Sugarcane varieties released for cultivation by the Central Varietal Release committee Varieties released and notified through CVRC (23): Co 94008, Co 99004, Co 0403, Co 98014, Co 0118, Co 0124, Co 0237, Co 0238, Co 0239, Co 2001-13. Co 2001-15, Co 0218, Co 05009, Co 05011, Co 06034, Co 09004, Co 09022, Co 10026, Co 12009, Co 12029, Co 13035, Co 13013, Co 15023, Recently identified by AICRP(S) Co 14012
(i) Released for the state of Tamil Nadu: (3): Co 0212, Co 06022,, Co 11015
(ii) Varieties registered with PPV&FRA : 13 varieties
(Co 94008, Karan-1 (Co 98014), Karan 5 (Co 0124), Karan-2 (Co 0118), Karan-9 (Co 05011), Co 0237, Karan-8), Co 0238, Co 2001-13, Co 2001-15, Co 0218, Co 0403, Co 99004, Co 06022)
(iii) Germplasm registered with ICAR NBPGR: 13
(Co 92002, Co 93009, Co 97016, Co 0120, Co 91002, Co 13001, Co 14016, Co 13003, SBI 1148-11- 13-2-255, SBI 2007-291, CYM 08-922, AS 04-2097, AS 04-1687)
(iv) Varieties registered with PPVFRA: 12 (Co 10026, Co 0238, Co 0237, Co 0403, Co 0118, Co 05011, Co 0218, Co 2001-15, Co 98014, Co 0124, Co 94008, Co 99004
♠ Parida S. K., S. K. Kalia, S. Kaul, V. Dalal, G. Hemaprabha, A. Selvi, A. Pandit, A. Singh,. K. Gaikwad, T .R. Sharma, P. S. Srivastava, N. K. Singh and T. Mohapatra. 2009. Informative genomic microsatellite markers for efficient genotyping applications in sugarcane. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 118(2): 327-338.
♠ Hemaprabha G, S Swapna, D L Lavanya, B Sajitha, S Venkataramana. 2013. Evaluation of drought tolerance potential of elite genotypes and progenies of sugarcane (Saccharum sp. hybrids). Sugar Tech 15 (1): 9-16.
♠ Hemaprabha G., P. Govindaraj, N. Balasundaram and N.K. Singh. 2005. Genetic diversity analysis of Indian sugarcane breeding pool based on sugarcane specific STMS markers, Sugar Tech. 7(2&3): 9-14.
♠ Hemaprabha,G., R. Nagarajan & S. Alarmelu. 2004. Response of sugarcane genotypes to water deficit stress. Sugar Tech 6(3): 165-168.
♠ Hemaprabha, G. and S.R. Sree Rangasamy. 2001. Genetic similarity among five species of Saccharum based on isozyme and RAPD markers. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 61(4): 341-347.
♠ Mohanraj K. G .Hemaprabha, S. Vasantha. 2021. Biomass yield, dry matter partitioning and physiology of commercial and Erianthus introgressed sugarcane clones under contrasting water regimes. September 2021. Agricultural Water Management 255(1):107035 DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107035
♠ Ashwin Narayan J, M Chakravarthi, Gauri Nerkar, VM Manoj, S Dharshini, N Subramonian, MN Premachandran, R Arun Kumar, K Krishna Surendar, G Hemaprabha, Bakshi Ram, C Appunu. 2021. Overexpression of expansin EaEXPA1, a cell wall loosening protein enhances drought tolerance in sugarcane. Industrial Crops and Products. 159:113035
♠ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 1992. Genetic variability in interspecific progenies in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 52(2):192-196.
