Publication Details -2022

Research Papers

♥ Agisha, V.N., N.M.R. Ashwin, R.T. Vinodhini, K. Nalayeni, A. Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Protoplast-mediated transformation in Sporisorium scitamineum facilitates visualization of in planta developmental stages in sugarcane. Molecular Biology Reports 48:7921–7932


♥ Alarmelu, S., A. Anna Durai, H. K. Mahadeva Swamy, G. Hemaprabha, and S. P. Adhini. 2021. Genetic diversity of parental clones used in breeding programs of sugarcane. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 2(2): 529-539.


♥ Alarmelu, S., E. Karpagam, R. Nagarajan, R. M. Shanthi. 2021. Molecular identification and genetic diversity analysis of sugarcane clones by SSR markers. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(2): 140-151.


♥ Anna Durai, A., R. Viswanathan, A. S. Pazhany. 2021. Exploring the sources of red rot resistance available in national breeding gene pool and their potential utilization for sugarcane improvement in India. Sugar Tech 23(4):843–853 (Springer)


♥ Anuratha, A., M. Ramasubramanian, G. Selvarani, D. P. Prathap and M. Senthil Kumar. 2021. Determinants of Gender Responsive Spending in Rural Families in Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities, 8(4), 129-138


♥ Ashwin, M.R., K.V. Lakshana, D. Amalamol, A. Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi, V. Jayakumar, R. Viswanathan. 2020. Tête-à-Tête during plant-pathogen interactions: intricacies involved and beyond. Plant Disease Research 35(2): 89-96 DOI No. 10.5958/2249-8788.2020.00020.7


♥ Bagyalakshmi, K. and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Development of a scoring system for sugarcane mosaic disease and genotyping of sugarcane germplasm for mosaic viruses. Sugar Tech 23(5):1105–1117 10.1007/s12355-021-00995-3 (Springer)


♥ Balan, S., K. Nithya, K. A. Cherian and R. Viswanathan. 2021. True seed transmission of Sugarcane bacilliform virus (SCBV) in sugarcane. Sugar Tech 10.1007/s12355-021-01031-0


♥ Balasubramaniyan, M., Mahesh, J. Srikanth, B. Singaravelu, D. Puthira Prathap and N. Pothiraja. 2020. Infestation levels of sugarcane shoot borer in Cauvery delta zone of Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(1):94-99.


♥ Chandran, K., R. Athira, Mayalekshmi, M. Nisha, B. Mahendran and R. Gopi R. 2021. Cytological investigation on interspecific progenies of red fleshed Saccharum robustum. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10, 179-185


♥ Chauhan, J.K., T. Rajula Shanthy, Senthamil. 2021. Adoption of technologies in sugarcane – A performance analysis. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci 10(1):1892-1901.


♥ Elayaraja, K. and R. M. Shanthi. 2021. Identification of principal traits for ratooning ability associated with cane yield and juice quality in sugarcane genotypes from advanced varietal evaluation trial. Journal of Sugarcane Research 11: 66-73.


♥ Gomathi, R., S. Kohila, and K. Lakshmi. 2020. High-throughput sequencing reveals genes associated with high temperature stress tolerance in sugarcane. 3 Biotech10.198.


♥ Gomathi, R., V. Krishnapriya, R. Arunkumar, P. Govindaraj and Bakshi Ram. 2020. Physiological traits imparting drought stress tolerance to promising sugarcane (Saccharum) clones. Plant Physiology Report 25:509-515.


♥ Gomathi, R., V. Krishnapriya, S. Kohila, S. Vasantha and G.S. Suresha. 2021. High temperature stress causes transient change in the photosynthetic machinery and sucrose metabolism of sugarcane (Saccharum). Agrica 10: 1-12.


♥ Gopi R., B. Mahendran, K. Chandran, M. Nisha and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Plant and weather factors on resistance of Saccharum officinarum germplasm against ring spot disease. Sugar Tech 23(4):720–729 (Springer)


♥ Gopi, R., Mahendran, M. Nisha and P. Mahesh. 2021. Beneficial microbes for sustainable sugarcane cultivation. International Sugar Journal. 123 (1476): 826-838.


♥ Gopi, R., R. Viswanathan, K. Chandran, M. Nisha and B. Mahendran, P. P. Girishan and Mayalekshmi. 2020. Distribution scenario of diseases in sugarcane germplasm at Kannur, Kerala. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(2):186-197.


♥ Govindaraj, P and H. K. M. Swamy. 2021. Expedition for the Collection and Conservation of Saline and Waterlogging Tolerant Sugarcane Wild Germplasm from West Bengal and Assam. Sugar Tech 23(6), pp.1268-1283.


♥ Govindaraj, P. and H K. Mahadevaswamy. 2021. Collection, Characterization and Diversity Analysis of New Wild Sugarcane Germplasm Collected from Western Ghats: A Rich Biodiversity Spot in India. Sugar Tech 23(3), pp.484-498.


♥ Govindaraj, P., R. Gowri, K. Mohanraj and V. A. Amalraj. 2021. SSR marker based molecular genetic diversity analysis among Saccharum spontaneum (L.) Collected from North Western region of India. Sugar Tech 23(4), pp.730-740.


♥ Hemaprabha, G., , K. Mohanraj, P. A. Jackson, P. Lakshmanan, G. S. Ali, A. M. Li, D. L. Huang, Ram, B. 2021. Sugarcane genetic diversity and major germplasm collections
Sugar Tech: 2021-12-31, DOI: 1007/s12355-021-01084-1


Hemaprabha, G.,  Lakshmi Pathy, K. Mohanraj, S. Alarmeluand B. Ram. 2022. Population structure of Coimbatore canes developed in a century of sugarcane breeding in India. Sugar Tech10.1007/s12355-021-01093-0.


♥ Imtiyazahemed, S., L. Mahalingam, N. Premalatha, K. Senguttuvan, P. Sobhakumari and M. Kumar 2021. Developmant and hybridity confirmation of F1interspecific hybrids between Gossypium barbadense and Gossypium anomalum. Journal of Cotton Research and Development 35(1), 19-28.


♥ Jayakumar, V. and K. Senthil. 2021. Guttation droplets of sugarcane red rot pathogen Colletotrichum falcatum: Formation, toxigenic properties, and composition. Mycologia 113: 748-758.


♥ Jayakumar, V., A. Ramesh Sundar and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Biocontrol of Colletotrichum falcatum with volatile metabolites produced by endophytic bacteria and profiling VOCs by headspace SPME coupled with GC–MS. Sugar Tech 23: 94–107


♥ Kannan, M., N. Geetha, K. Elango, M. Mohan and G. Sivakumar. 2021. Characterization of granulosis viruses of sugarcane early shoot borer, Chilo infuscatellus (Snell.) and internode borer, Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur). Current Science 121(4), 25:570-573


♥ Karthigeyan, S., P. Govindaraj and A. S. Pazhany. 2021. Wild Sugarcane-Saccharum sp. germplasm collection in the states of Punjab and Haryana, India. Journal of Sugarcane Research, 10(2).


♥ P., P. Jackson, G. Hemaprabha, Y.R. Li. 2021. Sugar Tech Special Issue: History of sugarcane breeding, germplasm development and related molecular research. Sugar Tech24, 1–3 (2022).


♥ Lakshmi, K. and V. Rabisha. 2020. Expression analysis of Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase (CAD) involved in lignin biosynthesis of Erianthus arundinaceus. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10, 152-15


♥ Lakshmi, K., Rabisha, K. Keerthana, S. Sheelamary , H.V. Nam, A. Selvi, S. Vasantha and S. Karthigeyan 2021. Deep sequencing of suppression subtractive library identifies differentially expressed transcripts of Saccharum spontaneum exposed to salinity Stress. Physiologia Plantatrum special issue on raising crops for dry and saline lands.


♥ Lakshmi,, Z Adams, R. L. Couto-Rodriguez, D. Gal, H. Jia, P. Mondragon, P.C. Wassel, D. Yu, S. Uthandi, J. A. Maupin-Furlow. 2021. High-level synthesis and secretion of laccase, a metalloenzyme biocatalyst, by the halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii. Methods in enzymology, 659, 297-313


♥ Mahadevaiah, C., Hapase, V. Sreenivasa, R. Hapase, H. K. M. Swamy, C. Anilkumar, K. Mohanraj, G. Hemaprabha, and B. Ram. 2021. Delineation of genotype× environment interaction for identification of stable genotypes for tillering phase drought stress tolerance in sugarcane. Scientific Reports 11, p.18649.


♥ Mahadevaiah, C., C. Appunu, K. Aitken, G. S. Suresha, P. Vignesh, H. K. M. Swamy, R. Valarmathi, G. Hemaprabha, G. Alagarasan and B. Ram. 2021. Genomic selection in Sugarcane: Current status and future prospects. Frontiers in Plant Science.


♥ Mahendran, B., P. Mahesh, R. Gopi, K. Chandran, and M. Nisha. 2020. Herbivore diversity of a unique, islanded and managed sugarcane agro-ecosystem comprising Saccharum germplasm, Insect environment 20:61-63.


♥ Mahesh,, J. Srikanth, B. Mahendran, K. Chandran, B. Singaravelu and K.P. Salin. 2021. Occurrence of the exotic mite Schizotetranychus krungthepensis (Acarina: Tetranychidae) in sugarcane germplasm in India. Crop Protection 144:105556. 021.105556.


