Agricultural Extension

Scientist of Agricultural Extension


Scientist Name



E_Mail Address


Dr.D.Puthira Prathap

Incharge of Agri.Extension and
Principal Scientist

Agricultural Extension


Dr.T.Rajula Shanthy

Principal Scientist

Agricultural Extension

Transfer of Technologies

Transfer of Technology on various aspects of sugarcane production system is one of the important mandates of this Institute that is being coordinated by the Extension Section with the active participation of other disciplines.


Transfer of Technology is effected through:


♥  Front-line demonstrations in farmer’s fields


♥  Field days and interactive farmers-scientists meetings or focus groups


♥ National level/ State level training programmes for cane development personnel, State officials and farmers & other agencies


♥  Farmer’s Participation Action Research Programmes (FPARP)


♥  Kisan Mela’s and exhibitions


♥  Publications including extension pamphlets and technical bulletins


♥  Programmes in public media like Radio Talks, TV Programmes, News papers and other forums


♥ Production and distribution of Multi-media Compact Discs at a nominal cost to the farmers and other public


♥ A user-centred web site catering to the needs of farmers and cane development personnel.


To promote the transfer of technology the Institute is being funded by Goverment agencies under the following schemes:


♥ Model training course in recent advances in sugarcane production technology – Funded by Ministry of Agriculture/Govt. of India


♥ Front line demonstrations – Funded by MoA/GoI


♥ National level training on Sugarcane Production Technologies – Funded by MoA/GoI


♥ Farmers participatory action research programme (FPARP) on assessing the adaptability of sugarcane technology – Funded by Ministry of Water Resources /Central Water Commission


Announcements will be made from time to time regarding training programmes/ exhibions and other meetings through sugar factories and public media. They will be notified through this web site also.

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