The Seed Technology Laboratory was set up at Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore in 1991 to undertake research work on true seed and cane seed of sugarcane. The major activities of this section pertain to standardizing techniques for fluff defuzzing, seed testing for germination and seed storage. Simple but effective methodologies for seed drying using a wooden cabinet dryer or Dehumidifier Drying room were also standardized.
A simple technology for taking sugarcane bud chips manually using a bud chipping machine, their treatment, packing, transport and raising of seedlings was also standardized by the scientists of this section.
Apart from this, production of breeder seed of sugarcane has been a major activity of this section. Every year, breeder seed of popular varieties are produced and distributed to the farmers and sugarcane factories based on their demand at a nominal cost. More recently micro propagated, disease free seedlings are also being supplied by this section.