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, B. Mahendran, K. Chandran, B. Singaravelu and K.P. Salin.2020. Scale insect Melanaspis glomerata (Green) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) in world collection of Saccharum spontaneum L. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 40, 933–941.


♥ Manikantan, M. R., R. Pandiselvam, T. Arumuganathan, C. Indu Rani and N. Varadharaju. 2021. Low-density polyethylene based nanocomposite packaging films for the preservation of sugarcane juice. Journal of Food Science and Technology (DOI:


♥ Meena, S. K., R. Pandey, S. Sharma, Gayacharan, V. Krishnapriya, H. K. Dikshit, K. H. M. Siddique, M. P. Singh 2021. Cross tolerance to phosphorus deficiency and drought stress in mungbean by improved antioxidant capacity, biological N2-fixation, and differential transcript accumulation. Plant and Soil 466: 337-356


♥ Mohanraj, K., G. Hemaprabha, S. Vasantha. 2021. Biomass yield, dry matter partitioning and physiology of commercial and Erianthus introgressed sugarcane clones under contrasting water regimes. Agricultural Water Management 255: 107035


♥ Nalayeni, K., N. M. R. Ashwin, L. Barnabas, T. Vinodhini, V. N. Agisha, A. Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Comparative expression analysis of potential pathogenicity-associated genes of high- and low-virulent Sporisorium scitamineum isolates during interaction with sugarcane. 3 Biotech 11: Article number: 353


♥ Nandakumar, M., P. Malathi, A. R. Sundar and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Host-pathogen interaction in sugarcane and red rot pathogen: Exploring expression of phytoalexin biosynthesis pathway genes. Indian Phytopathology 74:529–535 DOI: 10.1007/s42360-020-00306-y


♥ Nandakumar, M., P. Malathi, A. R. Sundar, C. P. Rajadurai, M. Philip, R. Viswanathan. 2021. Role of miRNAs in the host–pathogen interaction between sugarcane and Colletotrichum falcatum, the red rot pathogen. Plant Cell Reports 40: 851–870 1007/s00299-021-02682-9 (Springer)


♥ Nandakumar, M., P. Malathi, A. R. Sundar, R. Viswanathan. 2021. Expression analyses of resistance-associated candidate genes during sugarcane-Colletotrichum falcatum Went interaction. Sugar Tech 23(5):1056–1063 10.1007/s12355-021-00976-6 (Springer)


♥ Nandakumar, M., R. Viswanathan, Malathi and A.R. Sundar. 2021. Selection of reference genes for normalization of microRNA expression in sugarcane stalks during its interaction with Colletotrichum falcatum. 3 Biotech 11: 72 DOI 10.1007/s13205-020-02632-4 (Springer)


♥ Naveenarani, M., S. Suresha, J. Srikanth, K. Hari, C. Sankaranarayanan, P. Mahesh, R. Nirmala, C. P. Swathik, N. Crickmore, Bakshi Ram, C. Appunu, B. Singaravelu. 2021. Whole genome analysis and functional characterization of a novel Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt 62) isolate against sugarcane white grub Holotrichia serrata (F). Genomics 114:185–195


♥ Nithya, K., J. Vishnu Vardhan, S. Balasaravanan, D. Vishalakshi and K. Kaverinathan, R. Viswanathan. 2021. First report of Maize yellow mosaic virus (MaYMV) infecting sugarcane in India and its molecular characterization. Australasian Plant Pathology 50:633–638 DOI : 10.1007/s13313-021-00809-w


♥ Pandey, R., K. Vengavasi, and M. J. Hawkesford. 2021. Plant adaptation to nutrient stress. Plant Physiology Reports 26: 583-586.


♥ Parameswari, B., K. Nithya, S. Kumar, S. K. Holkar, M. L. Chabbra, P. Kumar and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Genome wide association studies in sugarcane host pathogen system for disease resistance: an update on the current status of research. Indian Phytopathology 74:865–874


♥ Pathy, T. L., K. Mohanraj. 2021. Estimating best linear unbiased predictions (BLUP) for yield and quality traits in sugarcane. Sugar Tech 23, 1295–1305.


♥ Pooja, B. Ram, A. K. Singh, S. K. Tomar, R. Karuppaiyan, A. Singh and A. K. Raja. 2021. Preservation of sugarcane juice by enhancing shelf life through Sulphitation, Acidification and Steaming. Journal of Environmental Biology, DOI :


♥ Pooja, N. Kulshrestha, R. Kumar, A. K. Raja, S. K. Pandey, V. Goel and B. Ram. 2021. Identification of drought-tolerant co-canes based on physiological Traits, yield attributes and drought tolerance indices. Sugar Tech, 12355-021-00967-7 .


♥ Prasanth, C. N., R. Viswanathan, P. Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar. 2021. Development and characterization of genomic SSR marker for virulent strain specific Colletotrichum falcatum infecting sugarcane. 3 Biotech 11: Article number:20 DOI: 10.1007/s13205-020-02572-z


♥ Prathap, D. P., P. Murali and V. Venkatasubramanian. Barriers to ICT Usage: An Assessment Among the Sugarcane Farmers in Disadvantaged Districts of Tamil Nadu, India. Sugar Tech, 23(2), 286-295.


♥ Prathap, D. P., P. Murali, P. Paul, V. Venkatasubramanian. 2021. Sugarcane development personnel’s attitudes towards internet usage: Findings from a study in southern India. Sugar Tech23(2), 254-262.


♥ Prathap, Puthira D. P. Murali, P. Paul, and Venkatasubramanian. 2021. Sugarcane Development Personnel’s Attitudes Towards Internet Usage: Findings from a Study in Southern India. Sugar Tech, 23(2), 254-262.


♥ Punithavalli, M. 2021. Spatial distribution of proteinase inhibitors among diverse groups of sugarcane and their interaction with sugarcane borers. Indian Journal of Entomology (83). 10.5958/0974-8172.2021.00101.2.


♥ Punithavalli, M., Jebamalaimary, A. and K.P. Salin. 2021. Defensive responses of Erianthus arundinaceus against sugarcane shoot borer Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen) (Crambidae: Lepidoptera). International Journal of Pest Management. 1080/09670874.2021.1980243


♥ Rajarajan, K., K. Ganesamurthy, M. Raveendran, P. Jeyakumar, A. Yuvaraja, P. Sampath, P. Thirugnanasambandam  and C. Senthilraja. Differential responses of sorghum genotypes to drought stress revealed by physio-chemical and transcriptional analysis. Molecular Biology Reports48, no. 3 (2021): 2453-2462.


♥ Rajendran, I., C. Palaniswami and A. Vennila. 2020. Improved method of liquid jaggery preparation. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(2) 2.10.107-112. On 07 July 2021


♥ Rajula Shanthy ,T., K. Manivel, L, Saravanan. 2021. Adoption of drip irrigation in sugarcane.  Indian Research Journal of Extension Education. 21(1): 1-6.


♥ Ram, B., G. Hemaprabha, B. D. Singh, C. Appunu. 2021. History and Current Status of Sugarcane Breeding, Germplasm Development and Molecular Biology in India Sugar Tech (IF1.591), 2021-06-08, DOI: 1007/s12355-021-01015-0


♥ Ramasubramanian, M., G. Selvarani, P. Prathap, M. S. Kumar and A. Anuratha. 2021. Determinants of Gender Responsive Spending in Rural Families in Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities8(4), 129-138.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T. 2020. Impact of organic manures on the persistence of imidacloprid in the sandy clay loam soil of tropical sugarcane crop ecosystem. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192: 403.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T. and M. Paramasivam. 2020. Dissipation kinetics and environmental risk assessment of thiamethoxam in the sandy clay loam soil of tropical sugarcane crop ecosystem. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 105: 474–480.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T. and M. Paramasivam. 2020. Soil persistence and environmental risk assessment of chlorpyrifos under different organic manuring in the tropical sugarcane ecosystem. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry DOI:10.1080/03067319.2020.1838493.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T. and M. Paramasivam. 2021. Bifenthrin in the tropical sugarcane ecosystem: persistence and environmental risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28(3):3524-3532.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T., T. Sonai Rajan and E. Madhu Sudhanan. 2021. Instar determination for sugarcane internode borer Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 24(1): 461–469.


♥ Salin, K. P., J. Srikanth, B. Singaravelu and R. Nirmala. 2020. Induced resistance and differential allocation of herbivore defensive chemicals: a case study with internode borer chilo sacchariphagus indicus (kapur) in sugarcane. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(1): 63-73.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C. and K. Hari. 2021. Integration of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal and nematode antagonistic fungi for the biocontrol of root lesion nematode Pratylenchus zeaeGraham, 1951 on Sugarcane. Sugar Tech23 (1):194–200.


♥ Scindiya, M., P. Malathi, K. Kaverinathan, A. Ramesh Sundar, and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Knock-down of glucose transporter and sucrose non-fermenting gene in the hemibiotrophic fungus Colletotrichum falcatum causing sugarcane red rot. Molecular Biology Reports 48: 2053–2061


♥ Selvakumar, R. and R. Viswanathan. 2021. A low cost method for early detection of airborne Puccinia rust spores using glass slides and foldscope in the sugarcane field. Indian Phytopathology 74: 835–837


♥ Selvi, A., K. Devi, R. Manimekalai, P. Thirugnanasambandam, R. Valiyaparambth and K. Lakshmi. High-throughput miRNA deep sequencing in response to drought stress in sugarcane. 3 Biotech11- 7 (2021): 1-18.


