ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute is the global leader in the development of sugarcane varieties and serving the nation for the past 112 years since its inception during the year 1912. The first sugarcane hybrid variety Co 205 was developed from the cross S. officinarum (Vellai) x S. spontaneum (Coimbatore local) during the year 1918. This variety was successfully cultivated due to high tillering, doubled cane yield and wider adaptability to adverse climatic conditions in sub-tropical India and readily accepted by farmers in North India replacing the traditional low yielding S. officinarum varieties. It also got global acceptance and was cultivated in USA, Brazil, Cuba, Argentina, Australia and South Africa. Since then, the institute has developed more than 300 sugarcane varieties for different agro-climatic conditions and are cultivated not only in India but also 23 major sugarcane growing countries of the world. The notable varieties developed initially from main institute at Coimbatore and later from regional station at Karnal are Co 205, Co 312, Co 313, Co 419, Co 453, Co 527, Co 740, Co 997, Co 1148, Co 1158, Co 62175, Co 6304, Co 6806, Co 6907, Co 7219, Co 7717, Co 7805, Co 8021, Co 86032, Co 89003, Co 0232, Co 0233, Co 0238, Co 09004, Co 11015 and Co 15023 and these varieties significantly increased the national sugarcane productivity and sustained the sugar security of the nation for internal consumption, export and other alternate usages including ethanol production. The ‘Co’ varieties were also cultivated / used as parents in USA, Australia, Mauritius, West Indies, South Africa, Sudan, Nigeria etc., Hence, the institute was rightly glorified as “Mecca of Sugarcane”. by Viceroy of British India Lord Irwin in the year 1930. Dr. C. Subramanian, Agriculture Minister during 1960’s said “Application of science and technology in agriculture was first made possible in sugarcane breeding and cultivation. Perhaps this was the forerunner to the green revolution which came later. So agricultural science owes a great deal to the Sugarcane Breeding Institute which set the pattern for other agricultural research to undertake results-oriented work”.
At present, more than 15 institute bred varieties are occupying 4.4 million hectare in the country which is 80.2 % of the total cropped areas. Among the varieties developed in the recent years, two dominant varieties viz., Co 86032 and Co 0238 have revolutionized the sugarcane cultivation and sugar production. This also resulted in expanding the scope for export and strengthening central government’s ambitious ethanol blending program. The wonder cane of the century Co 86032 has transformed the sugarcane cultivation scenario of the tropical India benefitting millions of farmers in the last three decades. During 2010, it occupied 90 % of area in Tamil Nadu and in the last two decades at any year it occupies not less than 50 % of area in Peninsular Zone. It was estimated that introduction of Co 86032 has generated additional income of Rs. 51,449/ha and Rs. 11059 crores additional revenue for the state of Maharashtra alone. The other variety which contributed in achieving quantum jump in sugarcane and sugar production in subtropical India is the wonder cane Co 0238. It has occupied up to 85 % areas in subtropical India and in some sugar mills up to 95 %. The variety combined higher cane yield and sucrose content benefiting both farmers and sugar mills and also showed wider adaptation to different soil and Agro-climatic conditions. This variety was solely responsible for increase in national sugarcane productivity from 61.6 t/ha in 2012-13 to 84 t/ha in the year 2022-23 and farmers realized an additional income of Rs 34,196/ha. The sugar recovery also jumped from 9.18 % to whooping 11.73% during the same period. It is estimated that the variety generated an addition income of $1.26 billion/year. ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economic and Policy Research, New Delhi has studied the impact of the two dominant varieties and estimated that for every rupee of investment in ICAR-SBI has generated Rs. 208/= as revenue. During the year 2022-23 alone these two varieties generated an additional income of Rs. 16,044/= crores to the farmers.
The institute also facilitate 23 sugarcane breeding stations of the country in generating genetically segregating materials through centralized crossing program operated at the institute and the varieties developed from this program occupied another 19% of the sugarcane areas of the country. Hence the 99% of the sugarcane planted areas in the country is planted with the varieties prefixed with ‘Co” thus the institute is contributing significantly the sugarcane and sugar production of the country.
