-SBI Extension Publication No. 252 2019.


♥ Rajula Shanthy , (Ed.). 2019. Package of practices for sugarcane cultivation (Malayalam). ICAR-SBI Extension Publication No. 289 2019.


♥ Rajula Shanthy Abiotic stress management in sugarcane (Tamil). ICAR-SBI Extension Publication No. 284 2019.


♥ Rajula Shanthy T Bud chip planting in sugarcane (Tamil). ICAR-SBI Extension Publication 287 2019.


♥ Rajula Shanthy T Cane Adviser- mobile app on sugarcane (Tamil). ICAR-SBI Extension Publication 285 2019.


♥ Rajula Shanthy T Method of vermicomposting (Tamil). ICAR-SBI Extension Publication No. 282


♥ Rajula Shanthy T New sugarcane varieties (Tamil). ICAR-SBI Extension Publication No. 288


♥ Rajula Shanthy T Package of practices for sugarcane cultivation (Tamil). ICAR-SBI Extension Publication No. 286


♥ Rajula Shanthy Whitegrub management in sugarcane (Tamil). ICAR-SBI Extension Publication No. 283 2019.


♥ Rajula Shanthy T., S. Alarmelu, C. Jayabose, P. Malathi, Bakshi Ram. 2020. Pamphlet on Cane Adviser: A digital compendium on sugarcane. ICAR-SBI Extension Publication No. 292


♥ Rajula Shanthy T., C. Jayabose, C. Sankaranarayanan, B. Malakappa, R. Kannaiyan. 2019. Reaching the unreached through interventions in tribal villages by ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding ICAR-SBI News 38(4):3-6.


♥ Rajula Shanthy , S. Saravanakumar, N. Nallasami. 2019. Frontline demonstrations on sugarcane. ICAR-SBI News 39 (2) : 5.


♥ Ravinder Kumar, Bakshi Ram, R. Karuppaiyan, Mintu Ram Meena, Neeraj Kulshreshtha, G. Hemaprabha, M.L. Chhabra, B. Parameswari, S.K. Pandey. 2019. Co 12029 (Karan 13): A new high yielding mid-late sugarcane variety for North West Zone. SBI News 2019 (2):1-3.


♥ Ravinder Kumar, M. Meena, Neeraj Kulshreshtha, R. Karuppaiyan and Bakshi Ram. 2019. Ganna kisano ki aay tiguni karne tatha uposhan bharat ki beej aavshyakta ki aapurti hetu kisaan sahabhagi ganna beej utpadan prajanan sansthan kshetriya kendra karnal ka safal prayas. Ganna Prakash 7-10.


♥ Ravinder Kumar, Neeraj Kulshreshtha, M. R, Meena, B. Parameswari, M. L. Chhabra, S. K. Pandey, Rajesh Kumar and Vishal Goel. 2019. Prshikshan Pustika: Ganna Kisano Ki Aaye Bdhane Haitoo Vaigyanik September 23 – 27, 2019, ICAR-SBI RC, Karnal, p103.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, , B. Singaravelu and M. Rajeshkumar. 2019. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) : A potential biopesticide against white grub. (Hindi). Ganna Prakash 4 (4): 68-74.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C., Singaravelu, B.and Rajeshkumar, M. 2019. White grub control with entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN). SBI News 39 (2): 1-4. ISSN 0973-8170.


♥ Saravanan L., T. Rajula Shanthy. 2019. Early shoot borer management in sugarcane (Tamil). Valarum Vivasaya Tamilagam 14(5):37-38.


♥ Srikanth, , N. Geetha, B. Singaravelu, T. Ramasubramanian, P. Mahesh, L. Saravanan and K.P. Salin. 2019. K.P. Fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda on sugarcane in India. SBI- News 39(3):1-3.


♥ Srikanth, J., P. Mahesh, D. Puthira Prathap. 2019. Ganna phasal ko janglee suvvaron se bachaane ke liye prabhandhan [Hindi] [Management of wild boar in sugarcane]. Ganna Prakash Rajbhaasha Patrika 4(4):65-67.


♥ Tribal Cane growers’ Meet at Agali. ICAR-SBI News 39(3):5.


♥ Viswanathan and M. L. Chhabra. 2019. Yellow Leaf Disease (YLD) of Sugarcane: Current Scenarion and Management. Ganna Parkash (4): 51-58.