♥ Sharma, S., V. Krishnapriya, M. Nagaraj Kumar, S. K. Yadav, R. Pandey. 2021. Expression of potential reference genes in response to macronutrient stress in rice and soybean. Gene 792: 145742.


♥ Sheelamary, S. and L. V. 2021. Effect of media concentration and growth hormones on shoot regeneration and in vitro rooting of sugarcane varieties (Saccharum spp. L.). International Journal of Agricultural Sciences 17(1): 89-94. DOI:10.15740/HAS/IJAS/17.1/89-94.


♥ Sheelamary, S. and S. Karthigeyan. 2021. Evaluation of promising commercial sugarcane genotypes for stability by AMMI analysis. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 12(2), 371 – 378.


♥ Singaravelu, B., G. S. Suresha, J. Srikanth, C. Appunu, C. Sankaranarayanan, Mahesh, R. Nirmala and M. Rajeshkumar. 2020. Prospecting in Western Ghats of Karnataka for indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis isolates harbouring novel crystal toxin genes for sugarcane pest management. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(2):113-120.


♥ Sitadevi, K., T. Rajula Shanthy, and T. Ponnarasi. 2021. Entrepreneurship development for rural women through self help group approach. Indian Research Journal of Extension Education. 21(2&3): 166-171.


♥ Sobhakumari, V. P. 2020. Exploration of diversity and distribution of cytotypes of Saccharum spontaneum, a wild species of sugarcane, in India. Caryologia 73(4): 45-54. doi: 10.13128/caryologia-1024 DOP: May 19, 2021.


♥ Srikanth, J., B. Singaravelu, P. Mahesh, and K. P. Salin. 2021. Status and prospects of managing fall armyworm on sugarcane in India. Hexapoda (in press)


♥ Srikanth, J., P. Salin, M. Punithavalli, P. Mahesh, R. Jayanthi and K. Subadra Bai. 2020. A field-release station and release protocol for dispensing cocoons of Cotesia flavipes against sugarcane borers. Phytoparasitica 48:785-800.


♥ Suganya, A., P. Govindaraj, G. Hemaprabha and Bakshi Ram. 2021. AS 04-2097 (INGR20070) – A drought tolerant interspecific hybrid of sugarcane with broadened genetic base. Indian journal of plant genetic resources


Suganya, A., R. Arulmathi, P. Govindaraj and A. Selvi. 2021. Agronomic performance of rare hybrids with female restitution in interspecific crosses of commercial cultivar of sugarcane and Saccharum spontaneum L. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(2).


♥ Swathik C.P, M. Naveenarani, Valarmathi, G. Hemaprabha, B. Ram, C. Appunu. 2020. Isolation, characterization and expression analysis of novel water deficit stress responsive DEEP ROOTING (DRO1) gene from Erianthus arundinaceus. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(1): 001-011.


♥ Swathik Clarancia, P., M. Naveenarani, V. M. Manoj, T. S. Sarath Padmanabhan, S. Dharshini Ashwin Narayan, G. S. Suresha, C. Mahadevaiah, R. Valarmathi, G. Hemaprabha, B. Ram, C. Appunu. 2020. Isolation, characterization and expression analysis of stress responsive plant nuclear transcriptional factor subunit (NF-YB2) from commercial Saccharum hybrid and wild relative Erianthus arundinaceus. 3 Biotech 10 (7):1-14.


♥ Tayade, A. S., Geetha and S. Anusha. 2021. Standardizing planting agro-techniques for sugarcane tissue culture plantlets and bud chip settlings. Sugar Tech 23, 1097–1104.


♥ Tayade, A. S., P. Geetha, S. Anusha, R. Arun Kumar, C. Palaniswami and P. Govindaraj. 2021. Effect of spatial and genotypic variability on heat and energy use efficiency in sugarcane under Tropical Indian conditions. Journal of Crop and Weed. 17(2): 01-08.


♥ Tayade, A. S., G. J. Janavi, B. Rajagopal and K. 2021. Characterization of moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) genotypes using RAPD markers. The Pharma Innovation, 10:12, 94-98


♥ Valarmathi R., H. K. Mahadeva Swamy, V. Ulaganathan, C. Appunu, S. Karthigeyan and Adhini S. Pazhany (2021). Assessing the genetic diversity and population structure of world germplasm collection of Erianthus arundinaceus (Retz.) Jeswiet using sequence-related amplified polymorphic markers. Sugar Tech.


♥ Valarmathi R., H.K.M. Swamy, K. Preeti and C. Appunu. 2021. Comparative profiling of drought induced root metabolic responses in sugarcane wild relative Erianthus arundinaceus (IND 04-1335) and a commercial variety Co 99004. Journal of Environmental Biology 42 (3):668-677.


♥ Vasantha, S., R. Arun Kumar, A. S. Tayade, V. Krishnapriya , Bakshi Ram , S. Solomon. 2021. Physiology of sucrose productivity and implications of ripeners in sugarcane, Sugar Tech


♥ Vengavasi, K., R. Pandey, P. R. Soumya, M. J. Hawkesford, and K. H. M. Siddique. 2021. Below-ground physiological processes enhancing phosphorus acquisition in plants. Plant Physiology Reports 26: 600-613.


♥ Vennila, A., A. Anna Durai and C. Palaniswami. 2021. Herbicide tolerance of sugarcane genotypes to post-emergence application of Halosulfuron Methyl and Metribuzin: An inadvertent preliminary assessment. Sugar Tech,


♥ Vennila, A., C. Palaniswami, A. Anna Durai, R. M. Shanthi and K. Radhika. 2021. Partitioning of major nutrients and nutrient use efficiency of sugarcane genotypes. Sugar Tech


♥ Vignesh, P., C Mahadevaiah, R. Parimalan, R. Valarmathi, S. Dharshini, N. Singh, G. S. Suresha, S. Swathi, K. M. Swamy, V. Sreenivasa, K. Mohanraj, G. Hemaprabha, B. Ram and C. Appunu. 2021. Comparative de novo transcriptome analysis identifies salinity stress responsive genes and metabolic pathways in sugarcane and its wild relative Erianthus arundinaceus [Retzius] Jeswiet. Scientific Reports 11 (1): 24514.


♥ Vinothkumar, R., Y. D. Jaffer, V. S. Bharti, Arjun Singh, A. Vennila, I. A. Bhat and P. K. Pandey. 2021. Heterotrophic nitrifying and aerobic denitrifying bacteria: Characterization and comparison of shrimp pond and effluent discharge channel in aspects of composition and function. Aquaculture,


♥ Viswanathan R. 2021. Impact of yellow leaf disease in sugarcane and its successful disease management to sustain crop production. Indian Phytopathology 74: 573–586 DOI:1007/s42360-021-00391-7


♥ Viswanathan R. 2021. Sustainable sugarcane cultivation in India through threats of red rot by varietal management. Sugar Tech 23(2):239–253 DOI: 10.1007/s12355-020-00882-3


♥ Viswanathan R., G. P. Rao and S. Solomon. 2021. Measures to minimize the growing menace of red rot of sugarcane in subtropical India. Sugar Tech 23(6):1207–1210 DOI :10.1007/s12355-021-01013-2


♥ Viswanathan R., R. Selvakumar, N. Geetha, C.G. Balaji, A. Annadurai, Adhini S. Pazhani, P. Malathi, A. Ramesh Sundar, R. Nithiyanantham, K. Manivannan. 2021. Epidemiology of sugarcane wilt: predisposition by root borer Polyocha depresella a myth or reality. Indian Phytopathology 1007/s42360-021-00398-0


♥ Viswanathan R., R. Selvakumar, P. Malathi and A. R. Sundar. 2021. Modified scale for evaluating sugarcane clones for Fusarium wilt resistance with plug method of inoculation. Sugar Tech


♥ Viswanathan R., Sujeet Pratap Singh, R. Selvakumar, Dinesh Singh, Y.P. Bharti, M. L. Chhabra, B. Parameswari, Anuradha Sharma and Md. Minnatullah. 2021. Varietal break down to red rot in the sugarcane variety Co 0238 mimics Vertifolia effect: characterizing new Colletotrichum falcatum pathotype CF13. Sugar Tech DOI 10.1007/s12355-021-01070-7


♥ Viswanathan, R. 2021. Red rot of sugarcane (Colletotrichum falcatum Went). CAB Reviews 16, No. 023, doi: 10.1079/PAVSNNR202116023


♥ Viswanathan, R., R. Selvakumar, P. Govindaraj, M. L. Chhabra, B. Parameswari, Dinesh Singh, Sujeet Pratap Singh, Rakesh Mehra, Y. P. Bharti, Minnatullah, P. Kishore Varma, V. Ravichandran and Anuradha Sharma. 2021. Identification of resistance to red rot in interspecific and intergeneric hybrid clones of sugarcane. International Sugar Journal 123 (1476): 840-848


♥ Viswanathan, R., R. Selvakumar, P. Malathi and N. Prakasam. 2021. Controlled condition testing (CCT): An ideal high-throughput method for screening of pre-release clones and progenies for red rot resistance in sugarcane. Sugar Tech 23(5):1045–1055 10.1007/s12355-021-00970-y


♥ Viswanathan, R., T. Ramasubramanian, C. Chinnaraja, R. Selvakumar, T. Lakshmi Pathy, K. Manivannan, R. Nithyanantham. 2021. Population dynamics of Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner), the aphid vector of sugarcane yellow leaf virus under tropical conditions in India. Tropical Plant Pathology DOI 10.1007/s40858-021-00483-9

Presentations in “International Conference on Sugarcane Research: In: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon2021)” June 19-22, 2021, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India

♥ Agisha V.N., N.M.R. Ashwin, K. Nalayeni, R.T. Vinodhini, Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Development of a simple PCR-based assay for discriminating mat-1 and mat-2 mating type haploids of Sporisorium scitamineum. pp. 581-584.


