
Conventional method of sugarcane planting requires 7 to 8 tonnes of seed cane per hectare and this is the main reason for slow rate of seed and varietal replacement. Sugarcane bud settling planting is a new method of sugarcane planting and is gaining popularity. In this technique, the bud along with a portion of the nodal region is chipped off and planted in raised bed nurseries / portray / polybags filled with FYM or press mud, soil and sand at 1:1:1 proportion. Seed material required under this technique is only 1 to 1.5 t/ha and the remaining cane after taking bud chips can be sent for milling /jaggery. It also facilitates easier handling and transportation. A two row tractor drawn mechanical planter for sugarcane bud chip settlings raised in protrays has been developed by ICAR Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Regional Centre, Coimbatore in collaboration with ICAR – Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

Technical Description

The equipment consists of

♥ Mainframe to be attached to standard three point hitch arrangement of a 40 hp tractor with adjustable arrangement for altering row to row spacing 90, 120 and 150 cm.

♥ Bud chip settlings to be dropped through the metering mechanism by two operators who are seated behind the equipment with adjustable arrangements for altering plant to plant spacing of 30, 45 and 60 cm.

♥ Furrow openers open the furrow, in which the settlings with soil are to be planted with adjustable arrangement for altering depth of planting 2 to 6 cm. The same furrow is used for irrigation after the settlings have been planted for better establishment.

♥ The furrow closer which follows the soil opener closes the soil thereby giving stability to the settling plants.



Specifications of the Mechanical Planter
Over all dimensions (l x b x h)
2400 x 2000 x 1500 mm
590 kg
Source of power
35 HP or above, Tractor
Row spacing
2 rows, 900, 1200, 1500 mm (Adjustable)
Plant spacing in rows
300, 450, 600 mm (Adjustable)
Field capacity
0.10 – 0.20 ha/h
Nominal working width
1350 – 1800 mm (Adjustable)
Depth of planting
20 – 100 mm (Adjustable)
Type of metering mechanism
Horizontal disc indexing mechanism
Furrow opener and closer
Shoe type furrow opener, Wheel type furrow closer
Drive mechanism
Two numbers of ground wheel for independent drive to two indexing mechanism with bevel gear box
Suitable for
Sugarcane bud chip/single bud settlings raised in portrays


M/s ROHITKRISHI INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED, Plot no-3B+ 3part/2,D-1 Block, Opposite Ador Welding, MIDC Chinchwad, Pune-(Maharashtra)- 411 019, E-mail :;,  Phone : 91- 20-27476444; Mobile: 9561266444, Fax : 91-20-27456444

M/s MAGNIFICENT ENGINEERS, TS-36, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Kurichi, Coimbatore -641021, E-mail:;, Mobile: 09843033808; 9345799063; 9092610001

Contact for Licensing

For licence requirement, the interested parties/firms/companies can contact,


The Director
ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute,
Coimbatore – 641 007.
Off: 0422 – 2472621 (Ext: 203), 0422-2473971

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