♠ Mahadevaiah C, Prakash Hapase , V Sreenivasa, Ramesh Hapase , H K Mahadeva Swamy , C Anilkumar, K Mohanraj , G Hemaprabha , Bakshi Ram. 2021. Delineation of genotype × environment interaction for identification of stable genotypes for tillering phase drought stress tolerance in sugarcane. Scientific Reporter.2021. 2021 Sep 20;11(1):8649. doi:10.1038/s41598- 02198002-y
♠ Sarath Padmanabhan, T.S. & Hemaprabha, G*. 2018. Genetic diversity and population structure among 133 elite genotypes of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) for use as parents in sugarcane varietal improvement. 3 Biotech (2018) 8:339.
♠ Manoj V M, Anunanthini P, Swathik Clarancia P, Dharshini S, Ashwin Narayan J, Manickavasagam M, Sathishkumar R, Suresha G S, Hemaprabha G, Bakshi Ram, Appunu C.. Comparative analysis of glyoxalase pathway genes in Erianthus arundinaceus and commercial sugarcane hybrid under salinity and drought conditions. BMC Genomics DOI:
♠ Hemaprabha,G., R. Nagarajan, S. Alarmelu & U.S. Natarajan.2006. Parental performance in drought resistance breeding. Sugar Tech 8(1); 59-62
♠ Hemaprabha G, US Natarajan, N. Balasundaram, NK Singh. 2006. STMS based genetic divergence among common parents and its use in identifying productive cross combinations for varietal evolution in sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) Sugar Cane International 24.6
♠ Hemaprabha, G., U.S. Natarajan and N. Balasundaram. 2004. Relationship between isozyme diversity of parental clones and progeny performance in sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 64(1): 9-12.
♠ Hemaprabha, G and S.R. Sree Rangasamy. 2001. Diversity in sugarcane species and hybrids for peroxidase isozyme. Sugar Tech 3(1&2): 40-44.
♠ Hemaprabha, G., R. Nagarajan, S. Alarmelu and U.S. Natarajan. 2006. Parental potential of sugarcane clones for drought resistance breeding. Sugar Tech 8(1): 59-62
♠ Hemaprabha, G., P. Govindaraj and N.K. Singh. 2006. STMS markers for fingerprinting of varieties and genotypes of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 66(2): 95-99.
♠ Hemaprabha, G. and Bakshi Ram. 1997. Genetic divergence of sugar yield contributing characters in Saccharum robustum Brandes et Jeswiet ex Grassl. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 57(1): 43-47.
♠ Ramaswamy Manimekalai, Gayathri Suresh, Hemaprabha Govinda Kurup, Selvi Athiappan, Mallikarjuna Kandalam. 2020. Role of NGS and SNP genotyping methods in sugarcane improvement programs Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 40 (6), 2020 865-880 (2020/6/5 1-16 Publisher:Taylor & Francis).
♠ Leena Lavanya D and G. Hemaprabha.* 2010. Genetic diversity within sucrose rich parental pool of sugarcane and its application in sugarcane breeding through hybridization and selection. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 70(2): 172-181.
♠ Hemaprabha G and Swapna Simon. 2012. Genetic Diversity and Selection Among Drought Tolerant Genotypes of Sugarcane Using Microsatellite Markers. Sugar Tech, 14 (4): 327–333.
♠ Leena Lavanya D and Hemaprabha G*. 2012. Identification of a STMS marker for sucrose content in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 72(3): 343-348.
♠ Hemaprabha, G., U.S. Natarajan, N. Balasundaram and N. Subramonian. 2000. Quantification of genetic similarity among inbred progenies and identification of desirable parents for poulation development in sugarcane (Saccharumspp) through isozyme analysis. Sugar Cane International, UK), 2000:16-18. (now International Sugar Journal)
♠ Priji P. J. and G. Hemaprabha* 2014. Sugarcane specific drought responsive candidate genes belonging to ABA-independent pathway identified from tolerant and susceptible clones of Saccharum and Erianthus species. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 74(1): 64-72.
♠ Hemaprabha, G., D L Lavanya. 2015. Sucrose specific TRAP markers as genus and species specific markers in Saccharum and Erianthus spp. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 75 (1): 99-104.