♥ Alarmelu, S., G. Hemaprabha, R. Nagarajan and R. M. Shanthi. 2021. Responses to recurrent selection for yield in sugarcane population. 47-51


♥ Amalamol D., N. M. R. Ashwin, K. V. Lakshana, Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi, C. Appunu, R. Viswanathan. 2021. Development of dexamethasone – inducible vector System- “DEX-switch” for ectopic expression of fungal genes in tobacco and sugarcane. pp. 585-589.


♥ Anusha, S., P. Geetha and A. S. Tayade. 2021. Evaluation of new generation herbicides against weeds in sugarcane under wide row planting. pp. 390-393.


♥ Arumuganathan, T., T. Senthilkumar C. Sankaranarayanan, G. Manikandan, R. Sanjay Krishnan, S. Syed Imran and M. Rajeshkumar. 2021. Development and evaluation of manually operated Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) applicator for white grub management in sugarcane. 680-684.


♥ Arun kumar, R., S. Vasantha, A. S. Tayade, V. Krishnapriya., C. Palaniswami1, P. Govindaraj, R. Karuppaiyan, G. Hemaprabha, Sunayan Saha and Bakshi Ram. 2021. Theoretical assessment of potential yield in sugarcane: Indian perspective. 304-308.


♥ Chandran, K., M. Nisha, R. Gopi, B. Mahendran. Sugarcane genetic resources for current use and posterity. pp.  76-79


♥ Deva K. K., L. M. Vivek, P. T. Prathima, V. P. Raveesha and R. Arun Kumar. 2021. Characterisation and sequence analysis of functional domain of S-type anion channel (SLAC) gene from Sugarcane.


♥ Elayaraja, K., P. Govindaraj, T. Lakshmi Pathy, C. Appunu, G. Hemaprabha, V. Rajesh, A. Punniyamoorthy and Bakshi Ram. 2021. Selection of early elite sugarcane clones through best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) analysis for central region of Tamil Nadu.


♥ Geetha, N., M. R. Gayathri, N. Shinsiya, K. P. Salin, A. Suganya, R. Nirmala, C. Yogambal, and T. Ramasubramanian. 2021. Endophytic activity of inoculated Beauveria bassiana in sugarcane. pp. 557-559.


♥ Geetha, N., M. R. Gayathri, N. Shinsiya, K. P. Salin, V. Krishnapriya, P. Nirmala Devi and T. 2021. Phylloplane persistence of entomopathogenic fungi in sugarcane. pp. 554-556.


♥ Geetha, N., M.R. Gayathri, N. Shinsiya, P. Salin, A. Suganya, R. Nirmala, C. Yogambal and T. Ramasubramanian. 2021. Endophytic activity of inoculated Beauveria bassiana in sugarcane. pp 557-560.


♥ Geetha, N., N. Shinsiya, M. R. Gayathri, K. P. Salin, K. Hari, V. Krishnapriya, C. Yogambal, R. Nirmala, P. Nirmala Devi, and T. 2021. First report of Metarhizium anisopliae as an endophyte in sugarcane. pp. 552-553.


♥ Geetha, P., A. S. Tayade, T. RajulaShanthy, C. Palaniswami, S. Anusha and L. Saravanan. 2021. Comparative assessment of sugarcane based cropping system over rice based cropping systems in Tamil Nadu. 427-431.


♥ Gitanjali, J., D. Ramesh, T. Arumuganathan and P. Subramanian. 2021. Feasibility study on production of biochar, activated carbon andhydrochar from sugarcane trash and bagasse via thermochemical conversion methods. pp. 672-677.


♥ Gomathi, R., Krishnapriya and S. Gomathi Sharikha. 2021. Metabolites and endogenous hormones of tropical and subtropical sugarcane varieties grown under tropical India. pp. 462-464


♥ Gopi, R., B Mahendran, K Chandran, M Nisha and R Viswanathan. 2021. Ring spot disease and reaction of sugarcane Saccharum officinarum clones. 76.


♥ Govindaraj P., H. K. Mahadewaswamy, S. Karthigeyan and V. A. Amalraj. Status of exploration, collection, and characterization of climate resilient new sugarcane wild germplasm for developing abiotic stress tolerant sugarcane varieties in India.


♥ Hari, K., D. Puthira Prathap and P. Murali. 2021. From technology development to commercialization: The success story of Soil Moisture Indicator. 653-655.


♥ Hemaprabha G., A. Anna Durai, V. Vinu, T. S. Sarath Padmanabhan and Bakshi Ram. Inbreeding approach for developing near homozygous parental lines for true seed production in sugarcane. pp 294.


♥ Janiga PK, Nithya K and Viswanathan R. 2021. Emergence of novel sugarcane bacilliform virus genotypes with evidences of recombination. 589


♥ Jayakumar V., Ramesh Sundar, R. Viswanathan and N.M.R. Ashwin .2021. Efficacy of novel nano formulations in the control of sugarcane red rot. pp. 533-534.


♥ Jeyalekshmi K., N.M.R. Ashwin, U. Suraj Kumar Mouriya, K. Nalayeni, Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi, G.S. Suresha and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Comparative apoplastic proteome analysis during compatible sugarcane x Sporisorium scitamineum interaction. pp. 592-596.


♥ Keerthana, K., and Lakshmi K. 202. Isolation and characterization of crude enzyme extracted from novel thermophilic strains treated with Erianthus bagasse for structural analysis. pp: 237.


♥ Krishnapriya V., E. Karpagam, R. Arunkumar, S. Vasantha, S. Anusha and V. Vinu. 2021. Physiological traits influencing nutrient use efficiency in sugarcane varieties. 424-426


♥ Lakshana K.V., D. Amalamol, N.M.R. Ashwin, Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi, C. Appunu, R. Viswanathan (2021). Targeted gene disruption by homologous recombination of PAMPs/effector coding genes of Colletotrichum falcatum via peg mediated protoplast transformation. pp. 596-599.


♥ Lakshmi K, K. Keerthana, V. P. Rabisha, J. Joise and G. Aajith. 2021. Cloning and characterization of Ferulate 5 hydroxylase (F5H) gene for lignin biosynthesis pathway from Erianthus species. pp: 205


♥ Mahadeva swamy, H. K., Hemaprabha G., Appunu C., Mohanraj K and Bakshi Ram. Molecular marker based genetic diversity and population structure of recently developed elite hybrids and breeding lines of sugarcane.


♥ Mahadevaiah, C., P. Vignesh, C. Appunu, Dharshini S., S. Swathi , G. S. Suresha., R. Valarmathi, Mahadevaswamy H.K., G. Hemaprabha, and B. Ram. The comparative transcriptome analysis and gene ontology enrichment analysis reveals ‘GO Term: Response to stress’ enriched genes are related to the membrane permeability and cytoskeleton reorganization in sugarcane.


♥ Mahendran, B., P. Mahesh, R. Gopi, K. Chandran and M. Nisha. 2021. Population dynamics, spatial distribution and natural biocontrol of Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) (Homoptera: Lophopidae) populations in an islanded and managed sugarcane crop ecosystem. pp. 571.


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, B. Singaravelu, K. P. Salin, B. Mahendran, and Chandran, K. 2021. Screening of sugarcane germplasm against scale insect Melanaspis glomerata. 570.


♥ Malathi P., Ravindra Naik, R. Viswanathan, A. Ramesh Sundar, T. Ramasubramanian and A. Vennila. 2021. Sett Treatment Device: Feasible to deliver physical, chemical and biological agents to improve sugarcane production and protection. pp 650-652.


♥ Malavika, S. R., K. 2021. Liquid jaggery processing: a comparative study between species of Saccharum having different sucrose level. pp. 743


♥ Manimekalai, R., Hemaprabha, K. Mohanraj, Dm Emily, A. Selvi, S. Vasantha, R. Viswanathan, Bakshi Ram and R. Ram Vannish,. Infant, X. Wei, J. Phillip, And Prakash Laksmanan. 2021. Genomic prediction of sucrose content in sugarcane clones with prediction models. pp 793.


♥ Manimekalai, R., G. Hemaprabha, K. Mohanraj, A. Selvi, S. Vasantha, R. Viswanathan, Bakshi Ram, Jini Narayanan, A. J. Mary, Ram Vannish and J. Saranya. 2021. Assessment of genetic variability and inter-relationship among the quantitative traits of sugarcane under drought stress. pp


♥ Mohanraj, , M. R. Meena, A. Suganya and A. J. Prabakaran. 2021. Exploitation of Erianthus procerus for enhancing biotic and abiotic stress  tolerance in sugarcane through prebreeding. pp 82-84


♥ Mouriya U.S.K., N.M.R. Ashwin, D. Amalamol, K V. Lakshana, Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi, C. Appunu, and R. Viswanathan. 2021. A promising approach to decipher the interacting partners of C. falcatum during direct interaction with sugarcane. pp. 613-615.


