♦ An application of Done with Satellite Data for Precision Agriculture Monitoring and Yield Prediction with drone assisted surveillance and diagnosis for biotic and abiotic stresses in sugarcane (ICAR Extra Mural Research Fund Project)
♦ Developing ‘E-Ganna’ Mobile App for Sugarcane: An Initiative Towards Digital India (ICAR Extra Mural Research Fund Project)
♦ Developing New Technologies for Processing Sugarcane Juice (MoFPI Project)
♦ Tribal Sub Plan Project – Phase I and Phase II (Government of India Project)
♦ Integrated Pepper Research and Development Project for North Kerala Districts (Kerala State Sponsored SUGANDHI Project)
♦ Empowerment Of Rural Women And Youth In Kozhikode District Through Ornamental Fish Culture Applying Biotechnologies (DBT, Govt. of India Project)
♦ Value Chain in Coconut (World Bank funded NAIP- Project)
♦ Development, Evaluation and Modification of Processing Gadgets / Equipments (ICAR-AICRP-PHT-Project)
♦ To develop a Model Agro-processing Center and to study its Techno-economic Feasibility (ICAR-AICRP-PHT Project)
♦ Network Project on Development of Indigenous Machinery for Spawn and Mushroom Production (ICAR-AP CESS fund Project)
♦ Develop Technology for Production of Value-added Mushroom Products (ICAR-NATP Project)
♦ T.Arumuganathan. 2022. Mechanization of sugarcane production. Compendium of Research articles & Status papers of “52nd Sugarcane Research & Development Workshop of Tamil Nadu & Puducherry” organized by Madurantakam Co-operative Sugar Mills Ltd, Padalam held at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Chennai during 12-13th May, 2022, pg: 15-27.
♦ T.Arumuganathan. 2022. Using drones in sugarcane farming. Compendium of Research articles and Status papers of “19th Sugarcane Research & Development Workshop of Northern Karnataka” organized by S. Nijalingappa Sugar Institute (SNSI), Belagavi held at SNSI, Belagavi, Karnataka during 28-29th September, 2022, pg: 175-186.
♦ T. Arumuganathan, A.K. Singh, A.S. Tayade, T. Senthilkumar, S. Anusha and Bakshi Ram. 2023. Field Performance of different mechanical planters for mechanized sugarcane planting under tropical condition. In: Chaudhary V.P., Sunder J., Verma N., Nirmal, Bohra P., Singh P.K., Kumar Vijay, Kumari Sweeti, Katiyar Hari Om, Chakurkar E.B. & Prasad G. (Eds.) Souvenir-cum-Abstracts of 2nd International conference on “Prospects and Challenges of Environment and Biological Sciences in Food Production System for Livelihood Security of Farmers (ICFPLS-2023)” during 18-20, September 2023 at ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair, Andaman Nicobar Islands, India, pp: 29.
♦ V. Venkatasubramanian, D. Puthira Prathap, P. Murali and T. Arumuganathan. 2023. Strengthening technology delivery system through empowerment of village organisations. International Journal of Social Science. 12(2): 65-70.
♦ R. Arun Kumar, G. Hemaprabha, S. Vasantha, T. Arumuganathan, K. Hari, T. Senthilkumar, R. H. Sadvatha, Dawn C. P. Ambrose, C. Manikandan, K. Lakshmi, G. Suresha, P. Govindaraj, V. Sreenivasa, C. Palaniswami, R. Gomathi, C. Appunu, P. Mahesh, C. Yogambal, V. Krishnapriya, A. S. Tayade, M. Alagupalamuthirsolai and Vinayaka. 2023. Rapid Assessment of Rind Hardness in Sugarcane and Its Association with Biochemical Traits. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change. 13(8): 2019-2031.
♦ P. D. Poovai, K. A. Athmaselvi, T. Arumuganathan, Shubham Subrot Panigrahi, C. Indu Rani, & R. Neelavathi. 2023. Effects of Tray and Freeze Drying on Physico-chemical and Structural Properties of Fig Fruit Powder. Journal of Agricultural Engineering (India). 60(3): 251-260. https://doi.org/10.52151/jae2023603.1811.
♦ R. Raja, D. Kanjana, A.H. Prakash, T. Arumuganathan and Y.G. Prasad. 2023. Role of unmanned aerial vehicles in cotton precision farming. Proceedings of the Workshop on Future Prospects of Cotton Farming in Tamil Nadu, organised by Cotton Research Station (CRS), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Veppanthattai held at CRS, Veppanthattai on 30th January 2023, pg: 30-34.