♥ Viswanathan, R., P Malathi and D. Neelamathi. 2018. Enhancing sugarcane yield per hectare through improved virus-free seed nursery ICAR NEWS 24(4): 4-5.

Presentations in Conferences/Symposia/Seminars/others

♥ Alarmelu S., A. Anna Durai, H. K. Mahadevaswamy, G. Hemaprabha and Adhini S. Pazhany Investigation for diversity in parental stocks of sugarcane (Saccharum spp), 2020. In : 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainability-Innovation & Diversification in Sugar and Allied Industry held during January 31- February 2,2020 at Pune.


♥ Alarmelu S., Adhini S. Pazhany, C. Jayabose, T. Manjunatha. Identification of sources of resistance to redrot and smut in Saccharum germplasm. In: ISSCT XII Pathology Workshop: Participated in ISSCT XII Pathology Workshop held during 3-7, September, 018 at Residency, Coimbatore Pg: 22-23.


♥ Alarmelu S., R. M. Shanthi, A. Anna Durai and Bakshi Ram. 2019. Co 10026 (Upahar) – An Early High Yielding Variety for Peninsular In: STAI Proceedings, 77th Annual Convention, pp:49-58.


♥ Alarmelu S., S. P. Adhini, S. Sheelamary and C.Jayabose, 2020. Genetic diversity for yield traits in prebreeding material of Saccharum spp In : 2 nd International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainability-Innovation & Diversification in Sugar and Allied Industry held during January 31- February 2,2020


♥ Appunu C. 2019. Unraveling low temperature tolerance mechanisms in wild sugarcane. In: International Conference on Genomics & Breeding for Crop Improvement, 04-06 December, 2019 at Meerut, Uttar Pradesh (Oral presentation), pp. 65-66.


♥ Appunu , G. Hemaprabha and Bakshi Ram. 2019. Potential early maturing sugarcane varieties suitable for adaptive trials in Deccan region. In: 65th Annual Convention of Deccan Sugars Technologists Association held during 1-2 Oct 2019, held at Pune.


♥ Appunu C., G. Hemaprabha, Bakshi Ram. 2019. Performance of new varieties suitable for Tamil Nadu –All India Co-ordinated Research Project and SBI-SISMA trials. In: 50th R&D workshop of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry held at Singaperumal Koil by Cheyyar Co- operative Sugar Mills Ltd October 23-24, 2019. (Ed) Puthira Prathap D, P. Murali and V. ICAR Sugarcane breeding Institute, Coimbatore. p 242-249.


♥ Appunu C., S. Dharshini, C. Mahadevaiah. 2019. Transcriptome analysis of cold tolerant Saccharum spontaneum reveals the genes that stabilize cell membrane and photosynthesis during cold acclimation. In: International Conference on Innovations in Plant and Animal Sciences for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (IPASSARD 2019), 7- 9th Dec 2019 at Jaipur (Oral presentation) pp. 274


♥ Bhavadharani , J. Ashwin Narayan, R. Valarmathi, C. Appunu. Ectopic expression of choline oxidase (codA) gene through genetic engineering to develop drought tolerant sugarcane. In: National Conference on Basic and Applied Biological Sciences organized during 10 -11 October 2018 by Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.


♥ Geetha, N. K. P. Salin and R. Nirmala. 2019. Relevance of biointensive management of Holotrichia serrata through multipronged Presented at XIX International Plant Protection Congress – 2019 conducted during 10-14 November 2019, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, Telengana.


♥ Geetha, P. Doubling the income of small farms through Sugarcane Based Farming System for TN- NADP during the Meeting to review the progress under the chairmanship of Gagandeep Singh Bedi, Agriculture Production Commissioner (APC) on 11.12.2019 at Conference hall, Secretariat, Chennai.


♥ Gomathi R. 2019. Plant Productivity and stress management. National Conference of Plant Physiology-2019 organized by Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissure and Indian Society for Plant Physiology, New Delhi


♥ Gomathi, V. Krishnapriya, R. Arunkumar, P. Govindaraj and Bakshi Ram. 2019. Physiological Evaluation of Drought Stress Tolerance in Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). In. Proceeding of National Conference of Plant Physiology -2019 on productivity and stress management. Pg. 34.


♥ Hemaprabha G, Mohanraj, S. Alarmelu, Bakshi Ram. 2020. Genetic improvement for sugar yield traits of Co canes evolved during a century of breeding at ICAR Sugarcane breeding Institute. Presented in the 78 Virtual Annual Convention & International Sugar Expo 2020 October 20-21, 2020.