♥ Murali, P., K. Hari, G. S. Suresha and D. Puthira Prathap. 2021. Sugarcane based agripreneurship. 783-785.


♥ Nalayeni K., S.D. Mundhe, N.M.R. Ashwin, N. Kadoo, P. Carletti, L. Barnabas, Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Deciphering sugarcane metabolites during compatible and incompatible interaction with Sporisorium scitamineum. pp 600-605.


♥ Nisha M, K. Chandran, V. Krishnapriya, R. Gopi and B. Mahendran.2020. Path coefficient analysis of agronomic traits influencing sugarcane yield under waterlogging.


♥ Nithya, K., V. Jayakumar, and A. Anna Durai. 2021. Identification and characterization of sugarcane true seed borne mycoflora and seedling disease causing pathogens. pp. 539


♥ Palaniswami, C., A. Bhaskaran and A. Vennila 2021.Soil CO2 flux with different soil amendments in sugarcane under field condition. 319-325.


♥ Parameswari, B., K. Nithya, Shubham Kumar, A. Anna Durai, M. L. Chhabra, Praveen Kumar and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Identification of sugarcane yellow leaf disease resistance in Saccharum germplasm and parental clones from India. pp. 536


♥ Prathap D. P., P. Murali, P. Paul and V. Venkatasubramanian. 2021. Communication media preferred by sugarcane development personnel.


♥ Punithavalli, M. and A. Jebamalaimary. 2021. Reaction of Erianthus arundinaceus to sugarcane shoot borer, Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen) (Crambidae: Lepidoptera). pp. 562-564.


♥ Raja Muthuramalingam, T., Nithya K, Viswanathan R. Current opportunities for Lab-On-A-Chip based nano-diagnosis for sugarcane disease. pp. 609


♥ Rajendran, I., K. T. Abdul Vahid, A. Vennila and C. Palaniswami. 2021. Validation of liquid jaggery based products. pp.723-726.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T., Yogambal, C. and Geetha, N. 2021. Toxicity of chlorpyrifos to sugarcane shoot borer, Chilo infuscatellus Snellen (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). pp. 562-564.


♥ Ramesh Sundar A., N.M.R. Ashwin, Leonard Barnabas, V.N. Agisha, R.T. Vinodhini, K. Nalayeni, D. Amalamol, K. V. Lakshana, P. Malathi and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Deciphering disease resistance in sugarcane by Unwinding enigmatic knots during tete-e-tete plant-pathogen. pp. 520-524.


♥ Ravindra Naik, K. Hari, S. J. K. Annamalai and Bakshi Ram. 2021. Evaluation of ICAR – CIAE – SBI power operated sugarcane rind removing equipment. 655-660.


♥ Ribisha Sherin, and Chandran. 2021. Comparison of organic clarificants in “powder jaggery”. pp. 721-722


♥ Salin, K. P., J. Srikanth, B. Singaravelu, and R. Nirmala, R. 2021. Decoding chemical signals in head space volatiles involved in tri-trophic interactions and parcimony in plant defense: A case study in sugarcane. pp. 516.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C., B. Singaravelu, S. K. Pandey, T. Arumuganathan, T. Senthilkumar and M. Rajesh Kumar. 2021. Evaluation of different application methods of subtropical and tropical isolates of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) against white grub Holotrichia serrataon sugarcane under field condition. 619-620.


♥Selvakumar, R., R. Viswanathan. 2021. An analysis on the occurrence of foliar diseases of sugarcane under tropical conditions in India.


♥ A., K. Devi, R. Manimekalai, P. T. Prathima, V. P. Rabisha and K. Lakshmi. 2021. Micro RNA regulation in sugarcane cultivars with differential tolerance to drought. pp. 192


♥ Senthilkumar, T., T. Arumuganathan, S. Syed Imran, C. Sankaranarayanan, G.Manikandan R. Sanjay Krishnan and M. Rajeshkumar. 2021. Development and evaluation of mini tractor operated entomopathogenicnematodes (EPN) applicator for white grub management in sugarcane. 642-646.


♥ Shanthi R.M., G. Hemaprabha, B. Ram, S. Alarmelu, R. Karuppaiyan and V. Vinu 2021. Exploring the potential of intermated inbred progenies for true seed production. pp: 62-67.


♥ Sheelamary, S., S. Karthigeyan and Adhini S Pazhany. 2021 Correlation studies in Saccharum spontaneum with different ploidy levels. pp 143.


♥ Sheelamary, S., S. Karthigeyan and K. Dhanapal 2021. Genetic variation on agromorphological characters in different cytotypes of Saccharum spontaneum pp 132.


♥ Singaravelu, B., J. Srikanth, P. Mahesh, C. Sankaranarayanan, R. Nirmala, G. S. Suresha, C. Appunu and K. Devakumar. 2021. Efficacy of some coleopteran active cry genes on sugarcane white grub Holotrichia serrata. 561.


♥ Singaravelu, B., M. Naveenarani, G.S. Suresha, C. Appunu, C.P. Swathik, J. Srikanth, P. Mahesh, C. Sankaranarayanan, K. Hari, R. Nirmala, Bakshi Ram and N. Crickmore. 2021. Whole genome sequencing, molecular cloning and functional characterization of novel indigenous Bacillus thuringeinsis (bt) harbouring scarabid toxic cry8 genes against sugarcane whitegrub Holotrichia serrrata. 208 – 209.


♥ Sobhakumari, V. P., K. Mohanraj and M. Mohana Prabha. 2021. Genomic in situ hybridization in five consecutive generations of Erianthus x Saccharum hybrids to understand the introgression pattern of Erianthus genome. pp 202.


♥ Sreenivasa, V., C. Mahadevaiah, H. K. Mahadeva Swamy, R. Arun Kumar, K. Mohanraj, P. Govindaraj, G. Hemaprabha and B. Ram Biomass and bio-energy potential of sugarcane interspecific (ISH) and inter generic (IGH) hybrids.


♥ Suganya, A., Srinivasu, G. Hemaprabha and Bakshi Ram. 2021. Exploration of DELTA (DEscription Language for TAxonomy) software for plant genetic resources management in digitization, identification, automated descriptions and exclusion of duplicates. pp 93-95


♥ Suresha, G. S., R. Lavanya, K. Hari, P. Murali, I. Rajendran, K. Chandran, C. Palanisami and Bakshi Ram. 2021. Exploring sugarcane and its byproducts for the production of value added products. 706-707.


♥ Suresha, G. S., Swathi, S. Darshini, N. Ashwin P. C. Swathi, C. Mahadevaiah, C. Appunu and K. Hari. 2021. Towards development of sugarcane lines for improved juice quality and sucrose yield through over-expression and vacuolar targeting of invertase inhibitory proteins. pp. 215 – 217.


♥ Tayade, A. S., P. Geetha and S. Anusha and D. Puthira Prathap. 2021. Agro-economic benefits of sugarcane+blackgram intercropping system under tropical Indian conditions. pp. 301-304.


♥ Thirugnanasambandam, P. P., Sivasakthi, P., Lakshmipathy, T. and Mohanraj, K. Structure, phylogeny and expression of SWEET transporters regulating sucrose transport in sugarcane.


♥ Valarmathi, R., H. K. Mahadevaswamy, C. Appunu, K. Mohanraj, V. Ulaganathan, P. Vignesh, S. Karthigeyan, Adhini. S. Pazhany and C. Mahadevaiah. Novel insights into the phenomics and transcriptomics of sugarcane shoot borne root system and its adaptive plasticity under drought conditions.


♥ Vasantha, S., A. S. Tayade, R. Arun Kumar, S. Anusha and G. Hemaprabha. 2021. An assessment of WUE and WP of sugarcane commercial hybrids and species clones subjected to restricted irrigation treatments. 269-271.


♥ Vasantha, S., R. Arun Kumar, V. Krishnapriya V, S. Anusha, G. Hemaprabha, S. Alarmelu, K. Mohanraj and V. Sreenivasa. Early growth traits and biomass production in sugarcane Co hybrids and pre breeding clones and their contributions in plant architecture. pp. 486-488.


♥ Vasantha, S., R. Arun kumar, V. Krishnapriya, S. Anusha, G. Hemaprabha, S. Alarmelu, K. Mohanraj, and V. 2021. Early growth traits and biomass production in sugarcane Co hybrids and pre breeding clones and their contributions in plant architecture. pp. 793.


♥ Vennila, A., C. Palaniswami, A. Bhaskaran and I. Rajendran. 2021. Development of soil inference system for soil constraint management in sugarcane agriculture. 296-300.


♥ Vijay, K., Sobhakumari V. P., Mohanraj, P. Haruni Priya, R. Mathumathe and M. Mohana Prabha. 2021. Molecular and cytogenetic approaches to understand the genome constitution of backcross progenies of Erianthus x saccharum hybrid. pp 231.