♠ Priji P.J and G. Hemaprabha*. 2015. Sugarcane specific drought responsive candidate genes belonging to ABA dependent pathway identified from basic species clones of Saccharum sp. and Erianthus sp. Sugar Tech, 17(2): 130-137.
♠ Hemaprabha, G and N. K. Singh. 2007. Evaluation of parental value of selfs in Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) breeding. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 67(3): 248-253.
♠ Appunu C. Swathik Clarancia P, Naveenarani M, Manoj VM, Sarath Padmanabhan TS, Dharshini S, Ashwin Narayan J, Suresha GS, Mahadevaiah C, Valarmathi R, Hemaprabha G, Bakshi Ram. 2020. Isolation, characterization and expression analysis of stress responsive plant nuclear transcriptional factor subunit (NF-YB2) from commercial Saccharum hybrid and wild relative Erianthus arundinaceus. 3 Biotech 10(7): 1-14.
♠ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 2020. The sugarcane variety Co 0238 – a reward to farmers and elixir to India’s sugar sector. Current Science, 118 (11):1643-1646.
♠ Shanthi RM, KV Bhagyalakshmi, G Hemaprabha. 2008. Relative performance of the sugarcane families in early selection stages. Sugar Tech, 10: 114.
♠ Mahadevaiah C, Chinnaswamy Appunu, Karen Sarah Aitken, Giriyapura Shivalingamurthy Suresha, Palaniswamy Vignesh, Huskur Kumaraswamy Mahadevaswamy, Ramanathan Valarmathi, Govind Hemaprabha, Ganesh Alagarasan, Bakshi Ram. 2021. Genomic Selection in Sugarcane: Current Status and Future Prospects. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.708233
♠ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 1997. Correlation and path analysis in interspecific progenies in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Indian J. Agric. Res., 312(1):23-27
♠ Vasantha S, S. Alarmelu, G.Hemaprabha and R.M. Shanthi.2005. Evaluation of promising sugarcane genotypes for drought. Sugar Tech. 7(2&3): 82-83.
♠ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 1991. Character interrelationship in cultivar x species progenies in sugarcane. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 51(1): 89-95.
♠ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 1998. Nature and pattern of genetic divergence of sugar yield and its components in the progenies of Saccharum barberi. Indian J. Genet., 58(2): 193- 199
♠ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 1993. Genetic divergence of stalk yield and juice quality and their components in flowering clones of Saccharum officinarum. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 53(1): 28-33.
♠ Hemaprabha, G., U.S. Natarajan and N. Balasundaram. 2003. Breeding behaviour for juice quality through selfing and Sugar Tech. 5(3):177-180.
♠ Hemaprabha G, P.J. Priji, TSS. Padmanabhan 2013. Molecular fingerprinting of recently notified sugarcane (Saccharum L.) varieties using STMS markers. Journal of Sugarcane. Research 3(2): 107-117.
♠ Hemaprabha G. and Bakshi Ram. 1993. Genetic variability in nobilization stages of Saccharum robustum Brandes et Jeswiet ex Grassl. Sugar Cane (UK) 6: 6-9.(now International Sugar Journal)- Supporting documents (Page:112)
♠ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 2000. Combining ability and heterosis or cane yield and juice quality traits in progenies of sugarcane clones involving Saccharum robustum. Sugar Cane Intern., 2000 (2): 10-15
♠ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 1998. Genetic variance for five traits in twelve hybrid groups of Saccharum species hybrids. Sugar Cane. 3: 9-12.
♠ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 1998. Nature and pattern of genetic divergence of sugar yield and its components in the progenies of Saccharum robustum. Sugar Cane (UK) 1 -9.
