Publication Details -2019

Research Papers

♥ Alarmelu, S., Adhini S Pazhany and C. Jayabose. 2018. Genetic improvement and development of genetic stocks in sugarcane through backcross breeding. Journal of Sugarcane Research, 8 (1): 36 – 42.


♥ Anandakumar, L., K. Bagyalakshmi, K. Nithya, B. Parameswari and R. Viswanathan. 2018. Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) assay for rapid diagnosis of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus in sugarcane. Sugar Tech 20:708-716


♥ Anunathini, P., V.M. Manoj, T.S. Sarath Padmanabhan, S. Dhivya, J. Ashwin Narayan, C. Appunu and R. Sathishkumar. 2019. In silico characterization and functional validation of membrane-bound cell signaling COLD1 gene in monocots during abiotic stress. Functional Plant Biology. https: //


♥ Ashwin Narayan, J., S. Dharshini, V.M. Manoj, T.S. Sarath Padmanabhan, K. Kadirvelu, G.S. Suresha, N. Subramonian, Bakshi Ram, M.N. Premachandran and C.Appunu. 2019. Isolation and characterization of water deficit stress responsive α-expansin 1 (EXPA1) gene from Saccharum complex. 3 Biotech 9:186


♥ Ashwin, N.M.R., E. Leonard Barnabas, A. Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi, R. Viswanathan, A. Masi, K. Agrawal and R. Rakwal. 2018. CFPDIP1, a novel secreted protein of Colletotrichum falcatum, elicits defense responses in sugarcane and triggers hypersensitive response in tobacco. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 102: 6001–6021


♥ Bagyalakshmi, K., B. Parameswari and R. Viswanathan. 2019. Phylogenetic analysis and signature of recombination hotspots in Sugarcane mosaic virus infecting sugarcane in India. Phytoparasitica DOI: 10.1007/s12600-019-00726-1


♥ Barnabas, L., N.M.R. Ashwin, K. Nalayeni, A. Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi, and R. Viswanathan. 2018. Genetic and pathogenic variability among the Indian isolates of Sporisorium scitamineum causing sugarcane smut. Journal of Sugarcane Research 138-154


♥ Devi, K., P. T. Prathima, R. Gomathi, R. Manimekalai, K. Lakshmi and A. Selvi. 2019. Gene Expression Profiling in Sugarcane Genotypes during Drought Stress and Rehydration. Sugar Tech DOI: 10.1007/s12355-018-0687-y.


♥ Devi, K., P.T. Prathima, R. Gomathi, K. Ramalakshmi and A. Selvi. 2018. Physiological and molecular responses of sugarcane genotypes subjected to hypoxia. Journal of Sugarcane Research. 8 (1): 52-65.


♥ Devi, K., R. Gomathi, R. Arun Kumar, R. Manimekalai, and A. Selvi. 2018. Field tolerance and recovery potential of sugarcane varieties subjected to drought. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology


♥ Dharshini, S., M. Chakravarthi, D. Vignesh, Gauri Nerkar, Ashwin Narayan, V.M. Manoj, M. Naveenarani, Lovejot Kaur, C. Mahadevaiah, Ravinder Kumar, Mintu Ram Meena, Bakshi Ram and C. Appunu. 2018. Differential gene expression profiling through transcriptome approach of Saccharum spontaneum L. under low temperature stress reveals genes potentially involved in cold acclimation. 3 Biotech 8:


♥ Elamathi, E., P. Malathi, R. Viswanathan and and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2019. Identification and characterization of differentially expressed proteins from Trichoderma harzianum during interaction with Colletotrichum falcatum causing red rot in sugarcane. Sugar Tech DOI:org/10.1007/s12355-019-00699-9 1.


♥ Elamathi, E., Malathi, P., Viswanathan, R. and Ramesh Sundar, A. 2018. Expression analysis on mycoparasitism related genes during antagonism of Trichoderma with Colletotrichum falcatum causing red rot in sugarcane. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 27(3): 351–361


♥ Geetha, P., A. S. Tayade, R. Arun kumar and Rajesh kumar. 2019. Light interception in sugarcane based intercropping system. Journal of Agro meteorology 21(2):


♥ Geetha, N., K.P. Salin, R. Nirmala and R.Sukanya. 2018. Economic natural broth media for spore production of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and Beauveria brongniartii (Sacc.)Petch. Journal of Sugarcane Research 8(1):76-85.


♥ Geetha, P., A. S. Tayade, C. A. Chandrasekar, T. Selvan, Rajesh Kumar. 2018. Agronomic Response, Weed Smothering Efficiency and Economic Feasibility of Sugarcane and Legume Intercropping System in Tropical India. Sugar Tech


♥ Geetha, N. 2017. Damage and status of black bug complex (Cavalerius sweetii Slater and Miyamato, excavates Distant (F.) (Lygaeidae: Hemiptera) in sugarcane in India. Journal of Insect Science 30(1): 132-138.


♥ Gomathi Raju, S. Kohila and Lakshmi Kasirajan. 2018. Differential transcript expression profiling of sugarcane (Co 99004) for elevated temperature stress. Madras Agricultural Journal 105 (7-9)2: 396-490.


♥ Hari, K., S.Vasantha, A. Anna Durai, Rajesh kumar, C. Brinda and P. Sruthi. 2017. Sugarcane root growth and development in hydroponics system Journal of Sugarcane Research7 (2): 71 – 82.


♥ Jayakumar, V., A. Ramesh Sundar and R. Viswanathan. 2018. Biological suppression of sugarcane smut with endophytic bacteria. Sugar Tech,


♥ Karpagam,E. and Alarmelu S. 2019. Character association and path analysis for cane yield and its components in interspecific hybrids of Saccharum Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding.2019. 10(1):30-38.


♥ Kohila, S. and R. Gomathi. 2018. Physiological and bio chemical treats of screening tolerant sugarcane genotype for high temperature stress. Jl. Pl. Physiol.23 (2): 245-260.


♥ Lakshmi Kasirajan, Nam V. Hoang, Agnelo Furtado, Frederik C. Botha, and Robert J. Henry. 2018. Transcriptome analysis highlights key differentially expressed genes involved in cellulose and lignin biosynthesis of sugarcane genotypes varying in fiber content. Nature. Scientific Reports, 8: 11612. doi:  1038/s41598-018-30033-4


♥ Lal M.K., Vengavasi K. and Pandey R. 2019. Interactive effects of low phosphorus and elevated CO2 on root exudation and nutrient uptake in wheat is modified under sulphur nutrition. Plant Physiology Reports 24(1): 63-73


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, K. Chandran, B. Singaravelu, K. P. Salin, C. Jayabose and S. Balan. 2019. Occurrence, damage pattern and status of the rice leaf folder Cnaphalocrocis ruralis walker (lepidoptera: crambidae) in Erianthus spp. in india. Experimental Agriculture: 55(3), 471-483.


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, P.Salin, B. Singaravelu,  K. Chandran and B. Mahendran . 2019. Phenology of sugarcane leaf hopper Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) (Homoptera:Lophopidae) and its natural enemies in a crop island scenario. Crop Protection, 120: 151-162.


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, P.Salin, B. Singaravelu,  K. Chandran and B. Mahendran . 2019. Phenology of sugarcane leaf hopper Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) (Homoptera:Lophopidae) and its natural enemies in a crop island scenario. Crop Protection, 120: 151-162.


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, P.Salin, and B. Singaravelu. 2018. Resistance of Saccharum spp. against Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (kapur) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in India. Experimental Agriculture, 54(1), 83-95.


♥ Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J., Singaravelu, B. and Murali, P. 2018. Rat menace and its management sugarcane. Indian Sugar LXIX (3):21-29.


♥ Manimekalai, R.,N.Jini, M. Gokul, A. Selvi, R.Gomathi and Arun Kumar. 2018. Biochemical and physiological response to oxidative stress in cultivated sugarcane and wild genera. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology. DOI: 10.1007/s40502-018-0368-6


♥ Manjunatha, T., K. Chandran, P. Mahesh, K. Mohanraj, and Appunu C. 2018. Characterization of Saccharum spontaneum accessions from North – Eastern India. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 9(1): 38-50. DOI: 10.5958/0975928X.2018.00005.4.


♥ Manoj, V.M., P.Anunanthini, Swathik C. Peter, S. Dharshini, J .Ashwin Narayan,M .Manickavasagam, R .Sathishkumar, GS. Sursha, G. Hemaprabha, Bakshi Ram, and C.Appunu.2019. Comparative functional analysis of Glyoxalase pathway genes in Erianthus arundinaceus and commercial sugarcane hybrid under salinity and drought conditions. BMC Genomics 19: 986.


Murali, P., Sendhil, D.Puthira Prathap, V. Venkatasubramanian and Bakshi Ram. 2018. Sugar Sector Decontrolling and Market Performance of Sugar Sector in India Vis-À-Vis Global Market: A Cointegration Analysis. Sugar Tech, (), 1-12 DOI 10.1007/s12355-018-0677-0.


♥ Pandey, R., K .Vengavasi and M.K. Lal .2018. Differential response of hexaploid and tetraploid wheat to interactive effects of elevated [CO2] and low phosphorus. Plant Cell Reports 37(9): 1231-1244.


♥ Punithavalli, M. and A. Jebamalaimary. 2019. Inhibitory activities of proteinase inhibitors on developmental characteristics of sugarcane Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen)Phytoparasitica 47(1): 43-53. DOI: 10.1007/s12600-018-00710-1.


♥ Punithavalli, R. and K.P. Salin, 2019. Biological effects of Trypsin inhibitor (TI) on the sugarcane shoot borer, Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen). Journal of Entomological Research 43(1): 1-7. DOI: 10.5958/0974 4576. 2019.00002.1.


♥ Punithavalli, M. 2018. Light trap as a monitoring tool for common cutworm Spodoptera litura (F.) in soybean. Indian Journal of Entomology, 80(2): 356-360.


♥ Punithavalli, M., R. Jayanthi and Salin, K.P. 2018. Field reaction of selected sugarcane hybrids and Erianthus genotypes against shoot borer Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen). Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 26(2): 296-300. DOI: 10.5958/0974-0163.2018.00067.8.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T. and Paramasivam, M. 2018 .Persistence and metabolism of carbofuran in the soil and sugarcane plant. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190(9): 1-9.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T. and Paramasivam, M. 2018. Persistence and metabolism of carbofuran in the soil and sugarcane plant. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190(9): 1-9. (Article Citation I.D. 538)


♥ Ramasubramanian, T., R.K.Nilavuckkarasi, C. Yogambal and K. Ramaraju 2018. Cloning and characterizing the Folmer region of mtCOI gene diagnostic for sugarcane top borer, Scirpophaga excerptalis (walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Sugarcane Research 8 (1): 86-93.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C., B.Singaravelu, and Rajesh Kumar 2018. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN): Diversity in Indian tropical sugarcane ecosystem and its biocontrol potential against white grub Holotrichia serrata on sugarcane. Sugar Tech, 21 (3): 371-382.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C., B.Singaravelu, and M.Rajesh kumar.2017. Field evaluation of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) against white grub Holotrichia serrata in sugarcane. Journal of Sugarcane Research 7 (1) : 64 – 69.


♥ Sarath Padmanabhan, T.S. andHemaprabha. 2018. Genetic diversity and population structure among 133 elite genotypes of sugarcane (Saccharumspp.) for use as parents in sugarcane varietal improvement. 3 Biotech (2018) 8:339.


♥ Sarath Padmanabhan, T.S. ,S. Dharshini, V.M. Manoj, J. Ashwin Narayan, C. Appunu and G. Hemaprabha.   Isolation, characterization and expression analysis of Hordeum vulgare 22 (HVA 22) gene from a drought tolerant sugarcane variety.  Journal of Sugarcane Research 8(2)  114-126.


♥ Sathish,D.,V .Vasudevan,J . DTheboral, Elayaraja,C.Appunu,R .Siva and M.Manickavasagam .2018. Efficient direct plant regeneration from immature leaf roll explants of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) using polyamines and assessment of genetic fidelity by SCoT markers. In Vitro CellularandDevelopmental Biology – Plant (


♥ Scindiya, M., P. Malathi, K. Kaverinathan, A. Ramesh Sundar and R. Viswanathan. 2019. RNA-mediated silencing of PKS1 gene in Colletotrichum falcatum causing red rot in sugarcane. European Journal of Plant Pathology,153:371–384


♥ Singaravelu, B., C. Appunu, G.S. Suresha , J. Srikanth, , C.Sankaranarayanan, P. Mahesh,Nirmala, M. Rajeshkumar and Naveenarani M. 2017. Screening of indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis isolates for novel cry1 crystal toxin gene for use against lepidopteran sugarcane borers. Journal of Sugarcane Research, 7 (2): 121-125.


