Landmarks in the History of ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute,Research Centre,Karnal

Year Significant achievements
The sub-station on a five year basis was started at Karnal w.e.r 1.4.1932 with the funds sanctioned by the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research. Mr. G.V. James was the first In-Charge of the station and he succeeded in germinating the sugarcane fluff at Karnal. The first batch of seedlings were planted
-> Co 285 a resistant clone to drought, frost and Pyrilla was identified

-> Co 205, Co 326, Co 341, Co 318 and Co 321 were identified as suitable for ‘Barani’ conditions

-> Co 312 was found to be best suited for unirrigated conditions along with Co 341 and Co 356.

-> CoK 26 was released and occupies large tracts of Eastern Uttar Pradesh
-> CoK 30 was released for areas under Punjab and Central Uttar Pradesh

-> The Indian Sugarcane Committee started funding the Station in 1945-46

-> CoK 32 was released and established in large parts of South Bihar
CoK 41 was released to sugarcane research stations in Punjab, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh
-> 200 new Co canes (Co 62230 to Co 62429) were released for testing

-> Co 62399 was released and occupied large parts of Uttar Pradesh

-> 43 Co canes numbering from Co 6321 to Co 6334; Co 6416 to Co 6425; Co 6514-6525;Co 6612-6618 were released for testing

-> B 37172, a Barbados variety was identified to be a quality cane among exotic clones along with NCo 310 and CP44-101

-> Co 1148 was identified as a better yielder followed by Co 975 and B 37172

-> A mutant of Co 997 (Co 997M) which was free from natural incidence of red rot was released
-> Co 62385, Co 6516, Co 6603 and Co 6710 as mid-late and Co 6603 as early were identified

-> Co 6807 and Co 6907 were found promising early types, and Co 62433 and Co 62385 as mid-late varieties.

-> Co 6904, Co 6906 and Co 6914 were released for high yield and better juice quality

-> The clone N65011 selected from this centre was released as Co 7717. It had high yield (104 t/ha), tolerant to top borer and stem borer.

-> Evaluation of germplasm of S. officinarum was started

-> Co 775GC was identified as a good general combiner

Raising seedlings and progeny evaluation was restarted to cater to the needs of North Western Zone
-> Work on evaluation of inter-specific (ISH) and inter-generic (IGH) hybrids was initiated to identify potential donors

-> Co 89003, an early clone was recommended for commercial cultivation in Punjab

-> A database on ISH clones was published

->Work on better ratoonability during winter months of North India was initiated

->Co 89003 released by the Central Varietal Release Committee was recommended for commercial cultivation in Haryana

->The Institute-Industry interface programme was initiated

->Co 98014 was recommended for commercial cultivation in Punjab

->A database on winter ratoonability of sugarcane clones was published

->The Central Varietal Release Committee released Co 98014 (Karan 1) as an early variety.

->Release of 2 new varieties Co 0118 and Co 0238 by the Central Varietal Release Committee for North West Zone

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