♣ Sugarcane nutrient management and nutrient use efficiency
♣ Agronomic evaluation of elite sugarcane genotypes
â™ S. Tayade, P. Geetha and S. Anusha. 2021. Standardizing planting agro-techniques for sugarcane tissue culture plantlets and bud chip settlings. Sugar Tech. 23, 1097-1104.
â™ S. Tayade, P. Geetha, S. Anusha, R. Arun Kumar, C. Palaniswami and P. Govindaraj. 2021. Effect of spatial and genotypic variability on heat and energy use efficiency in sugarcane under Tropical Indian conditions. Journal of Crop and Weed. 17(2): 219-225.
â™ S. Tayade, A. Bhaskaran, S. Anusha. 2020. IPNS-STCR-Based nutrient management modules for enhancing soil health, fertilizer use efficiency, productivity and profitability of tropical Indian sugarcane plant-ratoon agro-ecosystem. Sugar Tech. 22: 32-41.
â™ ArunKumar, S. Vasantha, A.S. Tayade, S. Anusha, P. Geetha, G. Hemaparabha. 2019. Physiological efficiency of sugarcane clones under water limited conditions. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 63: 133-140.
â™ S. Tayade, S. Vasantha, R. Arunkumar, S. Anusha, K. Rajesh, G. Hemaprabha. 2019. Irrigation water use efficiency and water productivity of sugarcane commercial hybrids under water limited situations. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 63: 125-132.
â™ S. Tayade, P. Geetha, S. Anusha, R. Dhanapal, K. Hari. 2019. Bio-intensive modulation of sugarcane ratoon rhizosphere for enhanced soil health and sugarcane productivity under tropical Indian condition. Sugar Tech. 21: 278-288.
â™ Tayade, A. S., Anusha, S., A. Bhaskaran and P. Govindaraj. 2018. Response of elite sugarcane varieties / genotypes to higher nitrogen levels under tropical Indian conditions. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 7(5): 3377-3387.
â™ Tayade, A. S., Anusha, S., A. Bhaskaran. and P. Govindaraj. 2017. Response of early maturing elite sugarcane genotypes to varied row spacings and fertlilizer levels. Journal of Sugarcane Research. 7(1): 46-51.
â™ Tayade, A. S., P. Geetha, Anusha, R. Dhanapal and K. Hari. Effect of green cane trash blanketing and microbial consortia application on soil compaction and productivity of mechanically harvested sugarcane ratoon crops. Journal of Sugarcane Research. 7(2): 112-120.
â™ Nagaraju, Gururaj Kombali., Anusha, S. Prabhudev, D. S., Dileepkumar, H. P., Somashekar, K. S., Bhaskar, V. and Hanumanthappa. 2017. Drip irrigation: a climate smart irrigation practice for sustaining crop productivity, water saving and mitigating Green House Gases (GHG’s) in rice. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 51(1): 72-77.
â™ Anusha, S., Nagaraju, G.B. Mallikarjuna and Gururaj K. 2015. Influence of drip irrigation scheduling on growth and yield of direct seeded aerobic rice (Oryza sativa). The Ecoscan. 9(1&2): 329-332.
â™ Anusha S., B C Shankaralingappa, Nagaraju, Sheshadri, T., R C Gowda., A G Shankar and G.B. Mallikarjuna. 2015. Influence of fertigation intervals and fertilizer combinations on growth and yield of direct seeded drip irrigated aerobic rice. The Ecoscan. 9(1&2): 299-303.
â™ Anusha S. and Nagaraju. 2015. Performance of Rice Genotypes under Drip Irrigation in Comparison with Aerobic and Puddled Transplanted Condition. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 49(2): 193-197.
â™ Anusha S, Nagaraju, Mallikarjuna, G. B., Bhaskar, V., Gururaj K and Viswanath, B. R Performance of fingermillet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn) in association with different MPTs in agroforestry system. Indian Journal of Agroforestry. 17(2): 82-85.
â™ Gururaj Kombali., Nagaraju, Rekha, B., Sheshadri, T., Anusha, S. and Mallikarjuna, G. B. 2015. Performance of aerobic rice under drip fertigation. The Ecoscan. 9(1&2): 503-505.
â™ Anusha, S. and Nagaraju. 2015. Drip irrigation scheduling: Effect on productivity, water use efficiency and economics of aerobic rice. Annals of Plant and Soil Research. 17:222-225.
â™ Anusha, S., Nagaraju, Mallikarjuna, G. B., Sunilkumar, K., Shankargoudapatil and Nagaraj, R. 2015. Growth parameters and carbon sequestration of mpts under agroforestry system. Annals of Plant and Soil Research. 17: 155-157
Books or Chapter Published
â™ Rajula Shanthy, S. Anusha, P. Geetha, Arjun Tayade and Bakshi Ram.2018. Know Your Weeds in Sugarcane. (ISBN: 978-93-85267-15-4). ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore Publication (Pages 100).
â™ Anusha, S. and Tayade, A.S. Ratoon management in sugarcane. In: Scientific sugarcane cultivation, Rajula Shanthy, T. and Bakshi Ram (Eds), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. ISBN 978-93-85267-10-9. pp. 125-137.
â™ Anusha, S., Tayade, A.S. and Geetha, P. 2018. Management of weeds in sugarcane agriculture. In: Best Management Practices for Sustained Sugarcane Productivity, Rajula Shanthy, T. and Bakshi Ram (Eds), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. ISBN 978-93-85267-13-0. pp. 151-158.
â™ Tayade, A.S. and Anusha, S. Cane Agronomy. In: Scientific sugarcane cultivation, Rajula Shanthy, T. and Bakshi Ram (Eds), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. ISBN 978-93-85267-10-9. pp. 26-35.
