Society of Sugarcane Research and Development (SSRD)

(Regd. Under Tamil Nadu Societies Act, 27 of 1975; Regd. No. TN 125/2011)

The SSRD is a professional and scientific society founded on 18th March 2011 by the scientists of ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu to commemorate the 100th year of establishment of this renowned sugarcane breeding institute. The objective of the Society is to advance in all aspects of sugarcane agriculture, research and development.


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The number of members of the society as on 20 Sept 2021 is 185. Membership of the society is open to all Indian citizen over 18 years of age, interested in sugarcane research and development. Interested and eligible individual may avail the membership by applying on a prescribed proforma and by paying the Membership fee.


♦ List of SSRD Members as on 20th Sep 2021


♦ Membership Fee of SSRD 


♦  Application form for SSRD Membership


♦ Office Bearer of SSRD


♦ Activities and Progress Report of SSRD

Contact Details

Dr. G. Hemaprabha




Society for Sugarcane Research and Development


ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute


Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


Phone: +91-422-2472621


Email :


Dr. C. Appunu, Senior Scientist


General Secretary


Society for Sugarcane Research and Development


ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute


Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu, India


Email :

Contact Address

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