Principal Scientist ,Nematology
Current Areas of Research
Technology developed
External Funded Projects
Books or Chapter Published
Membership of Professional Societies:
Current Areas of Research
♣Exploitation of entomopathogenic nematode-symbiotic bacteria complexes for white grub control in sugarcane ecosystem
♣ Bio-intensive integrated management of plant parasitic nematodes of sugarcane.
♣Exploration of novel insecticidal toxins and antimicrobial compounds from entomopathogenic symbiotic bacteria Photorhabdus / Xenorhabdus
♣ A Patent application has been submitted as a Principal Inventor in Chennai Patent office (Application) and the title of the Invention is “A process for producing Biopesticide formulation of Entomopathogenic Nematodes with extended shelf life” No. 202041003560 dated 27.01.2020.
♣ A patent has been filed as a Co-Inventor in Chennai patent office entitled “Novel process for formulating a low-cost scarabid-specific Bacillus thuringiensis biopesticide for management of white grub Holotrichia serrata”. IPO No. 202241011397 dated 03-03-2022.
Technology developed
A novel ICAR-SBI EPN formulation has been developed first of its kind with longer shelf life of viable infective nematode juveniles (IJs) of EPN. The formulation containing Heterorhabditis indica has a shelf life of nine months the formulation containing Steinernema glaseri has a shelf life of 12 months. Successful control of white grub under field conditions obtained with ICAR-SBI EPN formulation.
Technology Commercialized:
♦ Licensing of ICAR- SBI EPN biopesticide formulation(As a Principal Inventor):
The ICAR-SBI EPN Biopesticide formulation technology has been commercialized (Coordinated by AGRINNOVATE) with a licensed to several biopesticide companies.
♦ Bt Biopesticide Technology: As a Co-Inventor, disclosed a technology “Novel process for formulating a low-cost scarabid-specific Bacillus thuringiensis biopesticide for management of white grub Holotrichia serrata”.
♦ Bt Gene Technology: As a Co-Inventor , Disclosed a technology “Novel lepidopteran active toxin gene(s) from Indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis and its use thereof” to M/s. Rasi Seeds (P) Ltd., Attur, Salem
♦ Mini tractor operated EPN applicator for sugarcane white grub management has been developed in collaboration with ICAR SBI and ICAR-CIAE Coimbatore.
♠ Easwaramoorthy, S. and C. Sankaranarayanan (2004). Recent research on Nematode pests of sugarcane. In. Sugarcane Pathology, Vol III. Bacterial and Nematode Diseases. (Eds.) G. B. Rao, Salem Saumtally and Phillippe Rott, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. pp. 237-267. ISBN 81-204-1624-4.
♠ Easwaramoorthy, S. and Sankaranarayanan, C. (2003). Entomopathogenic nematodes: Potential biocontrol agents in pest management systems. In. Biological control ofInsect Pests. (Eds) S. Ignacimuthu and S. Jayaraj, Phoenix Publishing House Pvt. Limited, New Delhi, pp. 262-273. ISBN-81-7484-068-0.
♠ Rajeswari Sundarababu and Sankaranarayanan, C. (1998). Biological control of insects using nematodes. In. Recent Advances in Plant Nematology. (Ed.) P. C. Trivedi,pp. CBC Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, India. pp.153-170. ISBN-81-239-0588.
♠ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2010. Nematode infestation in sugarcane In: Nematodes infestation of crops in India. Jairajpuri M. S. and. Khan M. R. (Eds.), National Academy of Sciences, India. Pp.20-57.
♠ Singaravelu, B. and Sankaranarayanan, C. 2012. Poochi matrum Noorpzhu nirvagam (Tamil). In. Karumpu oru kaiyedu. T. Puthira pratap and K. Sivaraman Edt. Sugarcane Breeding Institute,p119-129, ISBN 978-81-904359-8-7,
♠ Sundararaju P. and Sankaranarayanan C. 2012. Prospects of biomanagement of nematodes in polyhouses. In. Status and prospects for enhancing the uptake of antagonistic organisms in nematode management in India” Edts. M. Nagesh, Rajkumar, B. S. Bhumannavar and N. K Krishnakumar, National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects, Bangalore, pp. 128-133, ISBN. 978-81-89650-23-0.
♠ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2013. Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi as biocontrol agent of phytonematodes”In: Biocontrol agents of phytonematodes. (Eds.) T. H. Askary and CABI Publishing pp.365-389 ISBN 9781780643755 (Contribution No. 103/2013-14/SBI).