♠ Swapna Simon and G. Hemaprabha. 2012. Sugarcane specific drought responsive candidate genes identified through differential expression in resistant and susceptible genotypes of sugarcane (Saccharum sp) International Sugar Journal 114 (1366): 731-737
♠ Lavanya DL and G. Hemaprabha. Analysis of genetic diversity among high sucrose genotypes of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) derived from CoC 671 using sugarcane specific microsatellite markers.2010. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 1(4) 399-406
♠ Gomathi R, Vasantha S, Hemaprabha G, Alarmelu S and Shanthi R.M. 2011. Evaluation of elite sugarcane clones for drought tolerance. Journal of Sugarcane Research 1(1): 55-62.
♠ Swapna Simon and G. Hemaprabha. 2010. Identification of two new drought specific candidate genes in sugarcane (Saccharum sp). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 1(4) 420-425.
♠ Hemaprabha G, Adhini S.P, Sarath T.S, Alarmelu S and Shanthi R.M. 2013. An assessment of high temperature tolerance potential of elite genotypes of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) evaluated in the Peninsular zone of India. Journal of Sugarcane Research 3(1): 1-8.
♠ Alarmelu S. G. Hemaprabha, R. Nagarajan,RM. Shanthi. 2010. Combining ability for yield and quality in sugarcane. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 1(4) 742- 746.
♠ Hemaprabha, G, JA. Krishna, P. Vincy, P. Priji, S. Swapna, P. Govindaraj. 2010. DNA Fingerprinting for identification and protection of elite sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) varieties. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 1(4) 426-430.
♠ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 1991. Selection of parents among flowering Saccharum clones for further utilization in breeding. Indian J. Pl. Genet. Resources
♠ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 1990. Variability pattern in cultivar x species progenies in sugarcane. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 50(4): 400- 406.
♠ Shanthi RM, G. Hemarabha and S. Alarmelu. 2011. An overview on the selection strategies for sugarcane breeding programmes. Journal of Sugarcane Res 1(1): 20-27.
♠ Bakshi Ram and G. Hemaprabha. 2005. Genetic divergence of sugar yield and its components in flowering types of Saccharum officinarum clones. Agricultural Science Digest 25(2) 116-120.
♠ Hemaprabha G., U.S. Natarajan, N. Balasundaram and N. Subramonian. 2000. Quantification of genetic similarity among inbred progenies of sugarcane based on isozyme markers. Sugar Cane International, September, 2000:16-18.
♠ Hemaprabha,G., R. Nagarajan, S. Alarmelu & U.S. Natarajan.2006. Performance of elite cultivars of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) under water deficit conditions Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 68(1):90-92.
♠ Alarmelu S, R. Balakrishnan and G. Hemaprabha 2016. GXE interaction studies in multi-location trials of sugarcane using GGE Biplot and ANOM analysis. Journal of Sugarcane Research, 5(1):12-23.
♠ Leena Lavanya D and Hemaprabha G. 2012. Analysis of genetic diversity among high sucrose genotypes of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) derived from CoC 671 using morphological and sugarcane specific microsatellite markers. International J Agric.Sci.8(1):73-79.
♠ Bakshi Ram and G.Hemaprabha. 1990. Evaluation of flowering types of Saccharum officinarum clones. Indian J. Pl. Genet. Resources. 3(2):109-112.
♠ Anna Durai, A and G. Hemaprabha. 2016. Heterosis and combining ability of sugarcane inbreds for early stage selection traits. Journal of Sugarcane Research 6(1): 27-34.
♠ Shanthi, R.M, G. Hemaprabha, R. Vigneshwari, T.S. Sarath Padmanabhan and K. Mohanraj. 2016. New genic SSR markers identified for three major enzymes associated with sucrose synthesis in sugarcane. Journal of Sugarcane Research 6(1): 1-10.
♠ Appunu, C, K. Mohanraj, G. Hemaprabha, A. Anna Durai and C. Mahadevaiah. 2017. Co 06022- a sugarcane early maturing and drought tolerant varieity suitable for Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. Journal of Sugarcane Research. 7(2)83- 92.
