♣ Plant architectural traits for developing ideotype concept in sugarcane for tropical conditions.
♣ Physiology of radiation use efficiency in Sugarcane.
♣ Physiology of promising sugarcane clones for water use efficiency, drought and salinity screening.
♣ Screening of drought and salinity tolerance sugarcane clones.
♣ Physiology of wilt disease in sugarcane.
♣ Standardization of accelerated flowering in sugarcane for speed breeding.
External Funded Projects
♦ Bioprospecting of genes and allele mining for abiotic stress tolerance. (NAIP)
♦ Standardization of PHT practices and refinement of nutritive/health promoting properties of important underutilized horticultural crop of Uttarakhand.
♦ Standardization of Improved Vegetable Production Technologies under Protected Cultivation.
♦ Development of micronutrient enriched maize through molecular breeding, Phase II
♦ Anubhuti sharma, R. S. Pal, R Arun kumar, Lakshmi Kant, J C Bhatt (2014). Defense System, an overview. In Seed technology, plant growth and cropping system Editors: Pawan kumar tyagi, P K Bharti, Discovery Publishing House., 24-57.
♦ Appunu C, T. Manjunatha, A. Anna Durai, K. Mohanraj, G. Suresha and Arun Kumar. Bio-engineering of osmolytes production in plants: A novel approach to counter abiotic stress (2015). Challenges and Prospective of Plant Abiotic Stress (Volume 1) (eds. Ratna Kumar Pasala, Kiran Bhagat, Yogeshwar Singh. Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi – 110 002.
♦ Kiran P. Bhagat, Arun Kumar, , Pasala Ratnakumar, Satish Kumar, S.K. Bal, and P.K. Agrawal (2014). Photosynthesis and Associated Aspects Under Abiotic Stresses Environment. In: Approaches to Plant Stress and their Management, Springer. 191-206 pp.
♦ Bhatt J.C., Arun kumar R., and J. Stanley (2015). Climate change and hill agriculture in North West Himalayas. “Climate Change Modelling, Planning and Policy for Agriculture”. Editors: Anil Kumar Singh, Jagdish Chander Dagar, Ayyanadar Arunachalam, Gopichandran R, Kirit Nanubhai Shelat ISBN: 978-81-322-2156-2 (Print) 978-81-322-2157-9. Springer. pp 167-178.
♦ Vasantha and Arun kumar.R (2018). Adaptive responses of sugarcane to water deficit stress and technologies for water stress management. In: Abiotic stress management for sustainable agriculture book Edited by Jeyakumar, P., Kalarani M.K., Senthil. A., Ravichandran, V., Vijayalakshmi, D., and Boominathan P.Thanambikkai Publisher. P.no. 139-145.
♦ Devi, K. A. Selvi, R. Gomathi, Arun kumar and R. Manimekalai (2018). Changes in crop physiological processes of sugarcane genotypes under drought stress. In “Crop Physiology”: Edited by Gomathi, R., K. Ramachandran, C. Elamathi and C. Ambika, and Muthamizhselvan. Tamil science of agricultural sciences, New Delhi. ISBN -978-81-939394-0-6, Pg. No. 19-22. SD Page No. :269-271.
♦ Manimekalai R.., J. Narayanan., M.Gokul., A.Selvi, R.Gomathi and Arun Kumar. R. (2018) Gene Expression Profiling in Sugarcane Genotypes During oxidative stress. In “Crop Physiology”: Edited by Gomathi, R., K. Ramachandran, C. Elamathi and C. Ambika, and Muthamizhselvan. Tamil science of agricultural sciences, New Delhi. ISBN -978-81-939394-0-6, Pg. No.113-116. SD Page No. :273-275.
♦ Manimekalai R.., J. Narayanan., M.Gokul., A.Selvi, R.Gomathi and Arun Kumar.R. (2018) Hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress and physiological responses of sugarcane. In “Crop Physiology”: Edited by Gomathi, R., K. Ramachandran, C. Elamathi and C. Ambika, and Muthamizhselvan. Tamil science of agricultural sciences, New Delhi. ISBN -978-81-939394-0-6.,Pg. No. 33-37. SD Page No. :277-279.