♥ Sobhakumari,V.P , N.V. Nair, K. Mohanraj and Maya Lekshmi. 2018. Molecular cytogenetic characterization of sorghum chromosomes in saccharum background and vice versa using genomic in situ Journal of Sugarcane Research . 8 (1): 269 – 277.


♥ Suganya, A., R. Arulmathi,P. Govindaraj and A. Selvi. 2019. A rare occurrence of 2n gametes functioning in interspecific crosses involving commercial cultivar of sugarcane (Co 89029) and Saccharum spontaneum Cur. Sci., 116 (6): 887.


♥ Sukhdhane, K. S., P. K.Pandey, M. N. O. Ajima,T.Jayakumar, A.Vennila and S. M. Raut, 2019. Isolation and Characterization of phenanthrene degrading bacteria from PAHs contaminated mangrove sediment of Thane Creek in Mumbai, India. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 39:1, 73-83, DOI: 10.1080/10406638.2016.1261911(The research paper is published from the research work carried out at ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai)


♥ Suresha, G.S., M. Prasath, M. Naveenarani, C.Appunu, S.Vasantha and K.Hari. 2017. Assessing the effect of soluble acid invertase activity in post-harvest sugarcane under tropical conditions, Journal of Sugarcane Research, 7 (2) : 93 – 99.


♥ Tayade, S., P. Geetha, S. Anusha, R. Dhanapal and K. Hari. 2019. Bio-intensive modulation of sugarcane ratoon rhizosphere for enhanced soil health and sugarcane productivity under tropical Indian condition. Sugartech. 21(2): 278-288.


♥ Tayade, S., S.Anusha, A. Bhaskaran and P. Govindaraj. 2018. Response of elite sugarcane varieties/genotypes to higher nitrogen levels under tropical Indian conditions. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 7(5): 3377-3387.


♥ Tayade, A. S., P. Geetha,S. Anusha,R. Dhanapal and K. Hari. 2017. Effect of green cane trash blanketing and microbial consortia application on soil compaction and productivity of mechanically harvested sugarcane ratoon crops. Journal of Sugarcane Research. 7(2): 112-120.


♥ Thirugnanasambandam, P.P., P.J.Mason, N.V. Hoang, F.Agenlo, C.F.Botha and R. Henry. 2019. Analysis of the diversity and tissue specificity of sucrose synthase genes in the long read transcriptome of sugarcane. BMC Plant Biol 19: 160.


♥ Thirugnanasambandam, P.P, N.V. Hoang, RJ Henry 2018 The Challenge of Analyzing the Sugarcane Genome. Frontiers in Plant Science Front. Plant Sci., 14 May 2018 |


♥ Vasantha, S., S.Venkataramana, K .Hari and R. Arun Kumar. 2018. Prospects of commercial hybrids of sugarcane (Saccharum) For biomass and bioenergy production potential, Journal of Sugarcane Research, 7 (2): 71 – 82.


♥ Vasantha, S., S.Venkataramana, K .Hari and R. Arun kumar 2018. Prospects of commercial hybrids of sugarcane (Saccharum) for biomass and bioenergy production potential. Journal of Sugarcane Research 8 (1) : 43 – 51


♥ Vasantha, S., and R.Arun Kumar. 2017. Influence of hormones on tiller production, growth, cane yield and juice quality in a shy tillering sugarcane variety. Journal of Sugarcane Research 7 (2) : 126 – 131.


♥ Viswanathan R., R. Karuppaiah, K., Bagyalakshmi, Sanju Balan and K. Kaverinathan. 2019. Emergence of leaf fleck caused by Sugarcane bacilliform virus in sugarcane as a serious disease under field conditions in India. International Sugar Journal 121: 146-153.


♥ Viswanathan, R. and P. Malathi. 2019. Biocontrol strategies to manage fungal diseases in sugarcane. Sugar Tech 21(2): 202–212 DOI: 10.1007/s12355-018-0690-3.


♥ Viswanathan R. 2018. Changing scenario of sugarcane diseases in India since introduction of hybrid cane varieties: path travelled for a century. Journal of Sugarcane Research 8 (1): 1 – 35.


♥ Viswanathan R., P. Padmanaban, D. Mohanraj, N. Prakasam, N. Singh, R. Selvakumar,Malathi and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2018. Status of red rot resistance in wild relatives of sugarcane, Saccharum spontaneum, interspecific hybrids and intergeneric hybrids. Journal of Sugarcane Research 8(2) : 169 – 184

Presentations in Conferences/Symposia/Seminars/others

♥ Adhini S. Pazhany, S. Karthigeyan, P. Govindaraj and R.Viswanathan. 2018 .Identification of novel sources of resistance to red rot. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 68-69.


♥ Alarmelu , S., Adhini. S.Pazhany, C.Jayabose and T.Manjunatha, 2018. Identification of sources of resistance to red rot and smut in Saccharum In: ISSCT XII Pathology Workshop held during 3-7, September, 2018 at Residency, Coimbatore P: 22-23.


♥ Alarmelu ,S. , Adhini S. Pazhany C. Jaya Bose, R. Nagarajan, R.M.Shanthi, G. Hemaprabha, and R. Viswanathan. 2018 .Identification of sources of resistance to red rot and smut in Saccharum Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore, pp22-23.


♥ Alarmelu, S., Adhini.S. Palani and Jayabose 2018. Genetic improvement and development of genetic stocks in sugarcane through backcross breeding. Journal of Sugarcane Research, 8:1 36-41.


♥ Anna Durai, A., R. Viswanathan and Adhini S Pazhany.   Identification and utilization of source of red rot resistant available in National Breeding Gene pool for Sugarcane Improvement. Paper presented in ISSCT XII Pathology Workshop, Sep 03-07, 2018 – Coimbatore, India.


♥ Anna Durai, A., R. Viswanathan and Adhini S Pazhany. 2018. Identification and utilization of source of red rot resistance available in national breeding gene pool for sugarcane improvement in India. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 9-10


♥ Anusha, S., Tayade, A S., Vasantha, S., Arun Kumar.R and G. Hemaprabha 2018 . Soil moisture dynamics and commercial Sugarcane Hybrids yield as influenced by different irrigation regimes under tropical Indian condition. In: Global water security conference for agriculture and natural resources held on October 3-6, 2018 at Hyderabad, India. 104.


♥ Appunu, C., S. Dharshini, M. Naveenarani, J.Ashwin Narayan, V.M.Manoj andt.s Sarath Padmanabhan. Leaf transcriptome profiling and analysis of Saccharum spontaneum exposed to low temperature stress. In: the International Conference on Emerging Synergies In Agriculture, Food Processing Engineering and Biotechnology during February 21-23, 2018 at Karunya University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.


♥ Arumuganathan, T. 2018. Recent trends in sugarcane mechanization. Compendium of Research articles and  Status papers of “21st Meeting of Sugarcane Research  and  Development Workers of Southern Karnataka” organized by Sir M. Visvesvaraya Sugarcane Research Institute (MVSRI), Mandya and  NSL Sugars Ltd., Koppaheld at B.N.Bahadur Institute of Management Sciences, Mysore on 1-2nd June, 2018, pg: 53-62.


♥ Arun Kumar, R. and S. Vasantha. 2018.Effect of salinity on cane characters and jaggery quality in sugarcane clones. In: National seminar abiotic stress management challenges and opportunities held on October 25-26, 2018 at Coimbatore, India. 45.


♥ Arun Kumar, R. ,P. Geetha , A.S. Tayade and S. Anusha and S.Vasantha . 2018 .Radiation use efficiency of sugarcane genotypes influenced by water levels. In: “4th International Plant Physiology Congress”, held on December, 2-5, 2018 at Lucknow, India.


♥ Arun Kumar, R., M. Nisha, R. Gopi , B. Mahendran , K. Chandran, Krishnapriya Vengavasi. 2018 .Genotypic variation in sugarcane (Saccharum) germplasm clones in response to waterlogging stress. In: “4th International Plant Physiology Congress”, held on December, 2-5, 2018 at Lucknow, India.


♥ Arun kumar, R., S. Vasantha, A.S. Tayade,S. Anush and G.Hemaprabha. 2018 .Physiological efficiency of sugarcane clones under water limited conditions. In: Global water security conference for agriculture and natural resources held on October 3-6, 2018 at Hyderabad, India. 105.


♥ Ashwin, N. M. R., Leonard Barnabas, A. Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi, R. Viswanathan, A. Masi, G.K. Agrawal and R. Rakwa. 2018 .Comparative secretome analysis of Colletotrichum falcatum identifies potential proteins that induces systemic resistance in sugarcane. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 88-89.


♥ Ashwin, N.M.R., Leonard Barnabas , A.Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi, P. and  Viswanathan. 2018. Comparative secretome analysis of Colletotrichum falcatum identifies potential (novel) proteins that induce PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) in sugarcane and trigger HR in tobacco. Proc. of National symposium on Cutting edge approaches for sustainable plant disease management and ensuring farmer’s profit, organized by Indian Phytopathological Society and ICAR-NRC-Banana during 21-23 December, , pp 211.


♥ Balaji, C.G., P. Malathi, R. Selvakumar, A. Ramesh Sundar and R. Viswanathan. 2018. Molecular identification and characterization of Fusarium sacchari associated with wilt and pokkah boeng disease. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 31.


♥ Bhavadharani, D., J. Ashwin Narayan, R. Valarmathi and C. Appunu . 2018. Ectopic expression of choline oxidase (codA) gene through genetic engineering to develop drought tolerant Sugarcane. In: National Conference on Basic and Applied Biological Sciences organized during 10 -11 October 2018 by Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.


♥ Delivered Guest lecture/Keynote Address on developing Agri- entrepreneurship for Rural youth in the four days training programme organised by ICAR-CIAE-RC, Coimbatore on 24.01.2019, a joint programme by ICAR-CIAE and MANAGE, Hyderabad, 22-25th Jan,2019.


♥ Dharshini, S., V.M. Manoj, J. Ashwin Narayan, T.S .Sarath Padmanabhan and C. Appunu. 2018. Histidine containing Phospho transfer 4 (HPT4) gene isolated from Saccharum spontaneum acts as a key signaling molecule in response to multiple stress conditions. In: National Conference on Basic and Applied Biological Sciences organized during 10 -11 October 2018 by Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. (Won the best poster award).


♥ Dharshini, S., M. Naveenarani, J. Ashwin Narayan,V.M.Manoj ,C. Mahadevaiah , G.S Suresha and C. Appunu . 2018. Exploring transcriptional regulatory network determining low temperature stress tolerance in Saccharum spontaneum. In: Next Gen Genomics, Biology, Bioinformatics and Technologies (NGBT) Conference held from 30 September-2nd October 2018 at Jaipur, Rajasthan


♥ Elamathi, E., P. Malathi, R. Viswanathan, and A.Ramesh Sundar. 2018 .Biological control approach – serves as an interface to identify antifungal/pathogenicity related proteins during tritrophic interactions. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 74.


♥ Gayathri Suresh, R., R. Manimekalai , Arockiya Jain Mary, M. Ram Vannish and A. Selvi. 2019. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) from transcriptome of sugarcane. Presented at the International conference – Sugarcon- 2019. Green Technologies for sustainable development of sugar and Integrated industries during Feb 16-19, 2019 held at ICAR- Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow.


♥ Geetha, P., K. Hari, A. Malathi and P. Rajendra Prasad. 2019. Effect of Bio-inoculants on Germination and Vigor of Sugarcane Transplants”. In: Proceedings of International Sugar Conference: Sugarcon-2019.Green Technologies for Sustainable Development of Sugar and Integrated Industries. ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research (IISR), Lucknow, February 16-19, 2019, pp.


♥ Gomathi, R. and S. Kohila and Lakshmi. 2019. Participated and presented lead paper on “Climate change in sugarcane Agriculture: Metabolic and molecular mechanism of thermo-tolerance” in  “International Conference on ‘Plant Science Research”, USA during 04 March, 2019 to 06 March, 2019.


♥ Gomathi, R. and S. Kohila. 2018. Comparative proteomic profiling of heat stress proteins (hsp’s) in sugarcane.International Conference on “4th International Plant Physiology Congress- IPP congress 2018” organized ISPP, New Delhi and CSIR-Lucknow scheduled during December 02-05, 2018 at Indhira Gandhi Pratishthan, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, UP.PgNo. 120.