♠ Sarath Padmanabhan, M.N. Premachandran and G. Hemaprabha 2015 Saccharum and Erianthus specific candidate genes for hybrid identification. Journal of Sugarcane Research, 5(1):24-32.
♠ Roshni M., TSS. Padmanabhan and G. Hemaprabha. 2014. Presence of six drought responsive candidate genes in tolerant and susceptible sugarcane varieties. Journal of Sugarcane Research 4(2). 70-75.
♠ Hemaprabha G, RM. Shanthi, K. Mohanraj. 2014. SBI 2007-291 (IC0598475: as INGR No. 14011), a Sac short duration clone registered with NBPGR. Journal of Sugarcane Research 4(2)
♠ Anna Durai, A and G. Hemaprabha. 2012. Effect of selfing on important economic traits in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) Journal of Sugarcane Research 2(2): 29-33.
♠ Alarmelu S, G. Hemaprabha, RM. Shanthi and R. Nagarajan. 2012. Clonal evaluation of crosses by adopting family selection in sugarcane. Journal of Sugarcane Research 2(2): 21-28.
♠ Hemaprabha G, C. Appunu, K. Mohanraj and Bakshi Ram. 2019. Promising genetic stocks identified from multilocation varietal evaluation trials of InstituteIndustry Collaborative programme of Tamil Nadu. Journal of Sugarcane Research. 9(2):184-186.
♠ Hemaprabha G, K. Mohanraj, S. Alarmelu and Bakshi Ram. 2020. Assessment of breeding methods and parental value of Co canes developed during 1918 to 2017. Journal of Sugarcane Research 10(1): 24-31.
♠ Alarmelu S, A. Anna Durai, H. K. Mahadeva Swamy, G. Hemaprabha and Adhini S. Pazhany. 2021. Genetic diversity of parental clones used in breeding programs of sugarcane. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding. 12 (2) :529-539.
♠ Arun Kumar R, S. Vasantha, AS Tayade, S. Anusha, P. Geetha, G. Hemaprabha 2019. Physiological Efficiency of Sugarcane Clones under Water-Limited Conditions Transactions of the ASABE. 63(1): 133-140.
♠ Tayade A.S., S. Vasantha, R. Arunkumar, S. Anusha, R. Kumar, G. Hemaprabha. 2019. Irrigation Water Use Efficiency and Water Productivity of Commercial Sugarcane Hybrids under Water-Limited Conditions. Transactions of the ASABE 63(1): 125-132.
New research initiative
Flowering of sugarcane being an annual feature, standardization of speed breeding has beeninitiated at the Institute. Sugarcane being a short day plant, requires a different approach to induce flowering. Speed breeding protocols are being developed to study the effect on crop growth and flowering. The facility would help in the development of new varieties and introgression breeding, production of inbred lines for genetic studies, transfer of GM events from a single cultivar into a range of backgrounds, in true seed production and populationdevelopment through recurrent selection.
New technologies
Constant demand of good quality sugarcane seed has been largely met with farmers’ participatory seed production. Keeping in view of the occurrence of diseases, the institute has developed a seed treatment devise (STD) for disease management, healthy nursery and varietal rejuvenation and has wide application in other vegetatively propagated crops. Hot water treatment facility has also been added to the system which not only saves considerable time in seed treatment apart from improving the efficiency. More new implements are developed in collaboration with the Central Agricultural Engineering Institute, Coimbatore station. The newly designed Tractor operated two row sugarcane sett cutter planter has been so efficient to save 54% cost of planting operation when compared to conventional planting Sugarcane Based Farming system demonstration unit has been inaugurated at the Institute by the Hon. Director General Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra on 1-11-2021. This system consists of the components such as goat, dairy, poultry, fish culture, vermicompost, sugarcane settling production unit an mushroom unit, established with the objective of doubling the income of small farmers.