♥ Hemaprabha G. 2019. Varieties for propagation in South India and upcoming varieties under trial for North India as an alternative to Co Invited paper presented in the 2nd Meeting of Agriculture and Sugarcane Sub-committee of Indian Sugar Mills Association held at ICAR Sugarcane breeding Institute, Coimbatore on 21-8-2019.


♥ Hemaprabha G. Climate change and sugarcane production: Potential impact and mitigation strategies through crop improvement. ICAR-CAFT training held at Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, TNAU from 11.2019 to 10.12.2019.


♥ Hemaprabha, G and Bakshi Ram. 2019. Performance of new Varieties and results of AICRP 2019. In Compendium of Research Articles & Status papers presented in the 50th R&D workshop of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry held at Singaperumal Koil by Cheyyar Co- operative Sugar Mills Ltd October 23-24, 2019. (Ed) Puthira Prathap D, P. Murali & V. Venkatasubramanian ICAR Sugarcane breeding Institute, Coimbatore. p 242-249.


♥ Karpagam E and S. Alarmelu. Molecular characterisation of introgressed hybrids of Sugarcane varying in cellulose content. Potential crops for food and nutritional security, TNAU, Dec 14-15, 2019, Pg:176


♥ Karpagam E., S. Alarmelu and S. Vasantha. 2019. Genetic variation for physiological traits in introgressed hybrids of Saccharum robustum x officinarum. Potential crops for food and nutritional security, TNAU, Dec 14-15, 2019, Pg:90.


♥ Krishnapriya V and E. Karpagam. 2019. Influence of root system traits on above-ground physiology and productivity of sugarcane. Proceedings in the National Conference of Plant Physiology “Plant Productivity and Stress Management”, December 19-21, 2019, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala. pp: 50. Oral presentation in the Young Scientist


♥ Mahadevaiah C., C. Appunu, R. Valaramathi, K. Selvamuthu. 2019. Identification of salt tolerant genes through comparative transcriptome analysis in Erianthus aruindinaceus and International Conference on Innovations in Plant and Animal Sciences for sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (IPASSARD-2019), 7- 9th Dec 2019 at Jaipur. pp-370.


♥ Manoj, V. M., P. Anunanthini, S. Dharshini and C. Appunu. 2019. Genetic transformation aimed at overexpressing Glyoxalase III has enhanced salinity stress tolerance in sugarcane. 7th Annual South Asia Biosafety Conference (SABC-2018), 14-16 September, 2019 at Westin Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


♥ Meena M., R, Mohan Raj, Ravinder Kumar, Neeraj Kulshreshtha, and Bakshi Ram. 2013. Potential of Erianthus procerus introgressed sugarcane hybrids clones for winter ratoonability under subtropical condition. In IUBMB international conference held at Manila (Philippines) during 13-15 , 2019.


♥ Mohanraj K. G. Hemaprabha and S. Vasantha. 2020. Developing climate resilient sugarcane: identification of potential sources for combined drought tolerance and red rot resistance. In: International conference on recent trend in Agriculture towards food security and rural livelihood held at Annamalai University during 3-4 Jan, 2020.


♥ Murali, P., 2019. Impact of ICAR–SBI technologies/varieties. In: National workshop on 28th November 2019 at ICAR- NIAP, New Delhi.


♥ Murali, P., D. Puthira Prathap, V. Venkatasubrmanian and Bakshi Ram. 2019. Economic impact of the Variety Co 86032 On Cane Production and Sugar Recovery in Tamil Nadu and tropical zone of India. International Conference on Innovations in Plant and Animal Sciences for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (IPASSARD 2019) at Rajasthan Agricultural Research Institute, (SKNAU), Jobner (Jaipur) Rajasthan during December 07-09.


♥ Prathima T., L Kasirajan, A Furtado, FC Botha, R.J. Henry.2019. Control of Sugar and Fibre: Insights from Sugarcane Transcriptome Analyses. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings 36 (1), 204.


♥ Puthira Prathap 2019 on Getting Extension Research Published in Open Access Journals: is it worth your while? At eSARD 19 International Conference on Extension for Strengthening Agricultural Research and Development, December 14 – 16, 2019.