♦ Krishnapriya Vengavasi, Arun Kumar Raja, Vasantha Srinivasavedantham, Hari K., Arumuganathan T., Suresha G. S., Anna Durai A., Chandran K., Nisha M. and Pooja D. 2022. Multipronged phenotyping approaches to characterize sugarcane root systems. J. Vis. Exp. (186), e63596, doi:10.3791/63596.
♦ M.R.Manikantan, R. Pandiselvam, T.Arumuganathan, C. Indu Rani and N. Varadharaju. 2022. Low-density polyethylene based nanocomposite packaging films for the preservation of sugarcane juice. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 59(4): 1629-1636.
♦ Madhumathi, R., T. Arumuganathan and R. Shruthi. 2022. Soil Nutrient Detection and Recommendation Using IoT and Fuzzy Logic. Computer Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE). 43(2): 455 – 469.
Books or Chapter Published
♦ Arumuganathan. 2023. Mechanised sugarcane cultivation including usage of drones. In: Technologies for Sustainable Sugarcane Production (Eds. D. Puthira Prathap, K. Mohanraj and G. Hemaprabha), ICAR-SBI Training Series: 2023/E/02, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp: 70-93. (ISBN: 978-93-85267-39-0).
♦ Arumuganathan. 2022. Farm implements and machinery in sugarcane cultivation. In: Handbook on Sugarcane (Eds. G. Hemaprabha, T. Rajula Shanthy, R. Viswanathan and C. Palaniswami), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp: 215-229. (ISBN: 978-93-85267-34-5).
♦ Arumuganathan. 2022. Karumbu sagupadiyil pannai karuvigal matrum iyandhirangal. In: Karumbu Sagupadi (Eds. T. Rajula Shanthy, G. Hemaprabha, R. Viswanathan and C. Palaniswami), ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, pp: 173-183. (ISBN: 978-93-85267-35-2).
♦ Arumuganathan. 2021. Farm mechanization for energy conservation and profit maximization and UAD: Drones for crop surveillance and management. In: Recent Scientific Advances in Sugarcane Cultivation for Doubling Farmer’s Income (Eds. Bakshi Ram, G. Hemaprabha, Ratna Nashine, K. Mohanraj, P. Murali and Rayees Ahmad Shah), Dilpreet Publishing House, New Delhi, pp: 255-278 (ISBN: 978-81-953726-0-7).
♦ Madhumathi, R. Arumuganathan, T and Shruthi R. 2021. Internet of Things in Precision Agriculture: A Survey on Sensing Mechanisms, Potential Applications and Challenges. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 213 (Eds. Jennifer S. Raj, Ram Palanisamy, Isidoros Perikos and Yong Shi), Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022, Singapore, pp. 539-553 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2422-3_42).
♦ Madhumathi R, Arumuganathan T and Shruthi R. 2021. A Survey on Wireless Sensor Networks and Instrumentation Techniques for Smart Agriculture. In: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, v 68 (Eds. Subarna Shakya, Robert Bestak, Ram Palanisamy and Khaled A. Kamel), Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022, Singapore, pp. 453-467 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1866-6_33).
♦ V.Venkatasubramanian, P.Murali, D.Puthira Pradhap, T. Arumuganathan and K. Hari. 2020. Agri-preneurship through Agro-based Technologies. Book published by ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Pp 1-264 (ISBN: 978-93-85267-25-3).
♦ Best Short Oral Presentation Award – SugarSem (2023)
♦ Best paper award – International Conference on Intelligent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIIET -2022)
♦ Best Poster Award – IPPVS (2021)
♦ Australia Award – Endeavour Research Fellowship (2018)
♦ Achiever Award (2016)
♦ Best Poster Award – “3rd International Symposium on Underutilized Plant Species (2015)
♦ ICAR-Best KVK Award – Zone VIII (2011)
♦ Best Poster Award – FOOD EXPLORE (2011)
♦ Best Stall award – Global Conference on Banana (2010)
♦ Best Poster Award – ECOFEST (2006)
♦ Junior Scientist of the Year Award (2004)
♦ TNAU Merit Scholarship holder (1997-99)
♦ National Merit Scholarship holder (1992-97)
♦ Invited speaker / lead speaker in over 15 conferences / workshops