Novel Frozen Sugarcane Juice Products

Natural,Healthy and Tasty


â™  Frozen Sugarcane Juice


â™  Process of Kulfi preparation


â™  Process of Sugarcane Juice High Fat Ice Cream


â™  Process of Sugarcane Juice Low Fat Ice-Cream and


â™  Process of Sugarcane Juice Soft Serve Ice-Cream

Frozen Sugarcane Juice

Sugarcane juice is highly perishable product. Juice cannot be stored under room conditions for long period, but can be stored in frozen condition at -20°C for about 6-8 months or more. But immediately after extraction, the colour tends to change from green to greyish or brownish due to enzymatic browning reaction. This is a most common chemical process occurs in all plant products due to the oxidation reaction of the enzyme polyphenol oxidase and invertases. This is not an appealing quality for consumers of sugarcane juice. Also when rind is not removed all the pigments in the rind also contribute to the juice colour change. But the rind has high amounts of functional nutrients which is lost when rind is removed. Therefore, ICAR-SBI has developed an improved novel process for extracting juice from sugarcane without removing rind and storing the juice under frozen condition for longer period without changes in colour and flavour, and other physical, biological and nutritional qualities. The frozen juice can be easily transported from one place to another without affecting the quality of juice. The frozen juice can be thawed whenever juice is required for consumption. Also frozen blocks can be used for production of various value added products whenever required without depending on the fresh juice. Also this juice can be used to make molded ice sticks, popsicles etc., for general consumption. Juice cubes made can be added to fruit juices, cocktails and other beverages.

Popsicles or molded frozen sugarcane juice with natural or synthetic colours



Kulfi is a frozen dairy dessert generally referred to as “traditional Indian ice cream”. Generally, Kulfi is prepared using milk and white sugar or jaggery. ICAR-SBI has developed a novel process of making good quality kulfi exclusively using sugarcane juice as sweetener, with no added sugar. This novel process include custom optimised stabilizers and emulsifiers to retain the juice flavour. Also use of liquid jaggery for kulfi making is not advisable as it curdles the milk and results in poor quality kulfi. Since sugarcane juice is used for making kulfi thus retains all the goodness of sugarcane juice besides enriched with minerals and functional nutrients. Besides, colour and flavour addition using natural or permitted synthetic flavourants to obtain desired kulfi variants.

Kulfi Prepared from Sugarcane Juice


High Fat Ice-Cream

ICAR-SBI has developed a process to prepare ice cream using any commercially available whipping cream exclusively using sugarcane juice as sweetener. The sugarcane juice is extracted from sugarcane without the removal of the rind, and concentrated by a unique controlled process for retention of colour and flavour concentrated. The sugarcane juice concentrate gives the natural shade of green colour and natural sugarcane flavour to ice cream. No external sugars required. The product can be value added with candied fruits and nuts with different flavours and colours. These types of ice cream tend to harden on storage over a period of time and hence needs scraping or scooping to make in to flakes before consumption or can be consumed when it is soft.

Sugarcane juice based ice cream and chocolate flavoured


Low Fat Ice-Cream

ICAR-SBI has developed a process to prepare ice cream directly from sugarcane juice using different combination of emulsifier and stabilizer. This type of ice cream has about 17-20°Brix, so it has low sweetness hence may be used in speciality purposes. The ice cream can be prepared and easily scrapped off and served. The sensory evaluation indicated that this ice cream is moderately accepted or slightly accepted because of its low Brix i.e., from 17-20˚Brix, so sweetness is also low, however sweetness may be improved by addition of non-calorific sweeteners. Also these types of ice cream tend to harden on storage over a period of time and hence needs scraping or scooping to make into flakes before consumption. However, if low sweet ice cream is preferred this type of direct sugarcane juice ice cream may be prepared.

Sugarcane juice and Milk for frozen dessert


Soft Serve Ice-Cream

Sugarcane juice is highly perishable product. Immediately after extraction, the colour tends to change from green to greyish or brownish due to enzymatic browning reaction. Also when rind is not removed all the pigments in the rind also contribute to the juice colour changes. But the rind has high amounts of function nutrients which is lost when rind is removed. ICAR-SBI has developed an improved novel procedure for extracting juice from sugarcane without removing rind and storing the juice or making frozen products retaining colour and flavour, and other physical, biological and nutritional qualities.ICAR-SBI has developed a novel process of preparation of sugarcane juice based soft serve suitable for most of commercial soft serve machines. The process involves juice extraction, browning control, controlled juice concentration and addition of milk / milk solids, unique combination of thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers etc., to obtain a soft serve. This soft serve has no added sugar and the sweetness is only from sugarcane juice. The process has steps to get different sweetness soft serve. Any permitted natural and synthetic colours or flavours can be blended to obtain desired variant of the product. All the ingredients are based on plant based substances, however if preferred animal based substances like gelatine etc., can be used depending on the choice.

Soft Ice-Cream Making Machine


Contact For Licensing

For license requirement, the interested parties/firms/companies can contact,


ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute,

Coimbatore 641007,

Tamil Nadu,India.

Phone: 0422 2472621



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