♥ Puthira Prathap D. 2019 Strategies to transfer sugarcane technologies. At National Level Training on Advances in sugarcane cultivation for increased productivity, 16 July


♥ Puthira Prathap D. 2020 Open access journals & Professional Ethics at MANAGE-TNAU training on Good practices and innovations in Agricultural Extension for senior and middle level officials of agriculture and allied departments, SAU faculty and scientists of ICAR. On 27 August


♥ Rajula Shanthy, T., S. Alarmelu, C. Jayabose, P. Malathi, Bakshi Ram. 2019. M-extension in sugarcane: An initiative towards digital In: 2nd International Conference & Exhibition on Sustainability – Innovation and diversification in sugar and allied industry from 31 January to 2 February 2020.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2019. Entomopathogenic nematodes for the control of insect pests. Invited paper delivered in a “National conference on Climate smart Agriculture for livelihood Security: Challenges and Opportunities organized by Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College & Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tiruchirappalli, 13-14, September, 2019, pp 115-120.


♥ Sarath Padmanaban T, Dharshini, K. Mohanraj, C. Appunu, G. Hemaprabha 2019. Characterization of CYM 09-822, a potential intergeneric hybrid derivative for drought tolerance based on field evaluation and transcriptome analysis. In: National Symposium on potential crops for food and nutritional security held during 14-15, December 2019 at TNAU, Coimbatore p: 165.


♥ Suganya A., K. Mohan Raj and R. Karuppaiyan. 2020. Sugarcane wild relatives and their cytogenetic peculiarities in interspecific and intergeneric crosses with differential chromosome transmission patterns’. In Proc.: II International conference and exhibition on sustainability – innovation and diversification in sugar and allied industry at VSI (31.01.2020- 2.02.2020), Pune.


♥ Suganya, A., 2020. Sugarcane wild relatives and their cytogenetic peculiarities in interspecific and intergeneric crosses with differential chromosome transmission patterns. II International conference and exhibition on sustainability-innovation and diversification in sugar and allied industry, 31.01.2020-2.02.2020 at VSI Pune.


♥ Swathik Clarancia P., G.S. Suresha, G. Hemaprabha and C. Appunu. 2019. Genome wide identification and characterization of NF-Y gene family in sugarcane (Saccharum sp.). In National Conference of Plant Physiology-2019 (NCPP-2019) at the Department of Plant Physiology, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur from 19-21 December,


♥ Swathik P., M. Naveenarani, J. Ashwin Narayan, S. Dharshini, V. M. Manoj, C. Appunu. Isolation and characterization of drought responsive NFYB2 gene from Erianthus arundinaceus, in Indian Plant Science Congress at SRM University, Chennai. January 23rd to 25th 2019.


♥ Tayade A.S., S. Anusha, P. Govindraj, P. Geetha and C. Palaniswami. 2019. Agronomic performance of elite sugarcane genotypes. Proceeding of AICRP Group Meet during 14th and 16th October, 2019 at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad,


♥ Thirugnanasambandam P.P., L. Kasirajan, A. Furtado, F. C. Botha, RJ Henry. 2020. Control of Sugar and Fibre: Insights from Sugarcane Transcriptome Analyses Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings 36 (1), 204.


♥ Vasantha S. 2019. Seaweeds-growth promoters in sugarcane and crop plants. In Souvenir of National workshop on advanced trends in marine macro algal taxonomy, cultivation & utilization, Organized by Botanical Survey of India, Coimbatore, during 21-25 October, 2019. 103-111.


♥ Vennila, , S. Anusha, C. Palaniswami, P. Geetha and Bakshi Ram. 2019. Wide-row planting with intercropping. In: Prathap, D. P., Murali, P. and Venkatasubramanian, V. (Eds) Compendium of Research Articles and Status Papers – 50th Sugarcane R&D Workshop of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry (TN R&D 50 – 2019), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp. 13-25.


♥ Viswanathan, 2019. Sustaining sugarcane productivity in sugarcane in India through red rot resistant varieties National Symposium on Potential Crops for Food and Nutritional Security” December 14 – 15, 2019, TNAU, Coimbatore, p 65.


♥ Viswanathan, R. 2020. Impact of climate change on sugarcane diseases and development of new diseases in sugarcane. 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on “Sustainability – Innovation and Diversification in Sugar and Allied Industry, January 31 to February 2, 2020 at VSI, Pune, p84


♥ Viswanathan, R., K. Nithya, B. Parameswari, D. Neelamathi and K. Kaverinathan. 2019. National Symposium on Mitigation of emerging plant diseases under changing climate scenario, December 16 – 17, 2019, TNAU, Coimbatore, p 11-12.

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