♦ Arun Kumar R., Vasantha S., Pooja D., C. Appunu & Krishnapriya (2020). Temperature extremes in sugarcane: an overview. In: Management of Abiotic Stress in Crop Plants, Innovative Publication Gurumurthy S. & Senjam Jinus S. 127-138
♦ Arun Kumar, R., Vasantha., R. Gomathi., Pooja & V. Krishnapriya (2021) Physiological Adaptations for Drought, Salinity and Waterlogging Stress in Sugarcane. In. Physiological Interventions For Developing Climate Resilient Commercial Crops, Edited by Gomathi, R. A.H. Prakash & Bakshi Ram.2021. Physiological Interventions For Developing Climate Resilient Commercial Crops. Published by: Satish Serial Publishing House (Publisher of Scientific Books), Azadpur, New Delhi, New Delhi, 110033.ISBN No.:978-93-90660-537 IISBN: 970-93-90660-544 Page No: 107-129
♦ Tayade, A.S., Geetha, P., Anusha, S., Arunkumar, R., Vasantha, S. (2022). Agro-technologies to Sustain Sugarcane Productivity Under Abiotic Stresses. In: Verma, K.K., Song, XP., Rajput, V.D., Solomon, S., Li, YR., Rao, G.P. (eds) Agro-industrial Perspectives on Sugarcane Production under Environmental Stress. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3955-6_13
♦ Meena, M.R. et al. (2022). Impact of Salinity Stress on Sugarcane Yield and Quality: Management Approaches for Higher Cane Sugar Productivity. In: Verma, K.K., Song, XP., Rajput, V.D., Solomon, S., Li, YR., Rao, G.P. (eds) Agro-industrial Perspectives on Sugarcane Production under Environmental Stress. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3955-6_3
♦ Vasantha, S, Arun Kumar, V. Krishnapriya, R. Gomathi. (2022). Varatchi, kalarnilam matrum neerthengum nilathil karumbu payiruku erpadum baadhipugalum avatrin melaanmaikalaana thozhilnutpangalum (Tamil). In: Hemaprabha G, T. Rajula Shanthy T, R. Viswanathan and C. Palaniswami (Eds.) Karumbu Saagupadi. ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. ISBN: 978-93-85267-35-2. Pg. No. 117-122.
♦ Vasantha, S, V. Krishnapriya, Arun Kumar, R. Gomathi. (2022). Abiotic stress management in sugarcane. In: Hemaprabha G, T. Rajula Shanthy T, R. Viswanathan and C. Palaniswami (Eds.) Handbook on Sugarcane. ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. ISBN: 978-93-85267-34-5. Pg. No. 143-158.
♠ National Eligibility Test (2006) -Indian Council of Agricultural Research- Eligibility for Lectureship / Assistant Professorship in Indian Universities.
♠ Junior Research Fellowship and National Eligibility Test (2004) – Council of Scientific and Industrial Research / University Grant Commission – Eligibility for Lectureship / Assistant Professorship in Indian Universities.
♠ Indian Council of Agricultural Research’s Junior research Fellowship” during M. Sc. (Ag.) –5th August, 2003- 1st August, 2005.
♠ Qualified for admission in M.Sc. Agri biotechnology, TNAU through Combined Biotechnology Entrance Test conducted by J.N.U during 2003-04.
♠ Best poster presentation/second runner up prize during “International Symposium on “New-Dimensions in Agrometeorology for Sustainable Agriculture” for the poster entitled “Climate resilient wheat production under changing climatic conditions in north western Himalayas of India” at Pantnagar, India.
♠ Best poster award (Co-author) for the below mentioned team work: Suresha, G.S, Chandran, K, Nisha,M., Arun kumar R., and Hari, K (2017). Assessing the inheritance of red flesh color and antioxidant activity from the polycross progenies of Saccharum robustum genotypes. In: International symposium on Sugarcane research since Co 205: 100 years and beyond held on September 18-21, 2017 at Coimbatore, India. P.no.24-25.
♠ Received “Best Oral Paper Award” (Co-author) on “Comparative physiological and metabolic analysis of tropical and subtropical sugarcane varieties under tropical condition” by Gomathi R., Rajakumari, Krishnapriya V., Arun kumar R. and K. Elayaraja presented in First NABS-International Conference on “Life Sciences: Contemporary approaches in Biological Sciences for Food, Health, Nutrition Security and Conservation of Biodiversity” held during August 26th to 28th,2021 at Annamalai University , Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India.
♠ Received “Best poster award” (Co-author) in IPPVS 2021 for the paper entitled “Root anatomical phenes in response to abiotic stress in sugarcane germplasm clones” Authored by Krishnapriya V., E. Karpagam, Arun Kumar and R. Gomathi. 2021. Root anatomical phenes in response to abiotic stress in sugarcane germplasm clones. Souvenir and Proceedings of the International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium 2021, Coimbatore. Poster. pp: 170.
♠ Received “Best oral presentation award” in IPPVS 2021 for the paper entitled “Radiation use efficiency of sugarcane genotypes influenced by crop geometry” authored by Arun Kumar, R., P. Geetha, S. Tayade, S. Anusha & V. Krishnapriya (2021). Radiation use efficiency of sugarcane genotypes influenced by crop geometry (Oral). In: International Plant Physiology Virtual Symposium 2021 (IPPVS 2021) organized by ICAR-SBI, ISPP, New Delhi, SSRD, Coimbatore, NAAS chapter, Coimbatore11-12 Mar 2021. P.No:145.
♠ Received Best paper award for the paper by “Vasantha, S., Venkataramana, S., Hari. K and Arun kumar R. (2018). Prospects of commercial hybrids of sugarcane (Saccharum) for biomass and bioenergy production potential. Journal of Sugarcane Research. 8 (1): 43 – 51.