The Procedure followed in the Decision Making Process

        The Director is assisted by Heads of Division to monitor the research progress in Institute Research Committee meetings every year. The Research Advisory Committee refines and recommends research activities. Institute is also monitored by Institute Management Committee and Quinquennial Review Team which are constituted by the ICAR, New Delhi. Besides, there are Study Circle meetings every month. Institute budget is presented and sanction obtained as per the EFC document. The Institute Joint Staff Council takes care of the welfare activities of the staff.

1.Chapter 1: Categorization of posts


2. Chapter 2: Recruitment


3. Chapter 3: Reservation in services for SC/ST/OBC/PC


4. Chapter 4: Pre-appointment formalities


5. Chapter 5: Probation/Confirmation


6. Chapter 6: Seniority


7. Chapter 7: Annual Performance Appraisal Report.


8. Chapter 8: Promotion


9. Chapter 9: MACP Scheme for Administrative and Supporting Category Personnel


10. Chapter 10: Training


11. Chapter 11:Transfer


12. Chapter 12:Grant of Compensatory Benefit to the Scientists Posts in
backward/difficult /tribal areas in the country (as per Govt. of India Guidelines)


13. Chapter 13: Forwarding of Applications of Employees of ICAR


14. Chapter 14: International Cooperation


15. Chapter 15: Guidelines on Deputation within India and Abroad and maintenance of Lien


16. Chapter 16: Review of cases of ICAR employees for retention in service under FR 56 (J&K)


17. Chapter 17: Resignation


18. Chapter 18: Voluntary Retirement


19. Chapter 19: Extension and Re-Employment


20. Chapter 20: Study Leave


21. Chapter 21: Sabbatical Leave Rules


22. Chapter 22: Guidelines on appointment as National Professor/National Fellow/Emeritus Scientist etc


23. Chapter 23: Guidelines on engagement of Research Associates/Senior Research Fellows and Award of ICAR Fellowships for Graduate and Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences


24. Chapter 24: Visiting Scientists/Experts Scheme


25. Chapter 25: Extra curricular functions of ICAR employees


26. Chapter 26: Guidelines on disposal of the representations of the employees on service matters/CP Gram/Grievance Redressal Platforms such as Grievance Committee/Women’s Cell/Women’s Complaint Committee etc


27. Chapter 27:Release of information to the Press


28. Chapter 28: Allotment of Residences Rules


29. Chapter 29: Group Savings Linked Insurance Scheme of ICAR


30. Chapter 30: Rules Regulating Compassionate Fund/Welfare Fund of the ICAR


31. Chapter 31: Compassionate appointment of son/daughter of the deceased Government Servant


32. Chapter 32:Medical Facilities for in-service employees/Pensioners of the ICAR Institutes


33. Chapter 33: Instructions on making interim arrangement during the absence of Director on short-term/long term basis


34. Chapter 34: Purchase procedure


35. Chapter 35: Guidelines on outsourcing of Services


36. Chapter 36: Guidelines for maintenance of Personal Files/Service Books


37. Chapter 37: Record Management


38. Chapter 38: Right to Information Act 2005


39. Chapter 39: RFD/ISO:9001 Certification


40. Chapter 40: Guidelines on Joint Consultative Machinery of ICAR


41. Chapter 41: Disposal of References from Members of Parliament & other VIPs/Guidelines framed in pursuance of Rule 20 of the CCS(Conduct) Rules 1964 as extended to the ICAR employees


42. Chapter 42: Instructions regarding regularization of Casual Labourers


43. Chapter 43: Guidelines of Guest House charges/Hostel facilities


44. Chapter 44: Fee payable to the Advocates/Honorarium to the non-official members of various Committees/remuneration payable to various functionaries employed in connection with the Examination/Tests


45. Chapter 45: Guidelines on ‘Works’


46. Chapter 46: Guidelines on telephone facilities/use of official cars /newspaper facilities etc. to the eligible officers of ICAR


47. Chapter 47: Establishment of ‘Agriculture Centre


48. Chapter 48: Miscellaneous

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