♥ Gomathi, R. and S. Kohila. 2018. Karumbu payeril athiga veppanilaial uthathinalyer padumpayirvenayeyalmatrankal. In “National level Tamil Science Congress” held during November 19-20, 2018 organized by Agricultural Scientific Tamil Society, New Delhi at Dr. J.Jayalalith Fishers University, Chennai , Tamil Nadu . Pg No. 31-33.


♥ Gomathi, R. and S. Kohila. 2019. Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Strategies of Sugarcane for Thermotolerance.In: International Conference “Sugarcon-2019” On “Green Technologies for sustainable Development of Sugar and Integrated Industries organized by Society of Sugar Research and  Promotion and Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow during February, 16-19, 2019 at IISR-Lucknow, UP, India.


♥ Gomathi, R., Sri SailajaNoori, and K. Ramachandran. 2018. Evaluating the effect of sea weed bio-formulation on improving yield of plant and ratoon crop of sugarcane. In National seminar on abiotic stress management challenges and opportunities” held during October 25 and 26th 2018 at TNAU, Coimbatore. Pg No. 244-245.


♥ Gomathi, R., S. Kohila and K. Lakhsmi. 2018. Differential transcript expression profiling of sugarcane (Co 99004) for elevated temperature stress. In National seminar on abiotic stress management challenges and opportunities” held during October 25 and 26th 2018 at TNAU, Coimbatore. Pg No. 147.


♥ Gomathi, , P.Govindaraj and Bakshi Ram. 2018. “Evaluation of promising sugarcane clones (Saccharum spp.) for drought tolerance” In: International STAI conferenceon“76th Annual convention and International Sugar Expo” Edited and Published by The President STAI association of India, New Delhi,  2018 .pgs. 112-138.


♥ Gomathi, R., P.Govindaraj, Bakshi Ram and K. Ramachandran. 2018. Karumbil payer venaiyeyalpanbogalmoolamvartchiyaithangivalakuudiyaeragankalaitheirviseythal.In “National level Tamil Science Congress” held during November 19-20, 2018 organized by Agricultural Scientific Tamil Society, New Delhi at Dr. J.Jayalalith Fishers University, Chennai , Tamil Nadu . Pg No. 25-27.


♥ Gopi, R., K. Chandran, B. Mahendran, M. Nisha and R. Viswanathan. 2018 .Disease monitoring and epidemiology of fungal diseases in Saccharum officinarum Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 72.


♥ Guest lecture on Income generation Technologies for promoting Agri entrepreneurship promotion in the Joint training programme organised by ICAR-CIAE, Coimbatore and MANAGE, Hyderabad 29th June,2019.


♥ Hari, K.,D. Puthira Prathap, P. Murali, A. Ramesh Sundar and B. Singaravelu . 2018. Soil moisture indicator in sugarcane agriculture. Phamplet No. SMI/18/Ta/01, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore. pp. 77.


♥ Hemaprabha, G. and Bakshi Ram. 2018. Performance of new sugarcane varieties and  AICRP (S) Varietal trials. Lead paper presented in Technical session 4 in the 49th meeting of Sugarcane Research  and  Development Workers held at Erode on 1 and ,2, November, 2019.


♥ Hemaprabha, G. and Bakshi Ram. 2018. Performance of new sugarcane varieties and  AICRP (S) Varietal trials. Lead paper presented in Technical session 4 in 21st meeting of Sugarcane Research and  Development Workers of Southern Karnataka held at Mysore on June 1-2, 2018. In Compendium of Research Articles and Status papers (Ed) D. Puthira Prathap, A. Bhaskaran and V. Venkatasubramanian ICAR Sugarcane breeding Institute, Coimbatore pp 97-101.


♥ Hemaprabha, G., K. Mohanraj and Bakshi Ram. 2018. Breeding strategies for incorporating red rot resistance in commercial varieties. ISSCT XII Pathology Workshop, Coimbatore, India. 03-Sep-2018, 07-Sep-2018.


♥ Karuppaiyan, R., Bakshi Ram, P. Govindaraj, A. Annadurai and P. Amudha. 2018. National Sugarcane Varietal Development Programmes. In: Best Management Practices for Doubling Farmer’s Income (eds. T. Rajula Shanthy and Bakshi Ram). ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. Extension Publication No 275 (2018) pp 9-31. ISBN 978-93-85-2672-2-2′


♥ Kaverinathan, K., P. Malathi, R. Viswanathan and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2018 .Identification and characterization of genes/proteins related to colletotrichum falcatum pathogenesis in sugarcane. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 77-78.


♥ Key note address ‘Knowledge Management in India- An Overview” given in the inaugural session of the National Digital Library, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore on 7th Feb, 2019.


♥ Key note address given in the inaugural session of the promoting Skill Development in Entrepreneurship Competencies, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore on 19th Sept,2018


♥ Keynote Address given in the inauguration of the Training Programme on Entrepreneurship in Agri-engineering and Machineries at ICAR-CIAE-RC, Coimbatore on 28th June,2018


♥ Knowledge Management in Soil and Water Conservation for Mitigating Climate Change Impact Key Note Address given in 28th National Conference on Farmers’ Friendly Soil and Water Conservation Technologies for Mitigating Climate Change Impact, organised by Soil Conservation Society of India, Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, R.S, Udhagamandalam on 31st January,2019


♥ Lakshmi, K. and S. Vasantha. 2019. Gene Expression Studies in Saccharums pontaneum, a wild relative of sugarcane in Response to Salinity” in International Salinity Conference on “Resilient Agriculture in Saline Environments under Changing Climate: Challenges and  Opportunities” organised by Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal during 7 – 9 February 2019.


♥ Lakshmi, K. 2018. Transcriptome and expression profiling of the highly polyploidy sugarcane genome highlights key genes involved in cellulose and lignin biosynthesis. International conference on Next Gen Crops for sustainable Agriculture held on July 19-20, 2018 in Chandigarh, India.


♥ Lakshmi Pathy T., V. Vinu and R. Arun Kumar. 2018. Association study among traits imparting drought tolerance in Saccharum spontaneum.  In: National seminar abiotic stress management challenges and opportunities held on October 25-26, 2018 at Coimbatore, India P.No.85.


♥ Mahadeva Swamy, H.K,V. Ulaganathan , R.Arun Kumar , Karthigeyan S, Adhini S. Pazhany and R.Valarmathi. 2018 Identification of new genetic resources for drought stress tolerance from wild sugarcane germplasm. National Seminar on Abiotic stress management (NSASM, 2018) organized by Department for Crop Physiology, TNAU during October 25-26, 2018.


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, B. Singaravelu, K. P.Salin and K. Chandran. 2018. Status of Saccharum accessions vis-à-vis Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). International Conference on Emerging Synergies in Agriculture, Food Processing Engineering and Biotechnology, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tamil Nadu, India, February 21-23, 2018.


♥ Malathi, P., R. Viswanathan and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2018 .Efficient management of fungal diseases in sugarcane by enhanced fungicide delivery in planting materials. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp54.


♥ Malathi, P., E. Elamathi, R. Viswanathan and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2019 .Biological control – conventional and molecular approaches for protecting sugarcane from red rot. International Conference Sugarcon-2019 Green Technologies for Sustainable Development of Sugar and Integrated Industries. Feb. 16-19, 2019, ICAR-IISR, Lucknow, pp 116-117.


♥ Manimekalai, R, N. Jini, M. Gokul, A. Selvi,R.Gomathi, Arun Kumar. 2018. Biochemical and physiological response to oxidative stress in cultivated sugarcane and wild genera. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology. 23(2):1-10.


♥ Manimekalai, R., J. Saranya, A. Selvi, Ram Vannish and A .J. Mary. 2019. Novel miRNAs: Prediction and annotation in sugarcane and wild species. The paper presented at the International conference – Sugarcon – 2019. Green Technologies for sustainable development of sugar and Integrated industries during Feb 16-19, 2019 held at ICAR- Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow.


♥ Manimekalai, R., J. Saranya, A. Selvi, Ram Vannish and A.J.Mary. 2019. Novel miRNAs: Prediction and annotation in sugarcane and wild species. The paper presented at the International conference – Sugarcon – 2019. Green Technologies for sustainable development of sugar and integrated industries during Feb 16-19, 2019 held at ICAR- Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow.


♥ Manimekalai, R. 2018. Plant genome sequencing through NGS” at the National Seminar cum Workshop on “Innovations and implementation of modern technologies in Agriculture  and Horticulture,” held at Department of Biotechnology, Selvam Arts and Science College, Namakkal, Tamilnadu during 22-24, November 2018.


♥ Manimekalai, R. 2019. Applications of Next Generation Sequencing Technologies for Crop Improvement”. Presented at the National Conference on Futuristic intricate stratagems in computational Genomics (CGEN) held at Department of Bioinformatics, Nirmala College for Women, Coimbatore, during 24-25, January, 2019.


♥ Manimekalai, R. 2019. Next Generation Sequencing and Genomic selection for the improvement of sugarcane”. Lecture was presented at the International conference – Sugarcon – 2019. Green Technologies for sustainable development of sugar and Integrated industries during Feb 16-19, 2019 held at ICAR- Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow.


♥ Manimekalai, R. ,R. Viswanathan, G. Hemaprabha, K. Mohan Raj, A. Selvi, S. Vasantha,J. Mary, Ram Vannish, J. Saranya. 2018 .Genomic selection approaches for red rot resistance in sugarcane. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 17


♥ Mohanraj, K., A. Suganya and AJ prabhakaran. 2018. Broadening the Genetic Base of Sugarcane: Introgression of Red Rot Resistance from the Wild Relative Erianthus In: ISSCT XII Pathology workshop held at Coimbatore during 3-7, Sep 2018. Pp: 18


♥ Mohanraj, K., G. Hemaprabha, S. Vasantha and R. Raja. 2018. Effect of drought on biomass partitioning in diverse parental clones of sugarcane. In: National seminar Abiotic stress management –Challenges and Opportunities at TNAU, Coimbatore during 25-26 Oct 2018.


♥ Mohanraj, K., Hemaprabha  G, Vasantha S and Raja R. 2018 .Effect of drought on partitioning in diverse parental clones of sugarcane. . In: National seminar abiotic stress management challenges and opportunities held on October 25-26, 2018 at Coimbatore, India. 103.


♥ Murali, P., R. Sendhil , Prathap D. Puthira , Venkatasubrmanian, and Bakshi Ram .2018. Oral presentation on “Decontrolling, Price Transmission and Market Integration of Sugar Sector in India vis-a-vis Global market – A cointegration Analysis,” 30th ICAE Conference, July 28 – August 2, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia277212 organized by International Association of Agricultural Economists.


♥ Murali, P., V. Venkatasubrmanian and T. Rajula Shanthy. Lecture delivered on economics of cane cultivation in the Model training Course on Best management practices for doubling farmers income, 19th December 2018, held at ICAR – SBI, Coimbatore.


♥ P., V.Venkatasubramanian and K.S. Kumaravel. 2019 .Lecture delivered on “Overview of establishing ICT enabled primary rural Agri market (PRAM) centres in the Model training Course on Market led extension through ICT based interventions” on 30/01/2019 at PAJANCOA  and RI, Karaikal, Pudhucherry.


♥ P., V.Venkatasubramanian and K.S. Kumaravel. 2019 .Lecture delivered on “Agriculture market identification process through ICT”. Training on Market led extension through ICT based interventions on 29/01/2019 at PAJANCOA  and RI, Karaikal, Pudhucherry.


♥ Nandakumar, M., R. Viswanathan, P. Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar. 2018 .Induction and antifungal activities of 3-deoxyanthocyanidins phytoalexin compounds as host response against invading Colletotrichum falcatum in sugarcane. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 87


♥ Naveenarani, M. and C. Appunu. 2018. CRISPR/Cas9 mediated targeted genome editing in sugarcane. National conference on Novel trends in Bioscience (NCNTB 2018), 3rd February, Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore


♥ Neelamathi, D., A. Selvi, R. Viswanathan, G. Hemaprabha and Braj Mohan Singh Bahel .2018.New strategy for production virus free tissue culture plant through direct regeneration technique in sugarcane. ISSCT Pathology workshop 3-7 Sep 2018.


♥ Neelamathi, D., A.J. Prabakaran, S. Karthigeyan and N. Rajendraprasad. 2018. Sugarcane seed nursery programme. 21st meeting of Sugarcane Research and Development workers of Southern karnataka, Mysore.1-2, June 2018 pg 121-125.