The Agri Business Incubator of the Institute is fully operational. The incubatees for cane jamand liquid jaggery production were given training and handholding.
In an effort to have better collaboration with sugar industries, , a programme on “Enhancing Sugar Productivity in Tamil Nadu through Institute-Industry Participatory Approach” (Sweet Bloom) initiated for Tamil Nadu state with funding by SISMA-TN has been concluded in 2021. This collaborative project led to the release of the first short duration variety for the sate namely Co 11015 (Atulya). The variety has recorded higher sugar recovery by a tune of 0.4 to 2 units in different sugar factories. In the second phase two non-flowering entries Co 18009 and Co 14027 are promising with improved yield in both plant and ratoon crops and resistance to red rot disease. The collaborative research with VSI, Pune led to the identification of two drought tolerant varieties namely Co 85019 and Co 98017, suitable for the severely drought affected regions of Maharashtra.
The Institute has also signed a MoU with the SNSI, Belagavi for evaluating elite sugarcane clones and helping in micro-propagation. As an outcome of the collaborative programme, Co 18024 has been identified as a clone better than zonal check Co 86032. Co 18024 in Initial Varietal trial in peninsular zone. Evaluation of non-flowering and water stress tolerant clones supplied by the Institute is in progress during 2020-21 season. Collaborations with the KCP Sugars Ltd. Vuyyuru for identifying suitable varieties for Andhra Pradesh led to the identification of four selections viz. Co 11015, Co 09004, Co 14002 and Co 15021 during 2020 and Co 17004 and Co 18009 during 2021and have been promoted for testing in E coast zone under AICRP (S). The Institute produced a record quantity of breeder seed production during 2021. The research station at Karnal produced 3586.7 t of quality breeder seed. More seed was produced for Co 0238 (2130.8t), Co 0118 (939.49 t) and the newly released early variety Co 15023 (462.4 t). At Coimbatore, 1769 t of seed was produced and supplied. The varieties Co 86032 (1003 t)
Patents / Registration of varieties / Genetic Stocks / Gene Sequences
♣ Design patent for Quatro Sugarcane Single Bud Cutter in the name of ICAR-SBI.
♣ Regional Centre, Karnal (No. 76161 dated 12.06.2019)
♣ Registration of Varieties with PPV&FRA, New Delhi: Co 0118, Co 0237, Co 0238, Co 0403, Co 05011 (5)
♣ Registration of Genetic Stocks with ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi: Co 13001 (short duration), Co 14016 (high NMC and ratoonability), Co 13003 (high fibre+high sugar), AS 04-1687 (drought and water logging tolerance), CYM 08-922 (diverse cytoplasm with drought tolerance, AS 04-2097 and BM 1010-168 (drought tolerance), GU 07- 2276 (drought and high nutrient use efficiency, SBIEC 14006 (high biomass and high fibre) were registered as novel trait specific germplasm.
Technologies Commercialised
Exposure / study visits:
A total of 10 scientists visited foreign countries to participate in seminars , under Endeavour Research Fellowship Programme, Netaji Subhas ICAR International Fellowship etc.
M.Sc. (Sugarcane Technology), in ODL mode) course was implemented in collaboration with TNAU, Coimbatore Organized an ICAR Sponsored 10-days Short Course on “Techniques in Insect Molecular Biology and Toxicology” was organized during September 07-16, 2016. Organized a Winter School on “Biotechnological and conventional approaches for biotic and abiotic stress management in sugarcane” during December 7-27, 2016.Organized 7 lectures by international and national scientists of repute for the benefit of scientists of the Institute.