♥ Vinodhini, R.T., V.N. Agisha, N.M.R. Ashwin, K. Nalayeni, Ramesh Sundar, P. Malathi and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Discovering the molecular variation between the Sporisorium scitamineum isolates using sequence Related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers. pp. 615-618.


♥ Vinu, V., T. Lakshmipathy, A. Anna Durai, Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. Behavior of advanced generation inbreds as parents in breeding homozygous types in sugarcane. 


♥ Viswanathan, R. 2021. Changing dynamics of red rot epidemics in Sugarcane in India: twelve decades of journey and lessons learnt. 507-515.


♥ Viswanathan, R., K. Nithya, J. VishnuVardhan, S. Balasaravanan, D. Vishalakshi and K. Kaverinathan 2021. First report of maize yellow mosaic virus (MaYMV) infecting sugarcane and maize in India and its molecular characterization. pp 578-581


Presentations in International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium (IPPVS 2021)  on Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture 11-12, March, 2021, ICAR–Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore


♥ Alarmelu, S., S. Vasantha, S. Sheelamary and R. Arunkumar. 2021. A New Genetic Source of Drought Tolerance in Sugarcane. pp 211.


♥ Anusha, S., A. S. Tayade and P. Geetha. Influence of Climate Change on Sugarcane Cultivation and Weeds. 174.


♥ Arumuganathan T., C. Indu Rani, M. Ramanathan, R. P. Tewari and A. S. Krishnamoorthy. 2021. Modelling oxygen diffusion during storage of fresh button mushroom under modified atmosphere storage system. 261.


♥ Arun Kumar R., Geetha P, A. S. Tayade and Anusha S, and V. Krishnapriya. 2021. Radiation use efficiency of sugarcane genotypes influenced by crop geometry. 145.


♥ Bharathi K., D. Bhavadharani, S. R. Vishnu, J. Ashwin Narayan, V.M. Manoj, S. Dharshini, R. Valarmathi, N. Dharani Shri, M. Sundar, M. Naveenarani and C. Appunu. 2021. Choline oxidase (codA) overexpressing sugarcane lines shows unaltered root anatomical parameters under drought stress.


♥ Chandran, 2021. Physiological Interventions for Climate Smart Agriculture.


♥ Chandran, K., M. Nisha, B. Mahendran, R. Gopi and P. P. Gireesan. 2021. Preliminary screening of Saccharum species clones under natural waterlogged condition. 152


♥ Deva, K. K., L. M. Vivek, P. T. Prathima and R. Arun Kumar. 2021. .Water Use efficiency genes.


♥ Geetha P., K. Hari, P. Malathi, and N. Rajendra Prasad. 2021 Enhancing the growth and vigor of sugarcane settlings through Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR): A strategy to augment cane growth under changing climatic scenario. 200.


♥ Gomathi R., V. Krishnapriya, R. Arunkumar and K. Elayaraja. 2021. Physiological adaptability of tropical and subtropical sugarcane varieties to tropical climatic condition. 149.


♥ Gomathi Sharikha, S., Gomathi, R. and V. Krishnapriya. 2021. Variation in endogenous hormones of tropical and subtropical sugarcane varieties under tropical climate. 168.


♥ Gomathi Sharikha, S., R. Gomathi and R. Valarmathi. 2021. Metabolic and Molecular Diversity of Tropical and Subtropical Sugarcane Varieties at Tropical Climate. 167.


♥ Gomathi, R. Physiological Adaptations and Management Strategies for Abiotic Stresses in Sugarcane


♥ Jini, N., R. Arun Kumar, A. Selvi and R. Manimekalai .2021. “Physiological response of Saccharum spontaneum to oxidative stress and comparison of stress gene expression pattern with Erianthus arundinaceus”.


♥ Karpagam, E and S. Alarmelu 2021. Identification of cellulose biosynthesis genes (CesA-Cellulose synthase) in Sugarcane. In: International conference on Future challenges and prospects in Plant Breeding 2021 held during 6-7, October, 2021 at TNAU, PO 71:40


♥ Karpagam, E. and S. Alarmelu 2021. Morpho – anatomical modifications of leaf in sugarcane hybrids under normal and water deficit conditions. 171.


♥ Kohila, S. and Gomathi. 2021. Identification of heat stress responsive proteins in sugarcane. pp.175.


♥ Kohila, S., Gomathi, V. Krishnapriya, and G. S. Suresha.2021. High temperature stress causes transient changes in the photosynthetic machinery and sucrose metabolism of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). pp.188.


♥ Krishnapriya, V., E. Karpagam, R. Arun Kumar and R. Gomathi. 2021. Root anatomical phenes in response to abiotic stress in sugarcane germplasm clones. 170


♥ Lakshmi,, V.P. Rabisha, K. Keerthana, A. Selvi, S. Vasantha, S. Sheelamary and S. Karthigeyan. 2021. Identification of differentially expressed transcripts in Saccharum spontaneum subjected to salinity stress through suppression subtractive hybridization. pp.142


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, B. Singaravelu, and K. P. Salin. 2021. Dynamics of sugarcane leaf hopper and its biotic agents: impact of short-term climatic changes.


♥ Manimekalai, R., A. Selvi, Rabesha, V.P. and Ram Vannish. 2021. Stress responsive expression of NAC genes in sugarcane and wild species of sugarcane under oxidative stress.


♥ Prathima P.T. and A. Selvi. 2021. Differential expression of abiotic and biotic stress related genes in high and low sugar genotypes during ripening.


♥ Preethi S., P. Sobhakumari, and K. Mohanraj. 2021. Utilization of new set of Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum spontaneum accessions in pre – breeding: Cytogenetic analysis of F1 hybrids. pp.161


♥ Punithavalli, M. 2021. Effect of weather parameters on the population dynamics of tobacco caterpillar Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in soybean.


♥ Ramesh Sundar A., N. M. R. Ashwin, L. Barnabas, K. Nalayeni, V. N. Agisha, T. Vinodhini, P. Malathi and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Changing paradigms of sugarcane smut severity in the past decade – possible role of critical weather factors influencing the disease incidence.


♥ Sankaranarayanan, C. and K. Hari. 2021. Bio efficacy of bioagents Purpureocillium lilacinum and Pseudomonas fluorescens against phyto-nematodes and growth of sugarcane under field condition. 212.


♥ Selvakumar, R., R. Viswanathan. 2021. Sugarcane and Puccinia warfare under changing climate conditions.


♥ Selvi A., K. Devi, R. Manimekalai,T. Prathima, K. Lakshmi, V.P. Rabesha and R. Gomathi 2021. Transcription Factors identified for drought stress tolerance in sugarcane through RNA Seq.


♥ Sheelamary S. and S. Karthigeyan. 2021. Variation in Flowering of Saccharum Spontaneum Germplasm for Developing Climate Smart Sugarcane Varieties. 192.


♥ Sobhakumari, V. P. and K. Mohanraj. 2021. Identify the introgression of Erianthus chromosomes into Saccharum and study its impact on agronomical traits. Pp 166.


♥ Sri Sailaja Nori and Gomathi. 2021. Evaluating effect of liquid formulation on mitigating drought stress in sugarcane. pp. 208.


♥ Suganya, A., A. Selvi, M. Inbaraj, M. Rahul and M. Sivabalan. 2021. Efficacy of the wild species- Saccharum spontaneum L. in the development of climate resilient genetic stocks in sugarcane.


♥ Swathi, S, G. S. Suresha, S. Darshini, N. Ashwin, C. Mahadevaiah, C. Appunu, and K. Hari. 2021. Sub-cellular targeting of invertase inhibitor proteins: A novel approach to increase sucrose yield and to test physiological threshold of sucrose accumulation in sugarcane. 196.


♥ Tayade, A. S., P. Geetha and S. Anusha. 2021. Climate smart weed management practices to mitigate the abiotic stresses in sugarcane. 146.


♥ Tayade, A. S., P. Geetha, S. Anusha, C. Palaniswami and P. Govindaraj. 2021. Impact of climate smart genotypes and nutrient management strategies on sugarcane productivity. p 199.


♥ Valarmathi, R., C. Appunu and K. Mohanraj. 2021. Exploring the functional role of strigolactone biosynthesis gene (MAX 4-1) in regulating tillering in sugarcane.


♥ Vijay, K., P. Sobhakumari, and K. Mohanraj. 2021. Understanding the introgression of Erianthus procerus genome in back cross progenies of Erianthus × Saccharum hybrids by GISH analysis of microsporogenesis. pp.164.


♥ Vinu, V., T. L. Pathy, and H. K. M. Swamy, R. Valarmathi, and R. Arun Kumar 2021. Identification of water deficit stress tolerant Saccharum spontaneum pp. 186.


♥ Vinu, V., T. Lakshmi Pathy, H. K. Mahadevaswamy, R. Valarmathi, and R. Arun Kumar. 2021. Morphological and physiological parameters of Saccharum spontaneum accessions under drought. 187.


♥ Viswanathan, R., R. Selvakumar, P. Malathi, Ramesh Sundar, R. Arun Kumar and R. Gopi. 2021. Pokkah boeng, a probable threat due to climate changes in sugarcane and its management.

