Dr K. Hari
Principal Scientist (Microbiology - Agriculture)
Officer in-charge - Institute Technology Management Unit
Current Areas of Research
Technologies and significant contributions:
Intellectual property
Awards and recognitions:
Countries visited:
Current Areas of Research
♣ Biofertilizers
♣ Sugarcane value added products
♣ Bio-fuel from biomass
♣ Bio-Control agents.
Technologies and significant contributions:
♣ Identified new and efficient strains of Gluconacetobacter, Azospirillum and phosphobacteria suitable for sugarcane. Application of these isolates can improve cane yield by about 10% with only 75% of recommended fertilizer nitrogen and phosphorus.
♣ Developed liquid formulation of G. diazotrophicus suitable for micro-irrigation systems.
♣ Developed bacterisation of tissue culture sugarcane with Azospirillum spp. and Methylobacterium spp. for faster multiplication with reduced levels of salts and phyto hormones in tissue culture medium.
♣ Developed a spray drying process for making sugarcane juice powder
♣ Developed a freeze drying process for making dried sugarcane juice
♣ Developed a simple and user-friendly device named as Soil Moisture Indicator useful to farmers for scheduling irrigation based on soil moisture status
♣ Developed a rapid treatment for planting materials of sugarcane and other vegetatively propagated crops
♣ Developed a process for production of cane jam from sugarcane juice
♣ Technology for the production of cane dietary fibre food products
♣ Developed liquid jaggery processing without any chemical additives
♣ Developed a process for producing biopesticide formulation of entomopathogenic nematodes with extended shelf life
♣ Standardized novel process for formulating a low-cost scarabid-specific bacillus thuringiensis biopesticide for management of white grub Holotrichia serrata
♣ Developed a technology for production of novel frozen sugarcane juice products like frozen sugarcane juice,juice based ice cream, kulfi and softy ice cream
♣ Identified novel lepidopteran active toxin gene(s) from indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis
♣ Developed process for the production of wine from sugarcane juice
Intellectual property
Patents filed: 8
Design obtained: 4
Trademark obtained: 3
Awards and recognitions:
National / International level awards
♦ Sir T.S. Venkataraman award for outstanding research in sugarcane agriculture for the biennium 2010 – 2011’, by “ECO foundation, USA” in association with ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore (2012).
♦ FIRST PRIZE in the Best Research / Innovation / Adoption of New Technology for Water Conservation category by the in the 2nd NATIONAL WATER AWARDS 2019, by Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation. Government of India (K. Hari, D. Puthira Prathap, P. Murali, A. Rameshsundar and B. Singaravelu), 2020.
♦ WINNER of TERI-IWA-UNDP Water Sustainability Award 2021 – Excellence in water use efficiency in Agricultural Sector (K. Hari, D. Puthira Prathap, P. Murali, A., Ramesh Sundar, B. Singaravelu and Bakshi Ram), 2022.
Other awards
Academic awards: 3;
Best poster award: 10;
Best research paper: 5;
Best oral paper presentation: 2
♦ Peer reviewed articles: 35;
♦ Pamphlets/ Bulletins etc.: 18;
♦ Abstracts in symposium/seminar: 84;
♦ Technical/ popular/book articles: 63;
♦ Books / other compilations: 14
Countries visited:
♦ U.S.A (under NAIP Programme)
Contact Info
Dr K. Hari, Principal Scientist (Microbiology-Agriculture),