♥ Neelamathi, D., 2018. Sugarcane seed nursery   18th meeting of Sugarcane     Research and Development workers of Northern Karnataka. S   Nijalingappa Sugar    Institute, Belagavi, 5-6, Oct   155-157.


♥ Neelamathi D., A. Selvi, R. Viswanathan, G. Hemaprabha and Braj Mohan Singh Bahel . 2018 .New strategy for production virus free tissue culture plant through direct regeneration technique in sugarcane. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 50-51.


♥ Nithya, K., R. Viswanathan, R. Karuppaiyan. 2018. Status of sugarcane yellow leaf resistance in Saccharum hybrid populations and parental clones in India. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 70.


♥ Nithya, K.,B. Parameswari and R. Viswanathan. 2019. Molecular characterization of sugarcanr grassy shoot phytoplasma, International Conference Sugarcon-2019 Green Technologies for Sustainable Development of Sugar and Integrated Industries. Feb. 16-19, 2019, ICAR-IISR, Lucknow, pp 118.


♥ Palaniswami, C., Bakshi Ram, A. Vennila and S. Anusha .2018. Approaches to maximize sugarcane yield and reduce cost of cultivation. In: Proceedings of 18th meeting of Sugarcane R and D Workshop of Northern Karnataka held during 5-6 October, 2018 at Belgavi Karnataka. pp. 23-31.


♥ Palaniswami, C., Bakshi Ram, A. Vennila and S. Anusha .2018. Strategies for improving sugarcane productivity. In: Proceedings of 49th Meeting of Sugarcane R and D Workshop of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry held during 01-02 November 2018 at Erode, Tamil Nadu. ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. pp.7-12. ISBN: 0973-8185


♥ Parameswari, B., Shubham Kumar, K. Nithya, M. L. Chhabra, Praveen Kumar and Viswanathan. 2018 .Genome wide association studies in sugarcane for yellow leaf disease resistance. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 13-14.


♥ Punithavalli, M. and A. Jebamalaimary. 2018. Profiling of proteinase inhibitors (PIs) on exotic sugarcane genotypes and their evaluation against gut proteinases of sugarcane early shoot borer Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen). International Conference on Emerging Synergies In Agriculture, Food Processing Engineering and Biotechnology, Coimbatore, India.


♥ Punithavalli, M. and A. Jebamalaimary. 2018. Relationship between proteinase inhibitors (PIs) of Erianthus arundinaceous and developmental characteristics of sugarcane shoot borer Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen). International Conference on Emerging Synergies In Agriculture, Food Processing Engineering and Biotechnology, Coimbatore, India.


♥ Raja Muthuramalingam T., K. Nithya, R. Viswanathan. 2018. Ultrasensitive nanogold-labelled immunoassay for the detection of sugarcane streak mosaic virus. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 81.


♥ Raja Muthuramalingam, T., K. Nithya, R. Viswanathan. 2018. Nanoparticle-Enhanced Paper Biosensor for the Detection of Sugarcane streak mosaic virus in Sugarcane. National Symposium on Cutting edge approaches for sustainable plant disease management and enduring farmers’ profit, Dec 21-23, 2018 at ICAR-NRCB, Tiruchirapalli.


♥ Ramesh Sundar, A., N. M. R. Ashwin, E. Leonard Barnabas, K. Nalayeni, P. Malathi and Viswanathan 2018. Deciphering sugarcane-smut pathogen interaction by employing tools of “Omics”.59th Annual AMI Conference .and International Symposium on Host-Pathogen Interactions, held at Univ. of Hyderabad, 9-12th. Dec.: pp. 389.


♥ Ramesh Sundar A., N. M. R. Ashwin, Leonard Barnabas, K. Nalayeni, A. Agisha, P. Malathi, R. Viswanathan. 2018 .Sugarcane smut – current status of research in India and emerging prospects. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 46-47.


♥ Ramesh Sundar, A., Ashwin, N. M. R. Ashwin, Leonard Barnabas, K. Nalayeni, A. Agisha, P. Malathi, R. Viswanathan. 2018. 2018. Proteome analysis adding leverage to understand the complexity in sugarcane-pathogen interaction. Proc. of National symposium on Cutting edge approaches for sustainable plant disease management and ensuring farmer’s profit, organized by Indian Phytopathological Society and ICAR-NRC-Banana during 21-23 December, 2018, pp 159.


♥ Sanju Balan, R. Karuppaiah, K. Bagyalakshmi, K. Anita Cherian, R. Viswanathan. 2018 .Leaf fleck, an emerging viral disease in sugarcane: surveillance under various geographical locations in India. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore, pp40.


♥ Sanju Balan, R. Viswanathan, K. Anita Cherian, T. Raja Muthuramalingam. 2018. Studies on true seed transmission of Sugarcane bacilliform virus associated with leaf fleck in sugarcane. “National Symposium on Cutting edge approaches for sustainable plant disease management and enduring farmers’ profit” Dec 21-23, 2018 at ICAR-NRCB, Tiruchirapalli.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2018. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN): A potential Biopesticide for white grub control in sugarcane. Talk delivered at a Farmers’s meet Jointly organized by  KVK, Tondapur, Hingoli, Maharastara and Ms. Khandaelwal Biofertilizers, Belgavi  on 20.08.2018.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2018. Entomopathogenic nematodes in biocontrol of insect pests and its role as bioindicator of environmental pollution. Invited paper presented in a national workshop on Impact of climate change on biodiversity and environment, organized by Dept of Environmental Sciences, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore from 19-20, December 2018.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2019. EPN in white grub control. “XX Group Meeting of All India Network Project on soil Arthropod pests, GKVK, Bengaluru, 01-02, March, 2019


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C., B. Singaravelu, S. K. Pandey and M. Rajesh Kumar. 2018. Entomopathogenic nematodes: Isolation from sugarcane fields of subtropical India, bio-efficacy studies against white grub and mass production by Monoxenic liquid fermentation technique. Oral paper presentation at “International conference on Biocontrol : Approaches and Applications (ICBC 2018)” organized by Society for Biocontrol Advancement, ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR), held at Hotel LeMeridien, Bengaluru from September 27-29, 2018.


♥ Selvakumar R., T. Lakshmi Pathy, R. Viswanathan. 2018 .Assessing resistance of sugarcane clones to brown rust in the field. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 90.