Presentations in Conferences/Symposia/Seminars/others

♥ Alarmelu, S., S. Vasantha, S.Sheela Mary, R. Arunkumar and V.Anusheela .2021. Evaluation of Pre breeding genepool of Saccharum spp for drought tolerance. In: International conference on Future challenges and prospects in Plant Breeding 2021 held during 6-7, October,2021 at TNAU, PO 26:33


♥ Alarmelu, S., V Vinu, K. Elayaraja, C. Appunu, G. Hemaprabha and Bakshi Ram.2021. Identification of New Stable Sugarcane Genotypes for Eastern and North Western regions of Tamil Nadu. In: Joint STAI and NSI 79 th Annual Convention held on 4.10.2021 and 5th October. 2021 at Kanpur Organised by STAI, New Delhi. pp :45-52.


♥ Anusha, S., A. Vennila, C. Palaniswami and Bakshi Ram. 2021. Settling Transplanting Technology: an integrated package for enhanced resource use efficiency and economic returns for sugarcane farmers. In: Fifth International Congress on Agri Innovations to Combat Food and Nutrition Challenges held during 23rd -27thNovember 2021 at PJTSAU, Hyderabad.


♥ Appunu, C and G. Hemaprabha. 2021. Enhancing sugarcane productivity in Tamil Nadu through Institute-Industry participatory approach. In: International conference on Future Challenges and Prospects in Plant Breeding, organized by Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics (TNAU) & Indian Society of Plant Breeders (ISPB), 6 to 7, October 2021 (Invited lecture)


♥ Appunu, C., G. Hemaprabha and Bakshi Ram. 2021. Potential early and midlate maturing sugarcane varieties for Tamil Nadu identified through collaboration with sugar industry. In: 79th STAI Annual Convention & International Sugar Expo Virtual, 04-05th October 2021 by Sugar Technologists Association of India (STAI), New Delhi and NSI, Kanpur, e-Proceedings pp. 32-38


♥ Appunu, C., J. Kavya, R. Valarmathi and R. Viswanathan. 2021. CRISPR/Cas based gene editing for inducing resistance in sugarcane against yellow leaf viral disease. In: National Conference on “CRISPR/Cas: From Biology to Technology (CRiSPR – 2021)” Nov 25-27, 2021 (In Virtual Mode) organized jointly by SRM University AP & IBAP, Bengaluru, p. 72 (E.poster)


♥ Appunu, C., J. Kavya, R. Valarmathi and Viswanathan R. 2021. Targeted editing in host factor gene for inducing yellow leaf virus resistance in sugarcane. In: Global Conference on “Agricultural Genomics – Progress and Prospects”, October 21 – 23, 2021, CPMB & B, TNAU, Coimbatore, India, p.61 (E-Poster).


♥ Balan S, R Viswanathan, K. Nithya and K. Anita Cherian. 2021. Screening and identification of source of resistance to leaf fleck disease through conventional and real time PCR assays. In: Virtual National Symposium on “Sustainable Plant Health Management amidst Covid Pandemic: Challenges and Strategies” 01-03, December 2021, ICAR CPCRI, Kasargod, Kerala


♥ Elayaraja, K., S. Alarmelu, C. Appunu, G. Hemaprabha, P. Kathiravan, K.G. Saravanan, K. Dhamodaran and Bakshi Ram. 2021. Studies on correlation and path coefficient analyses in elite sugarcane genotypes evaluated at North Western Region of Tamil Nadu. In: the International Conference on “Future Challenges and Prospects in Plant Breeding” held at Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.


♥ Geetha, N. 2020. Biocontrol of soil arthropods: White grubs and termites by Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF). In: National virtual meeting on “Biopesticides-Registration and quality control issues-way forward” hosted by SBA-NBAIR on 6.10.20.


♥ Geetha, N., D. Dinisha, K.P. Salin, V. Krishnapriya, R. Nirmala, C. Yogambal, P. Nirmala Devi and T. Ramasubramanian. 2021. Nutritional response of Nomuraea rileyi to standard- and economic media during vegetative growth. In: National Conference on “Priorities in crop protection for sustainable agriculture” ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru and organized by Central Agricultural University, Imphal during March 16-18, 2021.


♥ Geetha, N., K.P. Salin, R. Nirmala, C. Yogambal, P. irmala Devi, V. Krishnapriya and T. Ramasubramanian. 2021. A novel strain of Metarhizium anisopliae (ICAR-SBIMa-16) highly virulent to white grub Holotrichia serrata (Fabricius) in Sugarcane: identification and evaluation. In: National Conference on “Priorities in Crop Protection for Sustainable Agriculture” Sponsored by ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru and organized by Central Agricultural University, Imphal during March 16-18, 2021.


♥ Geetha, P., K. Hari, P. Malathi and N. Rajendra Prasad, 2021. Development of improved sugarcane planting material bypriming with bio-inoculants. In: Agri Innovations to combat food and nutrition challenges, Extended Summary: 5th International Agronomy Congress, November 23-27, 2021, India. pp: 1535.


♥ Gomathi R., Rajakumari, Krishnapriya V., Arunkumar R. and K. Elayaraja. 2021. Comparative physiological and metabolic analysis of tropical and subtropical sugarcane varieties under tropical condition In: First NABS-International Conference on “Life Sciences: Contemporary approaches in Biological Sciences for Food, Health, Nutrition Security and Conservation of Biodiversity” held during August 26th to 28th ,2021 at Annamalai University , Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India. pp. 67 & 68.


♥ Gomathi, R. 2021. Physiological adaptations and management strategies for abiotic stresses in sugarcane under thematic area on ‘Abiotic stresses: Physiology Genetic Improvement and management’. In: the National Conference on Plant Physiology-2021(NCPP-2021) on “Frontiers of Plant Physiology For Climate Smart Agriculture” jointly organized by ICAR-NIASM, Baramati, and Indian Society For Plant Physiology, New Delhi during December 10,2022.


♥ Gomathi, R., R. Arun Kumar, V. Krishnapriya, P. Govindaraj and G. Hemaprabha. 2021. “Screening elite sugarcane clones (Saccharum) for drought tolerance”. In: National Conference on Plant Physiology-2021(NCPP-2021) on “Frontiers of Plant Physiology For Climate Smart Agriculture” jointly organized by ICAR-NIASM, Baramati, and Indian Society For Plant Physiology, New Delhi. pp. 145.


♥ Gopi R. R. Viswanathan, K. Chandran, M. Nisha and B. Mahendran. 2021. Pathogen diversity and diseases of sugarcane germplasm clones. In: 2nd International Biodiversity Conference held from 15-18th November 2021, Rome, Italy.


♥ Gopi, R., B. Mahendran, K. Chandran, M. Nisha, K.  Keerthana, and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Occurrence of rust caused by Puccinia melanocephala in sugarcane germplasm. In: Virtual National Symposium on ‘Sustainable plant health management amidst covid pandemic: challenges and strategies’ 01-03 December 2021 organised by Indian Phytopathology(South Zone Chapter) and ICAR-Central Plantation Crop Research Institute, Kasaragod, Kerala . p 41.


♥ Hemaprabha G. 2021. Sugarcane Genetic Resources- Current status of utilization in Crop improvement. Lead paper In: National Future Challenges and prospects of Plant Breeding during 6-7, October, 2021.


♥ Hemaprabha, G. and Bakshi Ram. 2021. Performance of new varieties suitable for Tamil Nadu. In: 51st Meeting of Sugarcane Research & Development Workers of Tamil Nadu & Puducherry, Tiruchenkode, Tamil Nadu, 227-231.


♥ Janiga P.K., Nithya and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Genetic variability of Sugarcane bacilliform virus causing leaf fleck of sugarcane in India. In: National e-Conference on Plant Health and Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities, March, 25-27, 2021, New Delhi, pp 126.


♥ Madhumathi, R., T. Arumuganathan and R. Shruthi. 2021. A survey on wireless sensor networks and instrumentation techniques for smart agriculture. In: 2nd International Conference on Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics (ICMCSI 2021) organized by Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal during 29-30th January, 2021. pg: 416-430.


♥ Madhumathi, R., T. Arumuganathan and R. Shruthi. 2021. Internet of Things in Precision Agriculture: A Survey on Sensing Mechanisms, Potential Applications and Challenges. In: 4th International Journal Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS 2021) organized by SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India during 26-27th February, 502-516.


♥ Mahesh, P., Srikanth, B. Singaravelu, D. Puthira Prathap and R. Nirmala. 2020. Karumbu pairil eligalin thaakudalai kattupaduthum moraigal [Tamil] [Management of rats in sugarcane]. In: Naadalavya 5-aavadu Velaan Ariviyal Tamil Aaraachi Maanadu [Tamil] [5th National Conference on Agricultural Scientific Tamil]. October 9-10, 2020, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.


♥ Mahesh, P., Srikanth, B. Singaravelu, D. Puthira Prathap, and M. Balasubramaniyan. 2020. Infestation levels of sugarcane shoot borer Chilo infuscatellus in Cauvery delta zone of Tamil Nadu, India. In: Web Conference on Perspective on Agricultural and Applied Sciences in COVID-19 Scenario (PAAS-2020), October 4-6, 2020, Agricultural & Environmental Technology Development Society (AETDS), Uttarakhand, India.


♥ Mahesh, P., J. Srikanth, N Geetha, B. Singaravelu and R. Nirmala. 2020. Karumbil American padaipulu thaakudal [Tamil] [Fall armyworm attack in sugarcane]. In: Naadalavya 5-aavadu Velaan Ariviyal Tamil Aaraachi Maanadu [Tamil] [5th National Conference on Agricultural Scientific Tamil]. October 9-10, 2020, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.


♥ Mahesh, P., Srikanth, J., Mahendran, B., Singaravelu, B., Salin, K.P. and Chandran, K. 2021. Status of sugarcane scale Melanaspis glomerata (Green) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) in sugarcane germplasm. In: International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities, 25 June 2021, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, DAV University, Jalandhar, Punjab State, India.


♥ Malathi P., R. Viswanathan, A. Ramesh Sundar, Ravindra Naik; T. Ramasubramanian and A. Vennila. 2021. Vacuum based treatment– An innovative technology of treating planting materials with various agro-inputs for enhanced crop protection. In: Golden Jubilee International Conference on “Global Perspectives in Crop Protection for Food Security” conducted during December 8th to 10th by CPPS at TNAU, Coimbatore.


♥ Malathi P., R. Viswanathan, Ravindra Naik, A. Ramesh Sundar, T. Ramasubramanian and A. Vennila. 2021. Sett Treatment Device – An effective way of delivering agro-inputs for improved protection and production in sugarcane. In: 79th STAI Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo 2021, by virtual mode during October 4th and 5th, 2021 organized by The Sugar Technologists Association of India. pp. 83-94.


♥ Murali, P., B. Ram, P. Prathap, K Hari, and V. Venkatasubramanian. 2021. Sugarcane based ethanol production for fuel ethanol blending program in India. In: International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), 2021 Conference, August 17-31, 2021, Virtual. DOI 10.22004/ag.econ.314945


♥ Nandakumar M., R. Viswanathan, P. Malathi and A.R. Sundar. 2021. Host- Pathogen interaction between sugarcane and Colletotrichum falcatum: unravelling the host defense through biochemical and genomic approaches. In: Virtual National Symposium on “Sustainable Plant Health Management amidst Covid Pandemic: Challenges and Strategies” 01-03, December 2021, ICAR CPCRI, Kasargod, Kerala


♥ Nisha M, K. Chandran, R. Gopi and B. Mahendran. 2021. Potential of different groups of SSR markers in assessing the genetic variability among selected clones of Saccharum officinarum In: International Conference on Future Challenges and Prospects in Plant Breeding, from 06.10.2021 to 07.10.2021 held at TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.


♥ Pathy, T. L., K. Mohanraj, J. Uthandi, G. Venugopal, Jayavani, C. Appunu, G. Hemaprabha and Bakshi Ram. 2021. Simultaneous selection for sugar yield and stability of elite sugarcane clones in multi-environmental trial. In: International Conference on Future Challenges & Prospects in Plant Breeding (FCPPB 2021), 6-7th October 2021, Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, P 1-207. pp. 4064.


♥ Prathap, D. P. “Effective search of scientific literature”, Presentation for the PG and  PhD scholars of Agricultural Extension, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University on 4 March 2021 (Part-I) and 17 March 2021 (Part-II).


♥ Prathap, D. Puthira. Revies of Action taken (ATR) on the recommendations of the 50th Sugarcane R&D workshop of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry at the 51st Sugarcane R&D workshop of Tamil Nadu & Puducherry at Tiruchengode , 26.2.21.


♥ Punithavalli, M and P. Nirmala Devi. 2021. Profiling of silicon in the feeding sites of tissue borers in sugarcane and their allied genus Erianthus arundinaceus. In: 5th Current approaches in Agricultural, Animal husbandry and allied sciences for successful entrepreneurship (CAAAHASSE-2021) held from 05 to 07 Aug, 2021.


♥ Punithavalli, M. and Jebamalaimary, A. 2021. Spatial distribution of proteinase inhibitors among diverse groups of sugarcane and their interaction with sugarcane borers. In: 4th Current approaches in Agricultural, Animal husbandry and allied sciences for successful entrepreneurship (CAAAHASSE-2021) held from 13 to 15 March, 2021.


♥ Ramasubramanian, M., P. Prathap, A. Anuratha, V. Radhakrishnan, M. Selvamurugan, R.Jagadeesan, S. Kamalasundari and M.Sabapathi. 2021. Dissemination of Plant Protection Technologies in Vegetables: Innovative Extension Strategies executed by KVK, Needamangalam during COVID 19 Pandemic. In: Golden Jubilee International Conference on “Emerging trends in plant protection for sustainable vegetable cultivation Emerging trends in plant protection for sustainable vegetable cultivation. 25th & 26th August 2021. Agricultural College and Research Institute, Eachangkottai,Thanjavur-614902 and NABARD, Chennai. pp. 566-571.


♥ Ramasubramanian, T. 2021. Invited to deliver a lead lecture on “Challenges in pesticide resistance management and use of combination pesticides” In: Brain Storming Webinar on “Challenges and future for combination/ premix pesticide formulations in India” organized by the Department of Agricultural Entomology, Centre for Plant Protection Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore on 24th February, 2021.


♥ Ramesh Sundar, A.,M.R. Ashwin, V.N., Agisha, R.T. Vinodhini, D.Amala Mol, , K.V. Lakshana, K.Nalayeni, K.J eyalekshmi, S.K. Mouriya, P. Malathi and R. Viswanathan. 2021. Deciphering plant-pathogen interactions employing molecular biology tools in sugarcane. In: Virtual National Symposium on “Sustainable Plant Health Management Amidst Covid Pandemic: Challenges and Strategies” 01-03 December 2021, ICAR CPCRI, Kasargod, Kerala, pp 24.


♥ Selvi A., K. Devi, R. Manimekalai, P. T. Prathima, K. Lakshmi, V. P. Rabisha. and K. Lakshmi. 2021. RNA seq analysis of sugarcane reveals candidates and pathways involved in drought response. In: ICFRE-ICAR Consultative Workshop on Developing Molecular Breeding Technologies for Enhancing Plant Productivity in Degraded Lands. Organised by, Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, (Indian Council of Forestry Research Education), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu on 24th March 2021.


♥ Sheelamary S. and S. Karthigeyan. 2021. Integrating different stability models to investigate G X E interaction for sugar yield in sugarcane genotypes” In: International Conference on “Future Challenges and Prospects in Plant Breeding” pp.170.


♥ Sobhakumari, V. P .2021. Modern perspectives in Plant Cytogenetics with special reference to Sugarcane. In: International conference on New Horizons in Plant Science-NHPS 2020 [ISBN No. 978-81-940888-3-7]. Pp ii –v. Held at Department of Botany, University of Kerala, Karyavattom, Trivandrum, Kerala on 4-9th January, 2021.


♥ Suganya, A. 2021. Drought tolerance in sugarcane genetic resources and Bamboo and exploitation of anatomical traits (silica) specific markers for climate resilience. In: ICFRE-ICAR workshop on ‘Developing Molecular Breeding Technologies for Enhancing Plant Productivity in Degraded Lands’organized by IFGTB.


♥ Tayade, A. S., P. Geetha, S. Anusha, C. Palniswamy and P. Govindraj. Participated and presented progress report of Agronomic trials conducted at ICAR SBI, Coimbatore in group meeting of All India Coordinated Research Project on Sugarcane hosted by ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow. In Hybrid (Physical & Virtual) Mode on Dated October 21-22, 2021


♥ Valarmathi, R., C. Appunu, and K. Mohanraj. 2021. Towards Engineering Sugarcane Plant Architecture through CRISPR/ Cas9- Mediated Gene Editing of Strigolactone Biosynthesis Gene MAX 3. In: International Symposium On Advances In Plant Biotechnology And Genome Editing & 42nd Meeting Of Plant Tissue Culture Association, April 8-10, 2021.


♥ Vinu, V., S. Alarmelu, K. Shanmugasundaram, R. Rajamadhan, S. Parthiban and V. Anusheela. Identification of sugarcane genotypes with wide genetic base and adaptability for coastal region of Tamil Nadu through AMMI and GGE biplot analyses. In: International conference on Future Challenges and Prospects in Plant Breeding’, October 6-7, 2021, P. 80.


♥ Viswanathan, R. 2021. Impact of yellow leaf disease in sugarcane and successful disease management to sustain crop production. In: National e-Conference on “Plant Health and Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities” March, 25-27, 2021, New Delhi (MSPavgi Award lecture) pp 2-3


♥ Viswanathan, R. and A. Ramesh Sundar. 2021. Application of omics approaches to identify disease resistance mechanism in sugarcane. In: Golden Jubilee International Conference on “Global Perspectives in Crop Protection for Food Security” December 8-10, 2021, CPPS, TNAU, Coimbatore.


♥ Viswanathan, R., P. Malathi, V. Jayakumar, A. Ramesh Sundar. 2021. Biocontrol approaches to manage fungal diseases in sugarcane. In: International Conference on “Industrial perspective, challenges and strategies in the development of novel bio-pesticides: Its implication in sustainable pest and disease management” 11-12, March 2021, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.


♥ Viswanathan, R., R. Selvakumar, P. Malathi, A.  Ramesh Sundar, R. Gopi, R. Nithynantham, and K. Manivannan. 2021. Fusarium sacchari, an enigmatic pathogen infects sugarcane with complex epidemiology. In: Virtual National Symposium on “Sustainable Plant Health Management amidst Covid Pandemic: Challenges and Strategies” 01-03, December 2021, ICAR CPCRI, Kasargod, Kerala, pp 55.


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