Extension activities Developed eganna mobile app on sugarcane, in 3 languages, Six video films on New Sugarcane Varieties, Seed Production in Sugarcane, Integrated Disease Management, Integrated Pest Management, Integrated Nutrient Management and Ratoon Management were produced in trilingual Organized five ‘Kisan Mela’ at the headquarters and its Regional Centre at Karnal A total of 30 training programmes (1 to 6 days) were organized for sugar factory personnel, sugarcane farmers and state government officials. Developed about 1000 Sugarcane Farmer Leaders from 13 sugar mills in the state of Tamil Nadu through training. Their services will be utilised by the sugar mills while conducting village / block level ‘Farmers Meetings. Three Seed Day were organized for seed growers and sugar factory personnel.
R&D Meetings:
Organized and conducted 7 Research & Development Workers of Cane Development personnel of Tamil Nadu, Southern Karnataka and Northern Karnataka states.
Government’s flagship programmes
The Institute has successfully implemented all Central Government flagship programmes including Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav, Swachchh Bharat Abhyan, SPC, SCSP, Soil Health Cards etc.
Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav
• 18 teams, each comprising four scientists had identified 90 villages (Coimbatore – 75, Karnal – 10 and Kannur – 5) for adoption.
• Visits were made to the adopted villages and technical guidance was provided to the farmers for improving their livelihood.
Several meetings, campaigns and training programs were organized in the adopted villages.
Swachh Bharat Mission activities
• ‘Swachhta Abhiyan’ was observed in the institute and Research Centres with special cleanliness drive campaigns during Swachchhta Pakhwada 16-31 December 2020.
• Parthenium Awareness Campaigns were conducted during 16-22 August 2021.
• Weeding off of old records, cleaning the campus, Parthenium removal, waste to wealth by using the solid organic waste collected into compost and disposal of other wastes were carried out with staff participation during October 2 to 31, 2021.
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav
• The programme was launched at the institute from 16-7-2021 coinciding with the Foundation day of ICAR. Different activities including lectures, campaigns, contests and displays are organised at the main institute and its regional/ research centres. It is ensured that at least a function is organized every week. Eminent scientists from from different streams of science, agriculture and medicine delivered talks useful to all employees.
• Coinciding with the 110th Foundation day of the Institute, drawing competitions for school children and food festival based on sugarcane based Indian sweets were organized.
• The Launching function of International year of Millets 2023 was held at the research Centre, Agali on 17-9-2021 was a huge success attended by 73 girl students and 350 farmers and tribals. Quiz programme on millets, and talks on the beneficial effects of millets were highlighted, apart from giving the girls millet based nutritious porridge and food to all.
Other activities
• Hindi Day Celebration : 29 September 2020 and 28 September 2021.
• The Hindi magazine ‘Ganna Prakash’ was released during the Hindi Day.
• Quarterly Hindi Workshops : 20 June 2020, 26 September 2020, 22 December 2020 and 23 March 2020.
• PM’s program on addressing farmers was witnessed on 28 September 2021 at the Institute with the participation of farmers. A Farmers-Scientist interface was also arranged.
• Kisan Divas: Celebrated Kisan Diwas at village Rindal to mark the birth anniversary of fifth Prime Minister, Choudhary Charan Singh on 23 December 2020.
• Scientists discussed with farmers about importance of healthy seed production, Identification of sugarcane varieties and management of Insect–pests, diseases and nutrient – deficiency in sugarcane.
• A field day was organized n a seed village on Feb 04, 2021, wherein the seed farmers interacted with the scientists and sugar industry personnel.
• Seed day was organized at the Institute on 18-3-2021 when the seed farmers with consistent record of producing large quantity of quality seed were honored.
Research review/ Monitoring and evaluation
QRT reviewed the work of the Institute during 2009-10 to 2014-15 and has graded the ICAR-SBI as OUTSTANDING. It is for the 2nd consecutive time that the Institute has been graded as OUTSTANDING by QRT. RAC of the Institute was held during October 11-12, 2021 and Institute Research Council meeting was held from September 20-25, 2021 Once again I reiterate my invitation to all the sugarcane growers and sugar industry personnel to join hands with the ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute in finding solutions to the various threats posed to sugarcane cultivation in order to benefit the farming community.