Scientist (Seed Science and Technology)
Current Areas of Research
Educational Qualification
Other Contact Info
Current Areas of Research
♣ Seed quality enhancement
♣ Micro propagation
Educational Qualification
♣ Ph. D: ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
♣ MSc: University of Agricutural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka.
♣ BSc (Hons.) Agriculture: Kerala Agricutural University, College of Agricuture, Vellayani, Trivandrum.
♦ Dhanya, V. G., Subeesh, A., Kushwaha, N. L., Vishwakarma, D. K., Kumar, T. N., Ritika, G., & Singh, A. N. (2022). Deep learning based computer vision approaches for smart agricultural applications. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
♦ Banerjee, R., Sheoran, S., Kumar, S., Sanodiya, R., Dhanya, V. G., & Samota, M. K. (2020). Participatory Rural Appraisal Techniques for Problem Identification and Formulation of Village Agricultural Development Plan of Chosla Village. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 38(9), 80-99.
♦VG, Dhanya., Kumar, M. B., & Amaresh, A. (2023). Indigenous hydropriming practice for fastening seed germination might induce reciprocal effects in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under on-farm seed priming scenario., 2023, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK),22(3), 518-525 (NAAS: 6.80, IF:0.80)
♦Dhanya, v g., Vinesh, b., Sripathy, k., Udayabhaskar, k., Singh, a., Kannaujia, s.& Ambu, v. Induction of heat stress tolerance in barley (Hordeum vulgare) through thermopriming.2024, The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,94(4), 364-368 (NAAS: 6.40 IF:0.40)
♦Dhanya, V. G., Subeesh, A., Kushwaha, N. L., Vishwakarma, D. K., Kumar, T. N., Ritika, G., & Singh, A. N. (2022). Deep learning based computer vision approaches for smart agricultural applications.Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture,6, 211-229 (NAAS: 14.2 IF:8.2)
♦Dhanya, V. G., Subeesh, A., Susmita, C., Amaresh, Saji, S. J., Dilsha, C., & Kumar, S. (2024). High throughput phenotyping using hyperspectral imaging for seed quality assurance coupled with machine learning methods: principles and way forward. 2024,Plant Physiology Reports, 1-20. (NAAS: 7.70 IF: 1.70)
♦Mintu Ram Meena, Ravinder Kumar, R. Karuppaiyan, Amaresh, Bakshi Ram, N. Kulshreshtha, M L Chhabra, K. Elayaraja, Adhini S Pazhany, V.G.Dhanya, R.T.Maruthi, G.Hemaprabha, V. Sreenivasa, Evaluation of popular sugarcane varieties for quality, yield and energy potential under subtropical climates, 2024, AMA-Agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa and Latin America, 55(2), 17167-17174 (NAAS: 6.30 IF: 0.30)
♦Amaresh, Abhishek G. J., Jagadeesh M.S., Aswini Nunavath, Dhanya V. G., Adhini S. Pazhany, Arun Kumar, Pooja Dhansu, Ravinder Kumar, Meena Minturam, Appunu C., Hemaprabha G1, V Sreenivasa, 2024, Unravelling Biomass Potential and Commercial Cane Traits in Saccharum and Erianthus Introgressed Progenies, , AMA-Agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa and Latin America, 55(6), 18159-18165 (NAAS: 6.30 IF: 0.30)
♦Sreenivasa, V., Amaresh, A., Nunavath, A., Dhanya, V. G., Abhishek, G. J., Mahadevaiah, C.,& Hemaprabha, G. (2024). Evaluation of Superior Cross Combinations and Identification of Better Parental Stocks from Early Clonal Trials in Sugarcane. Archives of Current Research International, 24(2), 32-38 (NAAS: 5.13)