â™ Tayade, A.S., Geetha, P. and Anusha, S. 2018. Cane Agronomy-Tillage, Crop geometry and planting systems. In: Best Management Practices for Sustained Sugarcane Productivity, Rajula Shanthy, T. and Bakshi Ram (Eds), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. ISBN 978-93-85267-13-0. pp. 75-81.
â™ Tayade, A.S., Geetha, P. and Anusha, S. Conventional and micro-irrigation management in sugarcane. In: Best Management Practices for Sustained Sugarcane Productivity, Rajula Shanthy, T. and Bakshi Ram (Eds), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. ISBN 978-93-85267-13-0. pp. 159-165.
â™ Tayade, A. S., P. Geetha, Anusha, R. Arun Kumar and S. Vasantha. 2020. Agronomic Interventions for the Management of Drought in Sugarcane. In: (Eds) Jeyakumar, P., Kalarani, M. K., Senthil, A. and Vijayalakshmi, D. Advances in Crop Physiology for Sustainable Agriculture. ISBN: 978-93-88932-22-6.
â™ Tayade, A. S., P. Geetha and Anusha. 2021. Climate Smart Agronomy Practices for the Management of Abiotic Stresses in Sugarcane. In. Physiological Interventions for Developing Climate Resilient Commercial Crops. Edited by: R. Gomathi, A.H. Prakhash and Bakshi Ram. Published by: International Books & Periodical Supply Service, (Publisher of Scientific Books), New Delhi, 110034.ISBN No.:978-93-85267-27-7. Pg. No. 130-155.
♠Tayade, A. S., P. Geetha and Anusha. 2020. Integrated nutrient management in sugarcane. In: Recent Scientific Advances in Sugarcane Cultivation for Doubling Farmer’s Income. Edited by: Bakshi Ram, Hemaprabha, G., Ratna Nashine, Mohanraj, K., Murali, P. and Rayees Ahmad Shah. Published by: Dilpreet Publishing House, New Delhi, 110018. ISBN No.:978-81-953726-0-7. Pg. No. 291-302.
♠Geetha, P., A. S. Tayade and Anusha, S. Integrated Farming System in Sugarcane- A way for doubling farmer’s income. 21 Days Advanced National Training Programme (ANTP 2020) In: Recent Scientific Interventions and Practices of Sugarcane Breeding, Production and Utilization for Doubling Farmers Income. Edited by: Bakshi Ram, Hemaprabha, G., Ratna Nashine, Mohanraj, K., Murali, P. and Rayees Ahmad Shah. Published by: Dilpreet Publishing House, New Delhi, 110018. ISBN No.:978-81-953726-0-7. Pg. No. 310-319.
♠Anusha, S., A. S. Tayade and P. Geetha. 2020. Weed management in sugarcane for sustainable productivity. In: Recent Scientific Advances in Sugarcane Cultivation for Doubling Farmer’s Income. Eds. Bakshi Ram, Hemaprabha, G., Ratna Nashine, Mohanraj, K., Murali, P. and Rayees Ahmad Shah. Published by: Dilpreet Publishing House, New Delhi, 110018. ISBN No.:978-81-953726-0-7. Pg. No. 303-309.
â™ Tayade, A S., P.Geetha and S, Anusha. 2021. Sugarcane Settling Production for Income Generation. In. Integrated Farming System in Sugarcane: Ensuring Production, Profit and Nutritional Security. Editors: P. Geetha, Bakshi Ram, A.S.Tayade, T. Rajula Shanthy & C. Palaniswami, N. Thavaprakaash & D. Rajakumar. Published by: ICAR – Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore – 641007. pp: 52-60.
â™ Geetha, P., Tayade, A.S., and Anusha, S. 2018. Organic recycling of sugarcane waste. In: Best Management Practices for Sustained Sugarcane Productivity, Rajula Shanthy, T. and Bakshi Ram (Eds), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. ISBN 978-93-85267-13-0, pp 115-122.
â™ Junior Research Fellowship for M.Sc. from Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi in 2010.
â™ University Gold Medal for First rank in M.Sc. (Agronomy) from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru in 2012.
â™ INSPIRE Fellowship from Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi in 2012.
â™ National Eligibility Test in Agronomy from Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board, New Delhi in 2013.
♠Best poster ward for paper ‘Drip irrigation and fertigation an alternate strategy for improving production and productivity in aerobic rice (Oryza sativa) presented during National Symposium on Agricultural Diversification for Sustainable Livelihood and Environmental Security Organized by Indian Society of Agronomy in 2014.
â™ University Gold Medal for general merit for First rank in Ph.D. (Agronomy) from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru in 2015.
â™ R Arakeri Gold Medal for securing highest OGPA in Doctor of Philosophy degree in Agronomy from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru in 2015.
♠‘A’ Grade in Foundation Course for Probationers by ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad in 2016.
♠Best Poster Award for ‘Standardizing agro-techniques for true seed seedling with special reference to intra-row spacing and planting depths’ during International symposium on sugarcane research since Co 205: 100 years and beyond (Sucrosym 2017).
♠Best Oral Paper Award for ‘Climate smart weed management practices to mitigate abiotic stresses in sugarcane’ during International plant physiology virtual symposium (IPPVS 2021).
♠Best Oral paper award for ‘Radiation use efficiency of sugarcane genotypes as influenced by crop geometry’ during International plant physiology virtual symposium (IPPVS 2021).
â™ Best short oral presentation award for the paper ‘Evaluation of new generation herbicides against weeds in sugarcane under wide row planting’ during “International Conference on Sugarcane Research: Sugarcane for Sugar and Beyond (CaneCon2021).Â