This institute is mainly responsible for achieving the self-sufficiency in sugar production for decades and also foreign exchange earner. The total sugar production for the sugar year 2022-23 was around 35 million tonnes whereas the domestic demand was 28.5 million tonnes. Excess production of sugar over domestic demand had opened up new opportunities of export and ethanol production for the Ethanol blending program of oil companies. During June, 2024, 15% of blending was achieved mainly through ethanol produced from sugarcane juice and molasses to the extent of 79%. With our continued efforts, we are confident that ambitious central government target of 20% ethanol blending during the year 2025 and 30% blending in the year 2030 may be achieved with our accelerated research activities.
Recently, Co 14012 and Co 11015 varieties with increased sugar content and red rot resistance were identified for release in Peninsular zone as alternate to Co 86032. Co 11015, an extra early maturing variety with increased cane yield of 3-11 t/acre and sugar recovery of 0.4 to 1.5 units in different regions in Tamil Nadu has already spread to 94,000 acres. In addition, Co 14005, Co 18009 and Co 16030 have entered into seed chain and expected to contribute for increased sugarcane and sugar production. Collection, maintenance and characterization of germplasm and utilization in breeding program are intensified to mitigate climate change. Speed breeding, molecular cytogenetics, genomic resources and genome editing are the cutting-edge technologies which are currently employed to hasten the breeding programs, correct defective traits and create new variabilities. Research on development of true seed hybrid varieties with the development of inbreeds is progressing well. Combination of quality seed production and Sett Treatment Device for controlling sett borne diseases has contributed to the management of red rot in Co 0238 and increasing the field longevity of the variety. Results on isolation of effective Bt-62 gene and confirmation of cry8Sa1 toxin with 95% mortality on some lepidopteran pests are very promising and work on development of transgenics is under progress. EPN for the control of white crub has licensed to 12 firms 70,000 ha has been already sprayed with this formulation in the last two years.
Crop Production scientists are focusing on doubling the farmers income through Integrated Farming System, effective weed management, intercropping, water saving technologies, soils cards, ideotype development, flowering control, reducing post-harvest deterioration of sucrose and development of machineries for small farmers. In addition to red rot management through deployment of resistant varieties, emerging diseases and pests like Pokkah boeng, crown mealy bugs, wild boar, white grubs are studied in depth for management through conventional and cutting edge molecular and nano technologies. SugarcaneEdge, the agribusiness incubator of the institute is proactive in commercialization of 15 institute technologies including “National Water Award” winning SMI and entrepreneur development. Out reach program is unique wherein all the workers in Cane Development department of the sugar mills can interact with the scientists of the institute, discuss the issues and get guidance for better crop management in the R&D workshop conducted every year for Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Mobile apps, FLT, structured training programs, social media are the effective platforms used by the extension scientist for effective dissemination of technology. The institute has collaboration with research institutes of ICAR, CSIR, IITs and private research laboratories for effective sharing of knowledge, skill and facilities for the development of premium technologies. Not only in research, but also in education the institute is serving the students community by offering project works, internship training and PhD research work.
ICAR-SBI is 112 years old international renowned sugarcane research institute and still aggressively working on the development of commercial, utilization of sugarcane germplasm and development of agro-management practices. It is imperative that still around 80 % of the sugarcane area is planted with the varieties developed from the institute. It also facilitates all the 24 sugarcane breeding stations in the country for making desirable crosses at National Hybridisation Garden to develop location specific varieties which occupies another 19 % of the total sugarcane cropped area of the country. Now the institute focusses on development of climate smart varieties, identification of varieties and management technologies for energy needs, improved crop production and crop protection technologies for profitable and sustainable sugarcane cultivation, evolving comprehensive strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change in sugarcane agriculture and, managing natural resources to ensure long term sustainability of the crop. The institute is marching forward to manage the challenges for fulfilling the expectations of the sugarcane farmers and millers and prepared to meet the demand of sugar, power, ethanol and allied products of 2047 – the 100th year of independence, by integrating conventional and cutting edge technologies.
Contact Address
ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute Veerakeralam, Coimbatore 641007 Tamil Nadu.