♥ Selvi, A.2018. Mapping and marker identification for red rot resistance in biparental segregating populations of sugarcane using microsatellite markers. In. Proceedings of ISSCT pathology workshop.


♥ Selvi , A., R. Viswanathan, G. Hemaprabha, A.S. Anu, N.V. Nair 2018 .Mapping and marker identification for red rot resistance in biparental segregating populations of sugarcane using microsatellite markers. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 86.


♥ Shanthi, R.M, R, Vigneshwari and G. Hemaprabha. 2018. Mining novel genic SSR markers for WRKY transcription factors and disease resistance proteins for use in sugarcane breeding programmes. In: ISSCT XII Pathology workshop held at Coimbatore during 3-7, Sep 2018. P15-16.


♥ Singaravelu, B., Appunu C., Suresha, G.S., SrikanthJ., Sankaranarayanan, C., Mahesh, P., Nirmala R., Rajeshkumar, M. and Naveenarani, M. 2018. Prospecting for novel Bacillus thuringiensis biotype crystal toxin genes in India. Oral paper presentation at “International conference on Biocontrol : Approaches and Applications (ICBC 2018)” Society for Biocontrol Advancement, ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR), Bengaluru, September 27-29, 2018.


♥ Sobhakumari, V.P. 2018 Cytological techniques in sugarcane. In: Book of abstracts and protocols. Department of Botany, University of Kerala, Karyavattom, Trivandrum, Kerala on 21st – 23rd,2018.


♥ Suganya, A., P. Govindaraj, A. Selvi, R. Viswanathan. 2018 .Red rot resistance in interspecific hybrids of sugarcane derived from diverse cytotypes of Saccharum spontaneum Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 19-20


♥ Swathik, P., M .Naveenarani , J. Ashwin Narayan, S. Dharshini ,V.M Manoj and C.Appunu. 2019. “Isolation and characterization of drought responsive NFYB2 gene from Erianthus arundinaceus, in Indian Plant Science Congress at SRM University, Chennai. January 23-25. 2019


♥ Tayade, A. S., A. Bhaskaran and S.Anusha. 2019. IPNS-STCR based nutrient management modules for enhanced soil health, fertilizer use efficiency, productivity and profitability of tropical Indian sugarcane plant-ratoon agro-ecosystem. 2019. In: Proceedings of International Conference Sugarcon. Green technologies for sustainable development of sugar and integrated industries. Lucknow. 15-16 February. pp. 81.


♥ Tayade, A. S., Bhaskaran, A. and Anusha, S. 2019. Impact of application Organics and inorganics on soil health and sugarcane productivity. Proceedings of the 32nd Bennial Workshop of AICRP (S) during October 17-18, 2018 at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka.


♥ Tayade, A. S., S. Vasantha, R. Arun Kumar, S. Anusha and Rajesh Kumar. 2018. Irrigation water use efficiency and water productivity of sugarcane commercial hybrids under water limited situations. In: Proceedings of Global water security conference for agriculture and natural resources. Hyderabad. 3-6 October. pp. 105.


♥ Valarmathi, R., H.K. Mahadeva Swamy, K.Preethi, C. Mahadevaiah and C. Appunu. 2019. Drought adaptive root anatomical phenes in sugarcane germplasm: Targets for crop improvement. In: Proceedings of Indian Plant Science Congress, SRM Institute of Science and Technology (IPSC), January 23-25, 2019, Chennai. pp. 126.


♥ Valarmathi, R., H.K. Mahadeva Swamy, V. Ulaganathan, C. Mahadevaiah and C. Appunu. 2018. Unravelling drought adaptive root plasticity in sugarcane germplasm. In: Jeyakumar et al. (Eds.). Abstracts of National Seminar on Abiotic stress management (NSASM, 2018), Department of Crop Physiology, TNAU, October 25-26, 2018. Pp. 38


♥ Vasantha, S., A.S. Tayade , R. Arun kumar ,S. Anusha and G. Hemaprabha. 2018 .Sugarcane tissue moisture content-An assessment of its relevance under restricted water supply. In: National seminar abiotic stress management challenges and opportunities held on October 25-26, 2018 at Coimbatore, India. 133.


♥ Vinu V. Lakshmi Pathy, H.K. Mahadeva Swamy, R. Valarmathi and R. Arun Kumar. 2018. Evaluation of Saccharum spontaneum clones for drought tolerance. In: Jeyakumar et al. (Eds.). Abstracts of National Seminar on Abiotic stress management (NSASM, 2018), Department of Crop Physiology, TNAU, October 25-26, 2018. Pp. 139.


♥ Viswanathan, R., B. Parameswari, K. Nithya, Raja Muthuramalingam, D. Neelamathi . 2019. Molecular characterization and diagnostics for effective management of viral diseases in sugarcane. Poster presented in the XIV Agricultural Science Congress, Feb. 20-23, 2019, NAAS, New Delhi.


♥ Viswanathan, R., P. Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar, R. Selvakumar, K. Kaverinathan, M. L. Chhabra, B. Parameswari. 2018 .Dynamics of pathogenic variation in Colletotrichum falcatum, red rot pathogen of sugarcane. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore pp 29-30.


♥ Viswanathan, R., T. Raja Muthuramalingam and K. Nithya. 2019 .Developments in diagnosis of sugarcane pathogens: Taking diagnosis to the field through lateral flow assay (LFA) kits. Lead Paper in International Conference Sugarcon-2019 Green Technologies for Sustainable Development of Sugar and  Integrated Industries. Feb. 16-19, 2019, ICAR-IISR, Lucknow, pp 113-114.


♥ Viswanathan, R. 2018 .Disease management through host resistance in sugarcane: screening methodologies developed for different diseases in India. Proceedings of XII International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Pathology Workshop, 03-07, September, 2018, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore, pp5-6.


♥ Viswanathan, R. 2018 .Emerging and re-emerging diseases of sugarcane in South India. Key note address during “National Symposium on Cutting edge approaches for sustainable plant disease management and enduring farmers’ profit” Dec 21-23, 2018 at ICAR-NRCB, Tiruchirapalli.


♥ Viswanathan, R. 2019 .Integrated management of diseases in sugarcane. Invited lecture National Seminar on Challenges to deliver Sustainability in the Indian Sugarcane Industry, March 15, 2019, Pune, NSCSF, New Delhi, pp 41-63.

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