♠ Sankaranarayanan, C. and Tarique Hassan Askary Status of entomopathogenic nematodes in integrated pest management strategies in India. In. Biocontrol Agents: Entomopathogenic and Slug Parasitic Nematodes (Eds.) Mahfouz M.M. Abd-Elgawad, Tarique Hassan Askary and James Coupland, CABI International pp. 362-382. ISBN. 978-17-86390-00-4
♠ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2016. Nematodes of sugarcane In: Hand book on sugarcane. Bakshi Ram, Rajula Shanthy, T, Viswanathan, R., HemaPrabha, G. and Palaniswami, C. (Eds.), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India. Pp.201-2016. ISBN 978-93-85267-03-1.
♠ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2016. Nematode infestation in sugarcane and its managemet. In: Karumpu Sakupadi (Tamil). Rajula Shanthy, T., Bakshi Ram, Viswanathan, R., Palaniswami, C. and HemaPrabha, G. (Eds.), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India. Pp.201-2016. ISBN 978-93-85267-02-4.
♠ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2016. Entomopathogenic nematodes in insect pest management. In. Techniques in Insect Molecular Biology and Toxicology (e-Book). Ramasubramanian, T., Singaravelu, B. and Appunu, C. (Eds.). ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp.181-186. ISBN 978-93-85267-05-5
♠ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2016. EPN for management insect pest. In. Biotechnological and conventional approaches for biotic and abiotic stress management in sugarcane (e-Book). Bakshi Ram, Govindaraj A. Ramesh Sundar and A. Bhaskaran (Eds.). ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp.265-271. ISBN. 978-93-85267-07-9.
♠ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2018. Integrated nematode management in sugarcane. In. Best management practices for sustained Sugarcane Productivity. Extension publication No. ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. Pp. 285-289 ISBN. 978-93-85267-13-0.
♠ Sankaranarayanan C. and Singaravelu, B. 2018. EPN for white grub control In. Naveena Velan tholil nudbangal (Tamil) Extension Publication No. 271. Published by The Director, ICAR Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore p.21. ISBN. 978-93-85267-20-8.
♠ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2019. Entomopathogenic nematodes for the control of insect pests. Souvenier on “National conference on Climate smart Agriculture for livelihood Security: Challenges and Opportunities. Edts. Alagesan, A. R. Parimalarangam, A. subramaniana, R. Visvanathan, K. Gurusamt, G. Karthikeyan and P. Masilamani, Anbil Dharmalingam Agricutural College & Research Institute, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu from 13-09-2019 to 14-09-2019, pp 115-120.
♠ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2021. Entomopathogenic nematodes for the control of white grubs in sugarcane. In. Recent scientific advances in sugarcane cultivation for doubling farmers’s income. Edts. Bakshi Ram, Hemaprabha, Ratna Nashine, K. Mohanraj, P. murali, and Rayees Ahmad Shah. Dilpreet Publishing House, Ariana Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi. P 394-397. ISBN : 978-81-953726-0-7.
♠ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2022. Integrated nematode management in sugarcane In: Hand book on sugarcane. HemaPrabha, G, Rajula Shanthy, T, Viswanathan, R., and Palaniswami, C. (Eds.), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India. Pp.209-2014. ISBN 978-93-85267-34-5.
♠ Sankaranarayanan, C. 2022. Integrated nematode management in sugarcane In:: Karumpu Sakupadi (Tamil). Rajula Shanthy., T.HemaPrabha, G, Viswanathan, R., Palaniswami, C. and. (Eds.), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, India. Pp.167-172. ISBN 978-93-85267-35-2.
Fellow of Nematological Society of India (FNSI). Awarded by Nematological Society of India, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. (2004)
Fellow of Society for Biocontrol Advancement (FSBA). Awarded by Society for Biocontrol Advancement, Project Directorate of Biological Control, Bangalore. (2006)
CSIR-Senior Research Fellow, awarded by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi for Ph. D. Programme, 1992.
Recognized Guide for Ph. D (Zoology) of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Recognized Guide for Ph. D (Plant Pathology) of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Recognized Guide for Ph. D (BioScience) of Anna University, Coimbatore
Best poster awards in National and international conferences (2004, 2012 and 2014).
Membership of Professional Societies:
Fellow and Life Member- Society for Biocontrol Advancement, NBAIR, Bangalore, India
Fellow and Member- Nematological Society of India, New Delhi
Life member- Joint Secretary-Society for Sugarcane Research and Development, Coimbatore, India
Life member – Society for Advancement of Plant Protection in Horticultural Ecosystems, Bangalore, India
Member, Society for Plant Protection Sciences, New Delhi
Contact Info
Dr. C. Sankaranarayanan, Principal Scientist (NEMATOLOGY),