Dr. R.Gomathi
Principal Scientist & Head (Plant Physiology)
Research Area
External Funded Projects
Other Technical Articles
Books or Chapter Published
Research Area
♣ Screening varieties and phenotyping for abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, high temperature, oxidative stress and waterlogging tolerance
External Funded Projects
♦ SDF Funded Project: Screening of Saccharum spontaneum and related species for drought tolerance (Co-PI: Rs. 45.00 lakhs)
♦ DST-SERB Sponsored Project: Climate Resilience in Sugarcane Agriculture: Metabolic and molecular response to high temperature (PI) 2016-2018 DST-SERB sponsored project for Rs. 10.8 Lakhs.
♦ CSIR Sponsored Project: Evaluation of two seaweed saps on yield and quality of sugarcane (Co-PI) 2013 – 14; Funded by CSIR, 11.50 lakhs.
♦ Out-Sourced Project: Evaluating the effect of Sea6-Biostimulant formulations on quality and yield of sugarcane” (PI); 2016-18 Outsourced project from Sea6 company, Bangalore; 10.62 lakhs.
♦Out-Sourced Project: Evaluating the effect of liquid formulations on mitigating drought in sugarcane”. (PI); 2018-19; Out sourced project from Sea6 company, Bangalore; 5.20 lakhs.
♠ Recipient of 10 best paper awards and 1best book award from National and International conferences, the Scientist of the Year award 2017-18 by SVWS, the STAI Silver Medal Award, the Mother Theresa Gold Medal Award from GEPRA and the Professor S. Swaminathan Best Scientist Award for the year 2018-19 from Bose Science Society.
♠ Recipient of “ E. K. Janaki Ammal Memorial NABS Best Woman Scientist Award for the year 2021” for outstanding contributions in the field of Agriculture and forestry Sciences by the National Academy of Biological Sciences (NABS), Chennai for the election year 2020. The award was received during the 13th National Conference on “Current Perspectives for Sustainable Development in Life Sciences, Environment and Agriculture” organized by the National Academy of Biological Science (NABS Chennai along with Periyar University Salem.
♠ Recipient of “Gold Medal of Appreciation Award” for outstanding contribution in the field of Scientific Tamil improvement by Agricultural Scientific Tamil Society (ASciTS), New Delhi, on 02.09.2022 on the occasion of 7th National Conference on Agricultural Scientific Tamil conferences at Anna Auditorium, Madras Veterinary College Veperi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
♠ Recipient of “Best Scientist Award 2023” for outstanding contribution in the field of Scientific improvement on sugarcane crop production by Agricultural Scientific Tamil Society (ASciTS), New Delhi, on consociation of 8th National Conference on Agricultural Scientific Tamil conferences on 25th February at Fishery University, Nagapattinam.
♠ Recipient of Life member of 13 professional societies in which 10 fellow members (Academy of Science Chennai (FAC), STAI (FSTAI) and SED (FSED), New Delhi, Member in NASI (mNASI), Allahabad, UP, Bose Science Society (FBSS), Tamil Nadu, Fellow of Indian Society of Plant Physiology (FISPP), New Delhi and Fellowship of Agricultural Scientific Tamil Society (FASTA), New Delhi. Received Fellowship of “Indian Society of Plant Physiology (ISPP)- FISPP”, New Delhi during National Conference Indian Society of Plant Physiology (ISPP)”, New Delhi during National Conference of Plant Physiology 2019 organized by Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala and ISPP, New Delhi on December 2019.Conferred the Fellow Award-2022 (FSSRD) of the Society for Sugarcane Research and Development (SSRD), Coimbatore during the Annual General Body meeting on 30 November 2022 at ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. Conferred the Fellow Award (FSSRP-2022) of the Sugarcane Research and Promotion (FSSRP), New Delhi during the International Conference Sugarcon 2022 on 16 October 2022 at ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow.